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Sexuality and Love: A Philosophical Exploration

What is sexuality?
It’s a multi-dimensional thing
Small as a brush of a finger, large as the fullness of intercourse
Short as a flirtatious look, long as a lifetime
Cold, hanging on the hardened threads of long loyalty to a spouse, or burning hot in
novelty and youth
It can harm, it can heal, crossing the winding rivulets of memory—back, back into the
landscape of experience
It intermingles among the root of us, though we might deny it
It brings out a wild frenzy in a lamb, it can cozy and soothe a lion of a soul
What is love? (Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more)
It is irrational: why would you risk the pain that those close to you can inflict, or invest
so many resources and so much time to lose it in the end?
Humans are limited. Humans don’t know even themselves or why they do things.
Humans can see what is evil and still act upon it anyway. Adults can be children.
Children are difficult, without an Eye to perceive. People can’t tolerate change well.
People can be unexpectable. How can love look past it? Love can be beaten and bruised
and cut and threatened but still stand (albeit sickly, unblossoming) between two souls.
And attraction can take many forms, it is diverse in its species
Of image, the shallowstrong pull of perfectly sculpted flesh
Of innocence, a purity and a reminiscence of what was and a vision of whats to come
Of tempered age, to drink of the unique spirit that has distilled in its vessel for years
Of mystery, the imagination flits between mirrors and smoke, a false discernment of
Of laughter, to let go
Of social standing, how a person’s wordsgesturesproximitytouch dance on the stage for
Of familiarity, the warmth of holding a heart and a heart that holds you
Of idiosyncrasy, fissures bumps missing pieces irrational fears silly noises, a curve of the
body only owned by them, or the ability to juggle clubs
Of vested interest, to hold infinite patience for a child, to hand over time as a generous
offering of self to a household or a family or a friend
Of unbelief, to have the other witness and know the deepening tunnels of you and take
you for the veins of gold and the murky waters
We only have one another, humans for humans. How intolerable we would be without love.
Thank God for it. Thank God for people who know the risk of hitting rock bottom, and still
throw themselves off the cliff for love. For the people that go unthanked and unnoticed.
Powerfully, it brings out the humanity, the value and dignity innate, makes a family of