MAKERERE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (CoBAMS) (SCHOOL OF STATISTICS AND PLANNING) A REPORT ON FIELD ATTACHMENT CONDUCTED AT BUSHENYI LOCAL GOVERNMENT BY ATUKWATSE CRISTABLE 17/U/3190/EVE FIELD ATTACHMENT REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR’S DEGREE OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS STATISTICS OF MAKERERE UNIVERSITY KAMPALA NAME ATUKWATSE CRISTABLE SIGNATURE………………….. JUNE- JULY 2019 DECLARATION I, ATUKWATSE CRISTABLE declare that this internship report is my original work and has never been submitted to any institution of higher learning for any academic award. i Signature ………………………………………….. ATUKWATSE CRISTABLE 17/U/3190/EVE DATE ……………………………………... APPROVAL This field attachment report was carried out by ATUKWATSE CRISTABLE who was attached at Bushenyi Local Government. She has been under my supervision and now the report is ready for submission to the College of Business and Management Sciences with my approval. Signature …………………………………………. MR. TURYAKIRA NAZARIUS UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR DATE ii ……………………………………………… AGENCY SUPERVISOR APPROVAL This is to confirm that ATUKWATSE CRISTABLE conducted her internship from Bushenyi Local Government under my supervision and her report is ready for submission. Signature …………………………………………. MR. MUGIZI JACKSON ORGANISATIONAL SUPERVISOR DATE ………………………………… ACKNOWLEDGMENT I first thank God for His love, strength, guidance and protection during the period of my internship exercise. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to a number of people for their significant contributions in my studies until I yielded this document. I sincerely acknowledge the dedicated intellectual guidance, supervision and all the academic support I received from my University Supervisor throughout the entire study. It is because of his guidance and support that has enabled me to produce this piece of work. Special thanks go to my parents Mr. Bangizi Amos and Mrs. Kansiime Rovence who are always there for me in all situations. Keep that heart and may God reward you for your parental love and care. Special thanks go to my friends like Dickens and Dickson, brothers and sisters for their love, financial support, advice and care rendered to me during this extensive study. May the Almighty God reward them. Finally, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the staff of Bushenyi District Local Government especially the field supervisor Mr. Mugizi Jackson for the intellectual guidance, mentorship, cooperation and support accorded to me during the period of my internship. iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is a report about the student’s internship period with Bushenyi local government (BLG). The report states the description of the organization, the daily activities, lessons, skills acquired and challenges that the intern encountered while in the planning unit for a period of eight weeks that is from June to July 2019. This report consists of four chapters of which chapter one explains the background of the field attachment, objectives of the field attachment, background of the organization, organizational culture, gender in the organization, the structure of the organization and its main activities. Chapter two explains the student’s experiences, chapter three explains the evaluation on Field Attachment and chapter four talks about the conclusions and Recommendations. During that period of intern, all interns were expected to read the current statistical abstract and year district integrated rolled development plan. There was downloading and analyzing the Final Indicative Planning Figures (IPFs), doing a proposal, a business plan and having meetings with different people from different departments. I would help out in typing and printing some work hence reducing on the work load of the planner and entering data or information for the planning unit. Despite the fact that the internship was a success, there has been hardships faced that led to the delay of accomplishing the different tasks and assignments. These were the challenges faced; power shortage accompanied by lack of enough fuel for generator, lack of internet facilities to research about the tasks assigned and lack of enough office furniture( chairs) and this caused a crisis when there were meetings and workshops in the board room because the chairs and tables would be taken. The following are the recommendations that if put into consideration by the administration of Bushenyi Local Government, they will be able to achieve their mission, vision, goals and objectives and also make it a better place for other incoming interns. These include, provision of office accommodation (chairs, office equipment), appropriate recruitment should be done to fill up vacant posts, provision of enough fuel and transport facilities. TABLE OF CONTENTS iv DECLARATION i APPROVAL ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY iv LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF ACRONYMS x CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 10 1.1 Introduction 10 1.2 Background of the Field Attachment 2 1.3 Objectives of the Field Attachment 2 1.4 Background of the Organization of Field Attachment 2 1.4.1 Location 3 1.4.2 Vision 3 1.4.3 Mission 3 1.4.4 Goal of the Organization 3 1.4.5 Objectives of the organization 3 1.4.6 Nature of the organization. 4 1.4.7 Operations of the Organisation 4 1.5 Organizational culture 5 1.6 Gender in the Organization 6 1.7 The structure of the organization 6 1.8 Main activities of the organization 7 CHAPTER TWO: STUDENT’S EXPERIENCES 2.0 Introduction 9 9 2.1 Title or position occupied in an Organization. 9 v 2.2 Duties and responsibilities 9 2.3 Supervision levels and relationship with the supervisor 2.4 Work Team and its composition 10 2.5 Working Relationship among team members/ other staff 2.6 Authority levels to the student 10 11 vi 11 CHAPTER THREE: EVALUATION ON FIELD ATTACHMENT 11 3.0 Introduction 11 3.1 Level of Accomplishment of duties and responsibilities assigned. 