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AP World History Syllabus 2010-2011





Welcome to 10 th

grade world history. This class will prepare you for the May 2011 AP World History exam, and will complete our unique three year world history program at PCS. In this class, we study the history of human civilization: how civilizations develop, how they change over time, how they stay the same, how they’re similar, and how they’re different.

We start the course at about 8,000 BCE with the change from nomadism to agriculture, and we end the class at the present day. No more than 30% of the information we cover will be focused on the continent of Europe, ensuring a broader understanding of the world’s many cultures. Some of this material will be a review of the ancient and medieval world history you have already been exposed to, and we will spend less time on these areas of the course in order to spend more time on the modern period of world history. This class has two primary goals: 1) to develop your knowledge of world history as a chronological narrative, and 2) to enable you to think like world historians, making comparisons and drawing conclusions as you synthesize and evaluate themes and patterns through history.

This class requires much more concentration and dedication than other classes you have taken at PCS.

The AP curriculum is rigorous and challenging, and achieving the necessary level of mastery requires substantial effort and focus. To achieve this level of mastery, you will be reading and taking notes on about one chapter from the text every week, and this reading will be accompanied by lectures, video clips, primary and secondary readings, comparison exercises, and review activities. You will be reading almost the entire textbook, as a thorough exposure to your text is a necessary component of your preparation (the AP exam should not test you on anything outside of your text). A multiplechoice reading quiz will follow each chapter (with the exception of the first and last chapter), and you will be given two cumulative midterms (in October and March) and two cumulative final examinations

(in December and May). You will write several essays each semester, and supplemental readings in class and for homework will be assigned as necessary. Additionally, you will be responsible for researching and presenting one topic per semester to your classmates (possible methods of satisfying this requirement are listed on the next page). These topics will be available for you to choose from during the first two weeks of school, and you may work by yourself or with a partner. After the AP test, you will have an additional project assignment, and an essay. The parameters of these assignments will be fully outlined at a later date.

Required texts:

Bulliet, Richard, Daniel R. Headrick, David Northrup, Lyman L. Johnson, and Pamela

Kyle Crossley. The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History. Boston: Houghton

Mifflin, 2003.

Diamond, Jared M. Guns, Germs, and Steel. New York: W.W. Norton Company, Inc.,


AP World History Reader- you MUST bring this reader to class every day!

(includes numerous primary and secondary source readings used in class, maps, and study materials)

Grading: Your grade is based on five factors:


weekly quizzes




tests (midterm and final)





Your participation grade will include both your in-class assignments and my assessment of your participation and behavior during class. MOST grades for a given week will be entered in Powergrade by the following Sunday night, but please do give us some space here, as it takes more than a little time and energy to grade your heartier assignments. The percentage breakdown for the different assignment categories is as follows:

Quizzes: 20%

Tests: 20%

Projects: 15%

Homework: 25%

Participation: 20%

Quizzes and tests: Quizzes will test your knowledge of the chapter and lecture material for each miniunit. These quizzes will consist of thematically-based multiple choice questions, and will frequently require you to compare and contrast, sometimes with reference to a prior mini-unit (obviously, we will not test you on topics not yet covered). This format is designed to recreate AP questions as authentically as possible—many of the questions on the AP test require you to compare and contrast in some way. We might occasionally give you an essay test or a shortened multiple choice section with an essay outline exercise, but these formats will not appear often, and we will give you prior warning.

Your midterms will consist of twenty multiple choice questions, one essay (AP format), and a chronology/geography exercise which will require you to know specific dates and locations.

Your finals will consist of fifty multiple choice questions, one essay (AP format), and the same chronology/geography exercise.

Homework: Chapter outlines are the most common homework assignment in this course. For most weeks, your only homework will be an outline of the chapter. However, there will occasionally be substitutions and additions. For some chapters, instead of the outline, there will be an alternative assignment.

In addition to the outlines and the alternative assignments, two films will be assigned each semester.

After viewing the films either at school or at home, students will be expected to write a one-page reaction paper to each film. The paper should connect the content of the film to several of the AP

World History themes. These films will not be shown during regular class hours.

AP World History Themes:

The following themes, set out by the College Board, guide our discussions throughout the course in roughly equal proportions (more on these later):






Interactions between Humans and Environment

Development and Interaction of Cultures

State Building, Expansion, and Conflict

Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems

Development and Transformation of Social Structures

Individual Presentation Requirements: Everyone is required to make one in-depth presentation per semester. These will be short oral presentations accompanied by a poster, a powerpoint, or a handout to be distributed to your classmates (this could also be done as a video or as an in-class skit).

Basically, your presentation must include visuals, so if you have a more interesting way of doing it, ask me about it and I’ll be flexible.

Your presentation must include information from sources other than your textbook. These sources might include internet resources, books borrowed from the library, any of my books, etc. You must also provide me with a bibliography IN MLA FORMAT, citing these outside sources .

These two projects can be done in pairs or individually, and will be graded on content (40%), effort

(40%), and creativity (20%). The content grade will be based on the quality of your information, your use of themes, and the extent of your research. The effort grade is based upon how much time and energy you have invested in the project. The creativity grade is based upon how well you engage your audience of fellow students—your goal is to make a presentation that’s both scholarly and interesting.

We don't mean for this project to take dozens of hours to prepare, but we do want you to become something of an expert on two subjects so that you always have these subjects to fall back on when you are answering the more open-ended essay questions on the AP exam. Your presentation must be at least seven minutes in length—if it falls short of this time requirement, you will lose five points (out of fifty) for every minute under. Please see the rubric which follows later in the reader for more information.

Class Rules: 1) Be nice to people. Respect and tolerance for your classmates and your teacher are mandatory at all times.

2) Keep the classroom clean . This means no eating and no littering. Don’t draw on the desks, don’t write on the chairs, and please leave the chairs and tables where they are.

3) Be in your seat when the bell rings.

The school’s attendance policy requires that we take attendance immediately. If you’re not here when the bell rings, you’re tardy.

4) Pay attention.

This is a college-level, lecture-based class. You can’t thrive in this class without focusing on the lectures and discussion if you’re talking to your friends all the time or working on material from other classes.

A failure to follow the rules— especially rule #4

—will result in a loss of participation points and temporary ejection from the classroom. If you’re ejected from the room, it’s your responsibility to talk to fellow students for any material missed in the lecture.

Missed/late work 1) Late assignments will be accepted for half credit up until the end policies: of the semester.

2) If you are going to be absent, try to check with me for makeup work beforehand, if possible. If you can't do the work during your absence, we are really lenient about return time for missed work- I realize that things come up and it may take awhile. You can still earn full credit, but work

Plagiarism/ missed because of an excused absence must be done before the end of the semester (for first semester) or the AP test (for second semester).

Academic Honesty: It is the expectation that all work you submit for this class will be your own, and more broadly, that you conform to the requirements for academic honesty laid out in the student handbook. Failure to meet these expectations will not only harm your grade (as per school policy) and possibly your behavioral record, but will tarnish your reputation with your teachers and potentially your peers. Have pride in all the hard work that you do, don’t share your work with others, and don’t plagiarize in an attempt to take the easy way out of an assignment. This “easy way” will almost certainly become far more difficult when you are eventually caught. Outlines are considered plagiarized if you turn in an assignment that contains elements which are identical to another student’s assignment, and obviously, if you take them off the internet. In an effort to further encourage academic honesty, we require that all non-AP essays be turned in through turnitin.com.


The AP Test is composed of four sections: three essays, and one multiple-choice.


On the multiple-choice section of the AP Exam, students have 55 minutes to answer 70 questions.

This section accounts for half of the test grade.

