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Histology Study Guide: Tissues, Epithelial, Connective, Muscle

Study guide for CH 4 - Histology – TISSUES
Epithelial Tissue
A – (basement membrane)
B – simple squamous
C – simple cuboidal
D – simple columnar
E – pseudostratified columnar
F – stratified squamous
G – stratified columnar
H – stratified cuboidal
I - transitional
Know how to name epithelial tissue.
Each has at least 2 names – one that says how many layers (simple or stratified) one that
says what the shape it is (squamous, cuboidal, columnar, ciliated, pseudostratified)
What is cilia?
Know the characteristics of epithelial tissue. What makes then different from any other tissue?
Where are Goblet cells found?
What do Goblet cells do?
Be familiar with fibroblasts, macrophages, collagen, elastic/elastin, reticular fibers…
Know the difference between endocrine and exocrine glands.
Know how the 3 types of muscle tissues are different.
Which are voluntary?
Which one is multinucleated?
Which ones are not?
Which ones are striated?
What is an intercalated disc?
What category of tissues shows a “matrix”?
Know the characteristics of connective tissue.
Study the pictures of connective tissues
Be familiar with where any of the tissues are found in the body…look at the photos of tissues
in book or online
Essays – have to do both.
1) the tissue repair process – 3 steps
2) Know the 4 types of tissue and what their functions are