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Artificial Intelligent

1.1 Introduction
In this modern era everything uses a technology. Theres a lot of useful devices that could
makes our lives easier. Theres a lot of things we can do with modern technology such as listening
to music, watch, ordering a food, call someone, and many else. We have a device that could
access almost all information in the world and almost can do anything that could make life easier
with internet.
Before modern technology, theres an era called the medieval era. they use horse to travel,
use birds to communicate from far away, people use swords and shields to fights, and else.
Theres also an era called the victorian era, people already use a car and motorbike to travel, use
telephone to communicate from far away, and they use guns to fight. In this victorian era is where
many inventions are born such as telephone, lamp, car, motorbike, planes, and tv. They evolved
to many things and becomes the one that we see and use everyday, telephone becomes
smartphone that we all use, lamp becomes so relevant that it used anywhere, car, motorbike,
and planes become so advance that theres a tv inside those things, and for tv you can even touch
the screen on the tv and watch something. Not many people use tv anymore because they got
an app called youtube and you could watch almost anything there.
1.2 formulation of the problem
what is the meaning of technology
what is the advantage and disadvantage of modern technology
how will the technology evolve in the future
what is the effect if the technology evolve drasticly in the future
1.3 Purpose of writing
The purpose of this paper is to increase people knowledge about the technology and to tell
people the benefits technology.
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Formulation of the Problem
2.1 What is the meaning of technology
technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, whether in an industry,
office, or everyday lives. We use technology to do many things in our daily lives. We use
technology to simplify and to make life easier. We use technology to extend our abilities as a
human, making us the most crucial part of any technology system.
We use technology at almost everything we do in our lives. We use technology for
transportation, work, communication, learning, and much more. Technology is a human
knowledge that involves tools, systems, and materials. Technology is a very important that it
could be very dangerous if used wrongly and could cause malicious problem to the world.
Many business use technology to compete with others. They create new product that use
high end technologies and every product that they produce keep getting more advanced, that
proves technology never stop evolving.
Here is an example of people doing something using technology
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2.2 What is the advantage and disadvantage of technology
Technology so far has bring positive things to humans, but there are some side effects that
technology brings to humans. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of technology.
Easy to access information
Accessing information has been pretty easy since the internet is created. You can get the
information you want in a matter of second and by just using your smartphone, so if you
are currently in a train,plane, car and many more places, you could just open your
smartphone and get the information you want. You can even buy something by using your
smartphone in your bedroom so you don’t have to go to the store, that’s how easily
information can be accessed nowadays. There are lots of information in the internet, sites
like Wikipedia,Youtube have a lot of information that you might need.
Increases innovation and creativity
Technology seems infinite and with technology our brain can achieve its full potential. In
the past, its used to be very difficult to start a business because internet hasn’t been
invented and its hard to get some information business, today its rather easy to start a
business because the internet is here. We can use the application called Tokopedia and
we can just start selling stuff there, and if there is a lot of costumers, we could just sell
more and more unique stuff so tha people would be interested in our things and start
liking our store. That way could increase our creativity and innovation because we sell
more unique stuff. Another examples is mr beast planting 20 million trees, mr beast is a
famous youtuber that had an idea to create a website and calling all people and youtuber
to start planting a trees and it go so well and right now theres 15 million trees have been
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 Increase
Communication is a really important thing in our lives, we cannot progress in our lives
without communication. Modern technology has blessed us with advanced
communication technology. These invention like phones, email, social networking has
made our communication far easier than before. We could even communicate with
someone that’s really far away like in a different country. you could even talk to someone
using a video call so its like a face to face but its far away.
Improved in mobility and transportation
Modern technology has made travelling so easy. Transportation is an important part in
our business world. Long time ago travelling far away would be hard and takes a long time
to reach like if you wanna go to other country, you would use a boat and it takes around
5-6 days to reach your destination, nowadays it only takes 1-2 hours on a plane because
of how technology of transportation has evolved and become so advanced.
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Improved lifestyle and housing
Technology has also improve comformtability in houses. If you compare the house long
time ago and houses now, the difference is enourmous. Now we has more simplified
design of houses and many furniture that could make us really relax at home. Some of the
items in our houses are automated such as automated doors, using fingerprint for doors,
cctv, Bluetooth for speakers in our home. Our lifestyle also getting better, we woke
wanting to eat breakfast, just toast a bread in a toaster, and if we want to watch tv we
could even open it with our voice and it will activate on it self. Cooking also has become
more easy because of the advanced technology and we could even work at home by using
our laptop so we don’t have to go to our workplace anymore.
Improved entertainment
Modern technology has improved our entertaintment. Home entertaintment has
improved with the invention of smart tv, video game, and music systems. We could even
connect to the internet with our smart tv so we can explore many things and watch
youtube making a good time at home. For video games there are games that could
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connect to the internet and play multiplayer with other player. Entertaintment in the
world also has changed drasticly, for example we had 3D on the cinemas, we could ride
the scariest, highest rollercoaster.theres even a technology called the virtual reality so its
like we play video games and we feel like we are there because our eyes are seeing
directly to the screen that is
attached to our head.
