Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Orifice Restrictor Losses in Journal Bearings E. G. Pink and K. J. Stout Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1979 193: 47 DOI: 10.1243/PIME_PROC_1979_193_005_02 The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: On behalf of: Institution of Mechanical Engineers Additional services and information for Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers can be found at: Email Alerts: Subscriptions: Reprints: Permissions: Citations: >> Version of Record - Jun 1, 1979 What is This? Downloaded from at UQ Library on May 28, 2014 TR IBOLOGY GROUP ORIFICE RESTRICTOR LOSSES IN JOURNAL BEARINGS E. G. PINK, MPhil, K. J. STOUT, MSc, PhD, CEng, MlProdE School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Leicester Polytechnic Details of a study concerning orifice restrictor losses in externally pressurized gas lubricated journal bearings are given. The type of compensationconsidered is the pocketed orifice design. The analysis presented includes the effects of pressure recovery in the pocket and entrance loss effects at inlet to the bearing film. Also, by treating the flow in the bearing film local to the pocket as radial flow, the effect of dispersion is accounted for. It is shown that good agreement exists between computed and experimental results in pressure profides and also for load capacity up to touchdown conditions. From the analysis, the effect of the inherent compensationfactor, number of orifices and pocket diameter on load capacity is discussed. Grind,* d ( RT ) NOMENCLATURE a b c c4 d d0 dR D e h 110 K L m n Pa pc Pi PO PP P* R Re T W i5 Y distance between orifice to edge of bearing pocket depth coefficient of discharge coefficient of discharge (choked conditions) o f i c e diameter pocket diameter bearing diameter bearing/journal centre distance film thickness radial clearance loss coeflicient bearing length mass flow rate through restrictor number of orifices/row ambient pressure theoretical static pressure at throat of entrance to bearing film assuming flow completely fills bearing clearance pressure at edge of pocket assuming purely viscous profde supply pressure pocket pressure critical static pressure at throat of orifice (i.e. sonic conditions) gas constant Reynolds number at entrance to bearing film absolute temperature bearing load W (p, - Pa)LD dimensionlessload capacity isentropic expansion index 2 2 8L 80 E %local MRh do MRho inherent compensation factor concentric inherent compensation factor e eccentricity ratio h0 L - feeding parameter As‘ 4P0hO3d1+aO2) D q absolute viscosity 1 INTRODUCTION Many design methods exist which predict the static, nonrotating bearing performance characteristics for externally pressurized gas journal bearings with compensation provided by pocketed orifices. Three typical design methods can be found in references (1,2,3). A recent study by Pink (4) demonstrated that the design methods gave conflicting predictions both for the optimum bearing geometries suggested and maximum load carrying capacity obtainable. Also, experimental data obtained at high eccentricities indicated the phenomenon of ‘lock-up’ or negative stiffness which undermines the validity of the design methods, particularly for applications involving high shock loadings. Previous design methods also give limited and conflicting information on the effect of varying the number of orifices and pocket diameter. Powell (1) suggests a corrective factor to account for the number of orifices, whilst Mechanical Technology Incorporated (2) suggest a minimum number dependent on the pocket diameter and other parameters. The design methods previously mentioned all use a simplified analysis to account for restrictor losses. These analyses were the only ones available at the time the design methods were formulated. However, knowledge of restrictor losses has increased considerably in recent years by extensive work, reported in references (5,6,7). Also, the increased computer power now available enables more rigorous treatment of restrictor losses. From experimental pressure profiles produced by Pink (8) more information has been obtained to confirm trends observed in previous studies as well as obtaining further correlations particularly relevant to pocketed orifice designs. The aim