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JUNE, 2019
JUNE, 2019
We the under listed certify that this research work was carried out by
Okpala Ikechukwu Jeffery of the Department of Science Education
(Integrated Science Unit) and that this research is adequate in quality
and scope for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
degree in Science Education.
Mr. B. I. Tabeta
(Project Supervisor)
Dr. E.O Oyovwi
(Head of Department)
This research work is dedicated to God Almighty for the provision of
spiritual guidance and strength. Who is the author and finisher of my
My profound gratitude goes to Almighty God for his grace and
protection all through my studies in Delta State University, Abraka.
I wish to show my deep and sincere appreciation to my project
supervisor Mr. B.I. Tabeta, whose fatherly advice, constructive criticism,
dedication and guidance has made it possible for me to accomplish this
project work.
My appreciation also goes to the Head of department Dr. E.O.
Oyovwi and all the staff and lecturers of the department. Most especially
to Prof. N.S Okoye, Prof. O.P Ajaja, Assoc. Prof. T.E Agboghoroma.
Also my special gratitude goes to my parents Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert
Okpala for their parental support and my wonderful siblings Emmanuel,
Tony and my lovely twin sister Jennifer and all Okpala family.
Lastly, I appreciate Dr. & Mrs. A.P Ebokaiwe for their financial
support and encouragement. Also to my friends Israel, Kingsley,
Ezekiel, Victor, Amaka, Mercy Marvellous, Jomo and Pastor Glory for
their support throughout my stay in the university.
Title page
Table of Content
Statement of Problem
Research Question
Research Hypotheses
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Operational Definition of Terms -
Review of related literature
Concept of basic science
Concept of Academic Performance
Concept of teacher’s qualification -
Concept of equipment/instructional materials -
Effect of teachers’ qualification/experience on basic science students’
Relationship between laboratory facilities/equipments and the effective
teaching and learning of basic science
Relationship between teacher’s teaching method and students’
performance in basic science
Relationship between teachers’ gender in the teaching of basic science
and students’ performance -
Summary of literature review
Research Method and Procedure -
Research Design
Sample and Sampling Techniques -
Research Instrument
Population of the Study
Validity of the Instrument -
Method of Data Collection -
Method of Data Analysis
Presentation and discussion of results - -
Research Findings
Limitation of the Study
Suggestion for Further Study
Contribution to Knowledge -
Discussion of Result
This project work is design to investigate the effect of teachers’
qualification and instructional materials on Basic science students’
academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State. On the basis of
this, four research hypotheses were formulated and tested. A total of one
hundred (100) copies of questionnaire were distributed to one hundred
(100) sampled students from five (5) different schools to elicit their
responses. The instrument used in the study was questionnaire, the ChiSquare statistics was used to analyze the data collected from
respondents. The findings include the following; it is evident there is a
significant relationship between teachers’ qualification/experience and
students’ performance in basic science, it is evident there is a significant
relationship between laboratory facilities and the effective teaching and
learning of basic science, it is evident there is a significant relationship
between teachers’ method of teaching basic science and students’
performance, it is evident there is a significant relationship between
teachers’ gender in teaching basic science and students’ performance.
Moreover, in all findings; the table shows that there are relationships in
all. Based on these findings, recommendations were made.
Background to the Study
Formal Education was introduced into our country (Nigeria), by the
white Missionaries in 1842 Baja in Omiko (1987). At this period, the
curriculum emphasized three main things; Reading, writing and
Arithmetic. Survey studies carried out by Taiwo (1975), Abdullahi
(1982) and Ukpai (1985), showed that teaching and learning of science
in Nigerian schools started as far back as 1878. According to them,
science was taught as general science to classes one and two in the
secondary schools and as biology, chemistry and physics to upper
classes of three, four and five. However, according to the Science
Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN 1970) in Omiko (2015), this
general science continued until 1970 when Integrated Science, now
Basic Science, was introduced as a base to express the fundamental unity
of scientific thought. The teaching and learning of integrated science
replaced the general science and was taught in Nigerian schools up to
1980 when the Federal Government restructured the 5-years secondary
school system into 6-3-3-4 system. That is 6 years primary Education, 3years junior secondary school (JSS) Education, 3-years Senior
Secondary School (SSS) Education and 4-years tertiary education (FRN,
1981). The teaching and learning of integrated science in Nigerian
schools especially at the Junior Secondary school level continued till
2009 when the Federal Government of Nigeria restructured the 6-year
secondary school system into 9-3-4 system. The reform Agenda in
Education in Nigeria brought a change in integrated science both in
content and name. The content was broadened and the name changed
from integrated science to basic science. Oka (2015) and Nwafor (2012)
observed that basic science formally known as integrated science is a
subject taught at both public and private schools at the Junior Secondary
school level. Basic Science is an introductory course to the study of the
sciences in the senior secondary school. The definition of integrated
science (Basic Science) as was given by UNESCO (1973), and Omiko
(2005) is a science in which concepts and principles are presented so as
to express the fundamental unit of scientific taught and avoiding
premature or undue stress on the distinction between various scientific
fields. Ukpabi (1985) in Omiko (2005) defined Basic Science as a
science in undifferentiated form which stresses the fundamental unity of
science. Basic science involves the study of elementary biology,
anatomy, earth/solar system, ecology, genetics, chemistry and physics as
a single science subject in the Junior Secondary school. It offers the
basic training in scientific skills required for human survival, sustainable
development and societal transformation. Basic science studies also
involve bringing together traditionally separate science subjects so that
students grasp a more authentic understanding of science.
The alarming rate of poor performance in science subjects coupled with
the low educational standard in the country are parts of the major
reasons why most students shy away from the study of science. This
negative attitude has encouraged poor performance and low participation
of students in the higher science subjects like physics, chemistry and
biology. All these problems mentioned above have been conclusively
blamed on basic science and its teaching. Basic science serves as
foundation for meaningful understanding of advanced scientific theories
and principles because the bulk of content of the basic science curricular
is descriptive, where the student is meant to learn many basic concepts
like energy, matter, force and measurement. Previous studies have
revealed that science teaching has been facing problems from different
angles ranging from the learner, the teacher, the school, the government
and even the parents.
The study of Basic science (Integrated science) is a new way of studying
science, according to Omiko (2012) and Anaekwe et al (2010), Basic
Science was introduced into this country Nigeria a few decades ago. It
started with few schools, and now all the junior secondary schools in the
country have adopted it. According to the National Policy on Education
(FRN, 2004) the aims of Basic Science (Formerly Integrated Science)
should be directed at enabling students who are exposed in it, to acquire
the following skills:
1. Observe carefully and thoroughly
2. Report completely and accurately what is observed.
3. Organise information acquired
4. Generalizing on the basis of the acquired information
5. Predicting as a result of the generalization
6. Designing experiments (including control where necessary) to check
7. Using models to explain phenomena where appropriate; and
8. Continuing the process of inquiry when new data do not conform to
To achieve these objectives, it is suggested that the teaching and learning
of Basic science should involve the use of innovative methods of
teaching like discovery, problem-solving, open-ended field trips and
laboratory methods and among others. Omebe and Omiko (2015)
observed that these suggested methods of teaching Basic science have
been utilized for several years by the integrated science teachers and yet
the results of the students in the Junior Secondary School Certificate
Examination (JSSCE) has not been encouraging. This status may be
attributed to lack of trained teachers, lack of proper teaching materials,
absence of conducive teaching and learning environment, inadequate
evaluation or probably, inadequate teaching methods.
Idoko (2008) revealed that unprofessional and inexperienced basic
science teachers using inappropriate teaching methods in conveying
practical skills to students are responsible for lack of interest and poor
performance of students in basic science practical. This indicates that
teacher qualification and nature of skills in conveying practical skills
among the factors affecting performance of students in basic science.
Instructional materials are essential and significant tools needed for
teaching and learning of basic science to promote teacher’s efficiency
and improve students’ performance in basic science. Instructional
materials make learning more interesting, practical, realistic and
appealing. They also enable both the teachers and students participate
actively and effectively in lesson sessions. Ibeneme (2000) defined
teaching aids as those materials used for practical demonstration in the
classroom situation by students and teachers. However, this study will
assess the effect of teachers’ qualification and instructional materials on
Basic science students’ academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of
Delta State.
Statement of the Problem
It is surprising that despite the efforts of Delta State government, to
improve the standard of education by providing the required human
and material resources for the implementation of education at all levels,
students’ performance
basic science in
and external
examination is very poor in recent years. This situation makes one to
wonder what could be the causes of this persistent failure of students in
basic science examination. Some scholars attributed this high failure
rate in science and basic science to various factors which could be
institutional and non- institutional. In support Okolie, Elom and
Inyiagu (2014), observed that poor performance of students in basic
science has been so high in many Nigerian public schools in the recent
years due to the unavailability of qualified basic science teachers. If this
is not checkmated, our Science and Technology related subject graduates
from the post-primary schools may not be employable and those who
may further in their University Education may experience difficulties
because of their background. Consequently, our educational system will
not attain its objective of producing qualified and competent product in
science education.
The problem which this study intends to solve: what then is the effect of
teachers’ qualification and instructional materials on Basic science
students’ academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State?
Research Questions
The following research questions have been raised to guide the study;
1. Is there any relationship between teachers’ qualification/experience
and students’ performance in basic Science?
2. Is there any relationship between laboratory facilities and the effective
teaching and learning of basic science?
3. Is there a relationship between teacher’s method of teaching Basic
Science and students’ performance?
4. Is there any relationship between teachers’ gender in teaching Basic
Research Hypotheses
1. There
qualification/experience and students’ performance in basic science.
2. There is no significant relationship between laboratory facilities and
the effective teaching and learning of basic science.
3. There is no significant relationship between teachers’ teaching
method and students’ performance in basic science.
4. There is no significant relationship between teachers’ gender in the
teaching of basic science and students’ performance.
Purpose of the study
The main purpose of this study is the effect of teachers’ qualification and
instructional materials on Basic science students’ academic performance
in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State. However, the specific purpose of this
study is stated as follows;
1. To
qualification/experience and students’ performance in Basic Science.
2. To find out the relationship between laboratory facilities and the
effective teaching and learning of basic science.
3. To ascertain the relationship between teacher’s style of teaching Basic
Science and students’ performance.
4. To identify the relationship between teachers’ gender in teaching
Basic Science and students’ performance in the subject.
Significance of the study
The result of this research will be beneficial to the following; students,
teachers, educational administrators, curriculum planners and future
The outcome of this study will enable the students to understand the
influence of teachers’ qualification, experience, techniques, and method
of teaching and equipment for teaching and learning of basic science.
However, basic science teachers will be armed with the requisite
information about the various factors that influence students’ academic
performance and foster ways to enhance students’ interest in the
teaching and learning process. Also to improvised adequate teaching and
learning equipment for the effective teaching and learning of basic
Again, findings from this study maybe of uttermost importance to
educational and curriculum planners because it would act as a feedback
or evaluation to the curriculum implemented, to ascertain if the required
experience, expertise, qualification stated for entry into secondary
teaching, meets the educational needs of the learners, to make further
prescription or better analyze the effects of teachers attitudes on
students’ academic performance.
Lastly, it will be of great importance to future researchers who would
seek reference on recent literature review and to give an up to date
analysis on the basic science teacher qualification and equipment for
teaching and learning of basic science.
Scopes and Delimitation of the study
The study will cover the effect of teachers’ qualification and
instructional materials on Basic science student’s academic performance
in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State. The study is limited to five (5) selected
secondary schools in Local Government Area of Delta State.
Operational definition of terms
The terms and concept commonly used in this study are hereby defined
Effect: The result or outcome of a cause.
Teachers’ qualification: This is the certification, experience, formal
education, professional development, and years of training and licensing
of a teacher before they can teach.
Academic performance: The level of attainment of a student in his
subject of study. The grade or score in their respective subject of study.
Instructional materials: The things that are needed for a particular
purpose of activity.
This chapter deals with the review of relevant literature in the effect of
teachers’ qualification and instructional materials on Basic science
student’s academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State. This
research problem therefore is reviewed under the following subheadings;
i. Concept of Basic science
ii. Concept of academic performance
iii. Concept of teacher qualification
iv. Concept of equipment/ instructional materials
v. Effect of teachers qualification/experience on basic science students’
vi. Relationship between laboratory facilities/equipment and the effective
teaching and learning of basic science
vii. Relationship between teachers’ teaching method and students’
performance in basic science.
Relationship between teachers’ gender in the teaching of basic
science and students’ performance.
ix. Summary of literature review
Concept of Basic science
According to the Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN 1970)
in Omiko(2015), general science continued until 1970 when Integrated
Science, now Basic Science, was introduced as a base to express the
fundamental unity of scientific thought. The teaching and learning of
integrated science replaced the general science and was taught in
Nigerian schools up to 1980 when the Federal Government restructured
the 5-years secondary school system into 6-3-3-4 system. That is 6 years
primary Education, 3-years junior secondary school (JSS) Education, 3years Senior Secondary School (SSS) Education and 4-years tertiary
education (FRN, 1981). The teaching and learning of integrated science
in Nigerian schools especially at the Junior Secondary school level
continued till 2009 when the Federal Government of Nigeria
restructured the 6-year secondary school system into 9-3-4 system. The
reform Agenda in Education in Nigeria brought a change in integrated
science both in content and name. The content was broadened and the
name changed from integrated science to basic science. Oka (2015) and
Nwafor (2012) observed that basic science formally known as integrated
science is a subject taught at both public and private schools at the
Junior Secondary school level. Basic Science is an introductory course
to the study of the sciences in the senior secondary school. The
definition of integrated science (Basic Science) as was given by
UNESCO (1973), and Omiko (2005) is a science in which concepts and
principles are presented so as to express the fundamental unit of
scientific taught and avoiding premature or undue stress on the
distinction between various scientific fields. Ukpabi (1985) in Omiko
(2005) defined Basic Science as a science in undifferentiated form which
stresses the fundamental unity of science. Basic science involves the
study of elementary biology, anatomy, earth/solar system, ecology,
genetics, chemistry and physics as a single science subject in the Junior
Secondary school. It offers the basic training in scientific skills required
transformation. Basic science studies also involve bringing together
traditionally separate science subjects so that students grasp a more
authentic understanding of science.
The study of Basic science (Integrated science) is a new way of studying
science, according to Omiko (2012) and Anaekwe et al (2010), Basic
Science was introduced into this country Nigeria a few decades ago. It
started with few schools, and now all the junior secondary schools in the
country have adopted it. According to the National Policy on Education
(FRN, 2004) the aims of Basic Science (Formerly Integrated Science)
should be directed at enabling students who are exposed in it, to acquire
the following skills:
 Observe carefully and thoroughly
 Report completely and accurately what is observed.
 Organise information acquired
 Generalizing on the basis of the acquired information
 Predicting as a result of the generalization
 Designing experiments (including control where necessary) to check
 Using models to explain phenomena where appropriate; and
 Continuing the process of inquiry when new data do not conform to
To achieve these objectives, it is suggested that the teaching and learning
of Basic science should involve the use of innovative methods of
teaching like discovery, problem-solving, open-ended field trips and
laboratory methods and among others. Omebe and Omiko (2015)
observed that these suggested methods of teaching Basic science have
been utilized for several years by the integrated science teachers and yet
the results of the students in the Junior Secondary School Certificate
Examination (JSSCE) has not been encouraging.
Okeke (2000) in his own word sees basic science as an approach to the
teaching of science in which concepts and principles are presented so as
to express a fundamental unity of scientific thought and avoid undue
stress or distinctions between the various scientific fields.
Also, stressing the unified nature of basic science, Cohem (2007)
reported that ‘a basic science course eliminates the repetition of subject
matter from various sciences and does not recognize the traditional
boundaries when presenting topics or theme’. Howell (2007) also alludes
to basic science when he wrote that the essence of beginning course in
science is to begin to teach students what science is and how scientists
work. Basic science fulfilled these functions and can be regarded as a
form of unified science.
Brown (2001) described basic science under four (4) broad
i. The unity of all knowledge, that basic science has a holistic view of
knowledge as essentially one and undivided,
ii. The conceptual unity of the sciences, the various conceptual units that
make up the framework are identified;
iii. A unified process of scientific enquiry, this characteristics place
emphasis on the methodological distinctions and similarities among
the sciences;
iv. An interdisciplinary study that the discipline is a collaborative
venture between subjects and viewing of topics or themes from
logically different viewpoints with the learner left to synthesize in any
way he chooses.
The term basic science is referred to as foundation sciences, such as
agricultural science, introductory technology, elementary biology,
elementary chemistry and elementary physics. Integration when applied
to science course mean that course is devised and presented in such a
way that students gain the concept of the fundamental unity of science,
the commonality of approach and problems of a scientific nature and are
helped to gain an understanding of the role and function of science in
everyday life and the world in which they live (Arbon, 2001). He added
that the integrating principles are intended to produce a course which is;
 Relevant to students’ needs and experiences
 Stresses the fundamental unity of science
 Lay adequate foundation for subsequent specialist training and
 Adds a cultural dimension to science education.
Concept of academic performance
Academic performance basically connotes a student’s attainment in a
learning situation. Everyone wants to excel in one way or the other and
this could be directed towards academic, occupation and social
achievement. The academic performance of a student may be high,
average, good, poor or low.
According to Akpojivi (2008), academic performance means the level of
degree of statement; a student may perform poorly or excellently
according to his ability, potential and interest. Academic performance is
the outcome of education, the extent to which a student, teacher, or
institution has achieved their educational goals.
Castellanos (2000) considered academic performance as the situation in
which the subject/student does or does not attain the expected
achievement according to his or her ability resulting in a altered
personality which affect all other aspect of life.
In view of Santrock (2006), academic achievement refers to what the
student have learned or what skills the student has learned and is usually
measured through assessments like standardized tests, performance
assessments and portfolio assessments.
The term academic performance has been described as the scholastic
standing of a student at a given moment. It refers to how a student is able
to demonstrate his/her intellectual abilities. This scholastic standing
could be explained as the grades obtained in a subject or groups of
subjects taken (Daniels and Schouten, 2001, Owoyemi, 2004).
Simkins (2003) commented on the scholastic standing of students and
argued that performance is a measure of output and that the main outputs
in education are expressed in terms of learning, that is, changes in
knowledge, skills and attitudes of individuals as a result of their
experiences within the school’s system. Thus, in determining academic
performance, Daniels and Schouten, (2001) emphasized the use of
grades in examinations and reported that grades could serve as
prediction measures and as criterion measures.
