Uploaded by Esther Snedeker

Mole Relay Stoichiometry Worksheet

Today, you will be practice solving complicated stoichiometry problems. You have been doing this on your own – but
today your team will be relying on you! You’ll compete will approximately three other people in a race that we call
“Mole Relay”.
For every problem, you will have a specific job. They are:
Student #1/Molar Mass Mogul: At the word “go”, Student #1 from each group will quickly walk to the
front of the room to obtain their sample problem. In a blue pencil, this student writes his/her name and
computes the molar mass of each substance. (Students could be instructed to make a menu - see resource
29179 for more information. The menu is seen in the sample provided.) Once this task is completed, Student #1
will pass the paper and problem to Student #2. Student #1 must then remain in their seats until it is their turn
Student #2/ Dimensional Analysis Demon: Using a green pencil, this student writes her/name and sets up
the dimensional analysis process (per your expectations of how to properly set up a stoichiometry problem)
to convert necessary items in the problem (not solve). They may also correct work written by the previous
student. Once satisfied with their work, student #2 will pass the problem to student #3.
Student #3: /Calculator King/Queen: With a red pencil, this student writes his/her name and does the
math work to solve the dimensional analysis problem set up by Student #2. They may also correct work
written by the previous students. Once satisfied with their work, student #3 will pass the problem to student
Student #4/“Units Guru”: Using an orange pencil, this student writes his/her name and crosses out all
cancelling units within the dimensional analysis and checks the entire series of work for proper units as well
as satisfying significant digits. They may also correct work written by the previous students. Once satisfied
with their work, student #4 will take their group’s answer to the instructor to be assessed.
a. If the answer is incorrect, student #4 may take the problem and their work to their team to discuss
possible problems and corrections to be made. Once the team has come to a conclusion and a new
answer, student #4 may resubmit the question again.
b. If the answer is correct, student #4 will be given another question to be completed.
Once the student #4 receives the new problem for their team, he/she becomes the new student #1. Every
student in that group then assumes the role that had come behind them. You are responsible for transitioning
between each problem. Students who do not transition are disqualified or otherwise penalized.
The group that completes the problems most successfully will be deemed the Mole Relay Winner.