Unit1: Medical terminology Lesson2: Medical prefixes, suffixes and combining vowels Unit1: Medical terminology Lesson1: Medical terminology A medical terminology includes the following: Helps health professionals to communicate Helps to identify the problem quickly What is the importance of medical terminology? 1)Prefix بادئة Saves time in emergencies 2)Root world Helps to identify the right treatment جذر الكلمة Better understand your illness (condition & treatment) If you decide to work in healthcare 1 When you might need medical terminology? • Comes at start Terminology: Prefix Root word Suffix Combining vowels Helps me explain to medical emergency what happened in an emergency scene • The main word in terms 3)Suffix الحقة • Added to the end Terminology Medical terminologies breaking down 1. Prefix (before) 2. Root word (main word) 3. Suffix (after) Combining vowels (uae io) carcin (cancer) -genic (forming) o Arthr (joints) -itis (inflammation) 18) Osteoporosis هشاشة العظام Osteo (bone) / poro (pore )ثقب -sis (condition) 19) Neuropathy مرض عصبي Neuro عصبي 16) Carcinogenic تكون السرطان Terminology 1) Hyperthyroidism فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقية 2) Abnormalغير طبيعي 1. Prefix (before) 2. Root word (main word) 3. Suffix (after) Hyper- (high level) Thyroid الغدة الدرقية -ism (condition) Ab- (not) normal طبيعي 3) Biology علم األحياء 4) Anesthetic مخدر Bio (life) -logy (study) An- (no) esthetic (sense) 5) Antibacterial مضاد حيوي Anti- (against) bacterial 6) Antenatal ما قبل الوالدة Ante- (before) natal (birth) 7) Bradycardia دقات قلب بطيئة Brady- (slow) cardia (heart) 8) Tachycardia دقات قلب سريعة tachy- (fast) cardia 9) Epidermis طبقة جلد خارجية Epi- (outside) dermis (skin) 10) Hyperglycemia زيادة السكر في الدم Hyper- glyc (sugar) -emia (blood) 11) Hypoglycemia إنخفاض السكر في الدم Hypo- glyc -emia 12) Intercellular ما بين الخاليا Inter- (between) cellular خلوي 13) Intravenous داخل الوريد Intra- (inside) Venous وريدي 14) Myocardial عضالت قلبية Myo- (muscle) cardial 15) Leukemia سرطان الدم 2 Leuk (white) Combining vowels (uae io) 17) Arthritis إلتهاب المفاصل 20) Apnea إنقطاع النفس A- 21) Acidosisحموضة الدم 22) Dehydrate جفاف 23) Dermatology جلدية -emia -pnea (breathing) Acid De- (without) -pathy (disease) -sis hydrate (water) dermat -ology 24) Chemotherapy عالج كيماوي Chemo (chemistry) -therapy (treatment) 25) Gastroenteritis إلتهاب المعدة واألمعاء Gaster (stomach)/ enter (intestine) -itis 26) Hemoglobin صبغة الهيموجلوبين 27) Immunotherapy عالج مناعي Hem (blood)/ globin (protein) -therapy 28) Radiotherapy عالج باألشعة radio -therapy 29) Cardiovascular قلبي وعائي Cardio / vascular lipid o o Immun مناعة 30) Lipid دهن o o Unit1: Medical terminology Lesson3: Medical record report Medical record report : سجل الطبي ّ تقرير ال 1- Demographic information: الشخصية/البيانات السكانية Name Age/ date of birth “DOB” Gender Ethnicity (nationality) Contact information (address & contact/ phone number) 2- Medical complaint: ( الشكوى الطبيةwhat the patient is suffering from) 3- Medication & allergies: األدوية والحساسية Unit1: Medical terminology Lesson4: Responding to medical instructions Common medical words Definition Acute حاد Short-term illness Chronic مزمن Long-term illness (lasts 3 months or more) Report تقرير Health professionals use it to keep track of patient’s medical complaint & progress Progress تقدم وتطور How well a person is doing Symptoms أعراض What the patient experiences (you have to ask the patient e.g. feeling pain) Signs عالمات Evidence of a disease or an illness (things you can see on patient’s body) Remission تعافي When the symptoms of a disease go away Birth مولد When the person is born Blood pressure/ pulse rate (heart rate)/ respiration/ temperature Demographic تذكري »الديموقراطية «حكم الشعب Information about age, gender & ethnicity 5- Results (physical examination test results or any other diagnosis) Fracture كسر A break in a bone (complete/ incomplete) Prognosis تنبؤ An opinion about the outcome