Academic performance therefore is largely identified by a range of
statistical indictors. Stan (2004), supported this argument and reported
that performance is the level of attainment of a person in an
examination, that is, how an individual is able to demonstrate his/her
abilities in an examination. Performance has been regarded as a measure
of educational output (Adeyemi, 2006)
This fact buttress Obemeata’s (2004) argument that the performance of
students in public examinations in many Nigerian schools has been poor
as a result of shortage of teachers, inadequate funding of schools and
broad secondary school curriculum.
Ukponu (2007) cited Bellow (1986) outline many factors that cause poor
academic performance. This includes difficulty of the task, student’s
ability, student’s home background/environment, teacher quality,
teaching method and relevance of the subject to the future aspiration of
the students. Academic performance in a process essential to the
achievement of personal goals and individual aspirations.
Concept of teacher qualification
Merriam - Webster Dictionary defines ‘qualification’ as a specialised
skill or type of experience or knowledge that makes someone suitable to
do a particular job or activity. Therefore, teachers’ qualification is a
particular skill or type of experience or knowledge someone possesses to
make him or her suitable to teach. Teachers’ qualifications could,
therefore, mean all the skills a teacher required to teach effectively. Such
skills include formal education, experience, subject matter knowledge,
pedagogy studies, duration of training, certificate/licensing and
professional development (Zuzovsky, 2009). Someone might have a
teaching certificate at hand but without adequate knowledge of subject
matter, this individual has no teaching qualifications yet. Similarly,
someone without proper knowledge of pedagogy or someone who spent
few years in training (Darling-Hammond et al, 2001) without completing
the required years does not possess teacher qualifications.
Professional development and experience also count for teacher’s
qualifications because several studies have revealed this (Helk, 2007).
Qualification is one of the critical factors that drive students’ academic
performance. Zuzovsky, (2009) also observed that one of the most
important factors in the teaching process is a qualification of the teacher.
The perspective of was that teachers’ qualifications can go a long way to
bring about students’ higher academic achievement.
Teachers’ profession relates to competence in instruction and
management of students and materials in the classroom. Teachers’
qualifications, therefore, might not only be the certificate someone is
holding as erroneously conceived by some people. Teachers’
qualifications are more than just holding a certificate of any institution.
Zuzovsky, (2009) in her study on “Teachers’ qualifications and their
impact on students’ achievement findings from TIMMS-2003 data in
Israel ‘ties teachers’ qualifications to seven indicators that are;
i. Teachers’ formal education
ii. Teachers’ education in the subject matter of teaching
(in-field preparation)
iii. Teacher education in pedagogical studies
iv. Duration of the preparation period
v. Certification and licensing status
vi.Years of experience
vii. Preparation in professional development activities
A qualified teacher should focus on learning which strengthens the
capacities of children to act progressively on their own behalf through
the acquisitions of relevant knowledge, useful skills and appropriate
attitudes; and which creates for children, and helps them create for
themselves and others, places of safety, security and healthy interaction
(Bernard, 2009). With this regard, early childhood teachers should be
highly qualified and have relevant trainings for them to offer good and
strong foundation to young children.
According to Agyeman (2003), a teacher who does not have both
academic and professional qualification would have a negative influence
on teaching and learning of his/her subject which subsequently affects
the performance of students. In this study, academic qualification
referred to the level of education achieved whereas; professional training
was related to whether a teacher is specialized in early childhood
education or not. These two components are interrelated and both of
them determine the quality of service a teacher can deliver to his/her
students. Reuda (2002) believes that qualified teacher should be able to
upgrade students‟ capability effectively, enhance their knowledge and
skills, and improve their behaviour and attitude and then make
contributions to the organizational goal. Qualified teachers recognize the
teaching approach that appreciates the fact that children have unique
interests that need to be considered for any meaningful achievement.
Gichuba, Opasta and Nguchu (2009) Such a situation begs the question
of how the quality of teaching looks like in Rwandan nursery schools
where most caregivers are volunteers who have completed only three
years of secondary education (MINEDUC, 2010).
Concept of equipment/ instructional materials
Instructional materials can be considered as a consciously planned
programme for the improvement and consolidation of instruction and for
effective teaching and learning.
Ughamadu (1992) defined instructional materials as the resources that
the teacher and students uses to influence and increase the effectiveness
of teaching and learning process. It is this creative use of the materials
by the students which will make them learn and improve their
performance of skills that they intend to develop.
Nnoli (2008) stated that instructional materials are the resources that the
teacher and students uses to influence the effectiveness of teaching and
learning process. It is the creative use of the students’ mental ability
which will make them learn and improve their performance of the skills
that they intend to develop. Furthermore, instructional materials or
teaching aids means materials which aid teaching of a particular subject.
This does not do the whole teaching on its own only, but by the methods.
It is been administered by the model and controlled by the model which
is the teacher who directs and controls the process.
It is an intrinsic part of teaching and learning process. The achievement
of the aims and objectives of education depends primarily on
instructional materials. Kay (2001) further opined that instructional
materials are the things which are intended to help the teacher to teach
more effectively, or better still which enables the students to learn more
Egwu (2008) defined equipment/instructional materials as audio visual
materials or as innovations that aid easy understanding in the teaching
and learning process. This involves the use of human efforts, appropriate
choice design and utilization of objects to ensure effectiveness. Equally,
it is defined as anything (human effort, hardware, software, improve
materials) used to satisfy and meet educational needs of the learners. It is
an instructional device or technique or an expert brought into the
teaching and learning interaction process to facilitate sharing of
experience, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
Akpan (2000) stated that equipment/instructional materials are however,
alternative channels of communication used by adult educators to
concretised teaching of subjects, problem concepts and educational
objectives to ensure better understanding. Again, the use of instructional
materials helps to increase the interest and satisfaction of the student.
Oshibodu (2004) sees instructional materials as materials used to
facilitate teaching and learning by way of saving the instructor’s time
and effort by providing a way of capturing learner’s interest, promoting
effective retention of subject matter learned, a way of keeping students
focussed, active and of stimulating imagination. Kofar (1999) defined
teaching using instructional materials as veritable channels of passing
knowledge in the classroom. Instructions given in the form of practical
work improve the learner’s level of understanding. These are the
resources that the teacher uses in presenting his lesson so that the
students can easily understand and grasp what is being taught. It is a
means of making the teaching and learning process more meaningful,
effective, productive and understandable. The end result is the
attainment of educational goals.
Eya (2004) believed that equipment/instructional materials stimulates
the teacher’s interest, and helps both the teacher and the learners to
overcome the physical limitations of the teaching and learning process.
As a system, it cannot be separated from classroom teaching otherwise,
it could paralyze the entire system or process when neglected. The use of
instructional materials is often bogged down by teaching problems such
as inadequate materials, economic recession and relatedness of the
educational resources; the student population explosion and accessibility
of local materials network.
Okorie (2010) stated that improvisation is the sourcing, selection and
deployment of relevant instructional elements of the teaching and
learning process in the absence or shortage of standard teaching and
learning resources for meaningful realization of specified educational
goals and objectives. It is an act of using materials obtainable from the
local environment or designed by the teacher or with the help of local
personnel to enhance instruction. Most of the teachers still do not teach
with instructional materials on the excuse that they are not readily
Emezie (2010) stated that instructional materials include those materials
and services used in learning situations to supplement the written or
spoken word in the transmission of knowledge, attitude and ideas. It is a
material that facilitates teaching and learning activities and consequently
the attainment of the lesson objectives. It helps in making teaching and
learning real and meaningful.
Effect of teachers’ qualification/experience on basic science
students’ performance
Education is a key component of human quality essential for generating
high incomes and sustainable socio-economic development. It is
characterized as an essential ingredient in poverty eradication as
described by Ogawa (2010). According to UNESCO (2007), education
was formally recognized as a human right since the adoption of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The Dakar Framework
for Action (2000) declared that access to quality education was the right
of every child. It affirmed that quality was at the heart of education.
According to Samoff (2007) (as cited in Ogawa (2010) the mastery of
curriculum is measured by national examination and the best indicator of
high quality education is a high score on the national examination.
According to France and Utting (2003), good quality early education is
essential for educational efficiency. Children acquire the basic skills,
concepts and attitudes required for successful learning and development
prior to entering formal education system thus reducing the chances of
failure and lay a foundation of life-long learning. The Australia
education policy framework (2013) states that children must enjoy best
possible conditions in their early educational and developmental years
and that includes qualified educators will help support early childhood
education system. To reap the most form these early years of
development the early childhood development education centres should
ensure quality standards of education. Quality of education as defined by
Myers (2006) in an article ‘Quality in Program of Early Childhood Care
and Education’, states that; although there is no single definition of
quality there are two principles that characterize most attempts to define
quality in education; first is the learner’s cognitive development as the
major explicit objective of all educational systems, the success with
which systems achieve this is their quality; the second emphasis is on
educational role in promoting values and attitudes of responsible
citizenship and in nurturing creative and emotional development. The
achievement of these objectives is difficult to assess and compare across
Teacher qualification may affect students’ academic achievement,
according to a study conducted by Abe (2014) in Sky Journal of
Education highlighted three ways in which teacher qualification can be
quantified that is;
 Level of education;
 Years of experience in preparation of subject matter and pedagogy
 Certification in their expertise area and their on-going professional
In South Africa, a study carried out by Buddin and May (2009) on the
teacher licensure test scores and other teacher attributes effect on
elementary student achievement showed large differences in teacher
quality across school district. Teacher license test scores were unrelated
to teacher success in the classroom; student achievement was not related
to the teachers’ advanced degrees, student achievement increases with
teacher experience but the correlation is weak.
