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Close-Up Marketing Project

A project work on
Submitted by
Name: Bishal Chaudhary
Registration No:
Roll.no: 178
Mrs. Aanima Bogati
Faculty of Marketing
This is to certify that Mr. Bishal Chaudhary of CANVAS INT’L College, Grade: XII, Section:
“E” has duly completed his project on the topic “Close-up” under the guidance of Mrs. Aanima
Bogati, as for the requirement for the requirement for class XII National Education Board Exam.
Date of submission: 2076/11/30
Mrs. Aanima Bogati
Faculty of Marketing
I hereby, declare that the work reported in this report entitled “Close-up” submitted to the
Marketing department of CANVAS INT’L College is my original work done in the form of
partial fulfillment of the requirement of National Education Board for the +2, under the
supervision of Aanima Bogati.
Student Name: Bishal Chaudhary
Roll No:178
Registration No:
Date: 2076/11/30
I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to my teacher mrs.Aanima Bogati.As
well as our principle Bharat sharma who gave me this golden opportunity to do this wonderful
project on the topic of ”CLOSE-UP”, which also help me in doing a lot of research and I come to
know about various information.
Secondly,I would like to thanks my parents for financial helps and support.as well as I would
like to thank my friend who help me in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
Table of Contents
Introduction of Marketing ....................................................................................................... 7
A. Importance of Marketing to customer.................................................................................. 7
Custom Satisfaction : .................................................................................................................... 7
Provide Information :.................................................................................................................... 7
Selection Facility: ......................................................................................................................... 7
Raise in Living Standard : .............................................................................................................. 8
B. Importance of Marketing to the Firm................................................................................... 8
Business Planning & Decision Making : ........................................................................................ 8
Source of Revenue : ...................................................................................................................... 8
Increase in Goodwill : ................................................................................................................... 8
Mass Distribution :........................................................................................................................ 9
C. Importance of marketing to the society ............................................................................... 9
Provide employment opportunity : .............................................................................................. 9
Optimum Utilization of Resources :.............................................................................................. 9
Bears Social Responsibilities : ....................................................................................................... 9
Poverty Eradication : .................................................................................................................... 9
Closeup .................................................................................................................................. 10
A. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 10
B. History................................................................................................................................ 11
C. Achievements ..................................................................................................................... 12
D. Brand Values ...................................................................................................................... 12
E. Recents Developments ....................................................................................................... 13
Marketing Mix ................................................................................................................... 13
Product : ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Price : .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Place :.......................................................................................................................................... 14
Promotion : ................................................................................................................................. 15
G. Market Analysis of Consumer Behavior toward Toothpastes ........................................... 15
Occupation :................................................................................................................................ 16
Differents Brands of Toothpaste : .............................................................................................. 16
H. Market Analysis For Closeup ............................................................................................ 17
Gender : ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Occupation :................................................................................................................................ 17
Brand Consciousness : ................................................................................................................ 18
Satisfaction : ............................................................................................................................... 18
Price Analysis : ............................................................................................................................ 19
Quality Analysis :......................................................................................................................... 19
vii. Consumption Period : ................................................................................................................. 20
viii. Attraction Modes : ...................................................................................................................... 20
Recommendations and Findings ........................................................................................ 21
Recommendations : .................................................................................................................... 21
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 21
K. Bipliography ...................................................................................................................... 22
1. Introduction of Marketing
The activity of buying and selling goods or service is called marketing.But in this modern
age the meaning and scop of marketing is not limited only to buying and selling goods.
According to Dennis Adock”Marketing is the right product,in right place,at the right
time,at the right price.
According to Philip Kotler”Marketing is the social process by which individual and
groups obtained what they need and wants through creating and exchanging products and
values with others”.
A. Importance of Marketing to customer
Marketing helps customer to satisfy there needs and wants.if facilities customer to select
wide varities of goods and services to fulfill there needs and wants.the importance of
marketing to the customer are as follows:
Custom Satisfaction :
Marketing gives higher priority to the customer satisfaction. It provide varieties of
product to meet their needs and demands wherever and whatever they want. It choose
suitable channel of distribution for the availability of goods and service at reasonable
price in the market.
