Unit of Competency: BSBWHS401 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements PY Topic: Topic 1 Workplace Task: 2 – Injury Hotspots Educational Technology Google Slides Employability Skills: Individual Task Communication ☒ Innovation ☐ Digital Literacy ☒ Technical Skills ☐ Teamwork ☐ Time Management ☒ Interpersonal Skills ☐ Leadership ☐ Problem Solving ☐ Entrepreneurship ☐ Working with Diversity ☐ Decision Making ☐ Critical Thinking ☐ Intermediate Level Time Commenced Time Completed Instructions to Student Time allocated: 1.5 hours Background You are a consultant with Navitas Professional Services and work as a consultant Engineer, IT or Accounting professional. Your responsibilities include regular interaction with clients to provide specialised services in your professional field. The organisation is proactive in the area of WHS and you have been asked to complete the following task. Work individually to complete this task. Access and research the following link http://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/hotspots#/office The Injury Hotspots identifies hazard areas relating to office safety for office workers. These include lifting, repetitive work/computer use, slips, trips and falls and Work-related stress, bullying, and work-related violence. Choose 1 of the hazard areas listed in the Injury Hotspot document. Identify the Hotspots and Solutions provided for your chosen hazard. Check with your professional area to ensure you are not doubling up on your choices here. Prepare a short set of slides (5 - 6) using Google Slides https://www.google.com/slides/about/ outlining the following information. Ensure you choose one of the templates offered to make your slides more appealing. The: o o o o importance of office safety in the workplace hazard area you have chosen hotspots and solutions relevance of this information to the WHS legislation in our State – be specific here Share your Google Slides with your trainer by using the SHARE option on your Google Drive Hint: Refer to our Bigstock Resource Library for relevant images to use in your Slides https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1VMZZsYUNF-ZzhyMExkcEZvMU0?usp=sharing Документ1 Page 1 of 1