In theory, multiple-choice questions are supposed to be distributed equally into five categories:

Note: You have a big advantage 1) Foundations: c. 8,000 BCE to 600 CE over other test takers here—you’ve

2) 600 CE to 1450 already had all of this in 8 th and 9 th

3) 1450 to 1750

4) 1750 to 1914

5) 1914 to the present

In practice, if you carefully analyze the actual distribution of questions on released AP exams, you’ll find that the questions aren’t always distributed equally across these periods, and many of the questions are cross-chronological and therefore involve multiple periods.


Accounting for the other half of your AP grade are three different essays. You will be writing each of these essays between four and eight times over the course of the year.

1) Document Based Question (DBQ): This question requires you to analyze, interpret and synthesize the various primary sources that you’ve been required to study in history class over the last several years, including documents, visual data, maps, statistics, etc. (50 minutes)

2) Continuity and Change Over Time: The change over time essay requires you to look at how some aspect of civilization or history has both changed and stayed the same over time. Your discussion must demonstrate a clear understanding of historical cause and effect, supported by chronologically specific data. (40 minutes)

3) Comparative Question: This essay focuses on broad ideas in world history, and requires you to compare at least two societies. The essay is often based on one of the AP World History themes. (40 minutes)

Schedule: What follows is an outline of what to expect on a day-to-day basis in AP World History.

The homework laid out here is probably not the only homework that will be assigned to you, nor will you necessarily have to read everything listed here. However, the bulk of the reading, the presentation dates, the essay dates and the quiz dates will be fairly accurate. If they are not accurate, you will a) be informed of any changes as soon as possible, and b) deal with the situation stoically!

You MUST refer to the schedule on the board and my verbal instructions for real, honest-to-goodness due dates and extra assignments- it is your responsibility to keep up to date with assignments.

Just to make you aware, September and October are going to be the worst months for you, in terms of the workload—know that it will get better soon.


FOUNDATIONS PERIOD (8000 BCE-600 CE)— Week 1: August 23 rd

to 27 th

8/23 Introduction to AP World History

*Read Adams et al, “The Neolithic Revolution” for

Wednesday AND Bulliet ( pgs 14-25 only) for Thursday

8/24 Prehistory

8/25 GGS essay discussion, review essay guidelines and rubric,

discuss Adams, response to Adams reading due

8/26 Prehistory Group Quizzes , River Valley Civilizations

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 2 for Monday, complete questions

8/27 River Valley Civilizations

Week 2: August 30 th to September 3 rd

8/30 Ch. 2 Questions due/ Bronze Age Civilizations

*Finish Ch. 3 questions for Wednesday/Thursday

8/31 Bronze Age Civilizations

9/1-2 River Valley and Bronze Age Civilizations Quiz/Bronze

Age Civilizations questions due/ Americas and W. Eurasia

* Read Bulliet, Chapter 4 for Tuesday and complete outline

9/3 Americas and Western Eurasia

Week 3: September 6 th

to 10 th





Americas and W. Eurasia Quiz

Greece & Iran

Greece & Iran

/ Outline due /Greece & Iran

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 5 for Monday and complete outline

9/10 Greece & Iran, Presentation #1

Week 4: September 13 th

to 17 th

9/13 Greece and Iran Quiz/Outline due /Rome & China

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 6 for Monday and complete outline

9/14 Rome & China

9/15-16 Rome & China

9/17 Rome & China, Presentation #2

Week 5: September 20 th

to 24 th

9/20 Rome and China Quiz / Outline due /India and SE Asia

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 7 for Monday and complete outline

9/21 India and SE Asia- religions and spread of religions (Eurasia & Africa map)

9/22 India and SE Asia, Axial Age/Women 8,000 BCE to 600 CE readings

9/23 Axial Age/Women 8,000 BCE to 600 CE debate, C/C outline

9/24 GGS Essay Due/ GGS essay partner edit, Presentation #3, India Review

POSTCLASSICAL PERIOD (600 CE-1450 CE)— Week 6: September 27 th

to October 1 st

9/27 India and SE Asia Quiz/Outline due/ Networks of Communication and Exchange



*Read Bulliet, Chapter 8 for Friday and complete questions

Networks of Communication and Exchange, begin “Southernization”

