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Biomes and Agriculture Worksheet

Biomes Worksheet
Use the information from the videos and textbook to complete questions 1-5.
Write the answers in your workbook.
What is a biome?
What are the seven main biomes found on Earth?
Why do some biomes produce more food than others?
Why is climate an important consideration when growing food?
Extension - how does food production impact the environment?
Figure 1 shows the world’s major land biomes. Look at the distribution of biomes across the world.
Figure 1: Major biomes
Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/ecosystems/biomes_rev2.shtml
Look at the image below and study the key carefully. Notice that the darker the colour, the closer to one
hundred percent coverage of the area is for a form of agriculture, either cropland (yellow) or pasture
Figure 2: Balance of Land Used for Agriculture
Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/media/multimedia/foleymaps/imgs/foley-map-5.jpg
Compare the map of land used for agriculture with the map of biomes – figure 1.
6. Which biomes are mostly used for cropland?
7. Which biomes are mostly used for pasture, i.e. animal grazing?
8. Which biomes produce the least food?
9. Is there an interconnection between biomes and land used for agriculture? Give examples to
illustrate your answer.
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