Name: ______________________________ Chemistry 112 / Lab #3 Organic Models OBSERVATIONS: 1. Sketch a model of: Condensed structural formula: a) Methane 1.a) _________________________ b) Ethane b) ___________________________ c) Propane c) ___________________________ d) Are any other arrangements of the atoms in these d) ___________________________ Compounds possible? 2. Draw: Condensed structural formula a) Butane 2.a) ____________________________ b) Isobutane b) ____________________________ 3. Construct the two mirror image isomers 4. Diagram a) Ethonol molecule: 4.a) __________________________ H H l l H–C–C–O–H l l H H b) Dimethyl Ether H H l l H–C–O–C–H l l H H b) __________________________ 5. Construct models of: 5.a) What type of bonding do the C’s in this in this molecule have? Ethene cis isomer __________________________________ b) Name this isomer __________________________________ trans isomer c) Name this isomer __________________________________ 6. Draw: a) Benzene ring: b) Cyclopropane: