Cloud Security 2. Security Frameworks 2. Security Frameworks 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 SecurityArchitectures The Jericho Forum & Cloud SecurityAlliance Security Benefits Summary Cloud Security Cloud Computing – Key Drivers Lowered costof ownership: Efficiency of resources: • Cloud computing virtualization technology can increase the utilization percentage of resources owing to time sharing • Lowercapital expenditure • Pay for what you use • Repair & maintenance savings • Software and license purchase savings • Physical space savings Increased business agility: • Highlyautomated-easy/ fast to deploy • Ability to combine& create customized services instantly • Resilience achieved through ultra-redundant architecture • Potential as inexpensive, virtual disaster recovery solution Increased efficiency of resources Increased business agility Drivers • Scalable servicesand applications Disaster recovery capabilities: • Collaborating/sharing made easier between disparate offices, remote workers, and suppliers Lowered cost of ownershi p Better disaster recovery capabilitie s Informatio n ubiquity • Reduces companies consumption ofenergy and need for multiple data centers Information ubiquity: • Computing delivered as a borderless utility — applications live in a variety of locations,data flows cross geographic boundaries, allowing ease of access todata • Accessibility from anywhere via Internet • 24X7 availability to applications &services from anywhere 2.1 Security Architectures ArchitecturalApproaches Authentication System life-cycleprocesses Support stability /flexibility Strategic Convey understanding of security controls Authorisation Administration Qualities Manage complexity Relationship to wider IT architecture What are the benefits of using architectural principles when implementing systems? 4 Risk Management Audit Asset Protection Assurance Availability TOGAF 9.2 – Areas of concern for the security architect Cloud Security 2.1 Security Architectures TOGAF 9.2 Authentication: The substantiation of the identity of a person or entity related to the enterprise or system in some way. Authorization: The definition and enforcement of permitted capabilities for a person or entity whose identity has been established. Audit: The ability to provide forensic data attesting that the systems have been used in accordance with stated security policies. Assurance: The ability to test and prove that the enterprise architecture has the security attributes required to uphold the stated security policies. Availability: The ability of the enterprise to function without service interruption or depletion despite abnormal or malicious events. Asset Protection: The protection of information assets from loss or unintended disclosure, and resources from unauthorized and unintended use. Administration: The ability to add and change security policies, add or change how policies are implemented in the enterprise, and add or change the persons or entities related to thesystems. Risk Management: The organization's attitude and tolerance for risk. (This risk management is different from the special definition found in financial markets and insurance institutions that have formal risk management departments.) See 5 Cloud Security 2.1 Security Architectures Other SecurityArchitectures & Models System Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM) 6 • This is an adaptation of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) from Carnegie Melon University • Highlights the importance of security across all aspects of systems engineering • The international standard ISO/IEC21827 is based on SSECMM Cloud Security 2.1 Security Architectures Other SecurityArchitectures & Models ISO 27001 – ISO 27006 This is a series of international standards for informationsecurity European Network and Information Security Agency(ENISA) Have published a number of important documents regarding cloud computing and security issues relating to cloud computing 7 Cloud Security IBM brary/enterprise-architecture-financialsector/index.html 2.1 Security Architectures Other SecurityArchitectures & Models National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 9 Numerous documents Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems Information Security Handbook:A Guide for Managers Cloud Security 2.1 Security Architectures Cloud Computing Reference Models Cloud Security Alliance(CSA) TCI (Trusted Cloud Initiative) ReferenceArchitecture Draws on other references and sources such as TOGAF,the Jericho Forum etc. Security Guidance for CriticalAreasof Focus in Cloud Computing v4.0 See 10 Cloud Security 2.2 The Jericho Forum ‘De-perimeterisation is simply the concept of architecting security for the extended business boundary and not an arbitrary IT boundary.’ [Business rationale for de-perimeterisation, The JerichoForum] DE-PERIMETERISE!!!! See 11 Cloud Security 2.2 The Jericho Forum De-Perimiterisation A de-perimiterisedfuture? Today there are key indicators that every organisation will be seeing within their business that indicate a de-perimeterised future: •The increasing mismatch of the (legal) business border and the network perimeter as business becomes more integrated and their relationships less clear • Business demanding to interconnect systems directly where B2B relationships exist •The need to have good network connectivity and access to all organisations with whom you have a business relationship • Distributed /shared applications across business relationships •Increasing number of applications using technology that bypasses firewall security at the perimeter (typically using Web-based techniques that can legitimately traverse the perimeter) •Increasing inability of traditional firewall and other network perimeter controls to combat malware that uses Web and e-Mail basedtechniques [Business rationale for de-perimeterisation,The Jericho Forum] 12 Cloud Security 2.2 The Jericho Forum The Cloud Cube Model &SOA (Service Virtualisation) The Jericho Forum have published a documententitled ‘Cloud Cube Model: Selecting Cloud Formations for Secure Collaboration’ Focused on enabling secure business collaboration using different cloud formations The Jericho Forum promote a Collaboration Oriented Architecture See 13 Cloud Security 2.2 The Jericho Forum The Cloud Cube Model Outsourced/Insourced:Who is running your cloud? Internal/External: Where does the cloud exist? Perimeterised/Deperimeterised: Based on traditional IT perimeter security or COA? Proprietary/O pen:How interoperable is the technology? 