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Blept: English major
Which element of poetry refers to words that appeal to the senses through vivid
representation of an object in reality?
The door is closed, curtains drawn within
One room a brilliant question mark of light
Outside her gate, an empty limousine
Waits in the brimming emptiness of night.
In terms of structure, the short story writer can also give readers a series of clues
that will show upcoming events. What technique for short story structuring is
(going back to related
incidents which
occurred prior to the
beginning of the story)
(using hints or clues to
indicate events that
will occur later in the
Similar with fiction and poetry, drama draws out a particular mood or attitude
from an element called __________________.
What figure of speech is characterized by the addressing of someone dead,
inanimate or absent considered to be alive and has the capability to reply to
what is being said?
For what were you before the birth of the daystar,
O my
Soul where were you in that deep and darkest night?
--- Leonides Benasa, “Fragments: The Deserts of God”
This type of drama is intended to make the audience laugh through slapstick
dialogue and actions of the characters. How do you call this?
Poets, mostly, use connotations in order to enrich the meaning of their lines by
saying more in fewer words. Which of the following is an example of a
connotation for the word spring?
Hope and joy
This is a type of metrical foot that consists of one short syllable or one
unstressed syllable followed by one long or stressed syllable. What is this?
Name of Foot
Pattern of Accent
(x /)
Unaccented, Accented
That time of year thou mayst in me behold
(/ x)
Accented, Unaccented
Tell me not in mournful numbers
(x x /)
Unaccented, Unaccented, Accented
And the sound of a voice that is still
(/ x x)
Accented, Unaccented, Unaccented
This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and
the hemlock
(/ /)
Accented, Accented
Break, break, break/ On thy cold gray stones, O Sea!
Name of Feet/Line
One foot
Two feet
Three feet
Four feet
Five feet
Six feet
Seven feet
Eight feet
iambic pentameter (5 iambs, 10 syllables)
That time | of year | thou mayst | in me | behold
trochaic tetrameter (4 trochees, 8 syllables)
Tell me | not in | mournful | numbers
anapestic trimeter (3 anapests, 9 syllables)
And the sound | of a voice | that is still
Content Words
people, places, things, and
Patty, Seattle, cars,
main verbs
verbs without auxilliaries
ran, swim, thinks
words that describe nouns
red, soft, careful
adverbs (except adverbs of
words that describe verbs
calmly, quickly, carefully
question words
words that denote a question
who, what, where, when,
words that negate
not, never
Function Words
auxiliary verbs
verbs that support the main verbs
am, are, has, could, should
words that tell relation to other words
at, on, to, near
words that tie clauses together
and, so, but, however
words that give detail to nouns
a, an, the, some, any
words that replace nouns
I, it, we, they, he, she
All I could see from where I stood
Come live | with me | and be | my love
Shall I l com pare l thee to l a sum l mer’s day?
Iambic Tetrameter
I do not like green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.
The lines, “Her coos and cry / Are now all echoes”, from Mae Monteclaro Roca’s
Amira is an example of what type of imagery?
Auditory imagery
Which of the following lines uses onomatopoeia?
Buzz a buzzer, clang a bell,
An early evening, like croaking
Of the frogs, evoking memories lost.
--- Ralph Semino Galan, “Cartanella”
The theme refers to the central message, concern, or insight into life expressed
through a literary work. Which of the following is perfect example of a theme?
Symbol, as a literary device, refers to an object that stands for another object or
idea. When a symbol has basically the same meaning to people of various
geographies, time periods and cultures, it is considered as _______________.
Which among the following techniques of plot structuring refers to an
unexpected conclusion that usually renders readers shocked?
The following lines is an example of what type of figure of speech: “Sunflowers
pushed/Out of the shadows/Betrayed into tracking/The sun.”?
In fiction, a character that exhibits noticeable development is considered to be
Kinds of Characters
According to Principality
Protagonist – character who has a particular goal to achieve in life
Antagonist – character who goes against the goal of another character
Kinds of Characters
According to Development
Dynamic – exhibits noticeable development
Static – exhibits no changes and development
Kinds of Characters
According to Personality
Round – displays different/multiple personalities throughout the story
Flat – remains the same throughout the story
Which among the following types of plot presents a story that commences in the
middle part of the action?
En Medias Res
Linear Plot
Circular Plot
• Moves with natural
sequence of events
where actions are
• Linear
development of
the story merges
with an
interruption in the
chronological order
to show an event
that happened in
the past
En Media Res
• Starts in the
middle part of the
Metonymy is a figure of speech which uses one word to stand for a related term.
