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Mireya Mayor Explorer Test: Lemurs & Conservation

Name: ____________ __________________________ Date:_____________
Mireya Mayor Explorer/Correspondent Test
I. Multiple Choice
Choose the correct ending for each sentence.
1) In college, Mireya began studying...
a) lemurs.
b) primates.
c) bats.
d) leopards.
2) Mireya does an expeditions show...
a) to find a cure for fluids in the brain.
b) to teach about species that need our help.
c) to teach about food.
d) to teach about mouse lemurs.
3) While in Namibia, Mireya Mayor helped share...
a) the discovery of a cure for fluid in the brain.
b) the discovery of a new species of frog.
c) the importance of recycling.
d) the love for the planet.
4) In Madagascar, Mireya...
a) studied primates.
b) became an ambassador.
c) discovered a new species of lemur.
d) was the president.
5) With her documentation, Mireya...
a) had international fame and became a celebrity.
b) was honored with the Nobel Nature Award.
c) was able to become the World's best explorer/correspondent.
d) was able to convince the president to protect the lemur.
6) Many Malagasy kids...
a) like to hunt lemurs in the forest.
b) have lemurs as pets.
c) are gravely hurting the forest.
d) have never seen a lemur.
7) Mireya organizes field trips in Madagascar...
a) to bring paying tourists to the area.
b) so she can become more famous with her show.
c) to motivate children to protect the forest.
d) so she can receive more awards from universities.
II. Fact or Opinion
Choose whether each statement is a fact or an opinion.
8) "I consider my television work just as important as my conservation field work".
a) Fact
b) Opinion
9) Mireya believes that local support for conservation is a key factor in bringing about change.
a) Fact
b) Opinion
10) A $50 million conservation fund was established in Madagascar.
a) Fact
b) Opinion
11) "This required grueling field work during the monsoon season."
a) Fact
b) Opinion
III. Answer
Answer the following question.
12) What is the author's opinion on Mireya Mayor's work?