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Medical Education Journals Overview

Education Journals
Journal of Graduate
Medical Education
Description: To inform and engage the graduate medical education
community to improve the quality of graduate medical education.
Published by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
JGME focuses on the education of medical residents and fellows, and the
environment in which they learn.
Topic Areas: Disseminate evidence-based approaches for teaching,
assessment, and improving the learning environment; and generate new
knowledge that enhances graduates' ability to provide high-quality, costeffective care
Evaluation & the Health
Types of Articles: Original Research, Educational Innovation, Brief Report,
Reviews, Perspectives, letters to the editor, new ideas.
Description: A forum designed for keeping health professionals abreast of
the latest technological advances in evaluation research methods through
practitioner friendly articles, as well as provide the results of important
evaluations. Further, the Journal is designed to provide a forum for debate
of timely evaluation issues in health research and evaluation.
Topic Areas: Evaluation & the Health Professions is a peer-reviewed journal
that provides health-related professionals with state-of-the-art
methodological, measurement, and statistical tools for conceptualizing the
etiology of health promotion and problems, and developing, implementing,
and evaluating health programs, teaching and training services, and
products that pertain to a myriad of health dimensions.
BMC Medical Education
Types of Articles: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, translational research
focus, and comprehensive articles.
Description: BMC Medical Education is an open access journal publishing
original peer-reviewed research articles in relation to the training of
healthcare professionals, including undergraduate, postgraduate, and
continuing education.
Topic Areas: The journal has a special focus on curriculum development,
evaluations of performance, assessment of training needs and evidencebased medicine.
Medical Education
Types of Articles: Not Listed
Description: Pre-eminent journal in the field of education for health care
professionals and aims to publish material of the highest quality
reflecting world-wide or provocative issues and perspectives.
Topic Areas: The predominant emphasis in Medical Education is on work
related to the education of doctors and medical students, and papers on
inter-professional education are welcomed.
The Journal of
Continuing Education in
the Health Professions
Types of Articles: Original research papers, review articles, discussion
papers, special feature pieces, short reports of research in progress or of
educational innovation, commentaries, letters to the editor.
Description: Addresses continuing education and continuing professional
development in the health sciences.
Topic Areas: Topic areas include continuous quality improvement, health
policy and performance, competency assessment, knowledge
translation, team learning, and disease management.
Medical Teacher
Types of Articles: Original research, innovations in continuing education,
reviews, forum articles, foundations, and methodology articles.
Description: Addresses the needs of teachers and administrators
throughout the world involved in training for the health professions. This
includes courses at basic and post-basic levels as well as the increasingly
important area of continuing education.
Topic Areas: New teaching methods, guidance on structuring courses and
assessing achievement. A forum for communication between medical
teachers and those involved in general education. The journal recognizes
the problems teachers have in keeping up-to-date with the
developments in educational methods that lead to more effective
teaching and learning.
Teaching and Learning
in Medicine
Types of Articles: Articles, short communications, letters.
Description: an international, forum for scholarship on teaching and
learning in the health professions. Its international scope reflects the
common challenge faced by all medical educators: fostering the
development of capable, well-rounded, and continuous learners prepared
to practice in a complex, high-stakes, and ever-changing clinical
Topic Areas: Practical issues in the conduct of medical education, as well
as issues more basic to medical education, and provide analysis and
empirical research needed to facilitate educational decision making by
administrators, teachers, and learners. Includes all levels of medical
education, from premedical to postgraduate and continuing medical
JME: Journal of Medical
Types of Articles: Perspectives/editorials, analyses/reviews of literature,
applied research, research basic to medical education, research
methodology, developments, book reviews.
Description: An international forum for the communication of ideas on
theory and practice in medical education.
Topic Areas: Research and analysis into issues in medical education,
particularly in the Eastern Mediterranean Region as well as outside of the
Simulation in
Types of Articles: Curriculum development and evaluation, course design,
teacher training, teaching and learning issues, assessment and evaluation,
continuing professional development, role of technology in medical
Description: Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for
Simulation in Healthcare is a multidisciplinary publication encompassing all
areas of applications and research in healthcare simulation technology. The
journal is relevant to a broad range of clinical and biomedical specialties,
and publishes original basic, clinical, and translational research.