11 3.2 New knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities 3.2.1 Lessons Learnt include; 3.2.2 Experiences 3.2.3 Skills 12 12 13 13 3.3 Most interesting experiences 14 3.4 Relatedness of University’s taught programmes to the Field of Work 14 3.5 Challenges faced and how managed 15 3.5.1 Challenges that were work related and organizational factors 3.5.2 Challenges that were from an individual perspective 3.6 Benefits derived from Field Attachment. 15 15 16 3.7 Adequacy in University’s preparing the student for Field Attachment 16 3.8 Preparedness of the agency to receive and manage students for Field Attachment CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.0 Introduction 17 4.1 Conclusions 18 4.2 Recommendations: 18 4.2.1 To the Organization 18 4.2.2 To the University 18 4.2.3 To the students REFERENCES 19 APPENDICES 20 18 Appendix 1: A MAP OF BUSHENYI DISTRICT 20 vii 17 17 Appendix 2: WORK SCHEDULE 21 Appendix 3: Internship placement letter 23 Appendix 4: Introductory letter 24 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Showing the structure of BLG ix LIST OF ACRONYMS BLG Bushenyi Local Government LLGs Lower Local Governments IPFs Indicative Planning Figures IFMS Integrated Financial Management Systems SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences PBS Program Budgeting System CAO Chief Administrative Officer CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This report on field attachment was conducted at Bushenyi Local Government under the department of planning. The field attachment was for a period of two months (June and July). It indicates the background of the field attachment, objectives of the field attachment, background of the organization, organizational culture, gender in the organization, the structure of the organization and its main x activities. It explains the student’s experiences, duties and responsibilities performed, position occupied in the organization during internship, benefits derived from internship, level of accomplishment of duties, skills gained, new knowledge acquired, supervision levels, authority levels, challenges faced and the conclusions and Recommendations. 1.2 Background of the Field Attachment It was 2005 when National Council for Higher Education initiated a law that required all University students to carry out field attachment as a mandatory requirement to fully qualify for a bachelor’s degree across all universities and higher institutions of learning. Thus with effect from 2008 admissions, all students admitted under Makerere University and all other institutions were required to undertake field attachment alongside presenting field attachment reports to expose students to real life experience in the work place environment. Field Attachment means any approved field based practical work carried out by staff and students for the purpose of teaching and research in places outside the university control but where the university is responsible for the safety of its staff, students and others exposed t their activities. Students are required to apply for placements in organizations of their choices that undertake activities related to what they study in class in their respective courses. The intern did her internship at Bushenyi local government attached to the Planning unit for the period from 5thJune to 31st July, 2019 as it is a requirement to the attainment of a bachelors degree of science in Business Statistics 1.3 Objectives of the Field Attachment To enable students get hands-on experience real-life situation they are expected to work in when they graduate. To provide an opportunity to students to apply the principles and techniques theoretically learnt into real- life problem solving situations. To provide an opportunity for students and academic staff to interact with the stakeholders and potential employers to appreciate field situations that will also generate information for curricula review and improvement. To develop students undertaking of work ethics, employment demands, responsibilities and opportunities. To enhance and strengthen linkages between Makerere University and various stakeholders. 1.4 Background of the Organization of Field Attachment Bushenyi district was curved out of Ankole district in 1974 and in 1993, Ntungamo district was created and took away Bushenyi and Kanjara counties and with effect from July 2010, counties of Sheema, 2 Ruhinda, Bunyaruguru and Buhweju were also elevated to district status and Igara remained as Bushenyi district. The district has a land area of 841 square kilometers and is 910-2500 metres above the sea level Bushenyi District has a population of 251400 people and comprises of Banyakole as the highest culture,Bakiga, Baganda and Bakonjo. Bushenyi district has one county namely; Igara. The district is composed of nine subcounties which include; Bumbaire, Ibaare, Kyamuhunga, Bitooma, Kakanju, Kyabugimbi, Ruhumuro, Nyabubare and Kyeizooba. The district is constituted of 64 parishes and 565villages. Bushenyi District has a municipality called Bushenyi Ishaka Municipality that comprises of three divisions namely; Nyakabirizi Division, Ishaka Division and Central Division. The main physical features include natural forests of Karinju, Imaramagambo covering an estimated area of 748 kilometers. The major economic activities include semi intensive agriculture, fishing, trading and commerce, transport, stone quarrying, sand mining, tourism and lumbering. 1.4.1 Location Bushenyi is one of the districts in the western region of Uganda. It is boarded by Buhweju in the NorthWest, Bunyaruguru in the North, Mitooma and Sheema in the West and South and Sheema District in the East. The district lies between latitudes 0o 46’ South and 0o North and longitudes 29o41’ East and 30o30’ East, with an average altitude of 1705 metres above the sea level. Bushenyi District headquarters are situated at Mbarara Kasese road. 1.4.2 Vision Having a prosperous population accessing quality services and harnessing natural resources in a suitable manner, improved service delivery for socio-economic development in the people of Bushenyi District. 