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Sarah, Plain and Tall Comprehension Packet

Plain and Tall
By Patricia MacLachlan
Deana Jones
4 Grade AIG, NBCT
Kernersville, NC
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Name __________________
Chapter 1
by Patricia MacLachlan
Vivid Vocabulary
homely (p. 5)
prairie (p. 5)
Comprehension Check
What did Anna think was the worst thing about Caleb? Does this surprise you? Why or why not?
How did Sarah describe herself in the letter? _____________________________________________
After Papa read the letter, what did Anna want to know about Sarah? Why? ___________________
Picked Passage: “She snored in a high whistle at night, like a tea kettle….” (p. 8) A simile is a comparison
using the words “like” or “as.” Underline the simile in this sentence. Who are they talking about and why?
Link to Literature: Sarah says that she has an opinion on cats. What is your opinion on cats?
Story Sketches
Sketch what Caleb looked like when Mama
handed him to Anna after he was born:
How did Anna describe newborn Caleb?
Test Taking: What question did Caleb originally ask to make Papa start to tell them about Sarah’s letter?
a) “Did Mama sing every day?” (p. 3)
b) “What did I look like when I was born?” (p. 4)
c) “You don’t sing anymore. Why?” (p. 7)
d) “A wife? You mean a mother?” (p. 8)
Swift Summary: Summarize this chapter in 1-2 sentences:
© 2015 Deana Jones
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Name __________________
Chapter 2-3
by Patricia MacLachlan
Vivid Vocabulary
pesky (p. 12)
hitched (p. 16)
Comprehension Check
Compare and contrast the questions that Anna asked Sarah in her letter to the questions Caleb asked.
What was the first sign they saw in the distance that Sarah and Papa were returning? What part of
Sarah did they see first? ______________________________________________________________
Describe Anna’s concerns about Sarah. __________________________________________________
Picked Passage: “But the land rolls a little like the sea.” (p. 20) Who says this? Why is it important?
Link to Literature: What did Anna and Caleb do on the porch to pass the time while they waited?
What do you do to pass the time?
Story Sketches
Sketch and label what Sarah brought from home for Anna and what she brought for Caleb.
Test Taking: Which best describes the mood of Chapter 2?
a) happy
b) excited
c) nervous
d) scared
What about Chapter 3?
a) happy
b) excited c) nervous
d) scared
Swift Summary: Summarize these chapters in 1-2 sentences:
© 2015 Deana Jones
Sarah, Plain and Tall
by Patricia MacLachlan
Vivid Vocabulary
roamer (p. 25)
Name __________________
Chapter 4-5
dune (p. 29)
Comprehension Check
Caleb keeps looking for clues that Sarah will stay. Give two examples from the text. _____________
How can you tell that Anna would like Sarah to be her mother? Provide evidence from the text.
What kind of “dune” do they all enjoy? How does Sarah refer to the dune in her letter? How does
this make Caleb and Anna feel? ________________________________________________________
Picked Passage: “ ‘Bride’s bonnet,’ I told her. Caleb smiled at the name.” (p. 27)
What is bride’s bonnet? Why did Caleb smile? ___________________________________________________
Link to Literature: Caleb made up a song. Tell about a time you made up a song.
Story Sketches Sarah drew many pictures to send home. Sketch one of them here:
Test Taking: Which sentence from the text best supports the fact that Papa enjoys having Sarah there too?
“Papa was quiet and shy with Sarah, and so was I.” (p. 23)
“Sarah cut Papa’s hair, too.” (p. 25)
“…She taught it to us all, even Papa, who sang as if he had never stopped singing.” (p. 26)
“…Papa went with a shovel to bury the sheep, and a lantern to bring Sarah back.” (p. 28)
Swift Summary: Summarize these chapters in 1-2 sentences:
© 2015 Deana Jones
Sarah, Plain and Tall
by Patricia MacLachlan
Vivid Vocabulary
gleamed (p. 37)
Comprehension Check
Name __________________
Chapter 6-7
primly (p. 39)
Caleb is silly. Give two examples of how he acts silly. _______________________________________
Caleb and Anna really want Sarah to be happy. How can you tell? Provide evidence from the text.
Maggie is a good friend to Sarah. Tell two ways she cheers her up. ____________________________
Picked Passage: “I knew they would not be for eating.” (p. 39) Explain what Anna means by this statement.
Link to Literature: Maggie tells Sarah, “There are always things to miss. No matter where you are.” (p. 40)
Who or what do you miss?
Story Sketches Caleb and Anna had a fun time with Sarah in Chapter 6. Sketch what they did.
Test Taking: Which sentence from the text is an example of a simile?
“Jack doesn’t like work.” (p. 33)
“The dandelions in the field had gone by, their heads soft as feathers.” (p. 38)
“The children were young, and named Rose and Violet, after flowers.” (p. 39)
“And then Papa came, just before the rain.” (p. 43)
Swift Summary: Summarize these chapters in 1-2 sentences:
© 2015 Deana Jones
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Name __________________
Chapter 8-9
by Patricia MacLachlan
Vivid Vocabulary
sly (p. 45)
squall (p. 47)
Comprehension Check
What worries Caleb and Anna the most? How can you tell it’s not just Caleb who is worried?
