Chapter 6 – November 25, 2019 - Microbial growth Physical requirements - Temperature - - Minimum growth temperature Optimum growth temperature Maximum growth temperature Psychrotrophs - Grow between 0’C and 20-30‘C Cause food spoilage There are microorganisms that can resist high levels of temperature - Food preservation temperatures - In the danger zone, rapid growth of bacteria, some may produce toxics In refrigerator temperature, may allow slow growth pf spoilage bacteria, very few pathogens Food spoils fast - The more rice, the faster it spoils Mold likes dry places PH - Phosphorus - in DNA, RNA, ATP and membranes Trace elements - - Most bacteria grow between pH 6.5 and 7.5 Molds and yeast grow between pH 5 and 6 Acidophiles – grow in acidic environment Most of our food are mostly acidic Osmotic Pressure - Hypertonic environments, or an increase in salt or sugar, cause plasmolysis – shrinkage of cell’s cytoplasm Extreme or obligate halophiles (high pressure bacteria) – require high osmotic pressure Facultative halophiles – tolerate high osmotic pressure (doesn’t care) Carbon - Structural organic molecules, energy source - Chemoheterotrophs use organic carbon sources - Autotrophs use CO2 Nitrogen - In amino acids and proteins - Most bacteria decompose proteins - Some bacteria use NH4+ or NO3- A few bacteria use N2 in nitrogen fixation Sulfur - In amino acids and proteins - Most bacteria decompose proteins - Some bacteria use SO- or H2S Inorganic elements required in small amounts Usually as enzyme cofactors Not all oxygen is good for bacteria – Toxic Oxygen - Superoxide dismutase Catalase Peroxidase Organic Growth Factors