1.4.3 Mission To improve quality services through a coordinated delivery system, focusing on the National and Local priorities for sustainable development. 1.4.4 Goal of the Organization Improve service delivery for socio economic development of the people of Bushenyi District. 1.4.5 Objectives of the organization To improve service delivery for the development of the district. To reduce de-morbidity and mortality rates through improved service delivery. To improve the quality and standards of education and sports in the district. 3 To improve on quality and accessibility of special needs like education in each community. To increase household income, food searching and sustainable exploitation of natural resources to enhance socio-economic development of the district. To improve infrastructure, sustainable and management water quality, accessibility and equity. To improve the community welfare and protect the rights of the vulnerable groups. To widen the district tax base. To promote transparency and accountability in the service delivery . To enhance capacities of low local government staff, political leaders and other stakeholders involved in planning , budgeting and finance management. 1.4.6 Nature of the organization. Bushenyi district local government is a corporate institution under ministry of local government. 1.4.7 Operations of the Organisation Operations of the organization include the sources of funding and services offered. Sources of funds of bushenyi district include; Local service tax. These are taxes charged on individuals who hold a job or profession within a taxing jurisdiction imposing the tax. Trade license. This is a permission granted by the local government to individuals to call out trade. Land fees. These are charges made on individuals using district land. Donors. Donors are among the sources of funds of Bushenyi district local government because most of them find that place hospital hence benefiting the district Conditional and unconditional grants. These are most of the times from the central government however others come from other different organizations. Application fees. These are charged on all applications made to the organization for example application for passports. Land inspection fees. These are charged when the district gives an individual a district surveyor to go and inspect his or her land. Rent and rates. These are charged on individuals who use the houses of the district and therefore are supposed to pay some amount as rent. 4 Registration fees that is Birth and Death. These are charges made on individuals registering for new birth and deaths. Birth certificates and Death certificates. These are charged on individuals seeking for both birth and death certificates. Slaughter fees. These are charges made on people using district registered abattoirs. Animal release fees. These are charges made on individuals transferring animals from the district, to the district or through the district. Disposal of non-current assets. These are funds got after disposing off of non-current assets of the district. Services offered The main focus of the district has been prosperity for all through a combination of intervention in the following areas; Universal primary and secondary education. Primary Health Care ( PHC) including AIDS. Enhancement of agricultural concerns in all interventions implemented. Supporting micro finance institution to enhance household income generating activities. Community empowerment for involvement and participation in development activities. Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations. Promoting transparency and accountability. Increasing community awareness on population and development issues. Mitigation of environmental concerns in all interventions implemented. Construction of latrines of health centers, primary schools and secondary schools. 1.5 Organizational culture The district mainly comprises of Banyankole, Bakiga, Batoro, Baganda and bakonzo. The organization’s values, beliefs and practices members cherish and which define and give identity to the organization include; Team work. Bushenyi district believes in the idea of working in groups and that by working in groups, you can easily achieve organisational goals. 5 Time management. Bushenyi local government believes keeping time and doing every project at the right time. Hospitality. Bushenyi district local government is a welcoming organisation and this is a culture from back and it has helped it to access many donors and grants. Encouraging creativity and feedback. Feedback enables employees to learn from one another. Employee involvement in decision making through holding of meetings. Bushenyi district also believes that employes can add more knowledge to the organisation so they are also made to participate in decision making that only making them implementers of what they do not know. Local government philosophy of continually learning and improving is right in line with their product, meaning employees have the chance to take on new and exciting challenges. 1.6 Gender in the Organization Bushenyi district local government takes gender sensitivity and consideration as a priority whereby the political wing is headed by the district chairperson who is a male, the office of the chief administrative officer is headed by the male who is the head of the management sector and the deputy CAO is a female and the rest eight sectors are headed by males while their deputies are females and the secretaries of all the sectors are females. 