Which of the following lines employs this figurative language?
To say that the crown will have an heir
naming of parts to suggest the whole
Respect is due for snowy hair
Life they lived is beyond compare
--- Anonymous
Alliteration is the repetition of similar and accented sounds at the beginning of
words. Which of the following lines is a perfect example of alliteration?
“In a somer seson, whan soft was the sonne…”
Which narrative point of view has a narrator that tells only what he can see or
hear “inside the world” of the story?
Third-Person Limited Point of View
First Person
of Point
of View
The First Person Point of View
You can easily identify the first person point of view by the use of I, me, and myself in the
The Protagonist. He or she is the main character in the story. The protagonist shares what
happens to him first-hand, along with commentary.
A Secondary Character. This character may not be who the story is about, but can relate his or
her experiences within the context of the story and usually has a relationship with the
The Observer. This type of narrator witnesses the story but has limited or no participation in the
The Unreliable Narrator. This type of narrator cannot be trusted to accurately convey the story.
He or she is skewed.
Third Person Point of View
Third person can give you the author (and your readers) a more global view of
what’s happening in the story.
Third Person Limited. This point of view follows only one person throughout the
Third Person Multiple. This point of view can follow multiple people, switching
back and forth between their individual stories or perspectives.
Third Person Omniscient. The omniscient narrator knows everything about
everyone. It also knows everything about the world within the story. Nothing in
the past, present, or future is off limits or hidden from view.
Point of view focuses on the type
of narrator used to tell the story
Perspective focuses on how this
narrator perceives what’s
happening within the story
Which aspect of the character of a drama refers to the inner mechanism of the
mind of the character as exemplified by his desires, longings and attitudes?
Which type of conflict shows an individual having a dilemma or personal struggle?
Person vs. Self
This part of the plot is considered to be the peak of the story since it is the point
of the greatest emotional intensity and suspense. Which part is this?
How many feet are there in a hexameter?
Which figure of speech shows contrast between appearance and reality?
Irony – contrast or discrepancy between appearance and
• Neither is man aware of the unkind / flight of time; for, though it gives
him life, / It is dragging him nearer his grave. --- Juan de Atayde, “The
Oxymoron – putting together two opposite ideas in one
• “Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health! / Still-waking
sleep, that is not what it is! / This love feel I, that feel no love in
this.” --- Romeo from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
Paradox – phrase or statement that seems to be impossible or
contradictory but is nevertheless true, literally or figuratively
• This shows / The absolute necessity / Of what has “no use.” --- Chuang
Tzu, “The Useless”
Irony / Paradox / Oxymoron
He was the cleverest general that ever lost a battle.
The more things a man is ashamed of the more respectable he is.
James the first was the wisest fool in Christondom.
What rhyme scheme is employed in the following lines lifted from William Blake’s
The Tiger: Tiger! Tiger! burning bright! / In the forests of the night, / What
immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
Rhyme Scheme
the pattern of rhyme form that ends a stanza or a poem; designated by the
assignment of a different letter of the alphabet to each new rhyme
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright!
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
Among the following lines taken from Robert Browning’s Meeting at Night, which
contain olfactory images?
Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;
What does Francis Bacon mean by the following lines mentioned in his essay,
Nobility: “We will speak of nobility first as a portion of an estate, then as a
condition of particular persons.”?
That nobility is based on land ownership and reputation
Which of the following lines is an example of an internal rhyme?
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Perfect Rhyme
is a case in which two words rhyme in such a way that their final stressed vowel and
all following sounds are identical
e.g. sight and light, right and might, rose and dose etc.
General Rhyme
refers to a variety of phonetic likeness between words
Assonance aka Slant Rhyme
repetition of similar accented vowel sounds
“Thou still unravished bride of quietness,
Thou foster child of silence and slow time.”
--- Ode on a Grecian Urn
repetition of similar consonant sound typically within or at the end of words.
“Out of this house --- said rider to reader”
--- O Where Are you Going?
End Rhymes
also called as sight or spelling rhymes, refer to words having the same
spelling but with different sounds
cough and bough
love and move
Rhymes According to Position
Tail Rhyme
the most common type of rhyme and it occurs in the final syllable of a
verse or line
“Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are.”
Rhymes According to Position
Internal Rhyme
this type of rhyme in which a word at the end of a verse rhymes with
another word in the same line
“Just turn me loose let me straddle my old saddle,
Underneath the western skies,
On my cayuse let me wander over yonder,
‘Til I see the mountains rise.”
