4 3 2 Student follows norm of listening attentively and responding appropriately. Student speaks clearly so that all participants can listen effectively. Conversation is productive, with student engaged throughout. Student applies academic content learned in class and/or background information and research when engaged. Student is fluent using academic prompting and responding language Student follows norm of listening attentively and responding appropriately. Student speaks clearly so that all participants can listen effectively. Conversation is productive, with student engaged throughout. Student applies academic content to discussion. Student uses at least two sentence starters from "prompting and responding" when applying conversation skills Student follows norm of listening attentively and responding appropriately. Student speaks clearly so that all participants can listen effectively. Conversation is fairly productive, with student engaged most the time. 1 Student does not listen or respond appropriately. Conversation is not productive; student is not engaged Grade 6 Elicit conversations to access prior knowledge, generate interest (phenomenon, introductions) Consolidate conversations to help review and explain science concepts (food web, Long Island Sound trip recall, preliminary discussion: Lobster die-off) Data discussions to evaluate accurate representation of data using tables and graphs Explanation discussions to explain the lobster die off Turn and talk, small group Grade 7 Elicit conversations to access prior knowledge Consolidate conversations to help review and explain science concepts Explanation discussions to explain how poverty affects other variables, to explain how and why an environmental issue is of concern in CT (PSA), to explain a point of view using data (debate) Small group, whole class Grade 8 Elicit conversations to generate interest (phenomenon) Consolidate conversations to help review lab design and recommend changes, employ vocabulary Data discussions to compare and contrast information from different sources Explanation discussions : explain climate change around the world and describe results of lab investigation (presentations)