of the study reported here is to: 1. Obtain a more accurate model of restrictor losses in the light of experimental data. Q IMechE 1979 Roc Instn Mech Engn Vol 193 Downloaded from at UQ Library on May 28, 2014 E. G. PINK AND K. J. STOUT 48 I Po I I ! !I '" Pressure loss through orifice area & 4 I Secondary pressure loss at edge of ,pocket area = ndnh IIIi I the low clearance side and can exceed unity at modest eccentricity ratios. In such instances the dominant flow restrictor becomes the flow area ndRh and not ndo2/4. The bearing film pressure subsequently recovers dynamic pressure as the gas slows down and eventually viscous losses prevail in the bearing clearance. If the pressure profile given by purely viscous losses is extrapolated back to the curtain flow area, a pressure Pican be determined and used in the isothermal Reynolds' equation to give correct mass flow. Although inertia effects may exist, these are only very local to the pocket and will have negligible effect on load capacity. To obtain appropriate correlations, the flow through each portion of the gas flow path is now examined for subsonic flow only. Theoretical viscous Supersonic flow is dealt with in section 2.4. PP -- Pi 2.1 Flow through orifice and pressure recowry I' Pressure recovery in bearing film Fig. 1. Experimental pressure profile bcal to orifice and associated p r a w n , brrer 2. Calculate load capacity up to high eccentricity ratios. 3. Determine the effect of varying the number of orifices, pocket diameter and 6 on load capacity. 2 ANALYSIS The gas flow path through the restrictor is shown in Fig. 1 with the resulting experimental pressure profile. The pressure profie, recorded continuously in the bearing clearance whilst the pressure transducer is traversed across the orifice, enables pressure variations over small distances to be identified. This is particularly significant in the region of the orifice. The gas accelerates through the orifice area nd, / 4 from stagnation pressure Po. The gas further undergoes a pressure change as it enters the pocket. If the flow is unchoked at the throat area ndO2/4,recovery can be expected, whilst if the flow is choked .the nature of the pressure change is dependent upon downstream conditions. In the case of subsonic flow the gas attains a steady state pocket pressure which is essentially at stagnation conditions. That is to say, away from the jet stream the kinetic head in the pocket is small compared to the static pressure head. At the edge of the pocket the gas further expands through a secondary restrictor given by a curtain area ndRh, where a venacontracta effect is observed as the gas enters the bearing fdm. Bearings are normally designed such that the secondary restrictor area WdRh, is more than double the orifice area ndo2/ 4 , i.e. the concentric inherent compensation factor The compressible flow through an orifice is usually assumed to be isentropic, a reversible adiabatic process. Previous experience has shown this to be a good first approximation in describing the flow. Figure 2 shows the experimental spread of coefficient of discharge cd* for free-jetting choked flow conditions assuming isentropic flow. The orifices considered were watch-makers' 'ruby' jewels, and the diagram illustrates the dependence of cd* upon the diameter of the orifices. The variation of c d * ranges between 3 per cent and 15 per cent and may be related primarily to the deviations in orifice dimensions fom the nominal value stated by the manufacturers. The effect of this variation in cd* on load capacity and stiffness can be expected t o be negligible (1 1). The flow equation can be expressed for subsonic flow as: The advantage of expressing riZ in terms of Pp rather than throat pressure is that pressure recovery is accounted for. Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 1 cd' 0.9 - 0.8 - OJ t A I, 0.6 As the eccentricity increases, however, the local inherent compensation factor 6~ (defined as do2/4dRh)increases in , 11 1 Q I 0.1 01 0.3 Fig.2. Experimental Cd* at choked amlitions against do jewels - ruby 0 IMechE 1979 193 Downloaded from at UQ Library on May 28, 2014 49 ORIFICE RESTRICTOR LOSSES IN JOURNAL BEARINGS confirmed that pressure recovery can occur. However, 0 1o ' I 0 0 I I I 0 0 Oa8 V. I t because of the departure from symmetrical flow around the feeding region in journal bearings, it is more difficult to obtain loss coefficients than in thrust bearings. Previously obtained correlations in thrust bearings (5) can be used with the assumption that the pocket pressure Pp is a stagnation pressure as experimental pressure profiles typically shown in Fig. 1 indicate to be the case. The correlations are thus adapted: Po/Pa = 3 +7.8 do = 0.09 +0.30 mm b = 0.15 +0.41 mm pP/pO 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Fa.3. Correlation of Cd with pressure ratio bawd on fecoved pp - pi = V p - P c ) (4) where K = FN(R~). Expressing the flow through the restrictors in terms of Pi we have: conditions in pocket Figure 3 shows the dependence of c d with PplPo compared with choked conditions. This is similar in form to other studies made relating to flow discharging directly into atmosphere where no pressure recovery is assumed. This approachminimizes effects due to coefficient of area (i.e. orifice vena-contracta) and to my leaks due to fitting orifices incorrectly during the experiments in determining c d * for choked conditions. 2.2 Restrictor in series For our purposes we assume that the flow completely fds the bearing clearance at the entrance to the bearing film. In doing so, entrance loss data already obtained (5,6,7) can be correctly applied to the flow model. The isentropic flow through the edge of the pocket is: By manipulating equations (1 2,3,4,5)the approximate relationship can be found: 2.4 Choked conditions If choked conditions exist in the orifice then the effects of restrictor losses, apart from c d * , is of little consequence in the overall bearing analysis. The mass flow rate is fEed and can be used directly in the isothermal Reynolds' equation to calculate the pressure profile within the bearing film. Inlet pressures (Pi) and grid pressures are determined by Were pc = theoretical static pressure at the throat of the secondary restrictor. By equating equations (1) and (2),an effective flow area can be approximately expressed in terms of the overall pressure loss as: 2.3 Entrance loss effects Entrank loss effects have been the subject of extensive investigations in recent years (5,6,7). Although the empirical coefficients obtained relate specifically to thrust bearings¶this data has been applied t o inherently compensated journal bearings (9). Vohr (6) conducted experiments on pocketed thrust bearings. The work indicated the need to take into account pressure recovery in the bearing clearance. Further, it has been suggested (2) that by neglecting pressure recovery, significant error may occur in the subsequent performance calculations. More recent work by Pink (8) on journal bearings has Axial Iy Circumferentially Fig. 4. Grid network used in finite difference program to calculate bearinu film pressures Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 193 8 IMechE 1979 Downloaded from at UQ Library on May 28, 2014 50 E. G. PINK AND K. J. STOUT employing finite difference equations and relaxation techniques in the bearing film The choked flow is given by: . ,*,do2 m=4 [ 27 (y - 1)RT ((); * 217 7 / ( 7 - 1) where-= P* - ($);I 'I2 (T$--) PO 3 CALCULATION OF BEARING FILM PRESSURES Orifice flow and inlet pressure Pi can be accounted for using the previously mentioned analysis. Inlet pressures Pf are used as the boundary conditions, and bearing pressures are calculated for the grid points shown in the network presented in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the flow from the packet is represented as radial flow t o surrounding grid points and subsequently as axial and circumferential flow. In doing so, the effect of dispersion is accounted for. (a) o = 0 Axial In orifice plane \\ -Experiment +.SThmW pe .