August 2019 Dear Parents Your son/daughter is taking the Media Studies course and will need the use of digital cameras for recording coursework. If your child wishes to use their own device for their studies this is encouraged, however the School can provide a small number of Canon D80 cameras for loan through a booking system, authorised by the Head of Department. These cameras are available for limited periods only and are strictly monitored by the Finance Department. Sharon Toye Finance Manager Aldenham School Elstree Hertfordshire WD6 3A Telephone +44 (0) 1923 851633 Facsimile +44 (0) 1923 854410 Email Website Cameras are supplied with a case, lens and batteries and all of this must be returned. Each camera must be checked in and out of School in person and any loss or damage or resulting in the impaired use of the device could be charged at full cost, currently £700 per unit. I hope you appreciate that we have to have such control measures in place to secure the School’s assets. The process will be that Amina Choudhury, the Bursary Secretary will email you when your child has signed out the camera, so that you are aware, and also let you know when it has to be returned. We obviously want the pupils themselves to take responsibility for this but we also want you to be aware due to the potential financial implications. If your child will be loaning a School camera and you agree to the terms above please return a signed copy of this consent form. If you do not agree and do not want your child to borrow the cameras, please email Amina to let her know on Yours sincerely Sharon Toye Director of Finance ........................................................................................................................ I confirm that I will use the booking system to use the camera and return it within the time frame given. Pupil Name: ........................................ Pupil Signature: ............................................. I confirm and understand that if my son / daughter uses the camera and they are returned faulty or/and not returned, we will pay the replacement cost of £700. Parent Name: .................................................. Parent Signature: .................................