In America, Dan and Dominic (2010) reporting on evaluating the effect
of teacher Degree Level on educational performance in America
released by the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future
offers a general indictment of the teaching profession. The report states
that many newly hired teachers are unqualified for the job. In particular,
the commission reports that one fourth of high school teachers lack
college training in their primary classroom subject and that teacher
recruiting and hiring practices nationwide are ‘distressingly haddock’.
Teacher qualification may influence student achievement in urban
secondary schools. In South Africa, Buddin and May (2009) studied
teacher qualifications and student achievement in urban elementary
schools. The study examined the teacher licensure test scores and other
teacher attributes effect on elementary student achievement. They used
longitudinal approach. The results showed large differences in teacher
quality across school district. Teacher license test scores are unrelated to
teacher success in the classroom; student achievement is not related to
the teachers’ advanced degrees, student achievement increases with
teacher experience but the correlation is weak. In Florida Journal of
Educational Policy Dan and Dominic (2010) examined the number of
teachers and
the relationship
students' academic
performance in public secondary schools in a sample of Local
Government Areas in Nigeria. This descriptive study used a post-hoc
dataset. An instrument titled “Quantity and Quality of Teachers and
Students' Academic Performance” was used for the study. Findings of
the study showed teachers’ qualifications, experience and class size were
significantly related to students’ academic performance. These finding
were used to guide planners about the need for qualified teachers to
facilitate effective teaching and learning in secondary schools in Nigeria.
In Nigeria, Owalabi (2012) examined the effect of teacher’s qualification
on performance of senior secondary school physics students in physics.
The purpose was to determine whether the status of the teacher has any
impact on the performance of students in physics. The study used
descriptive survey design. Data was collected using questionnaires and
document analysis and was analyzed using inferential statistics. The
study found that students taught by teacher with higher qualifications
performed better than those taught by teacher with low qualifications.
The results also revealed that students taught by professional teachers
performed better, however teachers’ experience in teaching the subject
was of significant advantage in physics. Based on the results it was
recommended that students in the year of examination should be taught
by experienced teachers.
Abe (2014) in a study on effect of teacher qualifications on students’
performance in Mathematics in secondary schools; the study examined
the effect of teacher’s qualifications on student performance in
mathematics. Three hundred students were randomly selected from ten
schools which were purposefully selected. The results showed that a
significant difference existed between students taught by professional
teachers and non-trained teacher. It was recommended that only trained
qualified teachers should teach mathematics in secondary schools.
Training of un-trained teachers helps them to improve their teaching
methods and in turn help to improve performance of students in
A study in Kenya by Musau and Abere (2014) examined performance of
teachers on subject such as Mathematics, Technology and science in
secondary schools of Kitui. The study looked into the extent to which
teacher qualification influenced students’ academic performance in
Science Mathematics and Technology subjects. The study applied expost-facto
questionnaire and document analysis. It was analysed using descriptive
and inferential statistical tools. The study found that there was no
significant difference in performance of students taught by teachers who
had undergone refresher courses and those taught by teacher who had
not undergone refresher courses as they were both graduates. The study
recommended that teachers should undergo more regular in-service and
refresher training of Science Mathematics and Technology to enable
them embrace and conform to the emerging technologies and teaching
These studies have shown that there is some relationship between
teacher qualification and students’ academic achievement; these studies
were carried out in secondary schools with specific subjects. The studies
have reported that teachers without being expert of the said subjects
would not perform to the same level as qualified teachers. The studies
reviewed dealt with teacher qualification and experience influence on
student performance with a lot of focus on the secondary education
Afangideh (2011) asserts that teacher qualification influences students’
performance and professional preparation is needed by chemistry
teachers through adequate and informed exposure to courses for teaching
effectiveness. The Education and Training Commission of Europe
(2010) also points out that teacher qualification is an essential factor that
provides learners with personal fulfilment, better social skills and more
diverse opportunities.
Teacher experience has to do with the increased awareness of
diversifying search for new ideas, new commitments and new
challenges. Teachers’ experience and knowledge of subject matter are
unique qualities for teaching effectiveness. According to Rice (2010) the
magnitude of the effect of teacher experience varies depending on the
teacher’s level of education and the subject area. He further opined that
experience gained over time, enhances the knowledge, skills, and
productivity of workers. These qualities facilitate students’ skills and
abilities to think about chemistry processes, useful for exploration and
analysis, and also enables thorough understanding of chemistry
concepts. Experienced teachers are great asset to novice teachers who
need advice, encouragement and continuous guidance. Okey (2012)
stated that experience is directly related to teachers’ ability to plan
lessons, address divergent student responses, reflects on their teaching
effectiveness and their ability to stimulate student inquiry. Akinyele
(2001) and Commey-Ras (2003) commented that experience improves
teaching skills while students learn better at the hand of teachers who
have taught them continuously over a period of years. Senechal (2010)
found that teacher experience has a significant positive effect on student
achievement, with more than half of the gains occurring during the
teacher’s first few years, but substantial gains occurring over subsequent
years; albeit, at a slower rate. Furthermore, teachers with long years of
experience are confident that even the most difficult student can be
reached if they exert extra effort; while teachers without experience feel
a sense of helplessness when it comes to dealing with unmotivated
students (Gibson & Dembo, 2001). With adequate pedagogical
exposure, the teacher exhibits cordial relationships with students and
participation in class increases. Domike (2002) outlined phase
experiences in the teaching career. He opined that experiences in the
teaching profession have to do with factors such as exploration,
stabilization, experimentation and diversification. These phases are
outlined as shown;
Phase 1: Career exploration phase which is starting out, (1-5 years) is a
period of survival, discovery and enthusiasm. Teachers take up
responsibilities during this phase with uncertainties and complexities of
the environment. At the fourth year of the teacher’s profession, stability
plays a great role to characterize the teacher’s response to commitment.
With unattractive incentives, the teacher is interested in enhancing his
educational attainment for greener pastures. Pedagogical mastery is
identified and pursued with vigour and greater flexibility applied.
Between 1-10 years, beginning teachers were found to have pitfalls in
their application of instructional methods and in group dynamics.
Between the 15-25 years of teaching, in mid-career years, teachers draw
a balance sheet of their career lives and examine the possibility or
unlikelihood of changing careers. At this stage, teachers are more
critical, direct and dominance prevails. After the phase of uncertainty,
from 26-33 years of professional experience, some teachers achieve
serenity and greater confidence to invest in teaching.
Maduabum (2007) posited that newer teachers may be excited about new
discoveries, but teachers with more experience can distinguish valuable
ideas from passing facts; though, there may be exceptions. Experience
brings humility, good judgment and ability to see the larger story.
Experience and immersion in the subject affect teaching in diverse ways.
It grows knowledge repertoire, improves utilization of more materials
and ideas in profound ways. Experienced teachers are good assets to
novice teachers who need encouragement, advice and guidance.
Akinyele (2001) and Commey-Ras (2003) who posited that long years of
teaching experience improves teaching skills and students learn better at
the hands of teachers who have taught them continuously over a period
of time.
Lochran (2001) argues that “the outcome” question is what currently
motivates teacher education. She set down three ways in which
outcomes of teacher education are constructed. One of them is long term
impact outcome (refers to the relationships) between teacher
qualifications and student learning. Teacher qualification encompasses
teachers’ scores on tests and examinations, their years of experience, the
extent of their preparations in subject matter and what qualifications they
hold in their area of expertise and their on-going professional
development. He went on to posit that the relationship between teacher
qualification and student learning as the percentage of variance in
student scores accounted for by teacher’s qualifications when other
variables are held constant or adjusted.
Specifically, highly qualified teachers are required to;
1. Have sufficient subject matter knowledge and teaching skills.
2. Hold at least a National Certificate in Education (NCE).
Among teacher behaviours that have been shown to lead to high student
achievement are efficient classroom management skills, systematic
teaching approaches providing clear teaching goals and using advance
Relationship between laboratory facilities/equipments and the
effective teaching and learning of basic science
The National Policy on Education (FME, 2004) states that science
education shall emphasize the teaching of science process and principle.
This will lead to fundamental and applied research in science at all levels
of education. When laboratory facilities are appropriately utilized, they
bring about more effectiveness in teaching and learning process, but this
depends on teachers’ ability to use such facilities effectively
(Ughamadu; 1992).
In the study of Basic science as an integral branch of science, the
facilities and equipments which students were exposed to remain crucial
to the achievement made by them. The facilities and equipment here
referred to infrastructures, manpower and laboratory equipment, all of
which make learning fruitful and rewarding. For the past three decades,
there has been tremendous increase in the number of students’ enrolment
in science when compared to other science subjects (Milgwa, 2000).
This is because science is seen to be directly relevant to students’
everyday life.
On the other hand, it could be observed that students performance in
both Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) and the
General Certificate in Education (GCE) have constantly been poor. This
poor performance has been attributed to students’ inability to tackle
science practical questions (Nworgu, 1999).
According to Ogunkola and Olatoye (2004) practical work is the backbone of effective science teaching and learning. It has been repeatedly
emphasized that scientific enterprise is an activity packed one, involving
continuous exploration and verification of facts. Science is learnt by
doing, so the different school curricula should adequately provide
facilities for practical work at every stage of learning experiences.
Alebiosu cited in Ogunkoya and Olatoye (2004) opined that science is
experimentation and its teaching specially focuses on making students
learn through the working of hands, brain and the heart. Various studies
on the methodology of science teaching such as inquiry, discovery and
process approach have shown that students learn more from science
lesson by doing rather than by observation. According to Ogunkola and
Olatoye (2004) enhancing better understanding of products and process
of science cannot be overemphasized and also added that the practical
nature of biology is commonly regarded as an important source of
pupils’ motivation. In another related study, Uline and Megan (2008)
confirmed a strong and positive relationship between quality of school
facilities and student achievement.