Provide Information :
Marketing provides various informations about different companies, there products,
services, quality, using methods, it’s advantages and disadvantages, etc. Marketing
helps in increasing the knowledge of customers through Sales Promotion,
Advertisement, Publicity, etc.
Selection Facility:
In todays market’s similar types of products are produced by different companies.
Marketing has provided and opportunity for customers to select goods and services
according to there need wants and interest. They can select wide range of product or
services of any quality, brand, price, etc. whatever they like.
Raise in Living Standard :
Marketing helps to improve lifestyle and living standard of consumer/customer.
Consumer lifestyle and living standard Raise high when they can get and used
products & sevices which they need and want this helps to promote customer’s status.
Pestrige and respect of people in society.
B. Importance of Marketing to the Firm
Business Planning & Decision Making :
A business firm can survive and successed only if it takes right decision at right time.
Firms required accuried complete and reliable information about various aspects of
computer that i.e, Consumer needs and wants and market to make plan and proper
Source of Revenue :
Although many activities are essential to a company’s growth and expansion
marketing is one of the activities which include production of goods and many other
supportive function.
Increase in Goodwill :
Marketing helps firm to established favourable exchange relationship with the
customer. Firms most provide light product and main it available at the right place,
right price and distribute through the correct channel of distribution. Satisfied
customers become very effective medium of advertisement of the firm as a result the
reputation and the goodwill of the firm increases.
Mass Distribution :
In modern age, goods and services are produced in mass scale. Marketing helps
organization to distribute those products through effective channel of distributing that
i.e, agents.
C. Importance of marketing to the society
Provide employment opportunity :
The continuous marketing activity is required for performing various marketing
functions such as buying, selling, transportation, financing, warehousing, etc. Each
function has countless job openings. It is a continuous sources of employment and
provides livelihood of various umemployed person.
Optimum Utilization of Resources :
Marketing helps to utilize the different resources such as natural, financial (capital,
money), physical (land, building, machinery, equipment and human resources) in the
society. Marketing plays a crucial role in economic development of any country.
Bears Social Responsibilities :
Marketing bears various social responsibilities it involves in different activities to
meet social interest. For example : it takes necessary measures to control pollution,
take parts and helps in various social and religious works provide employment.
Poverty Eradication :
Marketing plays a decisive role in eliminating poverty from the society by providing
employment, increasing investment. Proper development of agriculture & industry
helps to increase investment in economic where all the products & goods can be made
available anywhere or everywhere which can be sold out easily.
2. Closeup
A. Introduction
Our project report is based on the consumer behavior towards toothpaste. In which we
select the brand Close up that is the product of Unilever. Unilever is one of the world's
greatest consumer goods companies. Unilever Pakistan Limited was established some
fifty years ago in the then newly created Pakistan. The town of Rahim Yar Khan was the
site chosen for setting up a vegetable oil factory in 1958 and that is where the first
manufacturing facility was developed. Today, Unilever Pakistan is a force to reckon with.
Its contribution to Pakistan's economic development cannot be overestimated. Now
operating five factories at different locations around the country, the company contributes
a significant proportion of the country's taxes. It employs a large number of local
managers and workers. It provides a pool of well-trained and highly motivated manpower
to other segments of the company and has introduced new and innovative technologies
into the country. It is dedicated to great brands that help people look good, feel good and
get more out of life. At the same time it's a company that tries to act responsibly towards
its communities and the environment. The aim is to add vitality to life. It's a big ambition,
but it's always been right at the heart of our business. Close-Up® debuted in 1967 as a
clear red gel with a spicy cinnamon taste and mouthwash right in the toothpaste. A
unique brand identity was developed, with Close-Up® positioned as the toothpaste that
gives people confidence in those very "up close and personal" situations. It strongly
appealed to who consumers liked the idea of toothpaste that could give them fresh breath,
white teeth and, subsequently, a little extra selfconfidence. Close-up is the first to
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combine toothpaste and mouthwash in one and not only freshens breath and whitens
teeth, it also contains fluoride to help prevent cavities. That's the Close-Up feeling, the
feeling of being your best!
