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Ancient Greece Worksheet: British Museum

Ancient Greece - from the British Museum
Name ____________________________________________ Period ______ Date _______/________/_________
Open Internet Explorer, type: http://www.ancientgreece.co.uk/ in the address space and press Enter. Use the links
on the left to locate answers to the following questions. Click on the map of Greece to return to the main menu.
Short answers are OK.
The Acropolis
1. What was the purpose of the Acropolis? _________________________________________________________
2. Describe the most famous building in the Athenian Acropolis ________________________________________
- Click on "Explore", then "To the Acropolis"
Choose two buildings on the model and give the name and a description of each:
building 1: ___________________________________________________________________________________
building 2: ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. Athens was the first city-state to develop what type of government? ____________________________________
4. What part in their government did Athenians have to take? ___________________________________________
5. Who could not participate in government? ________________________________________________________
Daily Life
6. How was life in ancient Greece different for men and women? _______________________________________
7. What jobs did slaves have in ancient Greece? _____________________________________________________
8. How was daily life in Sparta different than in other city-states? _______________________________________
Festivals & Games
9. Why were festivals held? _____________________________________________________________________
10. What types of competitions did they have at the festivals? __________________________________________
11. Describe the physical features and location of Greece: _____________________________________________
- Click on "Explore", read the box, then click "continue". Click the drop-down; select the "Myth Map".
Explain the importance of the following places to Greek myths: (use the "Zoom" and "Move" buttons)
Troy: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Mount Olympos (this is how you'd spell it if you were Greek!): _________________________________________
Gods & Goddesses
12. Who was king of all the gods and goddesses, and what was his nickname? _____________________________
13. How did the ancient Greeks honor their gods and goddesses? _______________________________________
- Click on "Explore" and choose three gods and/or goddesses. Explain their role in Greek life.
God/Goddess _________________________________________________________________________________
God/Goddess _________________________________________________________________________________
God/Goddess _________________________________________________________________________________
Knowledge & Learning
Click on "Explore" and explain the achievements of these famous Greeks:
Aristotle: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Euclid: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Homer: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Sokrates: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Thucydides: __________________________________________________________________________________
14. Why was Sparta very powerful? _______________________________________________________________
15. What objects have archeologists found in ancient Sparta? ___________________________________________
16. When and by whom does democracy get introduced to Athens? ______________________________________
17. How old was Alexander when he was made King of Macedonia? _____________________________________
18. How old was Alexander when he died? __________________________________________________________
19. When was the battle of Marathon and who won it? ________________________________________________
20. When did Thucydides write the history of the Peloponnesian War? ____________________________________
21. When and why was Sokrates put to death? _______________________________________________________
22. Who were the Persian was fought between, and when did they happen? ________________________________
23. What was the effect of the Persian Wars on Greece? (list at least 3) ___________________________________
Now go back and complete the challenge activities