UPM-CALC/LPE 2501/SEM 1/2019-20/SCL/WORKSHEET 2/ANSWER KEY LPE 2501 ACADEMIC WRITING SCL WORKSHEET 2 (ANSWER KEY) 1. a. 7 b. 13 c. 16 2. a. (i) 3 (ii) They also mentioned that it leads students to encounter central concepts or principles involving inquiry and knowledge building of the real world. b. (i) 10 (ii) In comparison to the control group, the students engaged in PBL demonstrated a significant increase in scores on their critical-thinking test. c. (i) 18 (ii) Interestingly, students who struggle in traditional instructional settings have often been found to excel when they have the opportunity to work in a PBL context. 3 I. 3 II. a. First a. when/whenever b. then/thus b. In addition c. Second c. Besides d. Finally d. for example e. Indeed e. whereas f. Thus/Then f. Nevertheless g. because of/as a result of