B. History
In the early 1970s, Colgate was king – to the extent of being generic to the toothpaste
category. Family health brands were the order of the day, with players like Cibaca,
Forhans, Promise and Signal. Clearly, there was ample space for creating pleasure
benefits in this health-dominated scenario. In 1975 Closeup was test marketed in select
towns at a 43% price premium over Colgate. It was the first Toothpaste + Mouthwash
product, the marriage of which was a red, transparent gel. The tests generated positive
response and five years later, the brand was rolled out nationally. In communication, the
brand projected a westernized up market urban imagery, where the protagonists enjoyed
the dual benefits of fresh breath and shiny white teeth. The launch garnered a modest but
promising share of 4%. Further, in a strategic move to increase the brand’s relevance
credentials, a user/non-user format was employed. This period also witnessed the creation
of the most memorable audio-visual burrs – the protagonist’s self-check for breath
freshness by blowing out ‘ha-ha’. When he smiled a sparkle would appear on his teeth
accompanied with a distinct ‘ting’ sound. The consumers were also assured of the dogoodness of the product when they saw a medicinal looking bottle pouring mouthwash
into the gel. Flavour variants (blue and green) for enhanced whiteness and fresh breath
were introduced to keep the interest alive on fresher breath and whiter teeth. These
variants again pushed the boundaries of visual discontinuity – attractive looking and great
tasting pastes, clear gels with coloured granules, green gel with suspended oxygen
bubbles. However these variants failed to excite the consumers enough to induce repeat
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C. Achievements
Closeup has truly been a challenger brand in the toothpaste market. Its biggest
achievement has been its ability to carve out a distinct, differentiated segment. When
launched in the 1970s, Closeup was the first gel toothpaste in Pakistan and the first
toothpaste with mouthwash. For the first time, people had the option to brush with
transparent, shiny, bright red toothpaste. For the first time, too, toothpaste tasted good –
spicy clove and icy mouthwash. Closeup emancipated mornings from their boring white
toothpaste routines. While others offered cavity control and strong teeth, Closeup offered
the cosmetic benefits of superior fresh breath and shiny white teeth. This was based on a
strong and relevant consumer insight that people are conscious of how their breath smells
only when they are up close – especially with the opposite sex. With the dual benefits of
fresh breath and white teeth, the brand allowed people to get over their insecurity of bad
breath and get closer to each other. Closeup didn’t just promise the young romantics
fresher breath and whiter teeth, it also promised them the confidence to get up close to
the person that mattered the most. Closeup appropriated the world of happy smiles, of
happy couples having fun together. Consistent communication in this genre helped create
a distinct, aspirational imagery for the brand that has remained strong over time. Say ‘gel’
and people will say Closeup. Mention ‘red, shiny paste’ and people will say Closeup.
Talk about ‘confidence, youth and romance’ and the answer is Close up again. This brand
has remained singularly focused and clear: the red gel, young people, close-ups of
refreshing breath and overall, the confidence that’s eternally desirable amongst outwardlooking people in a growing nation.
D. Brand Values
Disruptive, differentiated, emotional, energetic, focused are Close-up’s signature
qualities. While the product upholds the value of balancing pleasure and performance, the
brand operates on the values of innovation and authenticity. Operating in the emotional
arena of confidence, the brand essentially aims at owning the cause of ‘empowerment’.
By delivering the desired oral state, the brand endeavors to be the shot in the arm for a
person’s self-confidence.
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E. Recents Developments
This is a category characterized by low involvement, large amounts of flirting between
brands and family choice – which means that there’s just one tube for the whole family.
Lack of individual choice creates a big challenge for a brand that’s positioned on
individual need. The best advertisements ever on the brand, where the high ground of the
fresher breath benefit has been portrayed with the thought that when the Close up guy
opens his mouth, magic begins to happen. This again is a melodious foot tapping
advertisement that is on the lips of all, young and old.
