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EFDT Learning Plan

Content Standard
The concepts, principles, and techniques in preparing and cooking hot and cold meals
Performance Standard
Independently prepares and cooks quality hot and cold meals according to recipe
explain the characteristics of effective purchasing steps and procedures
determine the food quantity with the right price of goods
develop skills in purchasing goods and products
demonstrate safety handling procedures
show correct and proper use of recipe
standardize and quantify recipes
list important temperatures in food preparation
explain different basic cooking techniques and their procedures
identify some samples of food using basic cooking techniques and their procedure
provide basic principles of dining room operations and procedures
demonstrate use of dining room equipment
demonstrate proper mise en place techniques
enumerate the different types of dishes according to their recipes
demonstrate serving of quality cooked vegetable, poultry, and seafood dishes according to recipe
serve cooked meat dishes with different culinary methods
serve pasta grain and farinaceous dishes per standard operating procedure
enumerate and explain types of meal service
demonstrate etiquette
identify tools, materials, and recipes in preparing sauces, dressings, and garnishes
explain seasoning principles in sauce preparation
apply techniques in sauce preparation
prepare five “mother sauces” and their variations
utilize proper ingredients in preparing dressing for a recipe
correctly prepare kinds of dressing for certain recipes
identify the commonly used tools and materials in preparing appetizers
produce some basic appetizers based on clients’ need in accordance with procedures
use appropriate tools, materials, and equipment in preparing desserts per standard operating
prepare sherbets, ices, and ice cream following respective procedures
present fruit and pastry desserts per procedure
prepare cold and molded salads per procedure
prepare hot sandwiches and its cold dressings accordingly
make hot and cold sauces following standard procedure
follow proper procedures in storing excess ingredients and unconsumed cooked food
follow proper storage of dry and wet food/ingredients in accordance with standard procedure.
convert unconsumed cooked food into a new dish
demonstrate how to pack /wrap food in proper
The learners should be able to,
explain the characteristics of effective purchasing steps and procedures
determine the food quantity with the right price of goods
develop skills in purchasing goods and products
demonstrate safety handling procedures
show correct and proper use of recipe
standardize and quantify recipes
list important temperatures in food preparation
explain different basic cooking techniques and their procedures
identify some samples of food using basic cooking techniques and their procedure
provide basic principles of dining room operations and procedures
demonstrate use of dining room equipment
demonstrate proper mise en place techniques
enumerate the different types of dishes according to their recipes
demonstrate serving of quality cooked vegetable, poultry, and seafood dishes according to recipe
serve cooked meat dishes with different culinary methods
serve pasta grain and farinaceous dishes per standard operating procedure
enumerate and explain types of meal service
demonstrate etiquette
identify tools, materials, and recipes in preparing sauces, dressings, and garnishes
explain seasoning principles in sauce preparation
apply techniques in sauce preparation
prepare five “mother sauces” and their variations
utilize proper ingredients in preparing dressing for a recipe
correctly prepare kinds of dressing for certain recipes
identify the commonly used tools and materials in preparing appetizers
produce some basic appetizers based on clients’ need in accordance with procedures
use appropriate tools, materials, and equipment in preparing desserts per standard operating
prepare sherbets, ices, and ice cream following respective procedures
present fruit and pastry desserts per procedure
prepare cold and molded salads per procedure
prepare hot sandwiches and its cold dressings accordingly
make hot and cold sauces following standard procedure
follow proper procedures in storing excess ingredients and unconsumed cooked food
follow proper storage of dry and wet food/ingredients in accordance with standard procedure.
convert unconsumed cooked food into a new dish
demonstrate how to pack /wrap food in proper
Do you often go to market, or the supermarket? Do you take notice of how people buy the
foodstuff they have at home? How do they prepare and cook the dish? Have you not even
thought that perhaps one day you would do the same? Now is your chance to know more about
details of buying, preparing cooking, serving, and storing food.
 Present to class a slide presentation on the topic “Purchasing Procedure and Food safety.”
Allow the class to read orally as a group or individually. After the oral reading, discuss
each procedure after another.
 Give a lecture on the topics: steps in recipe, quantification of recipe, and useful weights
and measure equivalents using slide share presentation.
 Present the class the slide presentation on the different cooking techniques. Start
discussion by citing the different techniques and then ask the students what they know
about these. Show them some videos after every technique is explain.
 Discuss soup preparation using slide presentation.
 Demonstration – give the students 5 minutes to practice the assignment given last
meeting wherein they asked to write a 20-second song/rap that could sung while
demonstrating proper hand washing technique.
 Before starting the student demonstration n proper mise en place techniques, ask first
the students the question what is the first thing a chef does when he/she prepares the
food. After processing the answers, demonstrate the techniques one by one. After the
demonstration, allow the students to do it by themselves per group.
After the discussion, divide the class into two groups and let them do Activity 2 in the module as
an assignment to be presented the following meeting. Also, let them accomplish the selfassessment and reflection question below.
1. Give brief description of the activity that you have completed in this lesson.
2. What did you like about this activity? What were you able to do well?
Ask the students to answer the following;
A. Multiple Choice page 146 – 149
B. Matching type page 149 – 150
C. Explain page 150
 The class will divide into two groups. Each group will be assigned one topic. Each topic will
be reported and discussed followed by questions to assess understanding of the topic.
 Divide the class into two groups. Assign one group to demonstrate how to standardize a
recipe while other group to demonstrate quantification of recipe to 25 serving.
 Let the students do Activity 5 in the module to test if they had understood the lesson
 Assign two groups to report orally on the topic “Cooking Meat and Seafoods.” The report
can be accompanied with video or any audio visual devices.
GRASPS (Paragraph form):
Group Activity: