QA 305 – Quantitative Business Analysis Spring 2020 Tues/Thurs 8:00-9:15, Section 04 9:30-10:45, Section 05 Dr. Hollye Moss Office: Forsyth 315D E-mail: Office Hours: Monday and Wed 9:30-11:30 a.m. Other hours by appointment Textbook: Quantitative Analysis for Management, 12e, Render, Stair, Hanna, Hale; ISBN: 978-0133507331 Prerequisite: QA 235 or MATH 170, or equivalent. Topical Outline: Forecasting, Queuing, Statistical Quality Control, Resource Allocation, Project Management Course Objective: To introduce students to quantitative methods used to support organizational management decisions. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Identify the opportunities where quantitative methods can be applied to facilitate decision making. 2. Predict and recognize reasonable results from using these methods. 3. Interpret these results for a non-quantitative audience. 4. Extend your statistical and Excel skills. Grading: Your grade will be based upon the following instruments: Quizzes 20 % Formal Homework Assignments 20 % 3 tests @ 20% each 60 % 100% Grading Scale: 92.0 - 100 90.0 - 91.9 87.0 - 89.9 82.0 - 86.9 80.0 - 81.9 77.0 - 79.9 A AB+ B BC+ 72.0 - 76.9 70.0 - 71.9 67.0 - 69.9 62.0 - 66.9 60.0 - 61.9 C CD+ D D- Grade Definitions A = Outstanding Achievement The student demonstrates exceptional mastery of the content. An “A” is an exceptional grade indicating distinctly superior performance. The student demonstrates unusually sharp insight regarding the content, and every aspect of performance is exemplary. B = Commendable Achievement The student demonstrates above average mastery of the content. A “B” is an above average grade indicating achievement of a high order. The student has exceeded the stated requirements. The student demonstrates commendable insight regarding the content, and overall performance is above average. C = Acceptable Achievement The student demonstrates average mastery of the content. A “C” is an average grade indicating that a student has performed satisfactorily in all aspects of their work. The student has adequately met the stated requirements. The student demonstrates acceptable insight regarding the content, and overall performance is average. D = Marginal Achievement The student demonstrates below average mastery of the content. A “D” is a below average grade indicating that a student has marginally met the stated requirements. The student demonstrates minimal insight regarding content, and the overall performance is marginal. F = Failing The student demonstrates little or no mastery of the content. An “F” is a failing grade indicating that a student has not met the stated requirements. The student demonstrates insufficient insight regarding content, and overall performance is not worthy of credit. Note: A plus (+) or minus (-) indicates performance at the higher or lower end of the grade range. Formal homework assignments will be given due dates and times. Homework assignments will require the use of computers. Late assignments will not be accepted. Beyond these formal assignments, other homework problems will be assigned for you to work until you are comfortable with the methods and formulae. It is to your advantage to work these problems as they will serve as the basis for quiz/test problems. Quizzes will be 20-ish minutes and will be closed notes, closed book. Specific dates for quizzes will be announced the class period before they are given, but for planning purposes, plan on having a quiz every Thursday. (This schedule may be adjusted during the semester.) Because there will be no make-up for quizzes, your lowest quiz score will be dropped. Cell phones are NOT calculators. Tests will also be closed notes, closed book. Bring calculator, pencil and eraser. The third test will be given during the final exam period. Students who miss tests will receive a zero grade, with no opportunity for make-up, unless one of the following conditions has been met: (1) The absence was APPROVED IN ADVANCE by the instructor. This will only occur in rare situations involving sickness, required participation in official University events, or extenuating circumstances. Documentation acceptable to the instructor will be required to obtain the necessary advanced approval. STUDENTS WHO FAIL TO GET APPROVAL IN ADVANCE FOR ABSENCES OF THIS TYPE WILL FORFEIT ANY OPPORTUNITY FOR MAKE-UP WORK. (2) The absence was due to a LEGITIMATE EMERGENCY FOR WHICH IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO OBTAIN ADVANCED APPROVAL. In this situation, the student must contact the instructor as soon as possible and must provide documentation acceptable to the instructor showing that: (a) the emergency was legitimate; AND (b) advance notification/approval was not possible. STUDENTS WITHOUT ADVANCED APPROVAL WHO FAIL TO MEET REQUIREMENTS 2(a) AND 2(b) ABOVE WILL FORFEIT ANY OPPORTUNITY FOR MAKE-UP TESTS. All make-up tests will be given during the final exam period. Class Conduct: You are expected to be on time for class. However, if you arrive in class after it has begun, please come in quietly. I expect you to be courteous to others in the class. All cell phones must be turned off before coming to class. Please leave your phones in your book bag or purse, or leave them under your desk Class Attendance: It should be obvious to you at this point in your career that regular attendance is highly correlated with superior grades. You are responsible for any information covered in class whether you are present or not. Wait Policy: In the unlikely event of the instructor being late for the class, students are asked to wait for the instructor for 10 minutes. After that, you may assume class has been canceled. If any class is canceled for any reason, any readings, assignments, or tests will be shifted back to the next scheduled class period. Inclement Weather Policy: In the event of winter weather, check the university to web page for announcements. I will make every effort to be on campus for classes. However, if I am unable to do so, I will notify the class via email. If a student is unable to attend class due to weather, you are asked to notify the instructor via email as soon as possible. Computers: The class will be supported with computer work, specifically Microsoft Excel. If you feel uncomfortable with your skills, there are several sources of help on campus. In addition, I will be using Blackboard for the class. Homework assignments will be distributed via Blackboard and you will be required to submit assignments in the same manner. I will use email (Western’s system) to communicate class information or updates. Please check your email on a regular basis. Your failure to check email is not a valid excuse for not knowing about information that I may have sent out pertaining to the class. Email: Students regularly communicate with me via email. I have no problem with that. However, I am alarmed at the increasing number of students who believe that emails to a professor may be written as they would “text” a friend. As business students, you should practice formal communication skills. I’m glad to offer you opportunities to do so. Please keep your emails “professional”. Academic Honesty Policy: This policy addresses academic integrity violations of undergraduate and graduate students. Graduate students should read inside the parenthesis below to identify the appropriate entities in charge of that step of the process. