TITLE: CPU 8086-88 Assembly Language using EMU8086. INTRODUCTION: To start the 8086-assembly language, we should have the basic knowledge of micro-processor architecture. All families of registers are of 16-bits, but some of them can be divided into 8-bits each and used for different purposes.They are divided into two categories: 1. General purpose registers a. AX b. BX c. CX d. DX e. SI f. DI 2. Special purpose registers a. CS b. DS c. SS d. ES AX,BX,CX,DX can be divided into i.e. AH and AL rest are same. There are signal which are used internally. Assembly Language Syntax Single instruction can be divided into three things E.g: MOV AX , 5498 MOV is mnemonic. It tells us what to do with the operands. AX is operand. And the result will also be stored into it. 5498 is also operand. Variables Variables are always needed in programing languages. In this there are two types of it 1. DB (define byte) 8-bits 2. DW(define word) 16-bits Example: name type value Variable1 DW 1897h EMU8086 Emu8086 is the emulator of 8086 (Intel and AMD compatible) microprocessor and integrated assembler with tutorials for beginners. Addressing modes 1. 2. 3. 4. Registers Immediate values Memory i/o inputs LAB TASKS: (In-Lab Tasks) Task 1: CONCLUSION: In this lab new tool has been introduced called EMU 8086. And basic introduction of processer and its assembly language.