9/29-30 Southernization reading & discussion, Presentation # 4, review

Networks of Comm. and Exchange Quiz/Questions due/ Islam and Sasanid

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 9 for Thursday and complete outline

Week 7: October 4 th to 8 th

10/4 Islam and Sasanid




Islam and Sasanid, Compare/Contrast Essay Outline

Presentation #5, Islamic Kitchen

Sasanid and Islam Quiz /Outline due/Christian Europe

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 10 for Wednesday/Thursday and complete outline

10/8 Christian Europe

Week 8: October 11 th

to 15 th




Teacher In-Service—NO SCHOOL

Crusades/Religious schisms, presentation #6

Christian Europe Quiz/Outline due/ Central and Eastern Asia

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 11 for Monday and complete outline

10/15 Central and Eastern Asia/ GGS revised essay due

Week 9: October 18 th

to 22 nd

10/18 Presentation #7, Central and Eastern Asia Quiz/Outline due /Americas



*Read Bulliet, Chapter 12 for Friday/Monday and complete outline



10/21 Presentation #8, Americas review

10/22 Midterm Review/ Ch 12 Outline due (for extra credit)

Week 10: October 25 th

to 29 th

10/25 Midterm/CH 12 Outline due

10/26 Finish Midterm (part III)/begin Mongols reading

*Finish Mongols assignment for homework, read Bulliet, Chapter 13 for Friday

and complete questions

10/27-8 Mongols Assignment due/ Mongols, Presentation #9

10/29 Questions due /Eastern Eurasia/Zheng He

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 14 for Wednesday and complete outline

Week 11: November 1 st

to November 5 th

11/1 C/O/T activity- Chinese Influence in the East

11/2 Presentation #10, Eastern Eurasia review

11/3 Eastern & Western Eurasia Quiz/Outline due/ Tropical Africa & Asia

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 15 for Monday, complete outline

11/4 Tropical Africa & Asia

11/5 Presentation #11, Tropical Africa and Asia review

EARLY MODERN PERIOD (1450 CE-1750 CE)— Week 12: November 8 th

to 12 th

11/8 Tropical Africa and Asia Quiz/Outline due/ Latin West




*Read Bulliet, Chapter 16 for Monday, complete questions

Latin West

Latin West

NO SCHOOL—Veterans Day

11/12 Presentation #12, Latin West Review

Week 13: November 15 th to 19 th

11/15 Latin West Quiz/Outline due /Maritime Revolution


*Read Bulliet, Chapter 17 for Friday, complete questions

Maritime Revolution, begin C/OT essay

11/17-18 Maritime Revolution, finish C/O/T essay, Presentation #13

11/19 Maritime Revolution Quiz/Questions due /Trans. of Europe

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 18 for Tuesday, complete outline

Week 14: November 22 nd

to 26 th

11/22 Transformation of Europe, Presentation #14

11/23 Trans. of Europe Quiz/Outline due

*Read Bulliet, Chapters 19 & 20 for Thursday, complete charts

11/24-26 NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break

Week 15: November 29 th

to December 3 rd

11/29 American Colonial Societies




American Colonial Societies/compare and contrast labor systems

American Colonial Societies/Atlantic System and Africa

Presentation #15/ American Colonial Societies & Atlantic System and Africa

Quiz/Charts due

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 21 for Wednesday/Thursday, complete outline

12/3 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean

Week 16: December 6 th to 10 th

12/6 Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean

12/7 Muslim Empires DBQ

12/8-9 Presentation #16, Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean Quiz/Outline due,

Eastern Eurasia


*Read Bulliet, Chapter 22 for Monday, complete outline

Eastern Eurasia

Week 17: December 13 th

to 17 th

12/13 Eastern Eurasia Quiz/Outline due /Review

12/14 Review

12/15-17 FINALS




THE LONG 19 th CENTURY (1750 CE-1914 CE)— Week 1: January 3 rd

to 7 th

1/3 Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World



*Read Bulliet, Chapter 23 for Monday, complete outline

Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World

Enlightenment Philosophy



Haitian Revolution DBQ

Presentation #18, Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World review

