DEMAND FOR WATER PER HEALTH FACILITY District Health Centre No of beds No of staff No of inpatients (monthly) 35 Current water demand (litres per day) 1050 Current water demand (litres per month) 31500 Current water demand (m3 per day) 1.1 Current water demand (m3per month) 31.5 Umbrella/ NWSC Charge per month Umbrella/ NWSC Charge per year 15 No of outpatients (monthly) 600 Moroto Loputuk HC III Amudat Amudat Hospital Nakapiripirit Nakaripit HC III connected to grid Nakapiripirit Lemsui HC III Nabilatuk Lolachat HC III Napak Apeitolim HC III Kotido Rengen HC III Kotido Kotido HC IV Kaboong Lokolia HC III Karenga Karenga HC IV Abim Nyakwaye HC III 10 130095 1561140 113 60 570 200 27,750 832,500 27.8 832.5 3,438,225 41,258,700 18 12 700 70 1613 48400 1.6 48.4 199892 2,398,704 12 4 950 40 1197 35900 1.2 35.9 148267 1779204 14 13 1000 105 1443 43300 1.4 43.3 178829 2145948 XXX 11 750 XXX 360 10800 0.4 10.8 44604 535248 7 13 1500 12 1120 33600 1.1 33.6 138768 1665216 50 44 3000 400 13080 392400 13.1 392 1944734 23336813 22 9 1300 90 2063 61900 2.1 61.9 255647 3067764 40 31 500 300 7003 210100 7.0 210.1 867713 10412556 31 13 700 35 2533 76000 2.5 76 313880 3766560 SUPPLY FOR WATER PER FACILITY DISTRICT/TARGET SHORT DESRIPTION OF HEALTH FACILITY AMUDAT HOSPITAL WATER SUPPLY FUNCTIONALITY WATER O &M RECOMMENDED INTERVENTIONS/ MEASURES OF KEY QUESTIONS WATER SUPPLY Moroto Loputuk HC III Amudat Amudat Hospital Nakapiripirit Nakaripit HC III connected to grid Nakapiripirit Lemsui HC III Nabilatuk Lolachat HC III Napak Apeitolim HC III Kotido Rengen HC III Kotido Kotido HC IV population of 27,000 28 villages in 4 parishes. a motorized production The water is pumped borehole with in the from the borehole to the premises reservoir tank using GI pipes Water is reportedly to be salty. There is a 40,000 liters storage steel tank. Another source of water for the hospital is rain harvesting which is got especially during the rainy season however at the time of visit the water tank and gutters were broken. There is no committee in charge of O&M no fund is dedicated to O&M. The hospital has a scheme operator and in case of repairs The funds used for fuel and paying the operator comes from the hospital collections from the patients. During the dry season, the hospital resorts to buying jerry cans of water than pumping and low funds are collected since communities move towards the flowing rivers. Motorizing existing boreholes with solar Construction of a new transmission and distribution pipeline Construction of a new 5 stance lined pit latrine, including stance for PWDs and MHM room. Mobilization Sensitization of water user community Formation of WSCs Capacity building of Committees Kaboong Lokolia HC III Karenga Karenga HC IV Abim Nyakwaye HC III