F. Marketing Mix
Product :
In an industry where technology has almost come to a stand still and toothpaste is just
toothpaste, the one big strength of Closeup is its distinctive product. In a world of
white pastes, Closeup owns the mind space of bright red gels. While white pastes use
calcium carbonate, Closeup gel uses silica as its base. Silica is considered a more
efficient abrasive and an ingredient that’s non-reactive to other elements, in the
formulation – like flavours or actives. Close up is offering the following five types of
toothpaste in market:
1. Close up (Crystal with soft blue granules)
2. Close up (Lemmon mint)
3. Close up (Menthol chill)
4. Close up (Red hot)
5. Close up (White teeth fresh breath)
6. Close up (Milk Calcium nutrient)
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Price :
Quantity & Prices
130 grams
75 grams
Close up (Crystal with soft blue granules) Rs 55
Rs 35
Rs 15
Close up (Lemmon mint)
Rs 55
Rs 35
Rs 15
Close up (Menthol chill)
Rs 55
Rs 35
Rs 15
Close up (Red hot)
Rs 55
Rs 35
Rs 15
Close up (White teeth fresh breath)
Rs 55
Rs 35
Rs 15
Place :
• Close up is easily available at every retail store & super store.
• Their target market is people of every age group including children, teenagers & old
• Mainly it appeals more to youngsters, teenagers.
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Promotion :
For promotion of their products they use certain channels:
• TV advertisement
• Newspapers
• Magazines
• Radio…etc
Closeup advertisements are much awaited for they paint a beautiful world of fun and
youthfulness, free of day-to-day worries. Closeup advertising is the all-song, alldance.
G. Market Analysis of Consumer Behavior toward Toothpastes
We conducted the survey through questioners to analyze the market and consumer
behavior towards toothpaste. The results are shown below with the help of graphs.
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Occupation :
63% questioners filled by students, 22% by employees,10% by house wives and 5%
by people related to different occupation. This shows that most of our research is
based on students age group between 15 years to 25 years.
Differents Brands of Toothpaste :
This graph depicts about the consumption of different toothpaste in the market. That
shows Colgate is used 37%, close up is 24%, macleans is 17%. Overall Colgate is the
market leader in toothpastes and close up is the second largest brand consume in
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H. Market Analysis For Closeup
Gender :
This diagram shows the consumption of Close up with respect to gender.
Occupation :
This shows the ratio that 75%students, 20.8% employees and 4.2% house wives are
using Close up.
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Brand Consciousness :
This diagram is related to that how much persons are brand conscious towards Close
up. As the result shows 42% are brand conscious and 58% are not.
Satisfaction :
This shows that 96% people are satisfied with the use of Close up.
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Price Analysis :
83% people are saying in term of quality the prices of Close up are Fair and
reasonable while 17% are saying it is Expensive.
Quality Analysis :
67% people agreed that according to price the Quality of Close up is good, 29%
saying it is satisfactory and 4% are saying it is not satisfied.
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Consumption Period :
This diagram shows that since how long people are using close up continuously.
viii. Attraction Modes :
This shows how people get attracted toward Close up.
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I. Recommendations and Findings
After analyzing the market for consumption of Close up we find that;
• Close up is the second largest brand in Karachi consumed by different groups of people.
• Close up is more used by females than males.
• Close up is more popular in youngsters like students, teenagers etc.
• Close up is not the market leader in Karachi /Pakistan its because of not much promoted
as Colgate.
• Although close up is not the market leader but still people have very good image of it
and it has the potential to become a Market leader.
Recommendations :
• As to lead the market it should be promoted more and more mainly through TV
• Unilever should review its marketing strategy to compete with its major
• Close up should adopt some promotional offers as well.
J. Conclusion
From our market analysis of consumer behavior toward tooth paste we get the results that
CLOSE UP is holding the second position in market after Colgate. Brushing your teeth at
least twice a day is the best way to keep your teeth healthy and fresh. Using Close-Up®
gives you the confidence to be 'upclose and very personal' to that special person or people
in your life Brushing with Close-Up starts with a blast of flavor that you can actually feel
freshening your breath. As you brush, Close-Up gets your teeth cleaner, whiter and
brighter, so you're ready to smile, ready to laugh . . . ready for anything! Close-up is the
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first to combine toothpaste and mouthwash in one and not only freshens breath and
whitens teeth, it also contains fluoride to help prevent cavities. That's the Close-Up
feeling, the feeling of being your best!
K. Bipliography
Bordwell, David; Thompson, Kristin (2006). Film Art: An Introduction. New York: McGrawHill. ISBN 0-07-331027-1.
The End
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