Week 2: January 10 th

to 14 th

1/10 Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World Quiz/Outline due/ Early

Industrial Revolution

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 24 for Friday, complete QUESTIONS

1/11 Early Industrial Revolution

1/12-13 Impacts of the Industrial Revolution activity, Presentation #19, Early Industrial

Revolution review

1/14 Early Industrial Revolution Quiz/Qs due/ Nation Building in the Americas

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 25 for Monday 1/24, complete outline

Week 3: January 17 th

to 21 st

1/17 NO SCHOOL— Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

1/18 Commodities in the Americas

1/19 Nation Building in the Americas

Commodities Assignment Due

1/20 C/C Essay- Independence Movements

1/21 Presentation #20, Bolivar, Nation Building in the Americas review

Week 4: January 24 th

to 28 th

1/24 Nation Building in the Americas Quiz/Outline due/ Africa, India, and the New


British Empire

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 26 for Monday, complete outline

Africa, India and the New British Empire

1/26-7 Lagaan

1/28 Lagaan, Presentation #21

Week 5: January 31 st

to Feburary 4 th

1/31 Africa, India, and the New British Empire Quiz/Outline due /The Ottoman





Empire and East Asia

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 27 for Monday, complete outline

The Ottoman Empire and East Asia

The Ottoman Empire and East Asia, video

Map activity, Opium Wars activity

Presentation #22, Ottoman Empire in East Asia review

*Communist Manifesto and study guide, due 2/9-10

Week 6: February 7 th

to 11 th

2/7 Ottoman Empire in East Asia Quiz/Outline due/ The New Power Balance


*Read Bulliet, Chapter 28 for Monday, complete outline

The New Power Balance

2/9-10 Communist Manifesto- Quiz, discussion— Study guide due

2/11 C/O/T essay outline, presentation #23, New Power Balance Review

Week 7: February 14 th

to 18 th

2/14 New Power Balance Quiz/Outline due /The New Imperialism



*Bulliet, Chapter 29 for Monday, complete outline

The New Imperialism

C/O/T—Labor Systems, Presentation #24



The New Imperialism Quiz/Outline due/

Crisis of the Imperial Order-WWI

The Crisis of the Imperial Order

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 30 for Tuesday, 3/1, complete outline

THE 20 th CENTURY (1914 CE-present)— Week 8: February 21 st

to February 25 th

2/21 NO SCHOOL— President’s Day

2/22 NO SCHOOL— In-Service

2/23-24 Crisis of the Imperial Order-WWI, Russia- Reds (short excerpts)

2/25 Crisis of the Imperial Order- China, The Last Emperor (short


Week 9: February 28 th

to March 4 th

2/28 Presentation #25, Crisis of the Imperial Order




Midterm review/ Outline due

Midterm (parts I and II)

Midterm (part III), The Collapse of the Old Order


Week 10: March 7 th

to 11 th

3/7 The Collapse of the Old Order


* Read Bulliet, Chapter 31 and complete outline for Friday

The Collapse of the Old Order

The Collapse of the Old Order

3/9-10 The Holocaust, Presentation #26, Collapse of the Old Order review

3/11 Collapse of the Old Order Quiz/Outline due/ Striving for Independence—Africa and Mexico

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 32 for Friday, complete outline

Week 11: March 14 th to March 18 th

3/14 Striving for Independence- India and Gandhi





Striving for Independence- India and Gandhi

Striving for Independence- Argentina, Evita,

Compare/contrast, Presentation #27, review

Striving for Independence Quiz/Outline due/ Cold War

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 33 for Friday, complete outline

Week 12: March 21 st

to 25 th

3/21 Cold War

3/22 Cold War

3/23-24 Cold War, Cold War Review, Presentation #28

3/25 Cold War Quiz/Outline due

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 34 for Friday, complete outline

Week 13: March 28 th

to April 1 st



Crisis, Realignment

Crisis, Realignment

3/30 Crisis, Realignment, Goodbye Lenin (excerpt)