of a disease (possibilities) Inflammation التهاب Body’s respond to an injury (redness, swelling & pain) Infection عدوى When germs (bacteria/ viruses or parasites) enter the body Diagnosis تشخيص The disease or condition that explains a person’s symptoms Illness مرض When someone is sick Medical طبي Something related to healthcare 4- Physical examination: الفحوصات الجسدية 6- Treatment plan & progress: الخطة العالجية وتطور الحالة 3 Acute ≠ Chronic Symptoms أحاسيس المريض، الزم نساله عشان نعرفها «أعراض» Signs أشياء نقدر نشوفها من غير م نسأل المريض «عالمات» تشبه كلمة cute شي قصير كتكوت «فترته تكون أقل من ثاللث أشهر» ≤ تخثر الدم= Clot = Thromb تشبه صوت العطسة Infection األوعية الدموية Blood vessels وريد 1) Vein شريان 2) Artery شعيرات 3)Capillary الكلمة فيها عنف وتشبه صوت تكسر العظام Fracture إنننفيييكشين! (يرحمكم هللا ^)^U Note: the shortest word goes with the …shortest word in Arabic and so on التطور الحقيقي على أرض الواقعProgress . Development تطور /تقدم مجرد تنبؤات ووجهات نظر. ثقوب = Porous = Pores تعافي Remission فيها المقطع Re-اللي يدل على اإلعادة بمعنى التعافي من المرض Prognosis Prediction تنبؤ نفس كلمة replay Sponge pop has pores all over his body. 4 Thr cl mb t Cardio sounds like cards Nasal = Nose = أنفي Thromb = Clot = تخثر أو تجمع الدم Cardio = Heart = قلب Oral = Mouth = فموي A good lip balm needs a fat-based moisturizer. Lipid = Fat = دهن Leuk has white skin. Leuk = White = أبيض Gastro sounds like Gas truck Bioderma cream for beautiful skin! Derma roller therapy for glowing skin! 5 Gastro = Stomach = معدة Derma = Skin = جلد O ste O Osteo = Bone = عظام In flame Glucose Anti- Against ضد Before قبل Thyroid sounds like high road. !آي !تس Thyroid = غدة درقية -itis = Inflammation = التهاب Internet يجمع ما بين الناس Glyc = Sugar = سكر/جلوكوز !ضل البس مايو ّ مع Myo- = Muscle = عضلة Hyperactive boy Arthr قبيح كوع تيس Hyper = Over = زيادة Arthr = Joints = مفصل عكسها Hyper- ≠ Hypo- عكسها Inter- ≠ Intra6 Ante- Inter- = Between = بين A bathroom is full of germs that cause diseases أي كلمة علمية فيها « »chتنلفظ «»k برود الدنيا فيها! !TAKI TAKI RUMBA = Tachy- = Fast سريع !Tic! Tic !Tic مرض = -pathy = Disease Carcin إعادة ترتيب = Cancer = Carcin سرطان بطيء = Brady- = Slow لو صعدت فوق األبنية سينقطع نَفَسك. = Apnea = No breathing إنقطاع النَفَس Cancer دم = -emia فقر الدم /أنيميا = An-emia الهيماتيت أو الحجر الدموي هو خام الحديد في الطبيعة. كلمة « »Heamيعني دم و هو يحتوي على الحديد أيضا. دم = Heam = Blood تشبه الكلمة العربية «أَمن» Immune تشبه كلمة « ِزبده» Lipid مناعة = Immune دهن = Lipid = Fat 7 Unit2: Disease prevention Lesson1: Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors Healthy diet controls cholesterol levels Lesson2: Personal health behaviors for disease prevention Adequate sleep (7-9 hours every night) Healthy balanced diet (improves mood/ healthy weight/ avoids nutrients deficiency) Good personal hygiene: Kill germs/ prevent illness. Avoid bad smell (breath/ body odor). 8 Personal health behaviors (habits that can affect your health) Do regular physical activity 9 Unit2: Disease prevention Lesson2: Personal health behaviors for disease prevention Certain nutrients affect certain parts of the body/ your health 10 Nutrient What happens when you don’t have enough? المادة الغذائية )deficiency( ماذا سيحدث في حال نقص هذه المعادن والفيتامينات Vitamin A Night blindness العشى الليلي Iron Anemia/ lack of energy Vitamin D Bone pain/ muscle weakness Vitamin C Scurvy (bleeding gum) نزيف اللثة/ fatigue Calcium Weak bones Vitamin B12 Tired/ weak/ constipation VitaminB9 (folic acid) Anemia/ birth defects Vitamin K Bleeding problems Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Cracked lips/ hair loss Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Poor appetite Vitamin E Weak immune system Unit11: Prevention of illness and disease Lesson3: Physical activity and disease What is physical activity? A movement that is produced by skeletal muscles which needs energy expenditure. What are the benefits of physical activities (exercises)? How