Oil Refinery Project: Technical Report - Gothenburg

The oil refinery is an engineering manufacturing process used to produce
valuable products from crude oil such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel
fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas, jet fuel
and fuel oils based on operations of separation, conversion and treating.
Prepared by:
Mohammed Elshafey
Alexander Wasfy
Mahmoud Mohammed
Abdelrahman Eltegany
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Oil Refinery: ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Aspen energy analyzer: ............................................................................................................................. 3
Results and Discussion................................................................................................................................ 3
Oil Refinery:
The oil refinery is an engineering manufacturing process used to produce valuable products from crude
oil such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, liquefied
petroleum gas, jet fuel and fuel oils based on operations of separation, conversion and treating.
(Wikipedia, 2019) (Planete Energies, 2015)
In the separation stage, oil is heated at the bottom of a distillation column at 350 to 400°C until
vaporizing where the heavy molecules will remain at the bottom of the column according to their value
to be collected by sieve trays after condensation to liquids, and the gasses will rise at the top of the
column. (Planete Energies, 2015)
The left residuals will be recovered by using another stage of separation to produces diesel and heavy
fuels. The conversion process or catalytic cracking process at 500°C is used to produce lighter products
by using chemical reaction speed up catalyst such as hydrogen to convert 75% of the heavy products
into gas, gasoline, and diesel, the main challenge of this stage is balancing between costs of energy used
and required yield. (Planete Energies, 2015)
The final stage of the process is the treating process to reduce corrosive and air-polluting molecules in
the final products such as sulfur at 60 bar pressure and 370°C for diesel which is known also as
desulfurization. (Planete Energies, 2015)
Aspen energy analyzer:
The aspen energy analyzer is an energy management running software for carrying out optimal network
design of heat exchanger to get and apply the aim of minimizing the process energy to reduce operation
cost of the oil refining process as much as possible where operating cost is the main challenge of the oil
refinery process stages. (Aspentech, n.d.) (Planete Energies, 2015)
Results and Discussion
Figure 1: Composite curves based on the given process streams in the project statement
Figure 2:Grand composite curve based on the given process streams in the project statement
Figure 3: The Resulted Energy targets and pinch temperatures based on the given process streams in the project statement
Figure 4: Utility Streams used to achieve energy targets
Figure 5: Utility composite curve based on the selected utilities data
These two utilities were selected based on their ability to achieve the required energy targets without
losses of energy which means saving more costs.
Figure 6: HENs recommended designs
Figure 7: The Selected HEN
Choosing the suitable heat exchanger network design is based on its ability to minimize the total
operation cost and achieve the required energy targets, hence the recommended design 7 will be
selected, where the total operation cost will be 3.272 × 10−2 ⋰ 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑.