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-All specific functions (physiology) and performed by specific structures


Gross anatomy , or macroscopic anatomy, examines large, visible structures

Microscopic anatomy examines cells and molecules

• Cytology: study of cells and their structures

• Histology: study of tissues and their structures


• All body systems working together to maintain a stable internal environment

-Autoregulation (intrinsic)

• Automatic response in a

cell, tissue, or organ to some environmental change

Extrinsic Regulation

Responses controlled by nervous and endocrine system

 Homeostatic regulatory mechanisms (how to keep things “just right”) consist of 3 components

1. Receptor

• Receives/senses the stimulus  “measures” the environment, collects information

2. Control Center

• Processes information and sends instructions

3. Effector (gland/muscle tissue)

• Carries out instructions, causes a change

*The Role of Negative Feedback (generate maintenance of normal range)

• The effector moves a parameter in the opposite direction from the stimulus (i.e., up/down)

• Body is brought back into homeostasis (near set point)

• Normal range is maintained

• Most effectors use negative feedback

• Example is regulation of body temperature

*The Role of Positive Feedback (deviate; responds to hazardous situations w/in the body)

• The effector moves a parameter in the same direction as the stimulus

(i.e., up —up)

• Body is moved farther and farther away from homeostasis  speeds up processes

• Normal range is lost

• Blood clotting


Functions of the Plasma Membrane

1. Physical isolation  barrier between cell interior and surrounding extracellular fluid (a.k.a. interstitial fluid)

2. Regulation of exchange with the environment

• Ions and nutrients enter

• Waste and cellular products released

3. Sensitivity to the environment  facilitates communication, receives information about the cell’s surroundings

• Extracellular fluid composition, chemical signals

4. Structural support  anchors cells and tissues

Phospholipid bilayer  creates a barrier to ions, water, and large or polar molecules

Hydrophilic heads

exposed to the aqueous environment on both sides

(extracellular fluid, cytosol)

• Hydrophobic fatty-acid tails  buried inside membrane

-Integral proteins  embedded within the membrane

-Peripheral proteins  bound to inner or outer surface of the membrane

Membrane Protein Functions

1. Anchoring Proteins (stabilizers)

attach to other structures, can attach inside or outside of cell

2. Recognition Proteins (identifiers)  label cells as normal or abnormal

3. Enzymes

catalyze reactions

4. Receptors  bind and respond to ligands (ions, hormones)

5. Carriers  transport specific substances across membrane

6. Channels

create a pore for water and solute transport

Membrane Carbohydrates  Proteoglycans, glycoproteins , and glycolipids

• Extend outside cell membrane and form sticky “sugar coat” ( glycocalyx )

Functions of the glycocalyx

• Lubrication and Protection

• Anchoring and Locomotion

• Specificity in binding (receptors)

• Recognition (immune response)

** KNOW 3-2 AND 3-3**

Membrane Transport

• The cell membrane is a barrier, however nutrients must get in and products/wastes must get out

• Permeability determines what moves in and out of a cell

• Impermeable  nothing passes

Freely permeable

everything passes

• Selectively permeable  some materials pass freely, others do not ( PLASMA MEMBRANE )

How can membrane transport be characterized?

• By energy requirements:

• Active (requiring energy and ATP)

• Passive (no energy required)

• By mechanism:

• Diffusion (passive)

• Carrier-mediated transport (passive or active)

Vesicular transport (active)

*Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration

• Occurs spontaneously

• No energy is required  passive

Factors Influencing Diffusion

• Distance  shorter is faster

• Molecule Size  smaller is faster


hotter is faster

• Concentration Gradient  larger difference is faster

• The difference between high and low concentrations

Diffusion across Plasma Membranes

• Simple diffusion  move directly across phospholipid bilayer

• Channel mediated (facilitated diffusion)  move through a protein to cross the membrane

Simple = hydrophobic

• alcohols, fatty acids, steroids, O


, CO


• Channel = hydrophilic

Simple sugars, ions

• Size, charge, interaction with channel protein

Osmosis  a special case of diffusion

• Osmosis is the diffusion of water across the cell membrane

• More solute molecules  lower concentration of water molecules

• Membrane must be freely permeable to H


O, selectively permeable to solutes

Volume increased

Applied force

Volume decreased

Original level

Volumes equal

Water molecules

Solute molecules

Selectively permeable membrane

• Osmolarity (osmotic concentration) is the total solute concentration in an aqueous solution

• Tonicity describes how a solution affects a cell

Isotonic  surrounding solution has same solute concentration

• Water neither flows into or out of a cell

Hypotonic  surrounding solution has less solutes

• Water flows into cell

Hypertonic  surrounding solution has more solutes

• Water flows out of cell

*Carrier-Mediated Transport

• Hydrophillic substances  ions and organic substrates

• Specificity

one transport protein, one set of substrates

Number of molecules & direction of transport

• Cotransport  two substances move in the same direction at the same time

• Countertransport

 two substances move in opposite directions at the same time

Passive Transport (aka facilitated diffusion )

• From [high] to [low]

• With concentration gradient

• Carrier proteins transport molecules too large to fit through channel proteins (glucose, amino acids)

Active Transport

• From [low] to [high]

• Against concentration gradient

• Requires energy, such as ATP

• Ion pumps move ions (Na + , K + , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ )

• Exchange pumps countertransport two ions

How is energy provided to fuel active transport?

