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ESL & Cognitive Psychology Assignment

This assignment consists of two tasks. Answer both tasks.
Using the classical design, write an argumentative essay on “Should a teacher use the
student’s first language in the ESL classroom?”
Support your arguments with appropriate research evidence.
(Refer to HBET2303 module, page 157 for notes on the classical design for argumentative
(30 marks)
There are two points in the writing process at which students are most likely to find mental
barriers - in choosing a topic and starting to write. Invention techniques will help them in their
thought processes and enable them to think creatively about the topic. For the following
topic, describe FOUR types of invention techniques that you can use.
Topic: Should the government censor Internet content that have been deemed
inappropriate by the government’s censorship bodies?
The purpose of the assignment is to expose learners with some cognitive theories in
psychology and apply those theories to actual events in life.
Part 1 (40%)
Watch the below video about Aaisyah from the below link:
Analyse the above scenario and write an essay. The essay should have the following
components: 1. Introduction – write two objectives of the assignment. 2. Content: i. Choose TWO
cognitive theories from your module and describe those
theories; ii. Relate those theories to Aaisyah’s cognitive development with specific
example from the above passage; iii. Evaluate whether Aaisyah’s cognitive development is appropriate
her age. 3. Conclusion: Summarise your essay.
Part 2 (20%)
Choose ONE of the concepts below: • Compensatory Intervention • Early Literacy • Giftedness
Write an essay about your chosen concept that includes: 1. Elaboration of the definition of that concept;
2. A real life example of the concept
[Total: 60 marks]
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