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Chemical Foundation of Life: Biology Presentation

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Atoms are the building blocks of molecules found in the universe—air, soil, water, rocks . . .
and also the cells of all living organisms. In this model of an organic molecule, the atoms of
carbon (black), hydrogen (white), nitrogen (blue), oxygen (red), and sulfur (yellow) are shown
in proportional atomic size. The silver rods indicate chemical bonds. (credit: modification of
work by Christian Guthier)
Start With Atoms
Atoms are the smallest unit of an element that contains all the
properties of that element
Atoms are the building blocks of all substances
Atoms are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons
Atomic Particles
• The atomic nucleus contains protons and neutrons
• Protons (p+) have a positive charge
• Neutrons (n) have no charge
• Electrons (e-) have a negative charge and move around
outside of the nucleus
Atomic Structure
Characteristics of Atoms
• Atomic number = the number of protons in the
atomic nucleus; is constant and determines the element
• Elements consist only of atoms with the same atomic
• Mass number
• Total # of protons and neutrons in a nucleus
• Used to identify isotopes
Isotopes and Radioisotopes
• Isotopes
• Atoms of the same element, with different numbers of
• Some radioactive isotopes are used in research and medical
applications as tracers
• Tracer
• Any molecule with a detectable substance attached
Carbon has an atomic number of six, and two stable isotopes with
mass numbers of twelve and thirteen, respectively. Its atomic mass is
Periodic Table of the Elements
Why Electrons Matter
• Atoms may gain, share, or lose/donate
• Whether and how an atom will interact
with other atoms depends on how many
electrons it has
The Bohr model was developed by Niels Bohrs in 1913. In this model,
electrons exist within principal shells. An electron normally exists in the lowest
energy shell available, which is the one closest to the nucleus. Energy from a
photon of light can bump it up to a higher energy shell, but this situation is
unstable, and the electron quickly decays back to the ground state. In the
process, a photon of light is released.
The s subshells are shaped like spheres. Both the 1n and 2n principal shells have an s
orbital, but the size of the sphere is larger in the 2n orbital. Each sphere is a single
orbital. p subshells are made up of three dumbbell-shaped orbitals. Principal shell 2n
has a p subshell, but shell 1 does not.
Atom Interactions
• The shell model of electron orbitals diagrams electron
vacancies; filled from inside out
• First shell: one orbital (2 electrons)
• Second shell: four orbitals (8 electrons)
• Third shell: four orbitals (8 electrons)
• Atoms that lack full outer shells tend to give
up, acquire, or share electrons
A The first shell corresponds to the first
energy level, and it can hold up to 2
electrons. Hydrogen has one proton, so
it has 1 electron and 1 vacancy. A
helium atom has 2 protons, 2 electrons,
and no vacancies. The number of
protons in each model is shown.
B The second shell corresponds to
the second energy level, and it can
hold up to 8 electrons. Carbon has 6
protons, so its first shell is full. Its
second shell has 4 electrons, and
four vacancies. Oxygen has 8
protons and two vacancies. Neon has
10 protons and no vacancies.
first shell
second shell
C The third shell, which corresponds
to the third energy level, can hold up to
8 electrons. A sodium atom has 11
protons, so its first two shells are full; third shell
the third shell has one electron. Thus,
sodium has seven vacancies. Chlorine
has 17 pro tons and one vacancy.