Topic Areas: Safety and quality-oriented training programs, development
of educational and competency assessment standards, reports of
experience in the use of simulation technology, Virtual reality,
Epidemiologic modeling, Molecular, pharmacologic, and disease modeling
Clinical Teacher
Types of Articles: original basic, clinical, and translational research
Description: The Clinical Teacher is the journal for clinicians who teach and
people who are involved in education in a health care setting. The latest
research, practice and thinking in clinical education across the health
Topic Areas: There are sections on specific teaching approaches, reports
and evaluation of innovative learning activities, and brief overviews of the
latest research. Reports of innovative thinking and advances in clinical
teaching from around the world, and expert commentary and discussion on
challenging and controversial issues in today's clinical education.
Perspectives on
Medical Education
Types of Articles: Original articles, insights, letters to the editor.
Description: Perspectives on Medical Education’s mission is to support and
enrich collaborative scholarship between education researchers and clinical
educators, and to advance new knowledge regarding clinical education
Topic Areas: Perspectives on Medical Education positions itself at the
dynamic intersection of educational research and clinical education. While
other journals in the health professional education domain orient
predominantly to education researchers or to clinical educators,
Perspectives positions itself at the collaborative interface between these
Journal of Medical
Education and
Curricular Development
Types of Articles: Original research papers from scholarly collaborations
among clinicians, teachers and researchers and papers providing resources
to develop the community’s ability to conduct such collaborative research
Description: Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development
focuses on publishing timely information on medical education practices
and development of novel curricular practices. In addition, it provides
access to recent articles intended to help educators in the evaluation of
curriculum development and recent advances in instructional methods,
individualized learning practices, and of student and faculty assessment.
Topic Areas: The journal focuses on of medical education and curricular
development, including basic science, clinical, and postgraduate medical
education. Articles will be considered for publication that assess novel
ways to improve upon existing curricula, designing of new curricular
materials to engage students more effectively, effectiveness of large
didactic lecture formats versus small group learning for teaching
effectiveness, the value of independent learning assessments on
education, and methods to improve effective teaching in the classroom.
JAMA: Journal of the
American Medical
Types of Articles: Commentaries, Editorial, Methodology, Opinion
responses, Original Research, Perspective, Review and Short papers.
Description: JAMA, published continuously since 1883, is an international
peer-reviewed general medical journal. JAMA is a member of the JAMA
Network family of journals, which includes 11 specialty journals and JAMA
Network Open. To promote the science and art of medicine and the
betterment of the public health
Topic Areas: Topics include the various aspects of medicine and public
health, including the political, philosophic, ethical, legal, environmental,
economic, historical, and cultural.
Education for Health:
Change in Learning and
Types of Articles: Research, Clinical Review and Education, Opinions,
Humanities, Correspondence letters
Description: Education for Health (EfH) is the peer-reviewed, MEDLINEindexed journal of The Network: Towards Unity for Health, a global
consortium of health professions schools that are committed to improve
the preparation of future health professionals particularly ensuring that
they are responsive to the needs of the communities in which they learn
and work.
Topic Areas: Education for Health is dedicated to the dissemination of work
consistent with the organization’s mission and objectives in international
health. It publishes original contributions of interest to health and clinical
practitioners, educators, policy makers, administrators, and learners in the
health professions. Specifically this focus is on global models of health
system integration and health professions education that lead to improved
health and health care delivery.
Types of Articles: Original Research papers, brief communications
combining elements of research and description. Practical advice papers,
position papers, general articles, student contributions, letters to the editor
and articles in other specific formats (eg. Commentaries, interviews,
personal views, book reviews, etc.)
Academic Medicine
Description: International forum for the exchange of ideas, information,
and strategies that address the major challenges facing the academic
medicine community
Topic Areas: Theoretical and/or practical facets of education and training
issues; health and science policy; institutional policy, management, and
values; research practice; clinical practice in academic settings; other
topics relevant to medical schools and teaching hospitals.
Types of Articles: Articles, perspectives, commentaries, research reports,
special features (e.g. letters to the editor).
Education Journals that Publish Medical Journals
Educational Researcher
Description: Educational Researcher (ER) publishes scholarly articles that
are of general significance to the education research community and that
come from a wide range of areas of education research and related
disciplines. ER aims to make major programmatic research and new
findings of broad importance widely accessible.