much exercise is enough? How much physical activity? Category Age range Minimum time for exercises Recommended time for extra health benefit Children & teenagers 5-17 60 min/ day More than 60 min/ day Adults 18-64 Moderate-intensity activity: 150 min/ week 300 min/ week of moderate-intensity activity Exercises benefits 1)Physically vigorous—intensity activity: 75 min/week 2)Emotionally Exercise intensity: how hard your body works while doing physical activity. Moderate-intensity activities (working at 70-80% of MHR) Strengthen heart muscles. Reduce cholesterol. .increase lung capacity. Control weight. Increase bone density. Reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (endorphins works as a painkiller). Reduce hypertension 11 Endorphins/ happiness hormone improves mood & reduce stress. Improve energy levels. Improve emotional well-being & make you calmer and better. Good for brain function, problem solving & increase attention. Brisk waking (5 km/ hour) Cycling leisurely (less than 16 km/ hour) Swimming leisurely Dancing Heavy housework Gardening Vigorous-intensity activities (working at 80-85% of MHR) Running Skipping Cycling (over 16 km/ hour) Swimming laps Sports Hiking Rollerblading How to calculate your Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)? 220 – ………(your age) = ……… Beats Per Minute (BPM) Maximum heart rate: …….. BPM potato couch الحياة الكسولة Sedentary lifestyle: is a type of a lifestyle with little or no physical activity. (6085% of worldwide population do not do enough activity) Unit2: Disease prevention Lesson4: Immunization for disease prevention Immunization = vaccination = vaccine = dose Weakened bacteria/ viruses بكتيريا وفيروسات مضّعفة How the immune system works? 12 How vaccines activate the immune system & strengthen it? 13 Unit2: Disease prevention Lesson4: Immunization for disease prevention 1) What do we call the illustrated technique in part C? Herd immunity Herd immunity ()المناعة الجماعية: when a large number of population gets vaccinated protecting themselves and others. 2) What are the benefits of herd immunity? A. Not only protect yourself against diseases, but other people especially those who cannot get vaccinated. B. It can stop epidemics from spreading. 14 Be the shield for other people! Get vaccinated! Unit2: Disease prevention Lesson4: Immunization for disease prevention جرعة نوع واحد فقط من الجراثيم 15 كوكتيل جراثيم Unit2: Disease prevention Lesson5: Screening Screening (routinely check up) Negative result (there is nothing wrong! Normal result! Healthy!) Positive result (possibility of a disease) Further check ups Diagnosis (determine the causes of symptoms “exact disease”) 16 Screening test Diagnostic test Carried out on healthy people Carried out on someone who has symptoms Applied to a group of individuals Applied to a single person Results are not conclusive (positive/ negative) Results conclusive and final Less accurate More accurate Less expensive More expensive Not a basis of treatment Basis for treatment General screening tests for adults In your 50’s & 60’s In your 40’s In your 20’s & 30’s 8) Type2 diabetes risk assessment 1) Blood pressure 9) Cardiovascular risk assessment 2) Cholesterol & glucose levels 10) Eye checks for glaucoma 3) BMI, waist & hip measurements 11) Mammogram (breast screening) 12) Osteoporosis risk assessment 13) Colorectal القولون والمستقيم (bowel cancer) screening 14) Sight & hearing impairment tests .كل م كبرت المرأة كل م زادت الفحصوصات الطبية إللي الزم تخضع لها . فحص طبي14مثالً في عمر الخمسين بتخضع لما يقارب للـ 4) Dental check & cleaning 5) Skin cancer checks 6) Breast self-checks 7) Cervical screening As you get older you will need more screening tests 17 Unit3: Medical emergencies Emergency: unexpected incident hat requires immediate action. تحدث هذه النوبات لثالثة أسباب: مشاكل في الدماغ مثل الصرع /التعرق الزائد مثل ضربة الشمس /توقف القلب ما الذي يسيطر على العضالت؟ الدماغ /األمالح /القلب الذي يضخ الدم ويغذيها فقدان السيطرة على العضالت Medical emergencies الطوارئ الطبية & 12)Choking foreign body airway obstruction اإلختناق & 11)Spider bite insect sting 10)Heat related illness 9)Fracture عضات العناكب ولسعات الحشرات األمراض المرتبطة بالحرارة كسور العظام Incomplete )(partial جزئي في أصوات إختناق غريبة وكحة Complete Dehydration جفاف Heat exhaustion انهاك حراري كلي مافي نفس وبالتالي مافي صوت أشهر عالمات اإلختناق الكلي «مسك الحنجرة» Heat stroke Simple/ closed بسيط أو مغلق Compound/ open مفتوح أو مضاعف 8)Electrical injury الجروح الكهربائية 7)Burns 6)Poisoning الحروق تسمم 5)Allergic reaction رد فعل تحسسي 4)Seizures نوبات التشنجات 3)Diabetic episode السكتة 2)Stroke الدماغة مضاعفات السكري )(FAST 1)Head & spine injury إصابات الرأس والحبل الشوكي Hypoglycemia )External (burn Internal (stop breathing/ abnormal heartbeats or )cardiac arrest Heat (hot liquid or surfaces/ )steam/ sun/ fire Swallow Breathe in متوسط Mild Sever/ anaphylaxis مفرط )(life-threatening Chemicals Get into eyes/ on skin ضربة شمس Electrical Toxin/ Poison could enter the body through: نفس أعراض الهبوط للشخص العادي Hyperglycemia Head injury تكون النتيجة على حسب الجزء المتضرر من الدماغ كفقدان الذاكرة ومشاكل الرؤية والنطق نفس أعراض تشخيص السكري Spinal injury تكون النتيجة شلل في األطراف وفقدان السيطرة على بعض األعضاء الداخلية كالمثانة واألمعاء فيحصل التبول والتغوط الالإردي يتأثر نصف الجسم بالعادة أثناء السكتة وذلك ألن السكتة تحصل في جزء معين من أنصاف المخ فتحدث مشاكل في نصف الجسم فقط كنصف الوجه ويد ورجل واحدة 18 Unit3: Medical emergencies Lesson1: Head and spine injury Nervous system “NS” Central nervous system (CNS): الجهاز العصبي المركزي Spinal cord: Description Definition Long, thin, tube-like bundle of nerves. Function Deliver nerve signals from the brain to the rest of the body Location Extends from the brain stem to the lumbar region Levels of spinal cord injuries مستويات اإلصابة Spinal cord injuries types Frontal lobe الفص األمامي فص اإلبداع والتفكير الناقد Complete Parietal lobe الفص الجداري فص البربرة مركز اللغات Occipital lobe الفص القفوي مركز الرؤية Temporal lobe الفص الصدغي مركز الذاكرة 19 Brain stem نخاع الدماغ مسؤول عن العمليات الحيوية هنا تكون اإلصابة عنيفة فتؤدي لشلل نصفي أو رباعي كامل على حسب مستوى .اإلصابة Incomplete »أخطر حالة ممكن تصير «شلل رباعي كامل إصابات ناجمة عن الحوادث إصابات ناجمة عن األمراض أي كلمات غريبة تخص هالجزيئة بتكون هنا ألنهم بالعادة يستخدمون المصطلحات الطبية 0w0 لألمراض The effects of spinal cord injury depends on: 1) The severity of the injury. كل م كانت اإلصابة مرتفعة كل .م كان الوضع أصعب 2) Which part of the spinal cord is affected. Cerebellum مخيخ االتزان والتناسق الحركي Notes: The higher the injury occurs the more severe the effects. (paralysis) Paralysis: lose the ability to move or feel anything. Spinal cord injuries are more common in young adults (16-30) because they take more risks. Lesson1: Head and spine injuries شلل بسبب انقطاع السياالت العصبية اللي تتحكم بالحركة Signs & symptoms Spinal injuries Sharp pain in the neck/ back/ head. Numbness/ tingling/ loss of sensation (paralysis). Breathing difficulty. Loss of bladder and bowl control. Weird position or twisted neck or back. First aid (what to do to help 1. Do not move the victim. 2. Call an ambulance. (998) the casualty?) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 20 تذكري وظائف الدماغ ألنه في اإلصابات الخطيرة يفقد الجزء المصاب وظيفته Spinal vs. head injuries Head injuries كل أنواع السوائل تنزل مثل الدم وسائل شفاف من األنف واألذن مع الترجيع Unconsciousness/ unresponsiveness/ acts sleepy Behaves abnormally Seizures Vomiting Amnesia (memory loss) Blood or clear fluid coming from ears & nose Sudden swelling or bruising around both eyes or behind the ears Pupils with unequal sizes Walking/ speaking or staying awake difficulties Keep the person still “fixation” by holding the victim’s head & placing towels/ cushions/ cloths on both sides. Stop any bleeding. Give CPR if required (if the casualty not breathing) If the person is vomiting roll them to their side (recovery position) For head injuries