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators of Western Carolina University (WCU) strive to achieve the highest standards of scholarship and integrity. Any violation of the Academic Integrity Policy is a serious offense because it threatens the quality of scholarship and undermines the integrity of the community. While academic in scope, any violation of this policy is by nature, a violation of the Code of Student Conduct (Code) and will be addressed as outlined in that document. If the charge occurs close to the end of an academic semester or term or in the event of the reasonable need of either party for additional time to gather information timelines may be extended at the discretion of the appropriate academic Dean. General: This policy addresses academic integrity violations of undergraduate and graduate students. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators of Western Carolina University (WCU) strive to achieve the highest standards of scholarship and integrity. Any violation of this policy is a serious offense because it threatens the quality of scholarship and undermines the integrity of the community. Instructors have the right to determine the appropriate academic sanctions for violations of the Academic Integrity Policy within their courses, up to and including a final grade of “F” in the course in which the violation occurs. Definitions: Cheating – Using, or attempting to use, unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Fabrication – Creating and/or falsifying information or citation in any academic exercise. Plagiarism – Representing the words or ideas of someone else as one’s own in any academic exercise. Facilitation – Helping or attempting to help someone to commit a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy in any academic exercise (e.g. allowing another person to copy information during an examination). Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Integrity Process: Additional information is available on the Student Success website under Student Community Ethics: Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Western Carolina University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources located in Killian Annex or call 828-227-2716. For additional information, visit Mentoring and Persistence to Success (MAPS) Mentoring and Persistence to Success (MAPS) provides support to students who are first-generation (neither parent has a four-year degree), low-income, financially independent (emancipated youth, homeless or without consistent residence, or aged out of foster care), or those who have participated in the Academic Success Program (ASP) or Catamount Gap. For those who enroll, MAPS provides a variety of services, including academic advising, mentoring, and personal and social coaching. You may contact MAPS at (828) 227-7127 or email for more information. MAPS is located in 205 Killian Annex. Academic Calendar This includes dates for all breaks, university closures, final exams, etc. The academic calendar can be found at Final Exam The university final exam schedule can be found at Course Recording and Broadcasting: Students may make visual or audio recordings (Recording) of any class related content, using any approved recording device (e.g., smart phone, computer, digital recorder, etc.) upon the prior permission of the instructor and subject to the following restriction(s). The Recording, along with the video capture of visible course materials (e.g., visible PowerPoint slides and/or visible lecture notes), shall be limited to the student’s personal, course related, educational use and shall be subject to all applicable copyright laws and institutional policies. The student may not transfer, transmit, or otherwise disseminate the Recording to any third party, including classmates, without the permission of the instructor. Any violation of these restrictions, or any other restriction verbally communicated by the instructor, may subject the student to the provisions of the WCU Academic Code of Conduct, the WCU Code of Student Conduct or both. Dr. Moss’s Personal Note: This syllabus is not designed to be intimidating. Nor is it designed to be a list of “Thou shalt not’s”. If you consistently come to class, consistently keep up with course material, and consistently submit assigned work on time, I expect you will be ok in this course. Despite what you may have heard about Quant, it is NOT an impossible course. Yes, you will have to work—perhaps harder than you have in some of your other courses—but I am more than willing to help. In the end, you might even come to think some of this is “cool”. Course Schedule* Topic Chapter Pages Introduction 1 1-17 Forecasting Models 5 149-156 Simple & Weighted Moving Averages 5 156-158 Exponential Smoothing 5 158-160 Simple and Multiple Regression 4 113-125; 128-133 Linear Programming 7 239-243; 254-258; 263-266 Product Mix 8 296-297 Make vs. Buy Not covered in this text Marketing Research 8 293-295 Portfolio Selection 8 303-306 Integer Applications 10 364-370 Sensitivity Analysis 7 266-273 Inventory Control 6 188-191 EOQ w/ ROP 6 191-198 Safety Stock; ROP w/variability 6 206-211 Queuing Analysis 12 435-441 Single Server 9 442-444 Cost Analysis 9 444-447 Multiple Server 9 447-450 Network analysis w/o variability 11 395-409 Network analysis w/ variability 11 395-409 Project crashing 11 414-418 Network Models 9 324 Transportation model 9 325-329 TEST 1: Feb 13 TEST 2: April 2 Project Management TEST 3: Exam Week. *schedule subject to change