Argon has 18 protons and no
1 proton
1 electron
hydrogen (H)
helium (He)
carbon (C)
oxygen (O)
sodium (Na)
chlorine (Cl)
neon (Ne)
argon (Ar)
Stepped Art
Figure 2-5 p26
Chemical Bond
An attractive force existing between two
atoms when their outermost (valence)
electrons interact
Molecule = two or more atoms joined in chemical
bonds Example: molecular oxygen (O2)
Compounds = molecules consisting of two or more
elements whose proportions do not vary
Example: water (H2O)
The Water Molecule…a compound
one oxygen atom
two hydrogen atoms
Types of Bonds
The three most common types of bonds in
biological molecules:
1. Ionic
2. Covalent
3. Hydrogen bonds
Ionic Bond
A strong mutual attraction between two
oppositely charges ions with a large
difference in electronegativity (no electron
• Example: NaCl (table salt)
Ions and Electronegativity
• Ion
• An atom with a positive or negative charge due to loss or
gain of electrons in its outer shell
Examples: Na+ a cation; Cl- an anion
+ ions are cations; - ions are anions
• Electronegativity
A measure of an atom’s attraction for its electrons
electron loss
electron gain
charge: 0
charge: 0
charge: +1
charge: –1
Figure 2-6 p27
Ionic Bond: Sodium Chloride
ionic bond
Sodium ion
11p+, 10e–
Chloride ion
17p+, 18e–
Sodium Chloride = Table Salt
Cl– Na+
a Polar Molecule
Covalent Bonds
• Two atoms sharing a pair of electrons
• Can be stronger than ionic bonds
• Atoms can share one, two, or three
pairs of electrons (single, double, or
triple covalent bonds)
molecular hydrogen (H2)
molecular oxygen (O2)
water (H2O)
Figure 2-9 p29
Types of Covalent Bonds
Nonpolar covalent bond
• Atoms sharing electrons equally; formed between
atoms with similar electronegativity
• CH4 Methane
Polar covalent bond
• Atoms with different electronegativity do not share
electrons equally; one atom has a more negative
charge, the other is more positive
• H2O Water
Polarity of the Water Molecule
negative charge
positive charge
Whether a molecule is polar or nonpolar depends both on bond type and molecular
shape. Both water and carbon dioxide have polar covalent bonds, but carbon dioxide is
linear, so the partial charges on the molecule cancel each other out.
Table 2-1 p29
Take-Home Message:
How do atoms interact in chemical bonds?
• A chemical bond forms between atoms when their electrons
• A chemical bond may be ionic or covalent depending on the
atoms taking part in it
• An ionic bond is a strong mutual attraction between two ions
of opposite charge
• Atoms share a pair of electrons in a covalent bond; when the
atoms share electrons unequally, the bond is polar
Hydrogen Bonding
• A weak attraction between a highly
electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom
taking part in a separate polar covalent
• Hydrogen bonds do not form molecules and
are not true chemical bonds
• Hydrogen bonds stabilize the structures of
large biological molecules (proteins, DNA)
Hydrogen Bonds and Water
Overall, water (H2O) has no charge
The water molecule is polar
• Oxygen atom is slightly negative
• Hydrogen atoms are slightly positive
Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules
• Gives water unique properties
a hydrogen bond
Figure 2-11a p31
Figure 2-11b p31
Figure 2-11c p31
Water’s Special Properties
• Living organisms are mostly water; all the
chemical reactions of life are carried out in
• Water is essential to life because of its unique
• The properties of water are a result of
extensive hydrogen bonding among water
1. Cohesion/Adhesion
Molecules resist separation from one another
Hydrogen bonds give water cohesion
• Provides surface tension
• Draws water up from roots to the top of plants
Water Cohesion and Surface Tension
The weight of the needle is pulling the surface downward; at the same time, the surface
tension is pulling it up, suspending it on the surface of the water and keeping it from
sinking. Notice the indentation in the water around the needle. (credit: Cory Zanker)
Capillary action in a glass
tube is caused by the
adhesive forces exerted by
the internal surface of the
glass exceeding the
cohesive forces between
the water molecules
(credit: modification of work by
Pearson-Scott Foresman, donated to the Wikimedia Foundation)
2. Temperature Stability
Temperature is a measure of
molecular motion
Water has a high specific heat
3. Polar Solvent
• Solvent
• A substance (usually liquid) that can dissolve
other substances (solutes)
• The collective strength of water’s many hydrogen
bonds pulls ions apart (dissociation) and keeps
them dissolved
Water dissolves polar molecules
Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules and
other polar molecules
• Polar molecules dissolved by water are
hydrophilic (water-loving)
• Nonpolar molecules not dissolved by water are
hydrophobic (water fearing)
When table salt (NaCl) is mixed in water, spheres of
hydration are formed around the ions. The sodium
chloride molecule dissociates into separate sodium and
chloride ions.