Topic Areas: Education research
Research in Higher
Types of Articles: research articles—feature articles, reviews/essays, and
Description: Research in Higher Education publishes studies that examine
issues pertaining to postsecondary education. The journal is open to
studies using a wide range of methods, but has particular interest in studies
that apply advanced quantitative research methods to issues in
postsecondary education or address postsecondary education policy
Topic Areas: access and retention; student success; equity; faculty issues;
institutional productivity and assessment; postsecondary education
governance; curriculum and instruction; state and federal higher education
policy; and financing of postsecondary education
Types of Articles: Not listed
Anesthesia Related Journals
Journal of Pain & Relief
Description: International journal which brings about the latest research
which aims to publish academic and quality papers in all related aspects of
Pain & Relief.
Topic Areas: Pain & Relief; Acute Pain, Chronic Pain, Chronic Back Pain,
Pain Medication, Pain Medicine, Pain Sensation, and Pain Tolerance.
Types of Articles: Original research articles, clinical trials, reviews, mini
reviews, perspectives/commentaries, case report, editorials, letter to the
editor, short communication, opinion, book review and other special
features articles related to the field of Pain.
Pain Medicine
Description: Pain Medicine is a multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to pain
clinicians, educators and researchers with an interest in pain from various
medical specialties such as pain medicine, anesthesiology, family practice,
internal medicine, neurology, neurological surgery, orthopedic spine
surgery, psychiatry, and rehabilitation medicine as well as related health
disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, nursing, nurse practitioner,
physical therapy, and integrative health.
Topic Areas: This is the respected pain journal that gives you special
sections on spine pain, pain & aging, primary care & health services,
neuropathic pain, cancer pain & palliative care, opioids, substance abuse &
addiction, psychology, psychiatry imaging and brain neuroscience,
methodology, mechanisms & translational research, integrative medicine,
headache & facial pain, neuromodulation & interventional pain, acute &
perioperative pain, rehabilitation, musculoskeletal pain, ethics and forensic
pain medicine, as well as case reports, reviews, clinical investigations,
special articles on thematic topics, editorials, guest commentary and letters
to the editor. Thematic supplements are published yearly.
Pain- The Journal of the
Association for the
Study of Pain
Types of Articles: Original Research Articles, preliminary research articles,
brief research reports, reviews, special article, case reports, technical
notes, commentaries, editorial, letter to the editor
Description: This journal is the official publication of the International
Association for the Study of Pain and publishes original research on the
nature, mechanisms and treatment of pain. The journal provides a forum
for the dissemination of research in the basic and clinical sciences of
multidisciplinary interest.
Topic Areas: nature, mechanisms and treatment of pain
The Clinical Journal of
Types of Articles: Not listed
Description: The Clinical Journal of Pain explores all aspects of pain and its
effective treatment, bringing readers the insights of leading
anesthesiologists, surgeons, internists, neurologists, orthopedists,
psychiatrists and psychologists, clinical pharmacologists, and rehabilitation
medicine specialists.
Topic Areas: This peer-reviewed journal presents timely and thoughtprovoking articles on clinical dilemmas in pain management; valuable
diagnostic procedures; promising new pharmacological, surgical, and other
therapeutic modalities; psychosocial dimensions of pain; and ethical issues
of concern to all medical professionals. The journal also publishes Special
Topic issues on subjects of particular relevance to the practice of pain
Journal of Anesthesia &
Clinical Research
Types of Articles: Not Listed
Description: The Journal of Anesthesia and Clinical Research publishes a
wide range of articles in the discipline of anesthesiology including basic
science, translational medicine, education, and clinical research to develop
a unique platform for the authors and to encourage their contribution
towards the field without any barriers of subscription and language.
Topic Areas: This journal considers articles from all aspect of understanding
related to Anesthesia and Clinical Research, Local Anesthesia, Sedation,
Regional Anesthesia, Anesthetic Agents, Nerve Blocks, Spinal, Epidural and
Caudal Anesthesia, General Anesthesia, Thoracic Anesthesiology, Pediatric
Anesthesiology, Obstetric Anesthesiology, Analgesics, Anesthesia & Critical
Care, Spinal Anesthesia, Anesthetics, Epidural Anesthesia, Clinical
Anesthesia, Dental Anesthesia, Vascular Anesthesia, Surgical Anesthesia.