apply ice pack on swelling areas. Unit3: Medical emergencies Lesson1: Head and spine injury Head injuries: any trauma to the scalp/ skull/ brain. Lesson12: Choking and foreign body airway obstruction When obstruction happens? Obstruction occurs when there is something gets stuck in the airway. What causes obstruction? Obstruction causes: Foreign object: Tissue damage Allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) Bacterial/ viral infection Food Common head injuries: Concussion (when the brain is shaken) اإلرتجاج الدماغي Scalp wounds جروح فروة الرأس Skull fractures كسور الجمجمة Head injuries may cause bleeding: In the brain tissue. In the layers that surround the brain. Head injuries Don'ts: Do not wash a deep head wound or heavily bleeding. Do not remove any object sticking out of a wound. Do not move the person. Do not shake the person. Do not remove a helmet if you suspect a head injury. Toys Obstruction first aid: Partial: Incomplete: Encourage the person to cough 1) Stand behind the patient & try to find their navel “belly button”. 2) With the other hand make a fist and place it just above the belly button. 3) Support with the other hand and start doing abdominal thrust “Heimlich maneuver” Prevention of head injuries: use safety equipment: Helmet Hard hat Seat belt 21 If the causality became unconscious: 1) Place them on their back. 2) Call 998. 3) Begin CPR. Medical emergency Definition/ causes 2: Stroke Lack of oxygen to the brain because of blockage or rupture of blood vessel 3: Diabetic episode (hypoglycemia) 11: Insect stings and bites Diabetes: problems with producing (type1) or responding (type2) to Insulin. A venomous bite or sting is more serious than non-venomous ones. Hypoglycemia: low blood sugar. Signs & symptoms Spider bite signs: FAST test: Pain / itching Cramps in muscles Headache Fever Vomiting Difficulty breathing Seizures Insect sting may cause: Mild pain/ itching/ swelling/ redness in the area First aid (what to do?) 22 1) Call 999 2) Take note of the time of the stroke 3) Stay with the patient until emergency services arrive 4) If the person becomes unresponsive or not breathing start CPR 1) Make the patient rest 2) Measure their blood sugar 3) Give them something sweet to eat or drink 4) If they don’t improve after 15 minutes call the emergency Spider bite first aid: 1. Make sure the scene is safe. 2. Get the first aid kit out. 3. Wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as gloves. 4. Move people away and call 999. 5. Try to keep the patient calm & keep them in place. 6. Wash the area with water and soap and put icepack. 7. Give the emergency services any information about the spider. For insect sting: When is an insect sting serious? 1. If the person is allergic 2. If the insect is venomous First aid for insect stings: 1. Check the scene 2. Get the first aid kit out & wear PPE 3. Try to scratch the sting out with tweezers (don’t squeeze it) 4. Put icepack 5. Monitor the patient for allergic signs (use adrenaline auto-injector) 23 Note: a bee is the only insect that leaves the stinger in the patient! 24 Hypoglycemia symptoms 25 Medical emergency 4: Seizures 5: Allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) Definition/ causes Convulsions because of: o Abnormal electrical activity in the brain (epilepsy) o Severe head injury o Hypoglycemia & heat stroke o Poisoning o Cardiac arrest Signs & symptoms Lose control of the muscles Fall to ground Jerking movement in the legs and arms (spasm) Not able to respond Redness around the mouth Chemical smell Vomiting Drowsiness Confusion Seizures Breathing difficulty First aid (what to do?) During the seizure: 1. Put something soft under the patient’s head & do not restrain the person 2. Move objects out of the way 3. Call 999 After the seizure: 1. Check responsiveness and breathing 2. Put the patient in the recovery position 3. Give CPR if the patient is unresponsive 1. Check if the scene is safe (search for any liquid/ powder) 2. Call 999 3. Take the first-aid kit out 4. Take note of the time 5. Look for signs of poisoning 6. Avoid touching the poison 7. If the person vomits put them into recovery position 8. If the person is unresponsive give CPR using mask or only compression 9. If the poison gets into eyes or on skin wash with lots of water 26 Allergy: immune response to substances. Anaphylaxis: sever allergic reaction. 