Nworgu (1999) said that teaching of biology involves three major
domains of educational objectives namely cognitive, affective and
psychomotor. He said teachers of biology mostly emphasize on
cognitive domain at the expense of the other two domains. The
development of psychomotor domain involves practical activities which
require laboratory facilities and equipments. Mustapha (2002) stated that
practical work in school science provides learners with opportunities to
use scientific equipments to develop basic manipulative or inquiry
activities and develop problem-solving attitudes needed for future work
in science.
Etukudo (2004) opined that laboratory method of teaching is presumed
to be capable of fully involving the individual learner in the learning and
teaching activities as well as helps to remove individual differences and
absent mindedness. He added that laboratory offers singular privilege of
manipulating apparatus or teaching aids to every student to obtain a
desirable result. Also he said that the use of instructional materials which
laboratory techniques offer, enhance better understanding of the
curriculum content. Kuthnfithing in Etukudo (2004) said that
experimentation and laboratory teaching are good pedagogy for
discovery learning and mastering of abstract skills as well as building up
of low ability learners. Ige (2000) noted that biology teacher is an
indispensable human resource who has a vital role to play in utilization
of all other resources and therefore must be aware of various types of
facilities available. The teacher must also know to get the
equipment/facilities and the situations where they can effectively be put
to use. However, Ivowi (1999), observed that lack of science teaching
equipments in our laboratories is one of the major problems facing
science teaching in Nigeria. Abdulrahman (2009) believes that
practicing biology teachers who are not trained within the scientifically
rich environments or moderately rich biology environment do not have
the capacity to utilize any available resources or improvise in the
absence of such resources.
Laboratory facilities are the material resources that facilitate effective
teaching and learning in school laboratories (Jaiyeoba and Atanda, 2005;
Timilehin; 2010) posited that laboratory facilities are those things which
enable a skilful science teacher to achieve a level of instructional
effectiveness that far exceed what is possible when they are not
provided. The problem of lack of adequate instructional facilities in
Nigerian schools is dated back to the beginning of formal education in
Nigeria and the provision of educational facilities was not given
adequate and proper attention it deserved (Adesina 1990). He further
said the resultant effect was overcrowding of pupils in the schools
leading to overstressing of available spaces and facilities. Oyetunde
(2008) was of the view that the problem of lack of school facilities or
inadequate school facilities is affecting all State Secondary Schools in
the federation. Ahmed (2003) revealed that in most of the nation’s
Secondary Schools, teaching and learning take place under a most non
conducive environment, lacking the basic materials and thus hindered
the fulfilment of educational objectives. Lack of adequate facilities such
as text books, workshops, ill equipped classrooms, laboratories and
libraries are among the probable causes of student’s poor performance in
examination. Despite the fact that practical work is a unique source of
teaching science, it is widely acknowledged that laboratory equipment
are lacking in most schools (Omosewo, 2010). She also concluded from
her studies that practical work was difficult to organize as a result of
lack of apparatus. Onawola (2002) reported lack of qualified teachers in
addition to lack of equipment for laboratory work and also reported lack
of adequate equipment most especially in established schools. Some
researchers have found shortage of laboratory facilities as the cause of
students’ failure in science skills because their teachers were unable to
conduct practical as they would like to and this always has inevitable
consequences for students’ learning. The shortage of laboratory facilities
could have serious implication on the quality of school output (Adeyemi
2006). Onah and Ugwu (2010) revealed that the constraint to quality
equipment/facilities in our schools.
According to Aderounmu, Aworanti and Kasali (2007) the strict
adherence to the school time table with little or no provision for
adequate qualified staff, tools, equipments, workshops and laboratories
perhaps could lead to poor performance in Science, Technology and
Mathematics Education, (STME). In addition, they said that most
teaching in STME classes which are supposed to be done with charts and
real life objects are mostly done in abstract, ignoring the fact that ‘seeing
is believing’. Biology is an activity – based and students centred course
and cannot be effectively taught without equipment (Nwagbo, 2008).
She further said lack of equipment/materials have provided excuses for
Biology teachers who now neglect the practical aspect which has greater
potential for developing critical thinking and objective reasoning ability
in students. They resort instead to expository method of teaching which
is known for promoting rote learning and hindering transfer of learning.
In order to ensure better performance from schools, there is need to
provide necessary facilities (Suleiman, 2003).
Ihuarulam (2008) argued that the absolute neglect in the provision of
effective teachers, enough materials and fund has worsened the quality
of education as was reflected in public examination. The inadequacy of
academically competent professionally sound and enduring committed
school personnel, inadequacy of well equipped laboratory/workshop are
factors hindering meaningful curriculum development in science.
Ogunleye (1999) said that one of the objectives of teaching science in
schools is to communicate the spirit of science and to ensure that
students acquire the process skills of science. This cannot be effectively
achieved unless students are exposed sufficiently to practical work and
laboratory experimentation. He further said that many of our secondary
schools that were established over the years still remain without science
laboratories; others have laboratories that are not sufficiently equipped.
Even with the establishment of the science equipment manufacturing
centre at the Product Development
Institute, Enugu (PRODA) as well as the Science equipment centre at
Ijanikin – Lagos and Minna in Niger state, the situation has not
improved. The end result is that students learn Science without
laboratories and equipment which is not in the spirit of Science.
According to Mohanty (2007) only 19.35% of his sampled schools had
Science laboratory, 80.65% of the schools used to go without laboratory.
He also said that there was no Science laboratory in any of the Junior
Secondary Schools except in one private Secondary school.
Audu and Oghogho (2007) said that one of the major aspects of Science
Education that has been of great concern is the area of availability and
effectiveness of usage of specialized Science equipment, facilities and
teaching aids. They quoted Abimbola (1997) who said that in Nigeria,
one of the most striking problems of Science Education is that of
inadequate Science teaching materials. In addition, they said that the
National Policy on Education that introduces Science into the curriculum
introduces it as activity – based subject that require a lot of teaching and
learning materials and aids.
Oboh (2008) opined that teaching of Biology in most Nigerian schools is
more theoretical than practical. The usual reason given is the
unavailability of materials and equipment. This is supported by Danmole
and Abdullahi (1990) who emphasized the importance of improving
instructional strategies through the use of teaching aids.
Laboratory facilities are material resources that facilitate effective
teaching and learning and also promote students performance. The
inadequacy of these facilities has been noted many years back and still
persists particularly with the overcrowding classes.
Relationship between teachers’ teaching methods and students’
performance in basic science
The primary purpose of teaching at any level of education is to bring a
fundamental change in the learner (Tebabal & Kahssay, 2011). To
facilitate the process of knowledge transmission, teachers should apply
appropriate teaching methods that best suit specific objectives and level
exit outcomes. In the traditional epoch, many teaching practitioners
widely applied teacher-centred methods to impart knowledge to learners
comparative to student-centred methods. Until today, questions about the
effectiveness of teaching methods on student learning have consistently
raised considerable interest in the thematic field of educational research
(Hightower, 2011).
Moreover, research on teaching and learning constantly endeavour to
examine the extent to which different teaching methods enhance growth
in student learning. Quite remarkably, regular poor academic
performance by the majority students in science subjects is
fundamentally linked to application of ineffective teaching methods by
teachers to impact knowledge to learners (Adunola, 2011).
Substantial research on the effectiveness of teaching methods indicates
that the quality of teaching is often reflected by the achievements of
learners. According to Ayeni (2011), teaching is a process that involves
bringing about desirable changes in learners so as to achieve specific
outcomes. In order for the method used for teaching to be effective,
Adunola (2011) maintains that teachers need to be conversant with
numerous teaching strategies that take recognition of the magnitude of
complexity of the concepts to be covered.
According to Ayeni (2011), teaching is a continuous process that
involves bringing about desirable changes in learners through use of
appropriate methods. Adunola (2011) indicated that in order to bring
desirable changes in students, teaching methods used by educators
should be best for the subject matter. Furthermore, Bharadwaj & Pal
(2011) sustained that teaching methods work effectively mainly if they
suit learners’ needs since every learner interprets and responds to
questions in a unique way (Chang, 2010). As such, alignment of
teaching methods with students’ needs and preferred learning influence
students’ academic attainments (Zeeb, 2004).
Teacher-Centered Methods:
Under this method, students simply obtain information from the teacher
without building their engagement level with the subject being taught
(Boud & Feletti, 1999). The approach is least practical, more theoretical
and memorizing (Teo & Wong, 2000). It does not apply activity based
learning to encourage students to learn real life problems based on
applied knowledge. Since the teacher controls the transmission and
sharing of knowledge, the lecturer may attempt to maximize the delivery
of information while minimizing time and effort. As a result, both
interest and understanding of students may get lost. To address such
shortfalls, Zakaria, Chin & Daud (2010) specified that teaching should
not merely focus on dispensing rules, definitions and procedures for
students to memorize, but should also actively engage students as
primary participants.
Student-Centered Method:
With the advent of the concept of discovery learning, many scholars
today widely adopt more supple student-centered methods to enhance
active learning (Greitzer, 2002). Most teachers today apply the studentcentered approach to promote interest, analytical research, critical
thinking and enjoyment among students (Hesson & Shad, 2007). The
teaching method is regarded more effective since it does not centralize
the flow of knowledge from the lecturer to the student (Lindquist,
1995).The approach also motivates goal-orientated behaviour among
students, hence the method is very effective in improving student
achievement (Slavin, 2006).
Danmole and Femi-Adeoye (2004) opined that no single method is best
for the teaching of Basic science. They stated further that, teaching
styles that would permit students’ active participation such as field work,
laboratory work (practical activities), group work, concept mapping and
inquiry methods should always be used. These methods are most likely
to ensure higher performance and promote students’ interest in basic
The term teaching styles has been defined by McCoy (2006) as a set of
teaching tactics employ by the teacher to help students acquire
knowledge or skills. Dupin-Bryant (2004) sees teaching styles as
‘instructional format’. In teacher training, teachers maybe exposed to
more formal learning design, pedagogical scenarios, lesson planning
methodology etc. Teachers then have personality and beliefs exposit to
pre-service and in-service training. The combination of these (training,
personality and beliefs) with experience (i.e. concrete exposure to
classroom context and policies) will then lead to a giving style of
teaching. A teacher’s teaching style is based on their educational
philosophy, their classroom demographic, what subject area they teach
and the school’s mission statement. According to Grasha (2002)
teaching styles define, guide and direct instructional practices that
impact students and their ability to learn. Broadly, teaching styles are
categorized into teacher centred and students centred. The main focus
behind the teacher-centred style is the idea that the teacher is the main
authority figure. The students are simply there to learn through lectures
and direct instructions, and the focus is mainly on pressing tests and
assessment. A teachers’ role in this style is to pass on the knowledge and
information needed to their students. Ahmad and Aziz (2009) posit that,
teacher centred teaching style is the traditional teaching method where
teachers are at the centre of class activities. In traditional or teacher
centred classrooms, students have definite and fixed perceptions and
ideas of their own roles and those of their teachers. Based on these
characteristics some teachers centred teaching styles include: direct
instructions, formal authority, expert and personal model.
In student centred teaching style, the teacher is still the authority figure,
but the student plays an active role in what is learned. The idea is that
the teacher will advise and guide the students down a learning path.
Assessment involves informal and formal methods tests, group projects,
portfolios, and class participation. The teacher continues to assess a
student’s learning even throughout the lesson. The students are learning
the information the teacher is giving, and the teacher is learning how
best to approach his students.
Eken (2000) stated that in student-centred classrooms, the teacher serves
as a facilitator and students are seen as being able to assume active roles
and participate throughout the lesson. These activities according to him
are most likely to promote students’ interest in the task especially when
the activities are specially fashioned to suit the interest of the students.
Teachers facilitate student’s discussion and activities and interject only
when and where necessary. This gives the students a guided learning
environment and helps students to discover facts by themselves (Eken,
2000). When students are allowed to lead discussions and activities, their
achievement level is facilitated and their interest towards the subject and
task is promoted (Ahmad and Aziz, 2009). Student centred teaching
styles include; facilitator, delegator, collaborator, cooperative and
personal teaching style.
Galton (2009) was optimistic that teaching styles can improve slow
learners’ level of achievement and promote their interest in the task at
hand. Lassa (2005) noted that, teachers are the main determinant of the
quality of education in Nigeria. The provision of this qualitative
education cannot be achieved without the application of appropriate
teaching styles. Lassa (2005) narrated further that, when the appropriate
methodology is applied, the teachers will be able to stimulate and sustain
the interest of pupils and students throughout the lesson. Howard (2009)
maintained that matching the teachers’ teaching styles with the learning
styles of the students suggests that educators and science teachers in
particular needs to become aware of how students learn. With this, they
may be able to create an environment that is conducive for optimal
learning. Today’s teaching style needs to be different from approaches
that have been traditionally used. It is time for the schools to start
focussing on the innate abilities that children possess rather than on the
traditional education formula that is not totally consistent with
developmental learning or cognition (Creswell, 2009). Pintrich and Marx
(2011) suggested that, a teacher’s teaching styles therefore should be
such that would harmonize both external and internal environment of the
students to bring out their best sequel to their interest. Interest in science
is very important as it motivates students to learn (Bae, 2007). It is
however worrisome that, recent studies show a decline in interest of
students especially in science as children grows (Bae, 2007).
Bae (2007) pointed out clearly that, it is boring for a student to study
science topics and difficult to appreciate its value without interest. These
perceived problems and lack of interest on the part of the student is
caused by in-appropriate use of teaching styles by the science teachers
(Igboko and Ibeneme, 2006). Also Adejoh and Idachaba (2010) stressed
that biology teachers need to replace conventional methods of teaching
with teaching approaches that are both students and interest centred.
Igboko and Ibeneme (2006) opined that, teachers of science and
technology should move with time and follow the paradigm shift in
educational psychology from teacher to learner centeredness. It is
therefore reasonable for teachers to initiate all the basics that students
need to achieve using appropriate teaching styles to enhance their
achievement and arouse their interest in Basic Science.
Teacher-Student Interactive Method
This teaching method applies the strategies used by both teachercentered and student-centered approaches. The subject information
produced by the learners is remembered better than the same information
presented to the learners by the lecture (Slavin, 2006).
The method encourages the students to search for relevant knowledge
rather than the lecturer monopolizing the transmission of information to
the learners. As such, research evidence on teaching approaches
maintains that this teaching method is effective in improving students’
academic performance (Damodharan & Rengarajan, 1999).
It is noted that the success of students in any examination depends
largely on qualified and dedicated teachers. If the teachers are qualified
and have mastery of their subjects, that will improve the performance of
the students. Oshodi (1998), Dujilemi (2002), reiterated that students in
any country cannot perform beyond the quality of the teachers. In his
own contribution, Bangbade (2004), found out that teachers attributes
have significant relationship with students’ academic performance.
According to him, such attributes include teacher’s knowledge of the
subject matter, communication ability, emotional stability, good human
relationship with the students and interest in the job. He concluded that
students whose teachers lack the knowledge of the subject matter, who
have poor communication ability, poor emotional stability and lack of
interest in the job perform poorly. Adeyemo (1985), Oshodi, (1998) and
Oyebanyi (1993), opined that apart from the basic entry qualifications
teachers possess, other attributes greatly influence their efficiency and
Alimi and Balogun (2010) stated that teachers’ knowledge of the subject
matter, pupils and methodology and techniques of imparting knowledge
are great attributes which have significant effects on their academic
performance. Rena (2000) explained further that for students to perform
well in any examination, one of the prerequisites is that their teachers
must know them and have profound knowledge of their state of physical,
intellectual and psychological readiness. The teacher must be well
versed in the content of the subject matter he/she is teaching. He must
know the appropriate method to adopt in different situations. Babajide
(2001) found out that the poor quality of teachers in the secondary
schools in the state have a negative influence on the students’ academic
performance in both internal and external examinations.
Relationship between teachers’ gender in the teaching of basic
science and students’ performance
Gender is a specially constructed phenomenon that is brought about as
society ascribes different roles, duties, behaviours, and mannerisms to
the two sexes, (Mangvwat, 2006). It is a social connotation that has
sound psychological background, and it is used to refer to specific
cultural patterns of behaviour that are attributed to human sexes. Gender
relates to cultural attributes of both males and females (Akpochafo,
2009). Gender according to Labey (2003) is a psychological experience
of being a male or female. It has to do with personality and central
components of self-concept. Unlike sex, which is concerned with, only
the distinction between male and female based on biological
characteristics, gender encompasses other personality attributes as roles,
orientation and identity based on individual’s conceptualization of self.
For instance, Singh (2010) opines that gender refers to a socio-cultural
construct that connotes the differentiated roles and responsibilities of
men and women in a particular society. This definition implies that
gender determines the role, which one plays in relation to general
political, cultural, social and economic system of the society. According
to Betiku (2002), gender refers to all the characteristics of male and
female, which a particular society has determined and assigned each sex.
Also, Onyeukwu (2000) sees gender as the dichotomy of roles culturally
imposed on the sexes.
Teachers cannot be dissociated from the schools they teach and
academic results of schools. It would therefore be logical to use the
standardized students’ assessments results as the basis for judging the
performance of teachers. Teachers celebrate and are rewarded when their
schools and teaching subjects are highly ranked. Basu and Chakroborty
(2001) reported that student taught by male teacher achieve higher than
those taught by female teachers this was in contrast with Adedipe (2003)
that reported a conflicting finding in which students that are taught by
female teachers performed significantly better than those taught by their
male counterparts.
Akiri and Ugborugbo (2008) found that there was a significant
achievement. They stated further that having a female teacher improves
female students’ educational outcomes. In contrast, relatively less
research has examined the effects of teacher gender on students’ noncognitive outcomes—e.g., attitudes, preferences, and socio-emotional
factors. The mechanisms behind teacher-student gender interactions
have also limited empirical support.
Additionally, male teacher candidates have often been compared to
female teacher candidates. Saban (2003) conducted a study using a
survey that consisted of fixed-response and open-ended questions. Saban
(2003) sent the survey to 381 prospective classroom teachers enrolled in
a college program during the 2001-2002 academic year. After analyzing
the results, Saban (2003) found female teachers at the elementary level
were more enthusiastic about and committed to teaching than their male
counterparts. Hussain, Ali, Khan, Ramzan, and Qadeer (2011) found that
teacher attitude towards the teaching profession impacts student
performance. Hussain et al. (2011) stated the following: Female
elementary school teachers have a more positive attitude towards the
profession as compared to the male secondary school teachers. This may
be the result of the stereotyping belief that teaching is a feminine job.
