Uploaded by richard.armstrong

Biomolecules Lesson Plan: Proteins, Nucleic Acids, More

Monday/Tuesday: September 9th-10th
TEKS: ​B.9A: Compare the functions of different types of biomolecules, including carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Content Objective / Student friendly objectives​:
Students will be able to
-​Identify the main elements in all biomolecules.
-Differentiate between proteins & nucleic acids.
-Differentiate between monomers & polymers.
Language Objective (how will students apply vocabulary, reading, writing etc.​):
In our notes we will write the functions of nucleic acids & proteins & identify the different
monomers & polymers.
Assignment to Evaluate/Grade: ​Exit Ticket & Biomolecules Quiz
Do Now/Recall & Engagement (We Do or They Do)​:
Do Now: Carbohydrates & lipids most missed questions on open note quiz from Friday.
Engage: S
​ tudents will observe different real life examples of proteins & nucleic acids & write
what they observe in their notebooks.
Direct Instruction ​(I Do):
Students will fill out graphic organizer on proteins & nucleic acids while following along with
presentation as teacher breaks down proteins & nucleic acids to their monomers.
Check for Understanding/ prompt for analysis & higher level applications or ideas:
students will answer released STAAR questions to CFU.
Guided Instruction ​(We Do​): Students will create a foldable on all 4 biomolecules using their
graphic organizers. Teacher will be circulating and helping.
Collaborative ​(They Do): ​Students will perform muder & a meal lab to test for evidence
different biomolecules in unknown solutions.
Independent (You Do​): Students will complete card puzzle on all four biomolecules.
Wednesday/Thursday: September 11th-12th
Independent (You Do​): Students will complete their beginning of the year exam to see their
baseline of biology.
Friday: September 13th
TEKS: ​B.9A: Compare the functions of different types of biomolecules, including carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
AP Bio: Topic 7.1: Intro to Natural Selection
Content Objective / Student friendly objectives​:
Students will be able to
-​Identify the main elements in all biomolecules.
-Differentiate between proteins & nucleic acids.
-Differentiate between monomers & polymers.
Language Objective (how will students apply vocabulary, reading, writing etc.​):
In our notes we will write the functions of nucleic acids & proteins & identify the different
monomers & polymers.
Collaborative ​(They Do): ​Students will perform muder & a meal lab to test for evidence
different biomolecules in unknown solutions (if not finished). Students will also work on
homework if lab is complete.
Independent (You Do​): Students will complete card puzzle on all four biomolecules.
Exit Ticket