1.7 The structure of the organization Chairman LCV 6 CAO DEC DCAO Administra tion PAS PHRO/ SHRO Audit depart ment Statut ory bodies DSC Land Board PAC PDU/Sen ior procure ment Works and Engineerin g departme nt Works& transpor t depart ment Education departmen t Natural Resource department Education Office Environm ent office Sports office Lands office Production Unit p Principle Fisheries District commerci al officer Forestry office Wate r engin eerin g Veterinary officer Inspector’s office Agricultur al Officer Special needs office Entomolo gy office Health departme nt Finance & Planning (CFO) Communi ty based services Health inspect or SPWO Senior clinical officer Labour office Biostatist Ian HC staff Community developmen t office Finance Depart ment Senior finance officer 12 Sub-county CDOs Maternal Health Sub county Agriculture and Veterinary officers SASs 1.8 Main activities of the organization Improving the democracy and accountability in the district. Bushenyi local government has a duty to make sure that all government resources are not misused. Intensifying people’s awareness on key issues of development. Bushenyi local government understands that it is their duty to sensitize people of all government projects available. Conducting co-curricular activities in schools. Bushenyi local government also has a duty to organize different co-curricular activities in all schools in the district. Ensuring proper curriculum target in schools. It is the role of the district local government to ensure that the right curriculum is taught in different education institutions in the district. 7 Planni ng unit District planner Senior planner Maintaining feeder road network in good condition. The district local government also has a duty to make sure that all feeder roads are kept in good conditions to ease transport in the district. Increasing safe water coverage based on population ratio and access. Bushenyi district local government understands that water is a very important aspect in lives of all people in the district and so, it’s the duty of the district to make sure that all parts of the district are served with safe water. Advocating and promoting farmers’ organizations and cooperatives for easy access to credit finance and better market facilities. Bushenyi district has different co-operatives and most of them are for farmers since the district mainly concentrates on agriculture for both subsistence and commercial and the district learnt that for the co-operatives to achieve this they need to easily access credit and the district is doing everything possible to make sure that this is achieved. Enhancing awareness on natural resources conservation. Bushenyi district local government also understands that it has the duty to sensitize the natives to not destroy natural resources in the district as those natural resources are very important in the area like Karinju forest greatly affect the rain distribution in the area and so it has to be conserved. Promoting awareness of the communities on issues of population and development in the district. The district also understands that population works hand in hand with development of the district and for that matter, the district is trying to sensitize its people about family planning as this would be a good move the fact this will relieve the district to concentrate on other projects than concentrating on taking care of families that cannot stand for themselves. Strengthening supervision, monitoring and coordination of district projects. 8 CHAPTER TWO: STUDENT’S EXPERIENCES 2.0 Introduction This chapter explains different experiences gained in the field attachment. Experience is the relative improvement arising from the continuous application of knowledge or undertaking of a certain activity. 2.1 Title or position occupied in an Organization. The position held in the organization was that of the secretary in the planning unit. The intern was chosen to be a secretary of her fellow interns and they were all happy of her leadership skills as she managed to make minutes of their meetings with trust than before when the group had no secretary. 2.2 Duties and responsibilities The duties and responsibilities carried out as a trainee in the planning unit under the guidance of the Agency supervisor include the following; Data collection. During the field attachment, the intern was involved in collecting data from various departments of the district. The intern collected data from departments like Education, health and works. This was to help the intern have a good knowledge about data of the district, and used some of the collected data to do the proposal about decentralization on the economic welfare of people of Bushenyi district. The intern used questionnaire to collect the relevant data Drafting a proposal and a business plan. During the field attachment, the intern drafted a proposal and a business plan and this helped the intern to gain more knowledge about how to do proposal and business plan and also gained skills of typing, reading and time management. The major tools used were a computer particularly word and data collected. 9 Receiving visitors and clients when the senior planner was out. The intern also took a responsibility of receiving clients and visitors when the senior planner was not around. This helped her to gain skills like communication skills, public presentation skills and judgment skills. Drafting copies of lists of administrative units for confirmation and three year rolling development plans (2019/2021). During field attachment, the intern drafted copies of lists of administrative units for confirmation and three year rolling development plans (2019/2021) and this helped the intern to gain skills of typing. Downloading and analyzing the Final Indicative Planning Figures. This was done under the instructions of the supervisor and the intern understood how wages and salaries are allocated to different groups of people and departments. Reviewing various documents like the local government act, reading the current statistical abstract, the district work plan, Bushenyi district budget, the financial and accounting manual 2007 and many others. The trainee under the instructions of the supervisor read and gathered data from various documents desired for field work report writing and this helped him to understand the rules and regulations governing the local government. Supported in completion of final budgets The intern supported in planning unit in completion of the final budgets. This was done using the program based system (PBS) 2.3 Supervision levels and relationship with the supervisor The trainee worked with the population officer but all reported to the field supervisor who was the senior planner. The officer was very cooperative, helpful and friendly as he could correct and guide the trainee. All work was done under the supervision of the field supervisor as he was always there to check whether the trainee performed the right work as directed by population officer. The field supervisor would check the attendance list, assign the trainee duties and check if they are properly done and correct him where necessary. And every Friday the supervisor used to sign in the log book to confirm that the work assigned throughout the week was finished. There was also the university supervisor Mr. Turyakira who came to check on how the trainee was doing. 