Describe the storm in detail. How did they prepare? What happened? ________________________
Evaluate Papa’s decision to let Sarah go to town alone. _____________________________________
Picked Passage: “It was white and gleaming as far as we looked, like sun on glass. Like the sea.“ (p. 50)
Describe the scene this passage is referring to. Why do you think Anna compares the scene to the sea?
Link to Literature: Papa asked Anna to help him in preparing for the storm. Tell about a time someone
asked you to help them out.
Story Sketches: Complete this character map for Sarah. Give 4 character traits that describe her.
Write the page number where you found evidence for each trait.
Test Taking: Which best describes the main idea of this story?
a) Living by the sea is better than living on the prairie.
b) Papa placed an ad because he needed a wife.
c) Anna is really hoping Sarah will stay and be their new mom.
d) It takes a lot of work to run a farm.
Swift Summary: Summarize these chapters in 1-2 sentences:
© 2015 Deana Jones
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Chapter 1
Comprehension Check
Mama died the morning after he was born. Answer will vary. (p. 5)
She has never been married and she loves living by the sea. She is strong, hardworking and willing to
travel. She is not mild mannered. (p. 11)
3. She wanted Papa to ask if she sings, because singing reminds her of happier times when Mama was
alive. (p. 10)
Picked Passage: They are talking about Hilly, their old housekeeper because Caleb wants to know if Sarah
will be like a housekeeper.
Link to Literature: Answers will vary.
Story Sketches: Mama handed Caleb to her in a yellow blanket. Anna describes newborn Caleb as homely
and plain, with a terrible holler and a horrid smell. (p. 4-5)
Test Taking: (c)
Swift Summary: Answers will vary but should include: -Sarah’s letter
Chapter 2-3
Comprehension Check
1. Anna wanted to know if Sarah could braid hair and make stew. She also asked about her favorite color.
Caleb asked about cats and dogs and if she likes small rooms and can keep a fire going at night. He also
asked her if she snores, which surprised Anna. They are both very curious and wonder what she’ll be
like around the house. (p. 10-13)
2. They saw the dust from the wagon first, and then Sarah’s yellow bonnet. (p. 18)
3. Anna could see that Sarah was already lonely, so she was worried that she would changer her mind
and leave. She wishes that her family was perfect and they had a sea of their own. (p. 20-21)
Picked Passage: Sarah says this. It is important because it makes Anna realize that she misses the sea.
Link to Literature: They rocked on the porch and Caleb rolled a marble on the wood floor. (p. 18)
Answers will vary.
Story Sketches: She gave Caleb a curled shell and she gave Anna a smooth, white sea stone. (p. 19-20)
Test Taking: (b) (c)
Swift Summary: Answers will vary but should include: -Sarah’s arrival
Chapter 4-5
Comprehension Check
1. Sarah talked about hanging flowers in “winter.” (p. 23) Sarah said “later.” (p. 25)
2. She compared their appearances in the mirror and said she looked like Sarah’s daughter. (p. 26)
3. Papa piled up hay for a dune. (p. 30) Sarah referred to it as “our” dune which made them smile. (p. 32)
Picked Passage: Bride’s bonnet is a type of flower. Caleb smiled because he wants Sarah to marry Papa.
Link to Literature: Answers will vary.
Story Sketches: Answers will vary but examples (Ch. 5): the fields, a sheep, the windmill, Papa, Caleb, Anna
Test Taking: (c)
Swift Summary: Answers will vary but should include: ~having fun with Sarah
© 2015 Deana Jones
Sarah, Plain and Tall
Chapter 6-7
Comprehension Check
1. He suggests having a cow for Sunday supper if your barn was attached to your house. (p. 34) He ran
like the wind. (p. 35) He lay on his back and blew streams of water like a whale. (p. 36)
2. Caleb asks if she likes wind before he tells her that they have it. (p. 35) Anna dreamed about her being
happy. (p. 37) Anna eavesdrops silently wishes she would not miss the sea. (p. 40)
3. She is a good listener. (p. 40) She brings her flowers to plant a garden. (p. 41) She offers to teach her
to drive a wagon. (p. 42)
Picked Passage: Sarah loved the chickens. She clucked at them and fed them. They followed her around.
Anna knew that because Sarah was attached to the chickens they would not kill them to eat them.
Link to Literature: Answers will vary.
Story Sketches: They swam in the cow pond.
Test Taking: (b)
Swift Summary: Answers will vary but should include: ~Maggie’s visit
Chapter 8-9
Comprehension Check
1. They are afraid Sarah wants to go to town alone so she can leave. They both cry about it. (p. 46/52)
2. The storm came on quickly. They patched the roof and got the animals to safety. They waited it out in
the barn. It was very windy, rained a lot, and a hailed. (p. 47-49)
3. Answers will vary but should explain if students thought this was a good idea or not and why.
Picked Passage: When they opened the barn door after the storm, the ground was covered with hail. Anna
compares it to the sea because Sarah is from the sea/loves the sea.
Link to Literature: Answers will vary.
Story Sketches: Answers will vary but could include: hardworking p. 46 compassionate p. 47
caring p. 49
giving p. 57
Test Taking: (c)
Swift Summary: Answers will vary but should include –the storm/Sarah decides to stay
© 2015 Deana Jones
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