6: Poisoning Adrenaline/ epinephrine auto-injector (Epi pen) Anything that someone swallows, breathes, get in their eyes, skin. That can cause longterm or short-term damage Unit3: Medical emergencies Lesson4: Seizures Seizure first aid: 1) 2) 3) 4) Seizure: involuntary movement of the muscles. Remove anything that may harm the victim during the seizure. Do not hold them or try to stop them from having the seizure. Put something soft under the victim’s head. Call the emergency. Epilepsy (abnormal electrical activity in the brain) Heat stroke Hypoglycemia Put something soft! Seizures causes After the seizure: Sudden cardiac arrest Head injury If the patient unresponsive and not breathing give CPR. If they have breathing difficulties check for obstruction. If they are vomiting put them into the “recovery position”. Poisoning Seizures signs (description) Convulsions 27 Lose muscles control Fall to the ground Jerking movement of limbs Remove it! Unresponsiveness 28 29 Poison types 30 Unit3: Medical emergencies Lesson7: Burns Burning first aid: What are burn causes? 2 1 Burn causes: Heat: fire/ steam/ hot liquids/ hot surfaces/ sun Electricity Chemicals Avoid using these to treat a burn! If the person’s clothing catches on fire tell them to stop/ drop/ roll and cover them with a fire blanket. 31 Burn signs: 1st degree burn: Redness 2nd degree burn: Fluid-filled blisters 3rd degree burn: Charred skin and nerves damage. 32 33 Lesson8: Electrical injury: Electrical burn first aid: Check the environment and stop the current or take the victim into a safe place: Electrical shocks can cause burns and damage to the outside of the body or internal organs. Apply CPR if the victim stops breathing: 3 2 Put the victim into recovery position: 34 1 Unit3: Medical emergencies Lesson9: Fracture Fracture types: (closed fracture) Note: there are 206 bones in the adult human body To immobilize & support a fracture use (fixation): (open fracture) Sling: a piece of material that loops around your neck to support an injured arm. Splint; a rigid dressing that holds an injured body part in place and stops it from moving. Rigid item: 35 Compound/ open fracture Simple/ closed fracture The bone damages the surrounding tissue and breaks through the skin. Infection may happen The bone does not break through the skin. Strong stick/ plank/ magazine/ newspaper Tie: Tape/ shoelaces/ belt/ strip/ ribbed cloth Medical emergency Fracture Fracture type Closed Open Signs & symptoms 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Sharp pain especially when moving. Tingling and numbness. Bluish color/ swelling/ deformity. The bone may break through the skin. Heavy bleeding. Snap or grinding noise at the time of injury. Feel faint/ dizzy or sick because of the shock & pain. A bone protruding through the skin. Fractured bone first aid Check the scene + get first aid kit + wear PPE Immobilize the injured area using a splint or sling. Apply ice to the area. Get professional help (call an ambulance if there is neck, head or back injury or heavy bleeding/ take the casualty to the hospital if it is a limb injury) Stop any bleeding using a sterile bandage or clean cloth. Treat the casualty for shock. Give CPR if the causality becomes unresponsive 2 36 1 Unit3: Medical emergencies Lesson10: Dehydration and heat related illness Heat-related illness Heat exposure Mild Dehydration Severe Heat stroke No enough water in the body Body overheat Happens when dehydration & heat exhaustion in not treated & it is life threatening Causes * Mild heat * Not drinking enough water * Playing sports * Eating salty things * Eating sweets * Fever * Vomiting * Diarrhea Severe heat exposure Severe heat exposure Signs *Feeling thirsty *Headache *Weakness *Confusion *Dizziness *Less urination than usual *Heavy sweating *Nausea *Dizziness *Vomiting *Muscles cramps *Fainting *Confusion *Dizziness *Fainting *Nausea or vomiting *No sweat *Muscle cramps *seizure How to avoid/ treat it?