2.4 Work Team and its composition 10 Various work teams were created to accomplish different tasks. The work team during the internship was composed of the population officer, district electrician and the students doing internship from MUBS, KIU and Makerere university totaling up to twelve people with whom ten were males and two were females. 2.5 Working Relationship among team members/ other staff As it is for the planning profession, team work is inevitable among the members so that they come up with better results. There was a good and close working relationship among team members as we would interact on several occasions and share constructive ideas, consult each other, discuss about several issues and come up with conclusions collectively and share tasks. Maximum cooperation with other interns and staff from the following departments such as procurement, internal audit was observed. Conclusively, the relationships built were like those of friends but with respect for one another and great emphasis on team spirit which helped to bring out the best of me. 2.6 Authority levels to the student While at BLG, the authority level was lower. There was limited access to some of the organization’s information as the system was full of passwords and the trainee could only access when permission was granted by the officers. The trainee had access to departmental offices and property like computers, photocopier, printers, and the document store among others. CHAPTER THREE: EVALUATION ON FIELD ATTACHMENT 3.0 Introduction This chapter explains level of accomplishment of duties and responsibilities assigned, new knowledge and skills gained, most interesting experiences, relatedness to university’s taught programmers, challenges faces and how managed and benefits derived from Field attachment. 3.1 Level of Accomplishment of duties and responsibilities assigned. The trainee managed to draft copies of lists of administrative units for confirmation using Microsoft Excel. Reviewing various documents like the local government act, the district work plan, Bushenyi district budget, the financial and accounting manual and many others. The trainee managed to read and gather data from various source documents desired for field work report writing. Doing a proposal and a business plan. The trainee managed to draft a proposal and a business plan. These were done to equip the intern with knowledge and skills of starting up a business and doing proposals. 11 Downloading and analyzing the Final Indicative planning figures (IPFs). The intern managed to download and analyze the IPFs. These were used in allocating wages to different groups of people and departments. The intern supported in planning unit in completion of the final budgets. This was done using the program based system (PBS). 3.2 New knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities These include the lessons learnt, experiences accumulated and skills gained. 3.2.1 Lessons Learnt include; Paying attention at work; the supervisor usually gave the intern instructions like sorting, separating, writing things down and others. The intern learnt the lesson of paying attention to the instructions and being a good listener so as not to make mistakes and this made me a good performer because this increased my efficiency and effectiveness. Exposure to the working environment; The intern was greatly exposed to the working environment how it is, that is language, dress code and what is required in order to accomplish her set goals. This boosted her understanding from theoretical to practical. Decent dressing; the intern had to change her way of dressing during the internship at the Local Government. The intern got used to the dressing code in the office which most men and women portrayed at Bushenyi Local Government. Working in teams; under the principle of two heads are better than one, the intern learnt the benefits of working in teams for effective performance of the assigned duties. Work that is individually done takes a lot of time to accomplish and the individual would be a sole decision maker. Team work is in line with the principles of management that the intern learnt in class. Being a hard worker; from the culture of the organization, it only employs hardworking people since hard work is a source of effective performance. So the intern learnt to be hard-working so as to establish a firm and stable relationship with other interns and other members of the organization. Being the culture of the organization it was an embarrassment for trainee not to be hard-working so the intern had to be a hard worker that is HARD WORK PAYS. Time keeping/time management; the supervisor always assigned the intern with duties and responsibilities, so to accomplish these in time the trainee had to be early at work and good time keeping even creates a good image to the organization as it is one of its values. Apologizing; the trainee learnt how to be apologetic to the fellow trainees, the supervisor and other members of the organization. It is better for the supervisor to know of your mistake from yourself rather 12 than hearing it from other people. And the trainee learnt that when one apologizes it is hard for him or her to repeat the same mistake. 