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Mi Familia Spanish Project: Grade 6 Family Descriptions

Final Assessment Project – “Mi familia”
Grade 6 Spanish 1A / Señora O’Malley
Task: Create a Spanish book entitled Mi Familia using PowerPoint.
To be included:
 Title and Introduction page:Title: “La familia de (your first and last name), and
Information about your family (real or imaginary) in general: the number of people in your
family, number of brothers and sisters, etc. This should be in paragraph form and should
be the first page of the book with a family portrait or collage.
 12 pictures: (real, scanned, magazine, cartoon or color copies) one of each type of family
member you are describing ( i.e. mi madre, mi padre, yo … and don’t forget a family
portrait or collage on the cover)
 11 descriptions – you must have at least 5 sentences for each person you are
You must include for each person: their name, age, physical description,
personality, likes and/or dislikes.
You may describe pets after you have done the 11 required descriptions.
Required family member types:
1. mother, 2. father, 3. yourself, 4. sister, 5. brother, 6. grandmother, 7. grandfather, 8. aunt,
9. uncle, 10. cousin (female), 11. cousin (male).
Please note: You may do your real family, an imaginary family, a famous family, a cartoon
family etc…
You must make sure that:
 All words are spelled correctly
 You have correct usage of all verbs
 You use a wide variety of vocabulary (i.e. do not use the same adjective
over and over but instead vary your descriptions)
 You are creative in your thoughts and design
A- Day : June _____, 2015
B- Day : June _____, 2015
 Your Completed “book” project must be printed and handed in by 2:35 on the
due date. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!
Template for the Family Project:
Given as notes in class
Title: La familia de ___________ ___________.
Intro paragraph: Tengo una familia _________________ (description). Hay
_____________ (#) personas en mi familia. Tengo ___ ______________,
_____ _________________, ________ _________________, _______
___________, y _________ ______________________. ¡Mi familia es
For yourself:
Me llamo ________________.
Yo tengo ________________años.
Yo soy __________________. (physical description)
Yo soy __________________. (personality/non-physical description)
Me gusta ________________. (something you like). or (Me gustan) __________s.
All other family members:
Mi (type of family member) se llama ______________.
Mi _____________ tiene ________________ años.
Mi _____________ es __________________. (adjective, physical description).
Mi _____________ es __________________. (adjective, personality/non-physical).
A mi ________ le gusta________. (something they like). or (le gustan) ________s.