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Yummy Icecream Market Research Report

Miss Munazza
SUBMITTED BY: Shahbaz Malik
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Demographic Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 3
Key Findings .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Descriptive analysis .................................................................................................................................... 11
Marketing Mix ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Conclusion & Recommendations: .............................................................................................................. 13
Executive Summary
Basically, Yummy is a brand of frozen dessert. It is situated in Lahore. Yummy offers different
ice-cream brands with different flavors and sizes. The prices of their products are somehow
higher than the competitors. They only used pamphlets and posters as their promotional tools
which is not enough. They should go for social media marketing and other means of marketing
so they can compete other brands by promoting their products in a better way.
The target community of Yummy was Punjab only. They should enhance their target market and
go for Sindh, Baluchistan and KPK as well.
Many other factors also affect unfavorably to company’s effectiveness like cultural values,
technology, inflation and other proceedings. Yummy has only two strong competitors i.e. Walls
and Omore. Yummy should focus on technology in order make its production function
efficiently better.
They should work on their marketing mix to get their products known and help the company to
compete other brands and make profits.
In 1981, Yummy Ice-cream was found by an army officer Mr. Hamid Nawaz and then it was
acquired by Mr. Ijaz Ahmed in 1986. This company is registered under Companies Ordinance
1948 and its registered office is located at industrial area Kot Lakhpat Lahore.
At that time, Polka was the main competitor of yummy ice-cream and after that in 1999 polka
ice-cream company merged in WALL’S. In 1995, UNILEVER entered Pakistan with Ice-cream
company mainly Walls ice were intended to compete with other competitors. In 1991, the
company began introducing a variety of additional flavor variations that were intended to
compete with other competitors
Company Mission is to serve consumers with pure and quality ice cream regardless of any age
distribution. Yummy has strong chain of competitors like Walls, Omore, Igloo and Hico.
Yummy was the first company who introduced door to door service of providing ice cream
through tri cycles and also concept of ice cream parlor in Pakistan. Yummy ice cream has their
own ice cream parlors in various cities of Pakistan.
Demographic Analysis
Fre %
1st Qtr
1st Qtr
1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
2nd Qtr
Key Findings
 According to Gender
1. Key highlights of “demographic profile”:
a. We collect data from 100 people. There are 38 males and the females are 62 out
of 100. The percentage of male is 38% and the females is 62% out of 100%.
b. We collect data from 100 people. The people who is between 15-20 are 34 and 66
belongs to 20-25 age. The percentage of group ages 34% and 66% respectively.
c. We collect data from 100 people. The participants with qualification of bachelors
are 68, and Masters are 14 total out of 100. The percentage of bachelors is 68%
and Masters is 14%.
d. We collect data from 100 people. The status of income between 20k-40k are 21
participants, 41-60k are 35 participants, 61-80k are 44 participants.
2. Key Findings of “Ice-cream Usage”:
a. 92% of the participants said that they use ice-cream.
b. 8% of the participants said that they do not use ice-cream.
c. 38% of participants are males who used to eat ice-cream & 3% of the male
participants do not us ice-creams.
d. 62% participants are female who used to eat ice-cream & 5% of the female
participants do not us ice-creams.
3. Key findings of “Brand Usage”:
a. 14% of the male participants and 24% of the female participants use Walls as
their favorite ice-cream product.
b. 9% of the male participants and 17% of the female participants use Hico as their
ice-cream product.
c. 10% of the male participants and 18% of the female participants use Omore as
their ice-cream product.
d. 5% of the male participants and 3% of the female participants use other as their
ice-cream product.
4. Key findings of “Reasons of Product Buying”:
a. 8% of the male participants and 7% of the female participants agreed that they
often buy this brand because of their Price of the product.
b. 13% of the male participants and 41% of the female participants agreed that they
often buy this brand because of their Taste of the product.
c. 7% of the male participants and 8% of the female participants agreed that they
often buy this brand because of the Image of the brand.
d. 10% of the male participants and 6% of the female participants agreed that they
often buy this brand because of the Other reasons.
5. Key Findings of “Buying Location of Product”:
a. 7% of the male participants & 17% of the female participants purchase the
product through Local Market.
b. 30% of the male participants & 43% of the female participants purchase the
product through Departmental Stores.
c. 1% of the male participants & 2% of the female participants purchase the product
Online Market.
6. Key findings of “Often Buying Product”:
a. 12% of the male participants & 6% of the female participants are agreed on that
they buy product daily.
b. 25% of the male participants & 53% of the female participants are agreed on that
they buy product weekly.
c. 1% of the male participants & 3% of the female participants are agreed on that
they buy product monthly.
7. Key Findings of “Satisfaction”:
a. 28% of the male respondents & 49% of the female respondents are satisfied with
their current brand.
b. 10% of the male respondents & 13% of the female respondents are not satisfied
with their current brand.
8. Key Findings of “Heard About Yummy Ice-Cream”:
Only 12% of the male respondents & 17% of the female respondents told that
they heard about this brand.
b. Only 26% of the male respondents & 45% of the female respondents told that
they heard about this brand.
9. Key Findings of “Information about Yummy Ice-Cream”:
a. 6% of the male respondents & 13% of the female respondents told that they get
the information through Advertisement.
b. 12% of the male respondents & 13% of the female respondents told that they get
the information through Friends.
c. 5% of the male respondents & 12% of the female respondents told that they get
the information through Social Media.
d. 13% of the male respondents & 22% of the female respondents told that they get
the information through Other marketing methods.
10. Key Findings of “Trying of Yummy Ice-Cream”:
a. 9% of the male respondents & 9% of the female respondents told that they have
tried Yummy Ice-Cream.
b. 29% of the male respondents & 53% of the female respondents told that they
don’t have tried Yummy Ice-Cream.
11. Key Findings of “Reasons for not trying”:
a. 5% of the male respondents & 7% of the female respondents told that they do not
buy the product due to High Price.
b. 7% of the male respondents & 13% of the female respondents told that they do
not buy the product due to Poor Taste.
c. 8% of the male respondents & 3% of the female respondents told that they do not
buy the product due to Bad Image.
d. 17% of the male respondents & 37% of the female respondents told that they do
not buy the product due to Other Reasons.
12. Key Findings of “Re-launching of Yummy Ice-Cream”:
a. 19% of the male participants & 26% of female participants were agreed to buy
the product if the company re-launch.
b. 19% of the male participants & 36% of female participants were not agreed to
buy the product if the company re-launch.
13. Key Findings of “Key Factors of Yummy Ice-Cream”:
a. 6% of the male respondents & 13% of the female respondents suggested that the
Taste is more important.
b. 21% of the male respondents & 20% of the female respondents suggested that
the Quality is more important.
c. 1% of the male respondents & 10% of the female respondents suggested that the
Price is more important.
d. 7% of the male respondents & 17% of the female respondents suggested that the
Other factors are more important.
14. Key Findings for “Price of Yummy Ice-Cream”:
a. 9% of the male respondents & 10% of the female respondents suggested that
they should have Low Price than other Brands.
b. 13% of the male respondents & 13% of the female respondents suggested that
they should have High Price than other Brands.
c. 16% of the male respondents & 39% of the female respondents suggested that
they should have Equal Prices as other Brands.
15. . Key Findings for “Location of Yummy Ice-Cream”:
a. 13% of the male respondents & 20% of the female respondents preferred to buy
product from their near Local Market.
b. 22% of the male respondents & 39% of the female respondents preferred to buy
product from their near Departmental Stores.
c. 3% of the male respondents & 3% of the female respondents preferred to buy
product Online.
 According to Age
16. Key Findings of “Ice-cream Usage”:
a. 31% of the participants of the age 15-20 & 61% of participants of age of 20-25
said that they use ice-cream the same age said that they do not use ice-cream.
b. 3% of the participants of the age of 15-20 & 5% of the participants of the age of
20-25 do not use ice-creams.
17. Key findings of “Brand Usage”:
a. 14% of the age of 15-20 and 23% of the age of 20-25 use Walls as their favorite
ice-cream product.
b. 7% of the age of 15-20 and 19% of the age of 20-25 use Hico as their ice-cream
c. 10% of the age of 15-20 and 18% of the age of 20-25 use Omore as their icecream product.
d. 4% of the age of 15-20 and 4% of the age of 20-25 use other as their ice-cream
18. Key findings of “Reasons of Product Buying”:
a. 2% of the age of 15-20, 13% of the age of 20-25 & 0% of above 25 agreed that
they often buy this brand because of their Price of the product.
b. 23% of the age of 15-20, 31%of the age of 20-25 & 0% of above 25 agreed that
they often buy this brand because of their Taste of the product.
c. 6% of the age of 15-20, 8% of the age of 20-25 & 1% of above 25 agreed that
they often buy this brand because of the Image of the brand.
d. 4% of the age of 15-20, 12% of the age of 20-25 & 0% of above 25 agreed that
they often buy this brand because of the Other reasons.
19. Key Findings of “Buying Location of Product”:
a. 8% of the age of 15-20, 15% of the age of 20-25 & 1% of above 25 purchase the
product through Local Market.
b. 25% of the age of 15-20, 48% of the age of 20-25 & 0% of above 25 purchase
the product through Departmental Stores.
c. 2% of the age of 15-20, 1% of the age of 20-25 & 1% of above 25 purchase the
product Online Market.
20. Key findings of “Often Buying Product”:
a. 6% of the age of 15-20, 12% of the age of 20-25 & 0% of above 25 are agreed
on that they buy product daily.
b. 26% of the age of 15-20, 51% of the age of 20-25 & 1% of above 25 are agreed
on that they buy product weekly.
c. 3% of the age of 15-20, 1% of the age of 20-25 & 0% of above 25 are agreed on
that they buy product monthly.
Descriptive analysis
Have you ever used ice
Std. Deviation
which brand do you use ?
why do you buy this brand
From where do you buy this
how often do you buy this
product ?
Are You Satisfied with your
current Brand
Have you ever heard about
our brand Yummy Ice
Where did you get the
information about Yummy
ice cream?
Have you ever tried Yummy
ice cream before
What is the reason that you
never tried the Yummy ice
we relaunched the Yummy
ice cream, will you buy the
What do you think most
important in Yummy ice
hat should be the price of
Yummy ice cream?
Where would you like to buy
Yummy ice cream From
Valid N (listwise)
Marketing Mix
 Product:
Yummy is an ice-cream manufacturer company & make ice-cream in around 36 flavors. Icecream is a frozen dessert & a specific environment to maintain its frozen condition. Yummy
ice-cream uses natural ingredients rather than artificial ingredients. Products of yummy are
Kulfa, Fista, Crown cup, Kiddy cup, Super corn and many more.
The main issue with Yummy ice-cream are lack of continuous improvement and less use of
technology. It is crucial for Yummy to improve their products and they should introduce new
flavors along with the variety of different sizes.
 Price:
Price is one of the utmost essential “P” of marketing mix. Pricing is significant because it is a
remuneration to the company and must be in hand to complete other “P’s” of Marketing mix.
The Prices of the products of Yummy are relatively higher than that of Walls and Omore and
when there are many substitutes of the product in the market, people prefer to buy low price
products. In the market where competitors are like Walls and Omore, so it must reduce prices
at the level of its competitors.
 Place:
Yummy ice-cream was initiator of the door to door service of ice-cream through tricycles to
ensure their product availability in different areas of Punjab, KPK and Baluchistan. Yummy
also has their own ice-cream parlors in different main cities like Capital territory (Islamabad),
Punjab (Multan, Faisalabad, Lahore), NWFP (Peshawar), Baluchistan (Quetta).
Issue with placement of yummy is that they have not placed their product in Sindh. Yummy
has no distribution channel like other competitors. Yummy just sell their products through
parlors and Tricycle. So, if Yummy wants to capture the market, they must have proper
distribution channels likewise Walls and Omore. Apart from this, they must target cities of
Sindh as well like Karachi, Hyderabad and Sukkhur.
 Promotion:
Yummy uses different ways of promotion to capture the market and to increase its sales. It uses
pamphlets, leaf lets, wall posting, bill boards and Pena flex. The best promotional strategy which
yummy should use is sponsoring different events and participating in different children’s and
family festival. These strategies increase the brand image of the company.
Yummy don’t has any distribution channel to promote its products. The Competitors of Yummy
are promoting their products very aggressively in order to catch the attention of the customers.
They should run TVC commercial because TVC has wide reach of viewers among all
promotional tools.
Conclusion & Recommendations:
According to our findings, the company has not adapted better promotional ways like TVC and
Newspaper adds. So, company should choose these effective channels. Another issue is of the
distribution channel. Company should make strong distribution channel to capture more market
and also they should launch their product in Karachi, Hyderabad and Sukkhur. Moreover, the
company should also consider the price factor, they must reduce its pricing strategy.
Yummy should run Mobile vans across the cities to reach to the more consumers.
They should make contracts with the company buyers like airlines, restaurants and canteens.
Through all this, Yummy will surely increase its growth rate in the market.