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Environmental Science: Components & Scope

What is an Environment ?????
Assessment Method:
• Mini Project report – 05 marks
• Seminar - 05 Marks
• ISE question paper format will be Multiple
Choice Questions- 40 Marks
ISE will be conducted in Last week of semester.
Mini Project report will be submitted to course
coordinator in 10th week of semester.
Students should get minimum 40% marks to get
PP (PASS) grade.
Students getting less than 40% marks will be
offered NP (NOT PASS) grade.
To get B. Tech. Degree PP grade in
Environmental Studies is mandatory.
Definition of Environment
 Environment -French word - 'environ’ -surroundings.
 Hence, everything surrounding us -"ENVIRONMENT".
 Environmental Protection Act (1986) defined “Environment as the sum
total of water, air and land, their interrelationship among themselves and
with the human beings, other living beings and property.”
 It can also be defined as “ external surroundings and conditions
which directly or indirectly affects the living organism”
 Environmental science is a systemic study of our environment and our
place in it - mainly the abiotic and biotic components.
 It is a sum of all living and non – living things and their interactions.
 Its components include biology, geology, chemistry, physics, engineering,
sociology, health, anthropology, economics, statistics, computers and philosophy.
Environmnet & it Components
Components Of Environment
Physical Components of Environment
The Physical Components of environment includes soil, water,
air, climate, temperature, light etc.
Physical Components of the environment is again divided into
These are:
• Atmosphere
 A layer of gases
 Surrounding a planet
 Other material body of sufficient mass
 That is held in place by the gravity of the
Major layers of the Atmosphere
Atmospheric Composition
It includes the surface water and its surrounding interface
Water is the most abundant substance on the Earth’s surface. The
oceans cover approximately 71% water of the planet, glaciers and ice
caps cover additional areas. Water is also found in lakes and streams,
in soils and underground reservoirs, in the atmosphere, and in the
bodies of all living organism. Thus, water in all its forms- ice, liquid,
water and water vapor- is very familiar to us.
Hydrological Cycle
It is the outer boundary layer of solid earth and
the discontinuity within the mantle.
Basically lithosphere is nothing but a crustal
system composed of various layers: Core, mantle
and outer crust.
An outline of earth layer
Biological components of Environment
There are two kind of Biologycal components.
They are
The Abiotic components of Environment
Abiotic components are
non-living chemical and physical factors
in the environment. Abiotic phenomena
underlie all of biology. Abiotic factors,
while generally downplayed, can have
enormous impact on evolution. Abiotic
components are aspects of geodiversity.
They can also be recognised as "abiotic
E.g- Temperature, light, sun light, pH,
components, etc.
This component consists of all living things like plants, animals
and small micro-organisms like bacteria.
All ecosystems consist of three
different types of living organisms.
Generally green plants
and other
photosynthetic bacteria
Produces various o
rganic substances
With the help of water,
soil and light energy.
E.g. Plants
Consumers depend for
their nutrition on the
organic food produced
by the green plants,
E.g animals.
Bring about the
decomposition of dead
plants and animals
Return various
important minerals
For the running of the
biogeochemical cycles
Cultural Environment
The Cultural Environment gives an idea of learned behavioral traits those
are clear and shared by members of society
The most important thing about the cultural environment is that it cannot be physically
but it is there anyway.
Interrelation between environmental components
Multidisciplinary Nature
Scope of environmental studies
• The study creates awareness among the people
•It provides the knowledge about ecological systems
•It provides necessary information about biodiversity richness
•The study enables one to understand the causes and consequences due to natural and main
induced disasters and pollutions and measures to minimize the effects.
•The study enables environmentally literate citizens
•The study exposes the problems of over population, health, hygiene, etc. and the role of
arts, science and technology in eliminating/ minimizing the evils from the society.
•The study tries to identify and develop appropriate eco-friendly skills and technologies to
various environmental issues.