Critical Care Medicine
Types of Articles: Research articles, review articles, commentaries, case
studies, editorials, clinical images, and letters to the editor.
Description: Critical Care Medicine is the premier peer-reviewed, scientific
publication in critical care medicine. Directed to those specialists who treat
patients in the ICU and CCU, including chest physicians, surgeons,
pediatricians, pharmacists/pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, critical care
nurses, and other healthcare professionals, Critical Care Medicine covers all
aspects of acute and emergency care for the critically ill or injured patient.
Each issue presents critical care practitioners with clinical breakthroughs
that lead to better patient care, the latest news on promising research, and
advances in equipment and techniques.
Topic Areas: Critical Care Medicine covers all aspects of acute and
emergency care for the critically ill or injured patient. The purpose of this
journal is to publish original articles on significant work in critical care
medicine. It also provides a forum for exchange of ideas on what's right
and what's wrong in the management of the critically ill; a truly in-depth
coverage of this specialty. All articles are original submissions and peerreviewed.
Annals of Cardiac
Types of Articles: Original articles, review articles, case reports, brief
reports, editorials, letters to the editor, and viewpoints.
Description: Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia is the official journal of Indian
Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anaesthesia (IACTA). The
society has had eminent editors of its official voice mouth - Annals of
Cardiac Anaesthesia (ACA), which have helped to improve the academic
standards and visibility of the journal to national and international
standards. The aim and objectives of the entire team is to publish scientific
content relevant to the prevailing times of the highest standards. The
ultimate aim of the journal is to provide scientific literature to the readers
aimed at improving cardiac health practices amongst anesthetics,
intensivists and surgeons.
Topic Areas: The journal addresses different aspects of Cardiac Anaesthesia
like difficult Airway and Resuscitation, Inhalational Anaesthetics,
Haemodynamic monitoring, Simulation based training and teaching,
Cardiac surgery, ECMO and Heart Failure, Pediatric Cardiology and
Molecular Genetics etc.
Journal of Ultrasound in
Types of Articles: It endeavors to cover all aspects of Cardiovascular
Diseases including original articles of basic research and clinical findings,
editorials, reviews, interesting images in cardiovascular medicine and
Transeasophageal Echocardiography, Letter to Editor, Video Commentaries
and Case Reports.
Description: The Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine (JUM) is dedicated to
the rapid, accurate publication of original articles dealing with all aspects of
medical ultrasound, particularly its direct application to patient care but
also relevant basic science, advances in instrumentation, and biological
Topic Areas: Represented through these efforts are a wide variety of
disciplines of ultrasound.
Journal of Surgery and
Types of Articles: Original Research papers, Review Articles, Pictorial
Essays, Technical Innovations, Case Series, Letters to the Editor, and more,
from an international bevy of countries in a continual effort to showcase
and promote advances in the ultrasound community.
Description: Journal of Surgery and Anaesthesia is a peer reviewed, open
access journal dedicated to publishing research on all aspects of surgery
and anaesthesia. This journal aims to keep anaesthesiologists, anaesthetic
practitioners, surgeons and surgical researchers up to date by publishing
clinical & evidence based research.
Topic Areas: Journal of Surgery and Anesthesia addresses all aspects of
surgery & anesthesia practice, including anesthetic administration,
pharmacokinetics, preoperative and postoperative considerations,
coexisting disease and other complicating factors, General Surgery, Robotic
Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, GI Surgery, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery,
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Urology, Surgical Oncology,
Radiology, Ophthalmology, Pediatric Surgery, Trauma Services, Minimal
Access Surgery, Endocrine Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Laparoscopic and
Endoscopic Techniques and Procedures, Preoperative and Postoperative
Patient Management, Complications in Surgery and New Developments in
Instrumentation and technology related to surgery, Intra-Operative
Regional Anesthesia Administration Techniques, Peri-Operative Pain,
Obstetric Anesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, General Anesthesia, Sedation,
Regional Anesthesia, Outcome Studies and Associated Complications, etc.