Rhymes According to Position
Holo Rhyme
type of rhyme in which all the words of two entire lines rhyme
“In Ayrshire hill areas, a cruise, eh, lass?”
“Inertia, hilarious, accrues, helas!”
a poetic stanze made of three rhyming lines
Since I've stopped completing dinner,
My waist has slowly gotten thinner.
I think this diet is a winner!
I think I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
--- Joyce Kilmer, Trees
What kind of poem is this:
“There once was a man from Peru
Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.
He awoke in a fright
In the middle of the night
And found it was perfectly true.”
What figure of speech is used in the sentence below? "I can eat a whole cow."
a. Hyperbole
Time is a pair of scissors
And life, a bolt of brocade
When the lost section is done
The scraps are committed to a bonfire.
The key idea expressed in the stanza above is the
d. cruelty of time
J.K. Rowling is the sensational British writer known for the multi-million selling
Harry Potter Book series. What do the initials J.K. of her name stand for?
Joanne Kathleen
Who among the following is considered as the Mother of American Poetry?
Emily Dickinson
Which Nigerian author is known for his internationally acclaimed novel, Things
Fall Apart?
Chinua Achebe
Which among the following is considered to be the foremost master of the haiku?
Matsuo Basho
Which Indian epic tells of the story of an heir to the throne of Kosalas who was
banished by his own father for fourteen years and lived a life as a hermit in that
Which Asian mythology do Izanagi and Izanami belong to?
Which of the following works by German writer, Franz Kafka, tells the story of
George Samsa, who wakes up one morning to find out that he becomes an insect?
The Metamorphosis
The English sonnet is a modification made by William Shakespeare, from the
Italian sonnet created by which Italian poet?
Francesco Petrarch
The Divine Comedy is a classical masterpiece that is divided into three sections--Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso. This traces the so-called journey of Dante into
those three destinations of souls of the dead. In this journey, Dante is guided by
Since Heracles killed his wife, Megara, and his children in a fit of madness sent
by Hera, Heracles was punished by Eurystheus to perform how many labors?
Who among the following Latin American writers penned the Twenty Love Poems,
a collection of love poems?
Pablo Neruda
Who among the following American writers wrote the Leaves of Grass?
Walt Whitman
Which Russian writer is known for Anna Karenina, one of the greatest novels in
Leo Tolstoy
The Arabian Nights consists of stories that are loosely tied together by a frame
story which features a woman who tricked her cruel sultan husband from
delaying her execution by narrating a tale and leaving it unfinished. What is the
name of this female character?
Which Lebanese writer is known for the classical masterpiece, The Prophet?
Khalil Gibran
Among the following literary works, which one was not written by Edgar Allan
Heart of Darkness
Which American writer, whose original name is Marguerite Johnson, wrote I Know
Why the Caged Bird Sings?
Maya Angelou
Which Chinese writer created 24 chapters of wise sayings known as The Analects?
Who among the Bronte sisters wrote her only successful novel, Wuthering
If Divine Comedy is characterized by absolute faith in a single truth, what best
characterizes Boccaccio's Decameron?
d. A sexual libertinism that seeks to revive the great
pleasures of Ancient Rome
This is a collection of stories told by the pilgrims while on their way to the chapel of
d. The Canterbury Tales
Identify the poem from which the line is taken: QUOTH THE RAVEN
d. The Raven
The following are Elizabethan playwrights. Who does NOT belong to
the group?
b. Dante
What is the English translation of Rabindranath Tagore's
c. Song of Offerings
Which of the following is the story of a scholar who sold his soul to the devil in
exchange for knowledge?
a. Faust
Which poem of Walter Scott has stirring narrative in verse, superb description of the
wild and historic places and complete medievalism?
a. Lochinvar
An aging minstrel who seeks hospitality at Newark Castle and in recompense tells a tale of
a sixteenth-century Border feud. In the poem, Lady Margaret Scott of Buccleuch, the
"Flower of Teviot" is beloved by Baron Henry of Cranstown an ally of the Ker Clan, but a
deadly feud exists between the two border clans of Scott and Carr/Ker, which has resulted
in the recent murder of Lady Margaret's father, Sir Walter Scott of Buccleuch by the Kers on
the High Street in Edinburgh. Maragaret's widowed mother – Lady Janet – hates the Ker
clan as a result, and is adamant in refusing her consent to any suggestion of marriage
between the lovers.
Which of the following best describes difficult and distorted human
d. Never seek to Tell my Love
Never Seek to Tell thy Love | William Blake
Never seek to tell thy love
Love that never told can be
For the gentle wind does move
Silently invisibly
I told my love I told my love
I told her all my heart
Trembling cold in ghastly fears
Ah she doth depart
Soon as she was gone from me
A traveller came by
Silently invisibly
O was no deny
The poetry of Ezra Pound is best described as:
a. Imagist
In a Station of the Metro
Ezra Pound, 1885 - 1972
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.
Sappho is regarded as:
b. A very passionate poet
Which book in the New Testament includes a vision of the end of the world
and the second coming of Jesus?
c. Revelations
Identify the play from which the line is taken: “Good name in man and
woman ...is the immediate jewel of souls.”
d. Othello
Somerset Maugham produced a powerful document in human ordeal
entitled _____.
d. Of Human Bondage
The following are metaphysical poets EXCEPT:
d. Robert Burns
Africa, my Africa
Africa of proud warriors In ancestral savanna
Africa of whom my grandmother sings
= David Deop =
The lines above described an Africa that is _____.
c. Free and beautiful
Sunset and evening star
And one clear call for me
And may these be no moaning of the bar
When I put out of sea."
Who is the speaker of the poem?
c. A fisherman
The Tale of Genji was written by _____
d. Lady Murasoki Shikibu
What can be inferred from Iseneses "answer"
c. She likes Creon
Who was the playwright who wrote realistic dramas capturing the feeling of everyday life
like his characters in A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL?
d. Anton Checkhov
Which of the following films was Edward Albee's play starring Elizabeth
c. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Which of the following children's verses is written by Robert Louis
Stevenson for his stepson Lloyd Osbourne?
d. A Child's Garden of Verses
Which is the best-known and most-quoted poem of Dames Russel Lowell
that immortalizes the theme of June day symbolizing the awakening of
d. The Vision of Sir Launfal
William Shakespeare wrote these lines in his The Merry
Wives of Windsor:
why, then the world's mine oyster
which I with sword will open
Reading at the First level, what does the speaker want
to impart?
b. The world is an oyster to be opened easily with a sword
William Shakespeare wrote these lines in his The Merry
wives of Windsor:
Why, then the world's mine oyster
which I with sword will open
Reading on the Second Level, what would determine the
writer's technique?
c. Metaphor
Who is NOT a romantic poet?
d. William Blake
Which is NOT a work to Leo Tolstoy?
b. Father and Sons
Which book of the bible teaches that there will never be an explanation to
human suffering, especially undeserved suffering, that human intelligence
can comprehend?
b. Job
Who among the following is known as the Indian Shakespeare?
b. Kalidasa
This theory views society as patriarchal, which hinders women from realizing
their truth potential. Which theory is this?
This form of criticism is rooted to an economic-oriented standpoint which
assumes that each society is made up of a set of concepts, beliefs, values, and
ways of thinking influenced by class structures. What is it?
This literary theory stipulates that a text is closely related to the time during
which an author wrote. What theory is this?
This literary movement is basically a faithful
representation of reality. This is even considered a
technique in many schools of writing. What is this?
This American literary classic focuses on a character named Hester gets
pregnant by a mystery man who isn't her husband. Her puritanical village
shuns her and forces her to wear a symbol of humiliation. What is the title
of this work?
Wuthering Heights
Pride and Prejudice
The Scarlet Letter
Catcher in the Rye
New Criticism focuses on which of the
following elements?
According to Kirszner and Mandell, this type of literary critics assert that literature does not
exist outside time and place and cannot be interpreted without reference to the era in which it
was written. Who are they?
New Historicists
Which literary critic looks at the language and elements of the texts,
and disregard the context in which the text was written or received?
This critic examines texts for themes of social justice, class structure, and
the unequal distribution of resources and social status, among others?
LGBT Critic
Mimesis Critic
Reader-Response Critic
Marxist Critic
These critics concern themselves on the social and cultural
implications of the masculine and feminine representations in
literature. Who are they?
Marxist Critics
Formalist Critics
Feminist Critics
New Historicist Critics
During this period, a revival of classical mythology took place?
What period is this?
This period is characterized by the reformation of society using reason
and advance knowledge through science. What period is this?
Most works of literary artists in this period are reflections of the postWorld War II milieu. Which period is this?
Which of the following literary movements traces its origins in the late
19th and early 20th centuries in Europe and North America?
This theory probes into the inner motivations of the characters or
of the authors themselves. Which theory is this?
It is the study of the general principles of biblical interpretation the
primary purpose of which is to discover the truths and values of the
a. Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics, the study of the general principles
of biblical interpretation. For both Jews and
Christians throughout their histories, the primary
purpose of hermeneutics, and of the exegetical
methods employed in interpretation, has been to
discover the truths and values of the Bible.
The following are the four major
types of hermeneutics have
emerged: the literal, moral,
allegorical, and anagogical.
Literal interpretation asserts that a
biblical text is to be interpreted
according to the “plain meaning”
conveyed by its grammatical
construction and historical context.
A second type of biblical hermeneutics is
moral interpretation, which seeks to
establish exegetical principles by which
ethical lessons may be drawn from the
various parts of the Bible.
Allegorical interpretation, a third type
of hermeneutics, interprets the biblical
narratives as having a second level of
reference beyond those persons, things,
and events explicitly mentioned in the
The fourth major type of biblical
hermeneutics is the anagogical, or
mystical, interpretation. This mode of
interpretation seeks to explain biblical
events as they relate to or prefigure the
life to come.
The essay derived its name from the title of Michel de Montaigne’s collection of
French prose writings, which means an attempt to communicate. What word of
French origin is that?
Haiku was originally known in another Japanese word which literally means
“starting verse”? What word is this?
nature poem filled with imagery; a verbal form of photography
Five syllables start
Seven syllables follow
Five syllables end
This refers to an online journal whereby an individual or group records thoughts
or opinions. What is this?
Web log
Which of the following refers to a poem dedicated to the dead?
How do you call the narrative that recounts for the creation of the universe and
first human being?
This is a type of drama where the protagonist overcomes any challenges that
comes along his way. What is it?
The type of novel which became popular in the 18th century is _____.
a. epistolary
From which short story of his own creation did Nick Joaquin base his intriguing
feminist play Tatarin?
Summer Solstice
Biag ni Lam-ang (Life of Lam-ang) is a pre-Hispanic Ilocano epic believed to be
the work of several poets in different generations. It was only in the 17th century
when it was frozen into print by the Father of Ilocano Poetry. Who is he?
Pedro Bukaneg
Which of the following is not a Philippine ethno-epic?
This period is considered as the Golden Age of the Filipino Language.
a. American regime
Which play of Jose M. Hernandez tells of an artisan who forged
cannons for the use of the Spaniards?
a. The Panday Pira
Gnomic verses are the earliest form of literacy expression during the
pre-colonial period in Philippine literature. Which is NOT an example
of gnomic verse?
d. Folktale
What is the usual ending of a Comedia?
c. Victory of Christians
Comedia – It is about a courtly love
between, a prince and a princess of
different religions, and highlights
concepts of colonial attitudes to
Christian-Muslim relations. It tells of
Christian armies defeating the hated
The Ifugao hero who was immortalized in the epic Hudhud is _____.
c. Aliguyon
Who wrote "Mga Ibong Mandaragat"
b. Amado Hernandez
Who among these writers is famous for using local color in his stories?
c. Manual Arguilla
Which of the following epic is about the exploits of early Muslim warriors
who fought in defense of Islam?
d. Darangan
Since Heracles killed his wife, Megara, and his children in a fit of madness sent
by Hera, Heracles was punished by Eurystheus to perform how many labors?
The Argonauts were 50 men who went with Jason in a quest to retrieve the
Golden Fleece as ordered by Jason’s uncle named ______________.
Whose daughter was kidnapped by Hades and caused the earth to be barren due
to her grief?
Which pair was given the task by the Olympians to create a new race of men?
Prometheus and Epimetheus
With what weapon does Ajax knock Hector unconscious?
A boulder
Which plant makes the sailors forget their desire to return home?
She sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus and is the goddess to whom the
Parthenon is dedicated. Her Latin name was Minerva. Who is she?
Which of the following characters is Helen’s brother-in-law?
How long has the Trojan War been going by the time The Iliad begins?
Nine years
Who died at the end of Iliad?
a. Hector
Euripides purpose in producing the drama Medea is to:
d. Criticize Greek behavior
In Zeus plan, what is it that comes from suffering?
b. The ecstasy of truth
Greek Religious Thought
Life is not a meaningless series of acts of
violence, but a progression to the rule of Zeus
who stands for order and justice. Thus, the law of
human life which Zeus administers is that wisdom
comes through suffering.
To punish himself of murdering his father and having sexual relations with
his mother, what did Oedipus do?
c. He gouged his eyes
The Ifugao hero who was immortalized in the epic Hudhud is _____.
c. Aliguyon
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