•It teaches the citizens the need for sustainable utilization of resources as these resources
are inherited from our ancestors to the younger generating without deteriorating their
•The study enables theoretical knowledge into practice and the multiple uses of
Importance of Environmental Science
• World population is increasing at an alarming rate especially in developing countries.
• The natural resources endowment in the earth is limited.
• The methods and techniques of exploiting natural resources are advanced.
• The resources are over-exploited and there is no foresight of leaving the resources to the
future generations.
• The unplanned exploitation of natural resources lead to pollution of all types and at all
• The pollution and degraded environment seriously affect the health of all living things on
earth , including man.
• The people should take a combined responsibility for the deteriorating environment and
begin to take appropriate actions to space the earth.
• Education and training are needed to save the biodiversity and species extinction.
• The urban area, coupled with industries, is major sources of pollution.
• The number and area extinct under protected area should be increased so that the wild life
is protected at least in these sites.
•The study enables the people to understand the complexities of the environment and
need for the people to adapt appropriate activities and pursue sustainable development,
which are harmonious with the environment.
• The study motivates students to get involved in community action, and to participate in
various environmental and management projects.
• It is a high time to reorient educational systems and curricula towards these needs.
• Environmental studies take a multidisciplinary approach to the study of human
interactions with the natural environment. It integrates different approaches of the
humanities , social sciences, biological sciences and physical sciences and applies these
approaches to investigate environmental concerns.
• Environmental study is a key instrument for bringing about the changes in the
knowledge, values, behaviors and lifestyles required to achieve sustainability and stability
within and among countries.
Institutions in Environment
There are two type of institutions in environment, they are
1) Government Organizations
2) Non-Government Organizations
Government Organizations
The Government organizations are as follows,
BSI (www.envfor.nic.in)
ZSI (www.zsi.gov.in)
BSI-Botanical Survey of India
Established in 1890 at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta.
In 1952, plans were made to recognize the BSI and formulate its objectives.
The BSI currently has nine regional centers.
ZSI-Zoological Survey of India
Established in 1916.
It’s mandate was to do a symmetric survey of fauna in India.
Its origins were collections based at the Indian Museum at Calcutta, which was
established in 1875.
It has done an enormous amount of work on taxonomy and ecology.
It currently operates from 16 regional centers.
Non-Government Organizations
The following are the NGO’s
BNHS (www.bnhs.org)
WWF-I (www.wwfindia.org)
CSE (www.cseindia.org)
CPR-EEC (www.cpreec.org)
CEE (www.ceeindia.org)
BVIEER (http://environment.bharatividyapeeth.edu)
UKSN (www.usnpss.org)
Kalpavriksh (www.kalpavriksh.org)
SACON (www.sacon.org)
WII (www.wii.gov.in)
MCBT (www.madrascrocodilebank.org)
BNHS-Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai
Begin as a small society of six members in 1883.
Its influence is on wild life policy building, research, popular
Publishes a popular magazine called Hornbill
Helped the government to frame wild life
WWF-I World Wide Fund for Natural India, New Delhi
Initiated in 1969 in Mumbai, after the head quarters is shifted to New
Attention on wild life education and awareness.
It runs several programs, including the Natural Clubs of India program
from school children.
CSE-Center for Science and
Environment, New Delhi
The activities including organizing campaigns, holding workshops and
conferences, and producing environment related publications.
Publication material is in the form of books, posters, video films and also
conducts work shops and seminars on bio-diversity related issues.
CEE-Center for Environmental Education,
Initiated in 1989.
Wide range of programs on the environment and produces a variety of educational
CEE’s Training in Environment Education program has trained many environmental
CPR-EEC CPR Environmental Education
Center, Chennai
Setup in 1988.
Conducts a variety of programs to spread environmental
awareness and create an interest in conservation among the
general public.
To promote conservation of nature and natural resources.
Its programs include components on wild life an biodiversity issues.
Produces large number of publications.
