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Research Methodology: Disruptive Behavior Study

This chapter show's the methods that we use to conduct a survey to answer our research
problem and here we explain what are the Research Design that we used to do our survey and
where did we conduct our research and the techniques that we have used while conducting our
survey and how did we choose a respondents to answer our survey questions.
II. Research Design
On this study we are going to use Qualitative research strategy because qualitative research
doesn't depends on numerical data but depends on words, We used Qualitative research so we
can understand the opinionated answers of the respondents and we use Qualitative research
because we want our respondents to explain more of their answers or express more of their
answers freely, Research design explains what kind of research that we use to conduct a survey
and it also aims to collect a rich data according to the effect of having a physical disruptive
behavior by doing different kinds of strategies that we use to conduct a survey or to gather a
data, this can be a plan for a researcher in order to obtain data to fulfil the objectives regarding
to it's topic.
III. Research Local
It tells here where we are going to conduct our research or study, we are going to conduct our
research at Legacy of Wisdom Academy of Dasmariñas inc. we are going to conduct our study
or research here because our respondents are studying at LWAD ( Legacy of Wisdom Academy
of Dasmariñas) and we also observed here at LWAD that there are some students and teachers
are being affected by a physical disruptive behavior of a student and we want to know what are
the effects of it to them and we want to know are the possible solutions that might also help
the staff, teachers, students and parents.
IV. Respondents
This part answer the question? Who are the respondents?, What are the reasons on why did
we choose the respondents?. Our respondents are the Grade 9 students from Legacy of
Wisdom Academy of Dasmariñas Inc. we chose grade 9 students because we had observed that
some of the Grade 9 students have a disruptive behavior and we had observed that there are
students in their class that is being affected by being disruptive of their classmates and we also
observed that some the teachers are not able to teach their lessons because of the students
that is being disruptive.
V. Research Instruments
 Questioner - is a research instrument that consists of a series of questions for the
purpose of gathering information from the respondents.
 Observation - the action of observing something or someone in order to gain
 Interview - a structured conversation where one participant asks questions, and the
other provides answers.
VI. Data Gathering Procedure.
In order to gather the data that we need, we should know what are the step by step
procedures that we must do to obtain the data. To obtain the data we invited some of the
grade 9 students to answer the questions, are you being affected by a disruptive behavior?,
how does it affect you?, does it affect your studies?, these are the sample questions that is
going to be given to the respondents, these will be our basis to obtain the data that we
need and this would be also our guide. toget some rich data from our respondents by the
means of giving them a questioner.
VII. Statistical Statement
All the way through this study we gathered some plan and procedures just to come
up with the given problem and to answer all the questions that was assemble in the
said study. first we write the introductory part where we introduced the things that
can be found in this chapter second we introduced the Research design where you
can know what type of research design that we use, second Research local where
you can find where did we conduct our study or survey or research, fourth
Respondents here we introduced our respondents and why did we chose them, fifth
Research instruments the things that we use to conduct a research, sixth Data
gathering procedure this tells you the steps that wedid to obtain the data that we