3/31 Goodbye Lenin (excerpt), presentation #29, Crisis, Realignment review

4/1 Crisis, Realignment Quiz/Outline due/ End of a Global Century

*Read Bulliet, Chapter 35 for Wednesday/Thursday, complete outline

Week 14: April 4 th

to April 8 th

4/4 End of a Global Century

4/5 End of a Global Century

*Bring in a newspaper article for tomorrow (preferably concerning world events)

4/6-7 End of a Global Century Activity /Bring in any newspaper article , presentation

#30, End of a Global Century Quiz/Outline due


*Terms Log due Wednesday

PRACTICE TEST PART 1- Multiple Choice (not graded)

Week 15: April 11 th

to 15 th

(STAR testing 4/12-14)

4/11 PRACTICE TEST PART 2- DBQ (not graded), review M/C




PRACTICE TEST PART 3- C/O/T (not graded)


Peer edit DBQ, compare w/ sample DBQ’s, review problem spots

4/15 Peer edit C/C and C/O/T, compare w/ sample C/C and C/O/Ts, review problem spots

Week 16: April 18 th

to 22 nd


*Extra credit timelines, Foundations timeline for extra credit

Week 17: April 25 th

to April 29 th



Review Foundations

*Foundations AND 600-1450 CE timeline due Tuesday

TIMELINE DUE/ Review 600-1450 CE

*1450-1750 CE timeline due next class meeting

4/27-28(B) TIMELINE DUE/ Review 1400-1750 CE

*1750-1914 timeline due Friday

4/29 TIMELINE DUE/ Review 1750-1914 CE

*1914-present timeline due Monday

Week 18: May 2 nd

to 6 th





Finish review

Finish review

Review 1914-present



Final Exam Part I (Multiple choice)

Final Exam Part II (Essay)

Week 18: May 9 th

to 13 th

5/9 Final Exam Part III (timeline)/What to Expect on Thursday

5/10 Review final exam

5/11 Review period for 1 st

and 2 nd



5/13 Party!

Week 19: May 16 th

to 20 th

5/16 Finish RH-MiT

5/17 TBA

5/18 TBA

5/19 TBA

5/20 TBA

Week 20: May 23 rd

to May 27 th

5/23 TBA

5/24 TBA

5/25-6 TBA

5/27 TBA

Week 21: May 30 th

to June 3 rd


—Memorial Day

5/31-6/2 FINALS- Video



Last day of school

Advanced placement classes are intended to prepare students for the Advanced placement tests and all

PCS students enrolled in AP classes are expected to take an AP test for each class that they are taking.

Each Advanced Placement test is a non-biased, standardized means of evaluating students' understanding of the subject.

PCS teachers have the option to use AP test scores as an assessment for subject understanding as well as an incentive for students to take the test. If teachers choose to use the AP scores as a means of incentive and assessment, grades can be adjusted based upon the score in the class as well as the student's score on the test. The College Board states that AP scores are "… set so that the lowest composite score for an AP grade of 5 is equivalent to the average score for college students earning grades of A.

Similarly, the lowest composite scores for AP grades of 4, 3, and 2 are equivalent to the average scores for students with college grades of B, C, and D, respectively." With this understanding, final course grades can be adjusted using AP scores only if AP test are scores higher than course score. Final course grades can be adjusted if a student's score is higher on the AP test than on class grade. The maximum adjustment that can be made by a teacher is one letter grade above class grade. For example if a student receives a B- in as a class grade and scores a 5 on the AP test, the grade will be adjusted to an A-.


1. Class grades lower than a C- cannot be adjusted.

2. Since AP scores are not received until July, seniors will be given a previously released AP test or equivalent test that can be used by the teacher to fairly adjust the grades of the seniors.

3. If an AP class is taught by more than one teacher, a policy about grade adjustment and AP scores must be agreed upon by the teachers prior to the school and placed in writing in the syllabus at the beginning of the year.