BVIEER-Bharati Vidyapeet Institute of Environmental
Education and Research, Pune
Part of Bharati Vidyapeet deemed university.
The institute has a PhD, master’s and Bachelor’s Program in
Environmental Sciences.
It also offers an innovative diploma in Environment education for
in-service teachers.
Biodiversity conservation is a major focus of its research initiatives.
UKSN-Uttarkhand Seva Nidhi, Almora
This organization is a Nodal agency that supports NGOs in need of
funds for their environment related activities.
Its main target is sustainable resource use at the village level
through training school children.
Its environment education program covers about 500 schools
Kalpavriksh, Pune
This NGO, initially Delhi based, is now working from Pune.
Works on a variety of fronts; education and awareness; investigation and
research; direct action and lobbying; and litigation with regard to environment
and development issues.
Responsible for developing India’s National Biodiversity strategy and Action plan
in 2003.
Salim Ali center for Ornithology and Natural History
(SACON), Coimbatore
Intially conceived as being a wing of the BNHS, it later evolved into an
independent organization based at Coimbatore in 1990.
It has instituted a variety of field programs that have added to the
country’s information on our threatened biodiversity.
WII- Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun
Established in 1982.
This institute is established as a major training for forest officials and for
research in wild life management.
Its most significant publication has been planning a Wild Life Protected Area
Network for India.
MCBT-Madras Crocodile Bank Trust, Chennai
The first Crocodile conservation breeding center in Asia, was founded in 1976 to
conserve Indian Crocodiles an establish program for the conservation an
propagation of other species.
MCBT has an ongoing Environmental Education Program for the villages and
schools that include nature camps, training workshops for teachers.
People in Environment
The following are the well-known names in the last
century include environmentalists, administrators, legal
experts, educationalists, and journalists.
Indira Gandhi
Madhav Gadgil
Anil Agarwal
Medha Patkar
Sunderlal Bahuguna
Indira Gandhi
As PM played a very significant role in the
preservation of India’s Wild Life.
During her period, the network and protected areas
grew from 65 to 98.
Wild life protection act was formulated during her
Was one of the India’s greatest supporter of
wild life conservation and nature awareness
Between 1975 and 1999, received 10 awards
for his conservation activities, he was
awarded the Padmabhushan in 1999.
M S Swaminathan
One of the India’s foremost agricultural scientists.
Founded the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation
in Chennai
Madhav Gadgil
Well known ecologist in India.
His interests range from broad ecological issues such
as developing community Biodiversity registers
studies on the behaviour of mammals, birds, and
He was written several articles, published papers in
India’s most famous environmental lawyer.
Since 1984, he has filed several public interest
litigations for supporting the cause of environmental
His most famous and long-drawn battles supported by
the supreme court include protecting the Tajmahal,
cleaning up the Ganges river…..
Anil Agarwal
Was a journalist who wrote the first report on the
state of India’s Environment in 1982.
He founded the CES, an active NGO that supports
various environmental issues.
Medha Patkar
Known as one of rural India’s Champions, has
supported the cause of the downtrodden tribal
people whose environment is being affected by
the dams on the Narmada River.
Sunderlal Bahuguna
His chipko movement has become an internationally
well-known example of a highly successfully
conservation action program through the efforts of
local people for guarding their forest resources.
His fight to prevent the construction of Tehri dam in
a fragile earthquake-prone setting is a battle that
continues to wage
International Environmental
Charles Darwin(wrote Origin of Species)
Ralph Emerson (spoke of the dangers of commerce to
our environment in 1840s)
Henry Thoreau (wrote that the wilderness should be
preserved in 1860s)
John Muir (saved the great ancient sequoia trees in
California’s forests; he formed Sierra club in 1890s)
Aldo Leopold (designed the early policies on wilderness
conservation and wildlife management in 1920s)
Rachel Carson (wrote Silent Spring;several articles on
effects of pesticides on nature and mankind)
EO Wilson (entomologist and wrote Diversity of Life in