Types of Articles: Journal of Surgery and Anesthesia accepts manuscripts
in the form of original research articles, review articles, case reports, short
communications, letters to editor and editorials for publication in an open
access platform.
International Journals
European Journal of
Description: The European Journal of Anaesthesiology (EJA) publishes
original work of high scientific quality. Preference is given to experimental
work or clinical observation in man, and to laboratory work of clinical
relevance. The journal also publishes commissioned narrative reviews by
an authority in a field of interest to those working in anaesthesiology, pain,
emergency medicine or intensive care.
Topic Areas: Anaesthesiology, pain, emergency medicine and intensive
care. Preference is given to experimental work or clinical observation in
man, and to laboratory work of clinical relevance.
Acta Anaesthesiologica
Types of Articles: The journal publishes commissioned reviews by an
authority, editorials, invited commentaries, special articles, pro and con
debates, and short reports (correspondences, case reports, and short
reports of clinical studies).
Description: Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica publishes papers on
original work in anaesthesiology, intensive care, pain and emergency
medicine and subjects related to their basic sciences. With a rising impact
factor, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica has a well established
reputation for publishing high quality material and attracts a global
readership in over 60 countries.
Topic Areas: Anaesthesia, pain relief, intensive care, emergency medicine.
Types of Articles: Review articles, case reports, letters to the editor, and
Description: Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Association of
Anaesthetists and is international in scope and comprehensive in coverage.
It publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of general and
regional anaesthesia, intensive care and pain therapy, including research
on equipment.
Topic Areas: general and regional anaesthesia, intensive care and pain
therapy, including research on equipment.
Korean Journal of
Types of Articles: Anaesthesia has the following regular sections:
Editorials, Original Articles, Reviews and Correspondence. Case Reports,
Historical Articles or Special Articles may also be included. Editorials are
often commissioned but authors are encouraged to contact the Editor-inChief if they wish to discuss potential topics. Authors seeking to submit
official Clinical Guidelines, Consensus Statements, etc. should refer to
specific guidance
Description: The Korean Journal of Anesthesiology (Korean J Anesthesiol;
KJA) is an international, English-language, and Peer reviewed journal for
anesthesiology, critical care, and pain medicine. As an official journal of the
Korean Society of Anesthesiologists, KJA was founded in 1968 and
published monthly until 2014 and will now publish bimonthly in 2015.
Topic Areas: KJA aims to publish high-quality clinical and scientific
materials on all aspects of anesthesiology, critical care, and pain medicine.
New England Journal of
Types of Articles: KJA features reviews, editorials, case reports, and letters
to the editor.
Description: The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is the world’s
leading medical journal and website. Published continuously for over 200
years, NEJM delivers high-quality, peer-reviewed research and interactive
clinical content to physicians, educators, and the global medical
community. Our mission is to bring physicians the best research and
information at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice
and to present this information in understandable and clinically useful
formats that inform health care delivery and improve patient outcomes.
Topic Areas: Health policy, data sharing, medicine and society, pain
management, and clinical trial series.
IJME: International
Journal of Medical
Types of Articles: Original research articles, clinical cases, review articles,
commentaries, visual articles, etc.
Description: IJME is a primary source for academics and professionals in
the expanding fields of medical and clinical education across the world. The
aims of IJME are to cover a wide range of education and training in medical
and clinical education.
Topic Areas: Includes, but not limited to; Curriculum planning, continuing
professional development, pedagogic practice, clinical decision making,
medical education and leadership, measurement and evaluation in medical
education, etc.
BMJ: British Medical
Types of Articles: Research papers, review articles, short communications,
perspectives and letters to the editor.
Description: The BMJ is defined by its mission: to work towards a healthier
world for all. We share that global endeavor with millions of readers
working in clinical practice, research, education, government, and with
patients and the public too.
Topic Areas: Research evidence, clinical education and practice, Advocating
for universal, equitable, high quality healthcare, the health and wellbeing
of doctors, and Improving the social and environmental determinants of
British Journal of
Types of Articles: Research studies, research methods and reporting
articles, analysis papers, education articles, editorials, personal views, etc.
Description: The BJA strives to foster and disseminate the best research
and educational information in anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, critical
care, and pain management in order to improve patient care globally.
Topic Areas: Anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, critical care, and pain
Types of Articles: Not listed.