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Radioactivity Statements & Explanations Worksheet

Radioactivity statements into explanations
Radioactivity statements into explanations
1. An alpha particle is positively charged.
1. An alpha particle is positively charged.
2. Alpha radiation is the least penetrating.
2. Alpha radiation is the least penetrating.
3. A beta particle is negatively charged.
3. A beta particle is negatively charged.
4. A beta particle is less ionising than an alpha particle.
4. A beta particle is less ionising than an alpha particle.
5. You don’t use an alpha emitting source as a radioactive tracer.
5. You don’t use an alpha emitting source as a radioactive tracer.
6. A radioactive source of gamma radiation could make a useful
radioactive tracer in medicine.
6. A radioactive source of gamma radiation could make a useful
radioactive tracer in medicine.
7. A radioactive tracer used in medicine shouldn’t have a very long
7. A radioactive tracer used in medicine shouldn’t have a very long
8. Isotopes of Potassium all have 19 protons in the nucleus.
8. Isotopes of Potassium all have 19 protons in the nucleus.
9. Sources of Beta and Gamma radiation would not be used in a
factory to monitor thickness of paper.
9. Sources of Beta and Gamma radiation would not be used in a
factory to monitor thickness of paper.
10. If left in the lab a Geiger-Muller tube would measure on average
30 counts per minute.
10. If left in the lab a Geiger-Muller tube would measure on average
30 counts per minute.
11. When a Uranium-238 nucleus decays by emitting an alpha
particle it turns into a Thorium-234 nucleus.
11. When a Uranium-238 nucleus decays by emitting an alpha
particle it turns into a Thorium-234 nucleus.
12. When a Carbon-14 nucleus decays by emitting a beta particle it
turns into a Nitrogen-14 nucleus.
12. When a Carbon-14 nucleus decays by emitting a beta particle it
turns into a Nitrogen-14 nucleus.
13. We can use the knowledge that C-14 has a half-life of
approximately 5700 years to work out how old the preserved
remains of a body might be.
13. We can use the knowledge that C-14 has a half-life of
approximately 5700 years to work out how old the preserved
remains of a body might be.
14. We cannot use carbon dating to determine how old dinosaur
remains are.
14. We cannot use carbon dating to determine how old dinosaur
remains are.