/ first aid *Drink water *Eat juicy fruits *Eat yogurt *Put sunblock *Carry umbrella *Drink juice or sports drink 1)First aid kit + PPE + call 999 2) Let the patient lie in cool place 3)Cool the person by water spray & give them water 1)Call 999 2)Put the person in cool water to their neck. If you can not spray them with cool water Heat stroke 37 Heat exhaustion Definition Heat exhaustion األخطر Dehydration Unit4: Physical therapy and patient ambulation Lesson5: Assisting with activities of daily living (ADLs) Activities of daily living (ADLs) Personal hygiene (Bathing/ showering/ grooming/ oral, nail, hair care) Continence management (A person’s ability to control when they go to toilet) Dressing (A person’s ability to dress themselves) Note: Normal people do ADLs independently. If a person start having ADLs problems they will need assistance and physical therapy to help patients gain independence. 38 Feeding (Eating) Ambulation (Moving/ transferring/ mobility/ walking) Gained ability to do ADLs again! Normal person who can do ADLs independently Hit by a car ADLs patient (ambulation problems) 39 Unit4: Physical therapy and patient ambulation Lesson1: The purpose of physical therapy interventions What is physical therapy (physiotherapy)? Physical therapy: treatment you might need if you have an injury or illness that makes it difficult to do ADLs. Learn to use walking devices such as: walking stick/ walking frame Relieve pain Improve movement Help recover from sports injuries Help bladder control Physical therapy is used for (benefits): Sports injuries After an accident Diabetes Heart disease When is physical therapy required? Arthritis After an operation Stroke After having a baby 40 Help a woman recover after having a baby Manage a chronic disease such as: diabetes/ heart disease or arthritis Prevent falls through developing balance and stability Reduce the need for surgical procedure Rehabilitating after an accident, injury, operation or stroke Unit4: Physical therapy and patient ambulation Lesson1: The purpose of physical therapy interventions 2) Treatment Learn to use walking aid (stick/ walking frame) 1) Initial assessment What does physical therapy involve? First appointment with a physical therapist involve: Ask questions about: Test to measure: *Pain *Symptoms *How well the patient can move, reach, bend, grip or climb the stairs. *How to carry out everyday tasks *Range of movement *Seeping patterns *Heart rate while moving *Patient medical history *Posture and balance Exercises & stretches Massage therapy Rehabilitation (learn to walk again/ use an artificial limb) Kinesiology taping Heat/ cold/ warm water therapy Physical therapy interventions (treatment) Laser/ light therapy Electrical stimulation Joint mobilization Treatment length depend on: Severity of the issue. Goal of the treatment. Note: Physical therapist will give patients exercises to complete at home 41 Ultrasound (reduce muscle pain or spasms) Traction Note: It is important to practice good body mechanics while helping patients to insure your safety Ambulance = ambulation = moving = عملية نقل أو تحريك It is important to turn the patient to prevent “pressure ulcers” or “bed sores” تقرحات السرير 1) Right side/ 2) left side/ 3) on back 1,2,3… Immobile patient (can’t move) Ambulation To safely transfer a patient from stretcher to bed, at least 2 nurses are needed standing opposite to each other. Mobile = النقال/الجوال Im-mobile = غير متحرك Ergonomics: 42 Designing of equipment to reduce discomfort Unit4: Physical therapy and patient ambulation Lesson2: Patient ambulation and proper movement