Positive societal views can also encourage male pre-service teachers to
enter the elementary teaching profession. Cooney and Bittner (2001)
conducted four one-hour conversations amongst male students, male
teachers, and male professors at a United States university. Cooney and
Bittner (2001) found that pre-service teachers see themselves as being
good role models for young students. Even though these pre-service
teachers recognized they are entering into a predominantly female
profession, the males viewed themselves as father figures to those
students without a positive male role model.
Petersen (2014) concluded society views males as good role models at
the elementary level. Additionally, male teachers at the elementary level
were viewed as having a strict classroom management style, thus
providing a structured learning environment. Another positive societal
view, as described by Petersen (2014), is the issue of security. By having
a male at school, there seems to be a “greater sense of security”.
In what is sometimes referred to as the ‘feminisation of education’, the
share of female teachers on all levels of education has been constantly
rising across the globe. While female instructors dominate primary
school teaching in both developed (84.5%) and developing countries
(59.3%), this is less the case in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (44.9%)
(UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2017).
At early stages of development, due to a gender gap in educational
investment that favours boys, the teaching profession is usually
dominated by men (Kelleher et al, 2011). As countries develop and
incomes rise, educational sectors tend to expand and girls are able to
close or even reverse the gender gap in schooling and teaching. In fact,
most advanced countries have witnessed two striking reversals in their
educational systems since the nineteenth century. Firstly, female
teachers have surpassed male teachers and therefore teaching has
become female dominated in both primary and secondary education
(Drudy, 2008) Secondly, girls have surpassed boys in school enrolment,
achievement, and graduation rates (DiPrete & Buchmann, 2013).
Recent global trends have sparked a lively public and academic debate
on whether the expansion of female teachers can help explain, in part,
the reversal of educational gender gaps in many world regions. The idea
that girls perform better under female teachers whereas boys show better
outcomes under male teachers is sometimes referred to as the samegender teacher effect. In the academic literature, three theoretical
explanations for the same-gender teacher phenomenon have been
proposed: role model effects, stereotyping, and sexual harassment.
Firstly, it is believed that same-gender teachers can act as role models,
enhancing students’ motivation and learning outcomes. Secondly,
teachers play an important role in creating a classroom environment that
either fosters gender equality or discrimination. Studies show that
traditional academic gender stereotypes such as ‘males are good at math
and females are good at reading’ can lead to female anxiety towards
math and to biased evaluation of teachers (Beilock, Gunderson, Ramirez,
& Levine, 2010).
We find that boys show higher test performance and subject appreciation
compared to girls in both reading and math when taught by a male
teacher. The reverse is true when students are taught by female teachers:
in classes of female teachers girls perform relatively better and enjoy
their subject more. Interestingly, this finding does not imply that both
boys and girls respond to teacher gender. While teacher gender does not
affect boys’ average test performance or subject appreciation, it strongly
matters for girls’ performance. When taught by a female teacher, girls
show a strong boost, particularly in test performance. These effects are
significant for both reading and math, but particularly strong for math.
Gender effects found are larger than those found in other world regions,
which is not surprising given that Western and Central Africa features
the world’s largest educational gender gaps (Grant & Behrman, 2010
Grant, M. J., & Behrman, J. R. (2010).
Summary of Literature Review
In summary, the concept of basic science was extensively defined as a
science in which concepts and principles are presented so as to express
the fundamental unit of scientific taught and avoiding premature or
undue stress on the distinction between various scientific fields. It also
looked into the concept of teacher’s qualification, the concept of
academic performance, the concept of equipment/instructional materials,
effect of teachers’ qualification/experience on basic science students’
performance, relationship between laboratory facilities and the effective
teaching and learning of basic science, relationship between teachers’
teaching method and students’ performance in basic science and lastly,
relationship between teachers’ gender in the teaching of basic science
and students’ performance.
Despite the numerous works done on teachers’ qualification/experience
and equipment utilization for the teaching and learning of basic science,
none to the knowledge of the researcher has been done on the effect of
teachers’ qualification and instructional materials on Basic science
students’ academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State.
This chapter will be discussed under the following sub-headings;
Research design
Population of the study
Sample and sampling techniques
Research instrument
Validity of instrument
Method of data collection
Method of data analysis
Research design
This study employed the correlational design to investigate the effect of
teachers’ qualification and instructional materials on Basic science
students’ academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State.
Population of the study
The population of this study comprised all junior secondary school (JSS)
students in public schools in Ukwuani Local Government Area of Delta
Sample and sampling techniques
Five secondary schools were randomly sampled from the population.
The selected public schools for the study include;
Ebedei Sec. Sch.
Sch. Obi-Obeti
Umutu Mixed Sec.
Sch. Umutu
All from Ukwuani Local Government Area of Delta State. In each of the
five (5) schools, twenty (20) students were randomly selected using the
simple random sampling technique. A total of one hundred (100) JSS
students were sampled in the five (5) schools which were also randomly
selected using sampling technique through simple balloting. In this case,
the names of all twenty (20) governments owned secondary schools
were written on a piece of paper and these pieces of papers were folded
and dropped into a container. The container was shaken properly to mix
up the folded papers. The pieces of papers were picked until the required
numbers of schools were selected.
Research instrument
The research instrument for data collection was a questionnaire titled
‘the effect of teachers’ qualification and instructional materials on Basic
science students’ academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta
State’. The constructed research questionnaire has two main parts;
section A and B measures the personal data of the respondents such as
name of school, gender, class etc. while section B contain twenty (20)
items which were structured to elicit information on ‘the effect of
teachers’ qualification and instructional materials on Basic science
students academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State’.
The questionnaire has four-point rating scale of Strongly Agree (SA),
Agree (A), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD)
Validity of instrument
The constructed questionnaire for the study was presented to the project
supervisor to confirm for content validity. Necessary corrections were
made and after which it was re-written before it was fully approved.
Method of Data Collection
The data were obtained by means of the structured questionnaire. The
schools used as samples for the study were visited by the researcher. The
researcher took permission from principals of the schools and the
principal directed their head teachers to assist the researcher in
administering the questionnaire to the student. The researcher explained
the purpose of the questionnaire to the students and made them to
understand that the information given will not be used against them, but
will be treated as confidential.
One hundred (100) copies of the questionnaires were administered to the
students and collected immediately after the respondents have filled in
their responses. This showed a hundred percent (100) return rate.
Method of Date Analysis
In analyzing the data collected for the study the Chi-square (x2) formula
was used to test the hypotheses and the formula is presented as thus;
X2 = Σ (0-E)2
Where X2 = chi Square
Σ = Sum of formula
0 = Observed variables
E = Expected Variables
This chapter focuses attention on the presentation, Analysis and
discussion of result.
Hypothesis One
qualification/experience and students’ performance in basic science.
Table 1 Chi-Square Analysis on the relationship between teachers’
qualification/experience and students’ performance in basic science.
Total 305
Source: fieldwork, 2019
X2-Cal X2-Crit. Level
12.020 3.840
The table above revealed that the X2 calculated value of 12.020 is higher
than the X2 critical value of 3.840 at 0.05 level of significance. The null
hypothesis is therefore rejected. This implies that there is a significant
relationship between teachers’ qualification/experience and students’
performance in basic science.
Hypothesis Two
There is no significant relationship between laboratory facilities and the
effective teaching and learning of basic science.
Table 2: Chi-square Analysis on the relationship between laboratory
facilities and the effective teaching and learning of basic science.
Total 292
Source: fieldwork, 2019
X2-Cal X2-Crit. Level
The table above shows that the X2 Calculated value of 9.017 is the
higher than the X2 Critical value of 3.840 at 0.05 level of significance.
The null hypothesis was rejected. This implies that there is a significant
relationship between laboratory facilities and the effective teaching and
learning of basic science.
Hypothesis Three
There is no significant relationship between teachers’ teaching method
and student’s performance in basic science.
Table 3: Chi-Square Analysis on the relationship between teachers’
teaching method and student’s performance in basic science.
Total 325
Source: fieldwork, 2019
X2-Cal X2-Crit. Level
The above table revealed that the X2 Calculated value of 5.891 is higher
than the X2 Critical value of 3.840 at 0.05 level of significance. The null
hypothesis is therefore rejected. This implies that there is significant
performance in basic science.
Hypothesis Four
There is no significant relationship between teachers’ gender in the
teaching of basic science and students’ performance.
Table 4: Chi -Square Analysis on the relationship between teachers’
gender in the teaching of basic science and students’ performance.
X2-Cal X2-Crit. Level
10.096 3.840
Source: fieldwork, 2019
The table shows that the X2 calculated value of 10.096 is higher than the
X2 critical value of 3.840 at 0.05 level of significance.
The null
hypothesis is therefore rejected. This implies that there is a significant
relationship between teachers’ gender in the teaching of basic science
and students’ performance.
Research Findings
From the data analysis above, the following are the major finding of the
qualification/experience and students’ performance in basic
There is a significant relationship between laboratory facilities
and the effective teaching and learning of basic science.
There is a significant relationship between teachers’ method of
teaching basic science and students’ performance.
There is a significant relationship between teachers’ gender in
teaching basic science and students’ performance.
