SIONI HALL Science Department Lesson Plan for 2nd Term 2019/2020 Week 4 LESSON: 1 of 1 DATE: 29/01/2020 Time: 1:45 – 2:35 pm VENUE: Chemistry Lab. GROUP: JS3P SEATING PLAN: e.g Mixed Ability NUMBER OF BOYS: 9 NUMBER OF GIRLS: 9 SYLLABUS REFERENCE Cambridge checkpoint science 3 (New Edition) pgs 145 – 152 By Peter D. Riley. Time/Title Starter 5 Minutes Introductory activities 10 Minutes Main Tasks 20minutes Additional / Extension Tasks 10 minutes Plenary 5 minutes CLASS JS3 SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY MAIN TOPIC/THEME: Reactivity and displacement reactions LESSON TOPIC: Patterns of reactivity LEARNING AIM . Students should be able to analyse tarnishing and rusting of metals. LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Learners should be able to: . describe reactions of metals with oxygen . describe reactions of metals with water . explain reactions of metals with acids Teacher/ Learner Activity(ies) Registration/Learning Objectives. Reaction of metals with oxygen Learners assess themselves using a worksheet Learners attempt the first challenge Peer assessment Reaction of metals with water Video clip on reaction of alkali metals in water Learners attempt the second challenge Reaction of metals with acids Peer assessment using a worksheet Further task on reactions of metals Group discussions using worksheets (high demand questions) Review of learning objectives and benchmarking of achieved objectives. PRIOR LEARNING Students can write simple chemical equations. Resources to use Attendance register. Interactive White Board Text/Note Book Power point presentation. Video Interactive White Board Work Sheet Text/Note Book Video Interactive White Board Work Sheet Text/Note Book Power point pres. Exercise Books White Board Justifications for activity To identify absent students To arouse students interest/curiosity For differentiation purposes. Consolidation of learnt concepts Assessment for learning purposes. To demonstrate link to real life situations To stretch the more able learners To encourage further research by learners For learners to self-assess achievement of learning objectives. Week 4 SIONI HALL Science Department Lesson Plan for 2nd Term 2019/2020 DIFFERENTIATION TEACHER EVALUATION 1. Lesson objectives fully met 2. Lesson objectives mostly met 3. Lesson objectives partially met All learners must be able to write simple reaction of metals with oxygen [ ] [ ] [ ] Comments (for the next lesson) Learners will be able to apply the knowledge gained in the next lesson (reactivity series of metals) LEARNING OUTCOMES/SUCCESS CRITERIA Highlight reactions of metals with oxygen 2 Describe reactions of metals with water 3 explain reactions of metals with acids 4 Determine reactivity of metals KEYS: F = Fully M = Mostly CLASS JS3 F M Most learners will be able to describe the reaction of metals with water Some learners should be able to classify metals as reactive and non-reactive using properties P 1 P = Partially HOME WORK/ ASSIGNMENT Cambridge Checkpoint science text book 3 (New Edition) pgs 145 – 152 By Peter D. Riley. Questions 1, 4 and 5. _________________________________________ DUE DATE: 31/01/2020 NOTE; The ‘teacher evaluation’ and ‘learning outcomes’ columns must be completed at the end of the lesson. TEACHER’S NAME & SIGNATURE ……………………………………………………………………… HOD’S NAME & SIGNATURE ………………………………………………………………………….