Primary active transport requires a direct input of energy = ATP hydrolysis

• Ex: Sodium –potassium exchange pump

• 1 ATP moves 3 Na + and 2 K +

Sodium ions (Na + ) out, potassium ions (K + ) in

Secondary active transport requires an indirect input of energy = potential energy stored in an ion gradient

• Ex: Sodium

–glucose cotransporter

• Na + concentration gradient drives glucose transport

• ATP energy pumps Na + back out

Vesicular Transport (Bulk Transport)

Materials move into or out of the cell in vesicles

• All vesicular transport is active = requires input of energy

• Exocytosis  use vesicles to transport materials out of the cell

• Endocytosis

use vesicles to transport materials into the cell

• Pinocytosis  “drinking”  bring in extracellular fluid

• Phagocytosis  bring in large substances

• Use pseudopodia

• Exocytosis  materials are released from the cell




Phagosome fuses with a lysosome

Secondary lysosome

Golgi apparatus



Epithelial tissue includes epithelia and glands

• Epithelia are layers of cells covering internal or external surfaces

Glands are structures that produce secretions

Functions of Epithelial Tissue

1. Provide physical protection  cover exposed surfaces

2. Control permeability  all substances that enter/leave the body cross an epithelium

3. Provide sensation  specialized epithelia facilitate smell, taste, sight, equilibrium, hearing

4. Produce specialized secretions ( glandular epithelium )

sweat, mucus, oil, milk, hormones

Characteristics of Epithelium

1. Cellularity

cell junctions

2. Polarity  apical and basal surfaces

3. Attachment  basement membrane or basal lamina

4. Avascularity  lack blood vessels

5. Regeneration

stem cells divide to replace lost cells

Maintaining the Integrity of Epithelia

1. Intercellular connections

• Transmembrane proteins called CAMs (cell adhesion molecules) can connect adjacent membranes at cell junctions

2. Attachment to the basement membrane

• Hemidesmosome 

connects cytoskeleton of cell to the basement membrane

3. Epithelial maintenance and repair

• Cells are replaced by division of germinative cells (stem cells) near the basement membrane

Intercellular Connections

1. Tight junction  seals plasma membranes between cells, prevents passage of water and solutes

2. Gap junction  connects cytoplasm of adjacent cells, allows rapid communication

3. Desmosome

connects cytoskeleton of adjacent cells, allows bending and twisting

Classification of Epithelia

1. Based on cell shape

Squamous epithelia

thin and flat

• Cuboidal epithelia  square shaped

• Columnar epithelia  tall, slender rectangles

2. Based on number of cell layers

• Simple epithelium  single layer of cells

• Stratified epithelium  several layers of cells

Squamous Epithelia

Simple squamous epithelium  absorption and diffusion

• Mesothelium lines body cavities

• Endothelium lines heart and blood vessels

Stratified squamous epithelium

• Protects against physical and chemical wear and tear

Keratin protein adds strength and water resistance to exposed body surfaces like the skin

Cuboidal Epithelia

Simple cuboidal epithelium

• Secretion and absorption

Stratified cuboidal epithelia

• Sweat ducts and mammary ducts

Transitional Epithelium

• Tolerates repeated cycles of stretching and recoiling and returns to its previous shape without damage

• Appearance changes as stretching occurs

• Located in regions of the urinary system (ex: urinary bladder)

*Columnar Epithelia

Simple columnar epithelium

• Absorption and secretion

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

• Often have cilia  fluid movement

Stratified columnar epithelium

• Protection

*Glandular Epithelia

Endocrine glands

• Release hormones into interstitial fluid

• No ducts

Exocrine glands

• Release secretions onto epithelial surfaces

• Through ducts

Exocrine Glands - Modes of Secretion

1. Merocrine secretion

 product released in vesicles (exocytosis) most common, ex: sweat glands

2. Apocrine secretion  product released by shedding cytoplasm, ex: mammary glands

3. Holocrine secretion  product released by cell bursting (killing gland cells), ex: sebaceous glands

Classifying Glandular Epithelia

• Gland Structure

• Unicellular glands

• Mucous (goblet) cells are the only unicellular exocrine glands

• Scattered among epithelia ex: in intestinal lining

• Multicellular glands

• Further classified by duct structure and shape

Muscle Tissue is specialized for contraction  produces all body movement

Three types of muscle tissue

1. Skeletal muscle tissue

• Large body muscles responsible for movement

2. Cardiac muscle tissue

• Found only in the heart

3. Smooth muscle tissue

• Found in walls of hollow organs (blood vessels; urinary bladder; respiratory, digestive, and reproductive tracts)

Skeletal Muscle Cells

• Long (up to 1 ft) and thin  usually called muscle fibers

• Multinucleate (several hundred)

• Do not divide  new fibers produced by stem cells (myosatellite cells)

• Regulated by nerves 

also known as striated voluntary muscle

Cardiac Muscle Cells

• Called cardiocytes

• Limited ability for cell division and repair

• Form branching networks connected at intercalated discs

• Regulated by pacemaker cells  striated involuntary muscle

Smooth Muscle Cells

• Small and tapered with single nucleus

• Can divide and regenerate

• No striations  nonstriated involuntary muscle

Neural Tissue

Two Types of Neural Cells

1. Neurons (nerve cells)

• Perform electrical communication

2. Neuroglia  supporting cells

• Repair and supply nutrients to neurons

Neuron cell structure

Cell body

contains the nucleus and nucleolus

• Dendrites  short branches extending from the cell body

• Receive incoming signals

Axon (nerve fiber)

long, thin extension of the cell body

• Carries outgoing electrical signals to their destination

