Uploaded by Renee Chaffatt

Reproduction Lesson Plan: Integrated Science for High School

Penwood High School
Teacher: Renee Chaffatte
Subject: Integrated Science
Class :9H1,9S1
Duration: 1 hours 20 minutes
Date: January 6-17, 2020
Unit title: Reproduction
Theme: Exploring science and the environment
General Objective
Students will be able to use the scientific methods to Understand the scientific process and the impact of air and water on the environment
and our everyday life
Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, Teacher shows a picture of organisms
each student will be able and their young.
State the importance of
State the types of
Students look at the
picture given and answer
the question when being
ask by the teacher.
Q: What do you observe
about the picture?
A: The animal with their
young / baby.
Q: Why animals must
produce young?
A: To maintain their species.
– pembiakan
State what fertilization is
Q: What is the name of
process involved in
produces their young?
A: Reproduction
Describe internal and
external fertilization
Compare and contrast
sexual and asexual
Classify animals and
plants according to their
ways of reproduction.
Students form the group
and look at the picture.
Teacher divides students into 6
Q: In your group, discuss
why these animals need to
A: To increase the number
of individual / offspring of
the same species.
To ensure the species do not
Teacher still shows the picture of
animals in the engagement session.
Teacher asks a few questions.
Student writes the
important points in their
Student observes the
pictures given.
Teacher shows another picture to
students. Teacher introduces the
name of this organism which is
Q: Is it only the animal
shown before need to
reproduce? Why?
A: No because all living
things need to reproduce.
Q: State the other living
things that can reproduce.
A: Any answer of living thing
is accepted.
Q: From the picture given,
what can you observes?
A: New Planaria is form.
Q: What is the process
involved to form a new
A: Reproduction
Q: Is the way for it to
reproduce same as the way
Sperm – male
sex cell
Ovum – female
sex cell
of cat, orang utans, or
sheep to reproduce?
A: No.
Q: Why do you say no?
A: Because cat, orang utans
and sheep give birth to their
Q: How about Planaria?
A: Planaria reproduce from
the part of its own body.
Q: For giving birth to new
young, is there involving
any organs?
A: Yes.
Q: What are the organs?
A: Male sex organs and
female sex organs.
Q: What are the male and
female sexes organs
A: Sperm and ovum
Q: How about Planaria?
A: Reproduction of Planaria
did not involve sex organs.
Q: What sex organs
A: Sex cell
Gametes –
gamet / sel seks
reproduction –
Teacher tells student that there is
another name to represent sex cell
which called as gamete where female
sex organ will produce female
gamete called ovum and male sex
organs will produce male gamete
called sperm.
Teacher then continues the lesson by
introduce the types of reproduction.
Teacher explains that from the
picture given, students can separate
the types of reproduction into two
which is involve gametes and did not
involve gametes.
To make student can give the correct
terms for these two type of
reproduction, teacher guide them by
write blank line for them to fill in
with suitable word on whiteboard.
reproduction –
Q: So, what is the name of
type of reproduction?
A: Sexual reproduction and
asexual reproduction.
__ __ __ __ __ __ reproduction.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __reproduction.
Students try to fill the word until they
can give the correct answer.
Then, teacher gives student appendix
1. They are asked to identify the type
of reproduction of the organism.
Q: How sexual
reproductions occur?
A : By the fusion of male and
female gamete
Q: How asexual
reproductions occur?
A : By budding, binary
fission, spore formation,
regeneration and vegetative
Fusion –
Teacher gives 5 minutes for student
to identify the correct answer.
Q: Name the type of
reproduction for:
A: Hydra & yeast– Budding
Paramecium & Amoeba
– Binary Fission
Mucor, fern – Spore
Starfish – Regeneration
Onion & Ginger –
vegetative reproduction
Teacher discusses the answer with
Next, teacher gives student appendix
2. They are asked to identify the way
/ method of reproduction of
organism in the picture.
This is to classify animals and plants
according to their ways of
Teacher discusses the answer with
Students watch the video.
Teacher shows a video about
external fertilization of frog to the
student and asks them to watch it
Q: In your opinion, what
does these animals is
A: They undergoes mating
Then, teacher shows picture of a frog
and grasshopper.
Q: Can you see the tiny
black ball from the frog’s
picture given?
A: Yes
Teacher asks students to observe the
picture and after that teacher ask a
few questions.
Q: So, what do you think it
is look like?
A: It looks like the eggs.
Q: Where are the eggs is
A: They are floating on the
Q: Why that egg floating on
A: They are ready for
sperms to come.
Student discuss about
internal and external
Teacher asks students to discuss for a
few minutes and ask a few question
related to picture given.
Q: What sperms do to the
A: The sperms will fertilize
the egg.
Q: Where the sperm
fertilized the egg?
A: In the water.
Q: Is the fertilization
occurring inside or outside
the frog’s body?
A: Outside the frog’s body.
Q: How about grasshopper,
can you see the egg outside
the grasshopper?
A: There is no egg outside
the grasshopper.
Teacher introduce another terms
used to describe the fertilization
outside organism’s body which called
as external fertilization.
Q: So, where is the egg of
A: Inside the female body.
Q: If the eggs are inside the
female body, how the
sperms fertilize the egg?
A: Male grasshopper need
to insert the sperm inside
the female body.
Q: So, where the
fertilization occurs?
A: Inside the female body.
Teacher then introduce another
terms used to describe the
fertilization inside organism’s body
which called as internal fertilization.
Q: What is means by
external fertilization? Give
another example instead of
A: Fusion of the nuclei of the
male gamete and the female
gamete outside the female’s
body. Example is fish.
Q: What is means by
internal fertilization? Give
another example instead of
A: Fusion of the nuclei of the
male gamete and the female
gamete in the female’s
body. Example is any
mammals, birds, reptiles
and insect.
Students complete the
worksheet 1
Teacher asks students to write
similarities and differences between
asexual and sexual reproduction in
worksheet 1.
Any of students in the class
stand up and give the
Teacher asks volunteer among the
students to recall about type of
reproduction and give the important
to reproduce.
Students that have been
choose by teacher come up
with their lesson
Teacher asks students to summaries
what they have learned today.
Lastly, teacher gives students
worksheet 2 as their homework.