UNIVERSITY OF GHANA INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN STUDIES (AFRICA IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD) UGRC 222 ID: 10711676 NAME: IBRAHIM KPAPU MOHAMMED A CRITIQUE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GHANA SEXUAL HARSSMENT POLICY Sexual harassment as explained in the policy of the university refers to an unwelcome conduct of sexual nature including an unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours and other verbal, non-verbal, written, electronic, graphic or physical conduct or behavior of a sexual nature whether on the bases of submission or rejection within the certain contexts defined by the university of Ghana. Examples are with regards to employments, academic interference (such as grades, standing, program participation etc..). The individual as well. The university of Ghana sexual harassment policy like any other had some focused objectives which include to prevent sexual harassment through awareness and education, prohibit and sanction such offenses as well as investigate such offences in the university. The policy does well to explain all forms of sexual harassment with both employee and non-employees within the university community and has a committee led by a chair person appointed by the vice chancellor. The policy covers extensively what the university deems as sexual harassment, clarifies the responsibilities of the sexual harassment committee and its membership. On the other hand, the policy does have other short comings. Among these short comings include a reporting procedure or a point of turn for a victim of sexual harassment. According to the policy, there is no guide for victims of sexual harassment that will point the victim in the right direction should he/she be interested in reporting the incident. As such, unfortunate victims may overlook the harm done to them or turn to the wrong people for help, in the end failing to even preserve evidences that may be relevant in investigating a case. Secondly, awareness creation. The question is, the university does have a sexual harassment policy but how popular is it? The policy under the responsibilities of the sexual harassment committee is to maintain and report cases of sexual harassment, the ugly fact however is that, majority of these cases are unreported due to ignorance of the policy on sexual harassment. Adequate forums should be created to talk about sexual harassment. The boundaries between harassment and courtship may somehow complicate the labeling of behaviors that may count as harassment which the policy does not clarify or define such boundaries, it however provides ample proof that the university takes sexual harassment very seriously. People will be bold enough to step up and voice out their experiences if extra measures are put in place to both protect and guide victims. Avenues should also be provided victims to report allegations on grounds of anonymity.