Improved education system
Learning is a process in our daily lives. The modern technology has made learning easier
that before. Students could access online learning in their home without having go to the
school, and students could learn anything on the internet anywhere anytime. The
educational system on school has made it so easy, every class has a group chat so that
the teacher could send their homework there and don’t have to give them one by one the
question. New educational system also allowed students to study by themselves so they
don’t need a tutor anymore.
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Increased loneliness
With the modern technology people love to spend time with theirselves. People playing
video games, browsing their social media, almost don’t care about real life at all.
Technology has changed our way of interacting with someone else, if you social media
account already has 100+ friends, they will feel no need to go out make new friends, which
can lead to loneliness.
Job loss
Modern technology has replaced human jobs. There are advanced machine that could
do more that human could ever do and because of that reason they started to fire
many people to replace them with machinery in some industry. There are also robots
that could actually communicate with people and serve them food on some restaurant
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Due to the advanced technology, almost everything is attached to the internet, so all your
photos and data could be connected to the internet and because of that our privacy and
security is lowered. There are some hackers that could steal your credit card data easily
on the internet and spend all your money on something leaving you with no money.
Hackers nowadays are so smart and skilled that they could even breach the government
system data and hacked their system.
Weapon of destruction
Modern technology has been the cause of wars and they would use more advanced
weapons and weapons has evolved and become so powerful and dangerous now.
Government has made some weapon that could destroy a city at once and its called
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nuclear bomb, if these weapon falls into the wrong hands it would be really dangerous
to the country/city.
2.3 How will the technology evolve in the future
Technology to this day still developing and evolving faster than ever right now. We already
have all kind of advanced technological gadgets with functions of virtual reality, artificial
intelligence and else., it is hard to imagine what the future will look like. There are some
incredible technological innovations scientists are working on right now and what will change
the world within next several years.
Everything will be connected to internet
In the future most of the things will be connected to each other to ensure that people can
control everything with one device. It is already happening right now with smart devices
that connected to the internet, but after few years there won’t be devices which can’t be
connected through internet. Internet will dominate in everyday lives of human. Homes,
cars and appliances will be connected. To ensure that there will be new technology
created that able to store energy and serve as electrodes to deliver connectivity. On the
bright side thought, if everything is connected to the internet everything would be easier
and more simple. For example if you wanna clean your room you could just use a robot
connected to the internet to clean it, so by just saying something the robot could clean
your room on its own
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We could print anything
In the nearest future it will really be possible to print out almost anything with 3D printer.
That really might sound really funny and you might be thinking how In the hell, but if we
think of of 3D printing right now, we might be able to print anything. If right now it is
possible to even print out an organs and food, why wouldn’t it be possible to print out
everything else. Scientists even claims that whole organism might be printed out in the
future, because bio printing technologies are developing very fast. So in short we could
even print a living creature in the future, you can print any monster or any creature that
you seen in movies and video games and you could even print their heart and brain to
give them personality.
Human and technology will converge
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In movies we have seen this thing called cyborg, those are half human half robot but usually they
still has their human heart and brain. In the future we might be able to upgrade ourselves into
these kind of thing. We already had google glass that could be our guide in our daily lives and
what we see when we wear the google glass are virtual images that could guide us. We also has
prostethic arm and leg for people that has lost their limbs, they could replace their lost limbs with
technology and they could do their things like usual again. There is already a cyborg in this world,
his name is neil harbisson. He is a color blind artist that became the first cyborg in the world and
he can see in UV thanks to an antenna like implant that boosts his perception of light and gives
him super-senses.
2.4 What is the effect if technology evolve drasticly in the future
If technology evolved really fast in the future then there is also a possibility of technology
taking over human and the world. We’ve seen in movies about robot that is taking over human
like robot actually eradicate human so the human go extinct and robot will rule the world, that is
actually possible considering of how fast our technology has evolving. Scientists are actually
trying to make a dinosaur by using chemical things and if that works it would either be an amazing
thing in the world or the biggest mistake in the world. Scientist also is making AI that is so smart
it could even beat human in board games like chess. If we keep developing these technology
theres a possibility that robot could take over human and eradicate human leaving human go
extinct. There is also a possibilities that the technology that we created is not malfunctioning and
will actually help human with their lives. For example we could live together with a robot and
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even socialize with the robot and the robot could help us in everyday work so our work would be
easier. We could even have a flying car and maybe a flying chair so that we don’t have to walk
anymore and anything we wanna do we just have to do it through the screen like if we wanna
eat we just have to click the food on the screen and the system will just print out the food and
they could even print drinks too for example. But those things could make us really lazy and get
really fat too. So there positive and negative effect of future technology.
3.1 Conclusion
So that we know technology is very important in our lives, we have to use our technology
carefully. Technology could make our live easier but if we use it too much it could have resulted
differently. So in conclusion technology could bring positive thing to us and at the same time
could bring negative things to us if we use it too much.
3.2 Suggestion
My suggestion is use technology only when we need it and don’t use it too much because that
could make our attitude very lazy.
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