3.2.2 Experiences These are areas of knowledge accumulated and ability to do work better. Bushenyi local government is a nonprofit organization under the public sector which is associated with the provision of quality services through a coordinated service delivery system, which focuses on the national and local priorities for sustainable development of the district. So being given an opportunity to do internship from the district, it helped the trainee to experience different works, people do and it equipped him with more knowledge like; Conflict management; under this the trainee applied knowledge acquired from organizational theory on how to manage conflicts in the organization. The organization handled conflicts by engaging both parties in a dialogue so as to come to a common understanding. So the trainee got a lot of experience which he can apply in the normal life. Filing of documents; The intern filed documents of various events literally and were finally presented to the senior planner’s office which was the office in charge and responsible for documents custody. Because of this, she gained the experience in the field. Handling guests and other people; hospitality being one of the values of the organization, this helped the trainee to improve his hospitality levels. So the trainee welcomed the visitors in a good way and gave them what they wanted. Being good at keeping time the trainee was always the first in the office and when others came in she welcomed them well and this helped her to improve on the way of handling different categories of people. Networking; the intern’s organization of placement used to experience a large number of corporate people who visited it on several occasions. From this, the intern was always given an opportunity to interact with them in a perspective way of creating network. Given the big number of corporate, the intern interacted with them. This experience further helped the intern to even network outside the organization. 3.2.3 Skills A skill is a proficiency gained in carrying out specific tasks or technical knowledge acquired in doing work. The trainee acquired the following skills; Listening skills: doing internship at Bushenyi local government gave the trainee the opportunity to develop her listening skills. This greatly improved the trainee’s ability to listen carefully and understand what was communicated. Typing skills: the trainee used the knowledge acquired from the course unit of data analysis and getting an opportunity to work at this organization helped the trainee to improve on her typing skills since the 13 computers were few at the organization and when given an assignment the trainee had to type at a high speed hence widening experience and improving typing skills. Interpersonal skills: while at the organization the trainee interacted with the organization staff and support staff i.e. clients, drivers, security guard, plus my fellow trainees. This helped the trainee to improve on her interpersonal skills. Leadership skills: During the training, the planning unit had ten interns and due to lack of enough furniture we were divided into two groups. The intern managed to be the leader of her group and she was to supervise others in different values like time management. The intern was elected as the leader for all other interns in planning unit by fellow interns. This enabled the intern to come for work as early as possible in order to be an example to other interns in the department. Also the leadership post to the intern helped in developing the skill which is a requirement for almost everywhere. Public presentation skills: The intern improved on her public presentation skill through a number of ways like the dress code and the way of approaching different situations and people of different education levels. The intern also acquired skills in the use of communication system which included answering the phone, making calls to deliver good information to those who pass the interview, making realistic promises to people, giving attention to customers, dealing with complaints and how to satisfy the interest of the client. Minute writing skills: The intern attained skills of writing minutes during meetings. Meetings were commonly departmental meetings where normally we would meet after one week to review our performance and challenges if there was any and I would be the secretary so I could write the minutes. Due to those meetings, the intern attained skills of minute writing. Reading skills: During internship, the intern read literature of the organization mainly relating to Local Government Act hence from this, she gained the skill of reading. For example of the literature read included “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill (2010). This literature was aimed at passing on information that is not through miss using one’s office in line of corruption that one can get rich rather through properly allocating the meager funds available effectively that one in position to get riches. 3.3 Most interesting experiences Being a group of ten trainees, this enabled trainees to work hand in hand so as to perform the assigned tasks effectively and efficiently, being a team leader, the trainee always took the lead and this gave her more confidence about the future. Team work helped the trainee to learn what was not previously known to her from the fellow trainees or even the supervisors which was beneficial to everyone. This called for maximum cooperation and team work in order to accomplish different tasks. 3.4 Relatedness of University’s taught programmes to the Field of Work Research methods helped the intern during field attachment in developing questionnaires, report writing and doing a proposal. 14 Computer literacy helped the intern in capturing, cleaning and analyzing data. Data analysis helped the intern in entering and analyzing data using Microsoft Excel. Data analysis helped the intern in entering, capturing, analyzing and interpreting output using SPSS, EPIDATA software packages. Introductory Micro Economics, Micro Economics, Introductory Macro Economics and Macro Economics helped the intern to plan effectively and save the little money that she had so that it could sustain her for the entire internship period. 