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Rhetorical Analysis: Ethos, Pathos, Logos in Essays

Part 1:
Ethos: Is the ethical approach using personal experience and credibility to convince the
Ex: A dentist recommending a toothpaste due to his knowledge on oral hygiene.
Audience: People who prefer someone with experience giving them advice, by having someone
who is an expert regarding the question there begins to form a sense of trust.
Pathos: Is a way to persuade the reader to agree with you by using their emotions to your
Ex: using sad images and facts about animals to persuade you to adopt
Audience: aimed towards people who are easily controlled by their emotions, using someone’s
emotions against them blinds them from making clear minded decisions. Emotions could be
used to hurt or help you.
Logos: Is using facts and evidence to support your argument.
Ex: Using album sales to argue who is the more popular music artist.
Audience: this is aimed for those who are not easily convinced and prefer hard evidence rather
than word of mouth. This allows so biasness when discussing a topic.
Part 2:
Our Barbies, Ourselves:
Growing up I never could begin to imagine the impact a “Barbie doll” could have on a
developing child. A child’s mind is so frail and easily manipulated, having a woman of such high
caliber portrayed in doll form actually made kids deem women who look like this more
attractive. This gave young girls growing up false hope, they imagined they’d look like Barbie
when they grew up. Once reality set in they realized the goal they’ve been waiting for was just
false hope. Even for young men growing up, their standards were raised just based about how a
famous doll looked, completely unfair to all the other women. Pathos was used within the
passage to demonstrate how this high female standards due to barbies build made developing
children feel about women. The author wanted to shed light on this and show us how this
affected the world, the dolls fame and popularity caused it to be on everyone’s mind and due
to this people were given unrealistic expectations. Ethos was represented by the children
describing how it felt seeing all this transpire in front of their very eyes, we have first-hand
proof to how this affected the community. Logos was used when they pinpointed what exactly
the dolls had that made them out of the norm, they compared body chrematistics to actual
human beings. Society placed cruel expectations for both genders by giving kids unrealistic
expectations and crushing them once they didn’t live up to it. And logos by simply stating
companies give us the option of either coming up with the money or steal it, which is an
undeniable fact.
Should We Seek Out Alien Life:
What comes to mind when I first read this passage is just pure and utter amusement. The fact
that aliens could really be out there is just mind boggling, since a kid I’ve always been
fascinated with the possibility that they could be real. This was most definitely an example for
pathos, especially for readers like myself who actually are interested in the question “are they
real?’ it definitely hit a special place in my heart. It’s just the possibility of life being just outside
of our reach just amazes me, with all the research that’s been done I can’t wait for what the
universe has in store for us. The audience intended in my opinion aims at people who are
interested in space, also people who love conspiracy theories. An example of logos within the
passage was when it was said that all the history, we have about earth is still only one-millionth
of the planets past. There’s so much left to know about the universe that is still in question,
questions we might not ever get an answer to. Ethos is demonstrated by the author showing
he’s a fanboy and by doing that he shows us he is someway knowledgeable about the subject
and he attracts the attention of other fans of the universe. The author made it clear how
fascinated he is with the world and how much out there is to know about the universe. It was
an interesting read that planted new questions in my mind.
Why I Love Shop Lifting:
This article honestly just amuses me, it puts a grin on my face. The author is justifying their
fascination with stealing, it also seems like an addiction. Never have I read anything quite like
this, it reminds me of my friends growing up. Pathos is used here because of the fact the author
is using his emotions and his love for for stealing to grab your attention, because most won’t
admit to loving something like that and it’s so off the wall it grabs your attention. Honestly the
fact that people who have mindsets like this and aren’t in jail amazes me. I can see the authors
point, but it does not justify stealing what doesn’t belong to you. This is simply just from the
perspective of a thief who’s trying to convince others he isn’t doing anything wrong. He does
sound like a good thief and his reasoning of stealing to stop his hunger shows us an example of
ethos since his personal experience helped me fight hunger.