Living Things Quiz: Characteristics of Life

Characteristics of Living Things Quiz
Part One: Matching - Place the correct capital letter of the correct definition to the vocabulary word on
the line.
_____1. Life Science
A.The job a cell performs
_____2. Environment
B. The surroundings in which an organism lives
_____3. Organism
C. Regulating your internal environment
_____4. Function
D. Any living thing made up of cells
_____5. Ecosystem
E. Communities of organisms
_____6. Homeostasis
F. The study of life
Part Two: Short Answer- respond to the questions below. If it says list you may list. All other answers
must be in complete sentences.
7. List the 4 common characteristics of a living thing. (4 points)
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
8. All living things share 3 common NEEDS. What are they? (3 points)
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
9. What is the difference between unicellular and multicellular? (2 points)
Part Three: An organism is comprised of abiotic and biotic factors. Place an A next to the abiotic factors
below and place a B next to the biotic factors. (5 points)
10. ________ bacteria
11. ________ sun
12. ________ trees
13. ________ water
14. ________ air
Answer Key:
1. F
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. E
7. contains cells, responds to the environment, grows and develops, reproduces
8. energy, materials and living space
9. unicellular is an organism with one cell. Multicellular is an organism with
many cells
10. B
11. A
12. B