3.5 Challenges faced and how managed The challenges were work related and organizational factors and from an individual perspective and also the solutions to those challenges are; 3.5.1 Challenges that were work related and organizational factors Adopting to the working environment; due to the fact that the trainee was new in the organization, it took her some time to get used and cope with the working environment. The fact that the trainee wasn’t used to the culture and society it was a challenge. During the first days, the trainees didn’t have much to do and this rendered them idle and bored for the first weeks at the organization. This was solved by the supervisor who gave us work to do that needed much time. Inadequate space; due to a large number of trainees in the planning unit and yet the offices were very few, so there was no free space for all interns and this limited easy performance of tasks. This was solved by the supervisor who distributed us to two groups and gave each specific group the specific day when to report to the work place. Inadequate equipment; the equipment was inform of computers and chairs. The fact that we were many in number and the resources were limited so this limited my freedom to do some things i.e. the inadequacy of computers limited my experience in typing because typing was done in phases. This was solved by the supervisor helping the trainee with his laptop. Boredom; the trainee had to endure boredom during the internship especially in the first week and the last week as this was due to the monotony of the work being carried as there was little new things to learn. This was managed by the engagement in work teams. Bureaucratic tendencies; the organizational challenge the trainee encountered during internship was the length of the reporting lines. This limited his freedom and training as it led to unnecessary delays and this led to failure to complete some tasks and meet some targets due to inappropriate/delayed feedback. This was solved by specifying the supervisors I was supposed to report to. 3.5.2 Challenges that were from an individual perspective 15 Transport means: I faced the problem of transport where I used to walk on foot to and from the work place while walking long distance. This was later solved by my brother who helped me tirelessly and hired for me a house a bit near the place of Field Attachment. Inadequate capital to finance my personal needs like paying water and electricity bills and others. Due to the fact that we were not accommodated at the place of field attachment, it became a challenge for the intern to finance her personal needs and this inconvenienced her in completing some tasks. This was solved by deciding to utilize the little resources the intern would be having especially water and reduced on electricity bills by reducing gadgets that use electricity like electric kettle, music system and ironing once in a while. Thieves at my work place of residence became a problem where they used to take my clothes even when they were still wet hanged outside. This was solved by becoming so mindful and taking serious responsibility and care of my property where I was forced to always enter into the room with my shoes or sandals to protect them from theft. , and also, I was forced to always wash clothes during weekend when am at home for the whole day, hang them out, sit and wait for them until they got dry. Hunger. (Eating once in a day) the intern used to eat once in a day due to lack of time to prepare lunch since she used to go for lunch when it was already 12:45 and yet by 2:00pm, she was supposed to be in the office. This was solved by persisting with the situation since the training was to last for only two months. 3.6 Benefits derived from Field Attachment. The trainee was able to meet and work with potential employees and other staff members like social workers and welfare officers thus socialization. Exposure to the demands and challenges of the work place like giving feedback in the appropriate time, reporting early enough at work and relating with different categories of people as well as performing the daily activities. The internship program helped the trainee to gain more confidence since I had to do different activities which at times had to be addressed to the different stakeholders at the district. The trainee acquired new knowledge and practical experience in the fields of communication and interpersonal skills among others that would help me in the future employment fields. The trainee got the opportunity to relate with different categories of people that are most likely to be met in real life situation i.e. Staff. 3.7 Adequacy in University’s preparing the student for Field Attachment The university internship coordinators issued out the internship letters in time which made me to prepare and look for an internship place. 16 I was briefed by the university coordinators before going for the training on matters like how the conduct myself professionally at the work place and ho to write a report by providing me with format and ensure ethical considerations while outside the university. The university made sure that the internship exercise was done as designed by sending the intern the university supervisor in time. 3.8 Preparedness of the agency to receive and manage students for Field Attachment The Agency was able to prepare to receive the students for field attachment as follows: The agency was able to prepare and send the intern an acceptance letter which enabled her to make thorough preparations to report for internship on the due date as it was indicated by the acceptance letter. The agency assigned the field supervisor who was able to provide the intern the necessary guidance and the academic information. The field supervisor assigned to the intern was able and willing to delegate and assign me duties and responsibilities. However, the agency was not prepared enough because the interns did not have enough office space and seats. CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.0 Introduction 17 This section elaborates the recommendations to the organization and the university, and the conclusion of the entire report. 