Discussion of Result
The first hypothesis revealed that there is a significant relationship
between teachers’ qualification/experience and students’ performance in
basic science. This implies that teachers’ level of education, years of
experience in preparation of the subject matter and certification in their
expertise area can boost students’ performance in basic science. This
finding is in agreement with the finding of Dan and Dominic (2010)
examined the number of qualified teachers and the relationship to
students' academic performance in public secondary schools in a sample
of Local Government Areas in Nigeria. This descriptive study used a
post-hoc dataset. An instrument titled “Quantity and Quality of Teachers
and Students' Academic Performance” was used for the study. Findings
of the study showed teachers’ qualifications, experience and class size
were significantly related to students’ academic performance. These
finding were used to guide planners about the need for qualified teachers
to facilitate effective teaching and learning in secondary schools in
Nigeria. On teachers’ experience it falls in line with Akinyele (2001) and
Commey-Ras (2003) comments that experience improves teaching skills
while students learn better at the hand of teachers who have taught them
continuously over a period of years. This finding shows that teachers’
qualification/experience relates to students’ performance in basic
The second hypothesis revealed that there is a significant relationship
between laboratory facilities and the effective teaching and learning of
basic science. This means that laboratory facilities when effectively
utilized has positive effect on student’s achievement in basic science.
This finding is in agreement with Uline and Megan (2008) confirmed a
strong and positive relationship between quality of school facilities and
student achievement. Also Oboh (2008) opined that teaching of Biology
in most Nigerian schools is more theoretical than practical. The usual
reason given is the unavailability of materials and equipment. This is
supported by Danmole and Abdullahi (1990) who emphasized the
importance of improving instructional strategies through the use of
teaching aids. Laboratory facilities are material resources that facilitate
effective teaching and learning and also promote students performance.
The inadequacy of these facilities has been noted many years back and
still persists particularly with the overcrowding classes. This also shows
that laboratory facilities and its utilization relates to effective teaching
and learning of basic science.
The result from the third finding revealed that there is a significant
relationship between teachers’ method of teaching basic science and
students’ performance. This implies that teacher’s teaching style of basic
science has tremendous effect on students’ performance in the basic
science. This finding is in line with Danmole and Femi-Adeoye (2004)
opined that no single method is best for the teaching of Basic science.
They stated further that, teaching styles that would permit students’
active participation such as field work, laboratory work (practical
activities), group work, concept mapping and inquiry methods should
always be used. These methods are most likely to ensure higher
performance and promote students’ interest in basic science. Also Galton
(2009) was optimistic that teaching styles can improve slow learners’
level of achievement and promote their interest in the task at hand. This
shows that teachers’ teaching style is related to students’ performance in
basic science.
Finally, result from the fourth finding revealed that there is a significant
relationship between teachers’ gender in teaching basic science and
students’ performance. That is, teachers’ sex has significant learning
outcomes among male and female students’ in basic science. This
finding is in agreement with
Basu and Chakroborty (2001) who reported that student taught by male
teacher achieve higher than those taught by female teachers this was in
contrast with Adedipe (2003) that reported a conflicting finding in which
students that are taught by female teachers performed significantly better
than those taught by their male counterparts.
Also, it supported Beilock, Gunderson, Ramirez, & Levine, (2010) it is
believed that same-gender teachers can act as role models, enhancing
students’ motivation and learning outcomes.
This shows that teacher’s gender in teaching basic science is related to
students’ performance in the subject.
This chapter focuses on the summary, conclusion and recommendations
This research work was designed to investigate the effect of teachers’
qualification and instructional materials on Basic science students’
academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State. In order to
achieve this aim, four research questions and four null hypotheses were
formulated to guide the study.
The major instrument used for the study was the questionnaire and one
hundred (100) respondents were randomly selected as sample. The ChiSquare statistic was used in testing the four hypotheses stated in the
Based on the analysis, all the hypotheses were rejected. Thus, the
analysis revealed that there is a significant relationship between
teachers’ qualification/experience and students’ performance in basic
Secondly, that there is a significant relationship between laboratory
facilities and the effective teaching and learning of basic science.
Thirdly, that there is a significant relationship between teachers’ method
of teaching basic science and students’ performance.
Finally, that there is a significant relationship between teachers’ gender
in teaching basic science and students’ performance.
Based on these findings, recommendations were made and suggestions
for further studies were proffered.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made on the
effect of teachers’ qualification and instructional materials on Basic
science student’s academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta
State. The researcher made the following conclusion that;
It is evident there is a significant relationship between teachers’
qualification/experience and students’ performance in basic
It is evident there is a significant relationship between
laboratory facilities and the effective teaching and learning of
basic science.
It is evident there is a significant relationship between teachers’
method of teaching basic science and students’ performance.
It is evident there is a significant relationship between teachers’
gender in teaching basic science and students’ performance.
Based on the findings on the effect of teachers’ qualification and
instructional materials on Basic science student’s academic performance
in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State, the following recommendations have
been made;
(1) Government through the Ministry of Education should ensure that
qualified and experienced teachers be employed into the school
system. According to Abe (2014) teacher’s qualification can be
quantified into the following; level of education, years of experience
in preparation of subject matter and pedagogy and; certification in
their expertise area and their ongoing professional development.
(2) Again, laboratory facilities in schools are inadequate and this has
hitherto hindered the process of teaching and learning. Thus the
federal and state government should ensure they renovate existing
and build new laboratory facilities to further consolidates the process
of teaching and learning. Oyetunde (2008), was of the view that the
problem of lack of school facilities or inadequate school facilities is
affecting all state secondary schools in the federation. Abdulralman
(2009) believes that laboratories facilities are the materials resources
that facilitate effective teaching and learning in schools.
(3) Teachers should improve on their teaching methods or styles; it has
been validated by this research that there is a direct link between
teaching method of teacher and students’ performance in the subject.
Therefore, teachers’ in education should endeavour to explore all
methods of teaching that will bring overall development to the
students. As Danmole and Femi-Adeoye (2004) opined that no
single method is best for the teaching of basic science, teaching
styles that would permit students’ active participation such as field
work, laboratory work (practical activities) , group work, concept
mapping and inquiry methods should always be used. These methods
are most likely to ensure higher performance and promote students’
interest in basic science.
(4) The gender of a teacher is very important in the teaching and
learning environment, thus the ministry of education, should ensure
in their recruitment of teacher be done across gender. As Beilock,
Gunderson, Ramirez, & Levine, (2010) puts it, same-gender teachers
can act as role models, enhancing students’ motivation and learning
outcomes. Secondly, teachers play an important role in creating a
classroom environment that either fosters gender equality or
discrimination. Studies show that traditional academic gender
stereotypes such as ‘males are good at math and females are good at
reading’ can lead to female anxiety towards math and to biased
evaluation of teachers.
(5) Educational administrators should ensure that school teachers are
given appropriate orientation on the various uses and importance of
laboratory facilities and instructional materials during teaching and
learning. They should be made to go for periodic seminars,
conferences, workshops and in – service training to help improve
their teaching skills.
Limitation of the Study
The researcher faced some challenges during the period of the research.
(1) Finance: This was a major problem to the researcher because of the
size of the local Government Area the research is being conducted.
(2) Difficulties in finding materials for this project work.
(3) The largeness and size of the research area.
Suggestions for Further Studies
Based on the above findings and conclusion, the following suggestions
are made; the study investigated the effect of teachers’ qualification and
instructional materials on Basic science student’s academic performance
in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State. The same study should be replicated in
other Local Government Areas of the State in order to carry out a proper
generalization of the findings.
Contribution to Knowledge
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qualification and instructional materials on Basic science student’s
academic performance in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State. This is what this
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Department of Science Education,
(Integrated Science Unit),
Faculty of Education,
Delta State University,
P.M.B 1, Abraka.
13th May, 2019
Dear Respondent,
I am a final year student of the above named department carrying out a
research on the topic ‘the effect of teachers’ qualification and
instructional materials on Basic science student’s academic performance
in Ukwuani LGA of Delta State’.
Please respond to these items and be sure your responses will be treated
in strict confidence.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Yours Faithfully,
Okpala Ikechukwu Jeffrey
Section A
Tick ( ) and fill the appropriate information in section as applicable to
Name of school:…………………………………………………………
Gender: Male ( ) Female ( ) Class: JSS 1 ( ) JSS 2 ( ) JSS 3 ( )
Section B
Please read the items below carefully and indicate by ticking ( ) in the
appropriate columns.
SA- Strongly Agree
D- Disagree
SD- Strongly Disagree
There are qualified basic science teachers
in my school
Basic science students taught by studentteachers perform poorly in the subject
Basic science students taught by regular
teachers perform better than the ones
taught by student teachers
Students performance in basic science
qualification or experience
but on the
student themselves
Students enjoy & learn better when they
are taught by regular teachers than studentteachers
Inadequate laboratory facilities is the main
reason students fail basic science
Adequate laboratory facilities can boost
students’ performance in basic science
Effective teaching and learning of basic
laboratory facilities
Effective teaching and learning of basic
science requires laboratory facilities
Basic science students who are not taught
the practical aspect will not perform well at
the subject
Your teacher’s teaching style is the reason
you perform well in basic science
You will perform better in basic science if
your teacher changes his/her style of
teaching the subject
The way your teacher teaches the subject is
the reason you love basic science
The way your teacher teaches basic science
is the reason you hate the subject
You will perform better if your teacher
adopt a more practical method of teaching
basic science
You enjoy learning basic science when
taught by a male teacher
You prefer to be taught basic science by a
female teacher
Male teachers are more better in teaching
basic science as a subject
Female teachers are better in teaching basic
science as a subject
Teacher’s gender has significant effect in
the teaching and learning of basic science.