Oil and water do not mix. As this macro image of oil and
water shows, oil does not dissolve in water but forms
droplets instead. This is due to it being a nonpolar
(credit: Gautam Dogra).
Take-Home Message:
What gives water the
special properties that make life possible?
• The polarity of a water molecule gives rise to extensive
hydrogen bonding among water molecules
• Hydrogen bonding among water molecules imparts cohesion
to liquid water, and the ability to stabilize temperature and
dissolve many substances
Acids and Bases
• pH is a measure of the number of hydrogen ions in a solution
• The more hydrogen ions, the lower the pH
• pH 7 is neutral (pure water)
• Most biological processes occur within a narrow range of
pH, typically around pH 7
• Concentration refers to the amount of a particular solute that
is dissolved in a given volume of fluid
battery acid
gastric fluid
more acidic
acid rain
lemon juice
orange juice
tomatoes, wine
black coffee
urine, tea, typical rain
pure water
blood, tears
egg white
— 10
hand soap
milk of magnesia
— 11
household ammonia
— 12
— 13
— 14
more basic
baking soda
hair remover
oven cleaner
drain cleaner
Figure 2-12 p32
Biological Reactions Occur In Water
• Water molecules (H2O) can separate into hydrogen ions
(H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-)
+ OH-
Acids and Bases
• Acids donate hydrogen ions in a water solution
• pH below 7
• Bases accept hydrogen ions in a water solution
• pH above 7
• Salt
• A compound that dissolves easily in water and releases
ions other than H+ and OH-
HCl (acid) + NaOH (base) → NaCl (salt) + H20
Buffers Against Shifts in pH
• Buffer
• A set of chemicals (a weak acid or base and its salt) that
can keep the pH of a solution stable
OH- + H2CO3 (carbonic acid) →
HCO3- (bicarbonate) + H20
H+ + HCO3- (bicarbonate) →
H2CO3 (carbonic acid)
This diagram shows the body’s buffering of blood pH levels. The blue arrows show the
process of raising pH as more CO2 is made. The purple arrows indicate the reverse
process: the lowering of pH as more bicarbonate is created.
Take Home Message: Why is hydrogen
important in biological systems?
• pH reflects the number of hydrogen ions in a fluid. Most
biological systems function properly only within a narrow
range of pH
• Acids release hydrogen ions in water; bases accept them
• Salts release ions other than H+ and OH–
• Buffers help keep pH stable. Inside organisms, they are part
of homeostasis
Carbon – The Stuff of Life
• Organic molecules are complex molecules of life, built on a
framework of carbon atoms
• Carbohydrates
• Lipids
• Proteins
• Nucleic acids
• All molecules of life are built with carbon atoms
Carbon – The Stuff of Life
• Carbon atoms can be assembled and remodeled into many
organic compounds
• Carbon can bond with one, two, three, or four other atoms
• Carbon can form polar or nonpolar bonds
• Carbon can form chains or rings
Methane has a tetrahedral geometry, with each of the four hydrogen atoms spaced
109.5° apart.
Molecules that have the same number
and type of atoms arranged differently
are called isomers.
(a) Structural isomers have a different
covalent arrangement of atoms.
(b) Geometric isomers have a different
arrangement of atoms around a
double bond.
(c) Enantiomers are mirror images of
each other.
D-alanine and L-alanine are examples of enantiomers or mirror images. Only the Lforms of amino acids are used to make proteins.
Representing Structures
of Organic Molecules
• Ball-and-stick models show
positions of atoms in three
dimensions; elements are
coded by color
From Structure to Function
• The function of organic molecules in biological systems
begins with their structure
• The building blocks of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and
nucleic acids bond together in different arrangements to form
different kinds of complex molecules
• Any process in which a molecule changes is called a reaction
Assembling Complex Molecules
• Monomers (one unit)
• Molecules used as subunits to build larger molecules
• Polymers (many units or monomers)
• Larger molecules that are chains of monomers
What Cells Do to Organic Compounds
• Metabolism
• Activities by which cells acquire and use energy to
construct, rearrange, and split organic molecules
• Allows cells to live, grow, and reproduce
• Requires enzymes (proteins that increase the speed of
The functional groups shown here are
found in many different biological