4.1 Conclusions In conclusion the student benefited a lot in the field attachment in a way that the student managed to apply the theoretical knowledge from the university into practice through the many tasks the intern was instructed to do. The intern improved the skills like interpersonal, listening, writing skills, acting freely around the people, typing skills, recording, analytical skills, conflict management. The student learnt many lessons which included; working in teams, time management and how the working environment runs. The student got different ideas from different people at the organization and also through interacting with other interns from other universities and this contributed a lot on the knowledge and experience. Finally, internship was fun and therefore the student would encourage Bushenyi local government to continue giving students the opportunity to do their academic requirement of internship from their organization. 4.2 Recommendations: 4.2.1 To the Organization The intern recommends the organization to always group interns in smaller teams like the teams of utmost five as it would be easier for them to learn faster. The intern would also recommend the district to develop a simpler system that is not complicated and monitored just like IMEF for interns as this would ease their learning because they won’t be scared to try all they want in order to gain wider knowledge than the IMEF system where everything is monitored. 4.2.2 To the University The intern also recommends the university to provide incentives to the field supervisors because they do a lot of work in the process of taking the intern through the practical work which is very difficult for one to do this process repeatedly for free. For this reason, the intern thinks the university motivating different supervisors with some little payments might demand some favors on the side of the interns who may end up getting job opportunities in those organizations. The intern also recommends the university to increase on the number of visits the university supervisor makes to visit an intern from one to at least three times as this would increase supervision which is very helpful to the interns. 4.2.3 To the students 18 The students should apply in organizations which give them the opportunity to relate the theory part with the practical as the way it is done at BLG. The intern was able to participate in practical work at BLG and would therefore openly recommend other students to apply there. REFERENCES Makerere University field attachment guidelines 2018/2019 Local Government Act BLG Development Plan 2015-2020 BLG Annual Work Plan 2018/2019 National Development Plan 2010 19 APPENDICES Appendix 1: A MAP OF BUSHENYI DISTRICT 20 BUNYARUGURU N BUHWEJU KASYOHA-KITOMI FR BUNYARUGURU MASHONGA BITOOMA KALINZU FR KYAMUHUNGA BUHUMURO KYABUGIMBI NYANGA NYEIBINGO KITOJO KYAMUHUNGA SWAZI KAJUNJU KATUNGA KABINGO BUGAARA KAKANJU KAKANJU RUSHINYA NSHUMI NYARUGOOTE KYEIGOMBE KATIKAMWE KABAARE KIGOMA NYABUBARE NYABUBAARE WARD IV BIJENGYE RWENJERU MAZINGA WARD II BUSHENYI-ISHAKA TC KITWE WARD I KIZINDA WARD III RUTOOMA KAHUNGYE NKANGA NYAMIYAGA RUHARO KASHENYI KIBAARE BWERA BUMBAIRE Legend District Boundary County Boundary BUMBAIRE RYEISHE KIYAGA RUHINDA KYEIZOBA KARAARO BUYANJA KITAGATA NUMBA Sub county Boundary Parish Boundary KAINAMO Road 0 Appendix 2: WORK SCHEDULE INTERNSHIP WORKPLAN FROM 05th JUNE UP TO 26th JULY 2018 21 SHEEMA 5 10KM DURATION WEEK 1 ACTIVITY Reporting and Confirmation of my vacancy at Bushenyi Local Government Orientation into the organization and Briefing Reviewing the annual work plan, development plan and the organizational structure PURPOSE To confirm my internship placement at the district headquarters. To know the rules and regulations of Bushenyi Local Government. To know the historical background of the organization, culture and values and understand its structure. To be handed in to the planner Week2 Drafting copies of lists of administrative units for confirmation Week 3 Understanding and typing copies of three year rolling development plan 2019/2021 Typing part of the proposal To know district plans and get the information needed in the report To be presented to the planner Week 4 Downloading and analyzing the Final Indicative Planning Figures To understand how wages and salaries are within the district Week 5 Hosting the University Supervisor To ensure that the internship exercise is done as designed Understanding and using Program Budgeting Systems To understand how revenues of the district are collected and allocated. 22 REMARKS Orientation was successfully done This was successfully done using micro soft excel and I was well equipped with the skill of typing. It was well done with the help of the planner as he helped me to understand the plans of the district and how to do a proposal. It was well conducted at Bushenyi district with the aid and help of the planner who taught me how they those figures are downloaded and analyzed. It helped me to know and interact with my university supervisor and understood the incense of Field Attachment. It was successfully done with the help of the planner Week 6 Completion of the proposal Meeting and interacting with different people from different departments To be presented to the planner To gather information to use in report writing and also understand more about the organization and work environment. I got to know how to do proposals This helped me to get information to use in report writing and also gained knowledge about working environment. To be used by the planner in understanding the effects of Decentralization on economic welfare of people in Bushenyi This was successfully done and I gained a skill of typing and also the experience in doing proposals Week 7 Submission of the proposal Week 8 Drafting a business plan To be submitted to the planner Appendix 3: Internship placement letter 23 This was successful with the help of the population officer and was my last task of internship. Appendix 4: Introductory letter 24 25