Uploaded by Sarah Janisch

3D Model Medicinal Chemistry Evaluation Rubric

Evaluator: _____________________
3D Model Medicinal Chemistry
Evaluatee: _____________________
Student Presentation Version
Engineering Design
Overall Model
The model has few
creative aspects, is not
personalized and has
little of no unique
The model has some
creative aspects and
personalization’s, and
has a few unique details.
The model is clearly
creative and
personalized and
includes details unique
to the features of the
The model correctly
depicts multiple aspects
of their drugs desired
effect in the human
The student generates a
The model accurately
model but it does not
depicts one aspect of the
accurately depict an
drugs desired effect in
aspect of the drugs
the human body.
desired effect in the
human body.
The model does not
The model illustrates
The model clearly
illustrate that the student
that the student had a
illustrates a high level of
has a design plan, and
plan in place for the
diligence that is a
the model as a result is model and integrated the
product of correct
sloppy, unkempt, and
research on the drugs
planning, integrated the
the materials used are
mechanism action into
research on the drugs
superficial. Research is
the model.
mechanism action and
not integrated into the
The model does not
The model follows most
The model follows all
follow the outlined
parameters, is turned in parameters, is turned in
parameters, is not turned on time and looks like a on time, and is clearly a
in on time, and does not
science model.
medicinal chemistry
look like a scientific
You are required to see four presentations and evaluate their model based off the criteria above. Additionally,
you will write down your peers’ responses to any 3 questions below.
1. What drug do you have? List both the common name and the chemical name.
2. What class of drugs does this belong to?
3. Who/what company discovered the drug? When did they discover it? (How old is the drug?)
4. What disease or symptom does the drug help mediate?
5. What are the biological and physical manifestations of the disease/symptom? (I.E. Depression is
characterized by a variety of neurological interactions, many of which affect the neurotransmitters
serotonin and norepinephrine, which can cause mood, sleep, behavioral and cognitive symptoms.) Be as
detailed as possible!
6. Do you need a prescription for the drug or is it over the counter?
7. What is the mechanism for the drugs action? How does it work your body? Is it in pill form or does it
require injection? What receptors/ion channels/enzymes does it bind to? BE AS SPECIFIC AS
8. What are the side effects of the drug? Are there any severe drug interactions to worry about? Is it
possible to overdose on this drug?
9. What aspect of the drug do you propose to model? Briefly describe your idea for the model. (You can
include pictures if you want.)