14 Cloud Security 2.2 At a Glance 15 Cloud Security 2.2 The Jericho Forum Association with CSA The Jericho Forum have collaborated on the development of the CSA Guidelines v3.0 Further collaborationactivities 16 Cloud Security 2.2 The STAR Initiative The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has launched the Security,Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR ) initiative at the end of 2011.The CSA STAR is the first step in improving transparency and assurance in the cloud.The CSA Security,Trust & Assurance Registry (STAR) is a publicly accessible registry that documents the security controls provided by various cloud computing offerings, thereby helping users assess the security of cloud providers they currently use or are considering contracting with. The objective and mission of CSA STAR are improving trust in the cloud and ICT market by offering transparency and assurance. STAR wants to give response to the need of different categories of cloud customers and providers, from those with low risk profile and simple compliance requirements to those organizations with highrisk profile and complex governance structure 17 Cloud Security 2.2 The STAR Initiative 18 Cloud Security 2.2 The CCM – CSA Controls The Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) isspecifically designed to provide fundamental security principles to guide cloud vendors and to assist prospective cloud customers in assessing the overall security risk of a cloud provider.The CSA CCM provides a controls framework that gives detailed understanding of security concepts and principles that are aligned to the Cloud Security Alliance guidance in 13 domains. The foundations of the Cloud Security Alliance Controls Matrix rest on its customized relationship to other industry-accepted security standards,regulations, and controls frameworks such as the ISO 27001/27002, ISACA COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies), PCI, NIST, Jericho Forum and NERC CIP and will augment or provide internal control direction for service organization control reports attestations provided by cloud providers.As a framework, the CSA CCM provides organizations with the needed structure, detail and clarity relating to information security tailored to the cloud industry. 19 Cloud Security 2.2 The Jericho Forum & CSA CSA ReferenceArchitecture T C I ReferenceArchitecture Model 20 Cloud Security 2.2 The Jericho Forum CSA ReferenceArchitecture 21 Cloud Security Regulatory and compliance requirements are not optional Multi-Tier Cloud Security Framework is an addition to the growing list ofRegulatory requirements related to CloudComputing Canada Federal/Provincial PIPEDA,FOIPPA, PIPA EuropeanUnion EU Data ProtectionDirective and Member States Data Protection Laws U.S. Federal GLBA, HIPAA, COPPA, Do Not Call, Safe Harbor, Red Flags South Korea Act on Promotion of Information and CommunicationsNetwork Utilization and Data Protection Japan Personal Information ProtectionAct Hong Kong PersonalData Privacy Ordinance Numerous State Laws Breach Notification 39 Statesfrom CA to NY Taiwan ComputerProcessed Personal Data ProtectionLaw Chile Law forthe Protection of Private Life Philippines Data Privacy Lawproposed by ITECC Argentina Personal Data Protection Law, Confidentialityof InformationLaw New Zealand Privacy Act South Africa Electronic Communications and Transactions Act India Law pending currentlyunder discussion Australia Federal Privacy Amendment Bill State Privacy Bills in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, new emailspam and privacy regulations Cross Certification Framework (CCF) 1. Information Security Management 2. HumanResources 3. RiskManagement 4. Third Party 5. Legal & Compliance 6. Incident Management 7. Data Governance 8. Audit Logging & monitoring 9. Security Configuration 10. Security Testing& monitoring 11. System Acquisition& Development 12. Encryption 13. Physical & Environmental Security 14. Operations 15. Change Management 16. BCP & DR 17. Cloud services Administration 18. Cloud User Access 19. Tenancy &Customer Isolation 20. Disclosure 22 1. Compliance 2. Data Governance 3. Facility Security 4. Human Resources Security 5. Information Security 6. Legal 7. Operations Management 8. Risk Management 9. Release Management 10. Resiliency 11. Security Architecture • Gap analysis ofMTCSagainst ISO27k & CSA • Details of the additional steps that CSPs must take to get MTCS when they alreadyhave ISO27k or CSAOCF 1. 2. 3. 4. Security Policy Organization Asset Management HumanResource Security 5. Physical Security 6. Communications & Operations Management 7. InformationSystems Development 8. Access Control 9. Incident Management 10. Business Continuity 11. Compliance • Certification Renewal, Maintenance &Revocation • Deployment plan – phased approach, pilots,grandfathering, exemptions etc. 2.3 Security Benefits Let’s have a look atENISA 24 Cloud Security 2.4 Summary SecurityArchitectures The Jericho Forum & CSA Security Benefits 25 Cloud Security