of patients Ambulation: moving a person or patient from one place to another. Ambulation can happen in: Hospital sitting At the scene of an accident At home Moving benefits Necessary for circulating blood through the body Being able to have regular bowel movements Why it is important to ambulate an immobile patient (can not move on their own)? Maintain strong bones & muscles 43 Prevent pressure ulcers which may form due to not moving for a long time which put too much pressure on certain parts Ambulating patients who are immobile How to safely move a patient up the bed? *2 Nurses should work together to move a patient. *There should be a sliding sheet or bed pad under the patient. *The nurses should stand on opposite sides of the bed. *They should hold the sheet & on the count of 3 move the sheet with the patient towards the top of the bed. *Stand at top of the bed and pull the sheet towards you. Turning patients: There are 3 different positions an immobile patient can be in when in bed: Their back + on either side. Warning! Do not put the patients on their stomach as this can cause suffocation Assisting patients to stand and walk: Not walking = weaker bones & muscles. Nurses can help to reduce the time patient’s are not walking by assisting them using walker. Unit4: Physical therapy and patient ambulation Lesson3: Safety precautions when moving a patient How to safely move patients? (using good body mechanics) squat تذكري حركة Safe reaching technique Safe pushing & pulling technique *Keep your back “locked in”/ neutral مستقيم *Always try to push rather than pull *Avoid twisting while reaching *Keep your back “locked in” as much as possible *Avoid reaching more than 4050cm in front of your body *Keep the weight of the patient closer to your body *Lock in your back. *Part your legs about shoulderwidth one foot a ½ step ahead *Bend your knees to lower your torso and arms *Keep your knees bent *Grasp the stretcher with your hands facing up (power grip) *Avoid pushing or pulling overhead *Straighten up your leg until you are standing *Keep your elbows bent and your arms close to your side *Keep the weight close to your body *If weight is below waist level, push or pull from a kneeling position 44 Power lifting Unit4: Physical therapy and patient ambulation Lesson4: Body mechanics, principles and techniques Body mechanics (the way you move and hold your body in daily life) Sit Ergonomics: العوامل البشرية/تنظيم الشغل The science of fitting workplace conditions/ products or systems for our safety. عملية تصميم أو ترتيب بيئة العمل واألنظمة والمنتجات بحيث تتناسب مع الناس الذين يستخدمونها على المستوى المادي Ergonomics “Laws of work” Stand Lift Ergon = work Nomics = laws Carry Bend sleep How to move person from one object to another? Step1: Make sure that the 2 objects are close and then help the person to sit close to the edge and count: 1,2,3 Step2: Stand close to the person, support the patient with your arms bent your knees and use your legs while lifting, you may use “lifting belt”. Step3: Turn by pivoting your body on one foot (do not twist) and gently lower the patient. 45 Ergonomics aims to improve spaces and objects to lower the risk of injury to the back, spine, neck or head. Power lift technique: 46 47 Good ergonomics √ 48 Unit4: Physical therapy and patient ambulation Lesson6: The indications for an emergency move When is an emergency move is needed? Hazards at the scene. Life-threatening conditions that need treatment somewhere else. To reach another critical patient. Treatment of a patient’s condition. 49 Sometimes it may not be possible to carry someone, but still need to be moved in this case you can drag the patient out of a dangerous situation. سنسمي عملية السحب على حسب الجزء الذي سيتم .سحب المريض منه يتم دحرجة الشخص على .البطانية ومن ثم سحبها 50 في سحب الكاحل ممكن أن .يتأذى الرأس Unit4: Physical therapy and patient ambulation Lesson7: Devices used to move patients in and out of hospital setting Patient-carrying devices: 51