+-4 (b) E - - Experiment Theory 0 Circumferential - (c) c 0.5 Circumferential Cig.5. Cornparkon between theoretical and experimental prerun profib pa Q IMechE 1979 Roc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 193 Downloaded from at UQ Library on May 28, 2014 51 ORIFICE RESTRICTOR LOSSES IN JOURNAL BEARINGS - I 1 Double, a/L = 0.25 &[ -0.55 Po/Pa = 7.8 LID 6, =0.21 dR/D = 0.031 \. /'-. / \ 0.3 W 0.2 ' Figs. 7 and 8 respectively. It can be seen that if low numbers of orifices are employed or small pocket diameters are used, the load capacity reduces, and tendency to lockup increases. Figure 9 illustrates the combined effect of these two design variables on load capacity at E = 0.5. The load capacity has been normalized enabling dispersion effects predicted by Dudgeon and Lowe (14) to be compared directly with our theoretical results. It can be seen that in the more realistic case where n is in the range 8-16, differences between Dudgeon and Lowe predictions and our predictions are within 4 per cent. In most cases the discrepancy is less than this. The diagram indicates that increasing the number of orifices or pocket diameter offers diminishing returns in 0.5 0.1 Experiment .-. -. -. Theory, no 'burr' - --- - Theory 'burr' -= 0.05 0.4 IT 0.3 ov 0 I I 0.2 0.4 I 0.6 0.8 6 Fig.6. Comparison betwren theoretical and experimental load capacity including effects of 'burn' The computation method used is an iterative process. A Newton-Raphson iteration is applied for mass flow continuity for the restrictors and finite-difference methods used to solve grid pressures employing relaxation techniques previously developed by Stout (10). 0.2 0.1 0 0.5 0 4 COMPARISON BETWEEN THEORY AND EXPERIMENT Figure 5 shows a comparison between pressure profiles obtained by the theoretical analysis and experimental results (8). The slight difference between theory and experiment in Fig. Sa can be accounted for by inertia effects, which become more apparent local to the pocket. Rgure Sb shows that the pressure drop between orifices and hence dispersion effects, are accurately predicted as the difference between theory and experiment are small. Figure 5c illustrates a loaded bearing at E = 0.5 and shows the difference between experimented and predicted bearing film pressures around the circumference of the bearing. Load deflection characteristics are compared in Fig. 6. The experimental bearings were manufactured by pressing jewels in the bearing bore after the bore was lapped. Local rising around the pocket was observed (measured to be of the order of 0.05 of bearing clearance) and has been noted previously (11,12,13). This effect has been included in the theoretical analysis and the results illustrated in Fig. 6. It is shown that the experimental results are within S per cent of theoretical predictions. 5 EFFECT OF DESIGN VARIABLES The variation of load deflection characteristicsdue to varying the number of orifices and pocket diameter is shown in Q E 1 Fig. 7. Effect of number of orifices on lord deflection characteristics theory - I 0.5 dR ~ 0 . 1 0 - L/D = 1 Double A& = 0.5 PJP, = 5 n-8 0.4 m 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 Fe.8. Effect of pockot characteristics -theory IMechE 1979 0.5 E diamtrr on bad deflection Roc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 193 Downloaded from at UQ Library on May 28, 2014 E. G. PINK AND K. J. STOUT 52 network used in computation accounts largely for the dispersion effects often ignored in previous theoretical work. These techniques may be confidently employed for the preparation of comprehensive design guides and has been used to verify design procedures recently presented (15). L/D = 1 Double A& = 0.5 c; = oa PdP, = 5 SO= 0.25 a = 0.5 -Theory -. ho = 25 m Dudgeon 81Lowe 0 dR/D 0.05 - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 0.10 Fii.0. Effect of number of orifices and pocket diameter on load capacity, E 0.5 increased load capacity. For graphical convenience, the load parameter for a bearing having n = 8 orifices around the circumference with dR/D = 0.015 has been made unity. The chang, in load ratios may be related to dispersion losses in the bearing and it is for this reason that Mechanical Technology Incorporated suggest a minimum number of orifices and pocket diameters to comply with their analytical treatment. Figure 10 shows the effect of the inherent compensation factor 6 on load capacity. It can be seen that for the range of values normally associated with these bearings, the effect on predicted load/deflection characteristics is relatively small. 0.E I 60' 0.25. 0.1 liv 0.: 0.2 L/D = 1 Double A$[ = 0.5 Po/Pa = 5 17-8 dR /D = 0.03 h, = 25 pm 0.1 CJ = 0.8 C 0.5 0 € Flg. 10. Effect of a0 on load deflection characterirtier 1 - theory 6 CONCLUSIONS It has been shown that bearing film pressures for concentric and eccentric conditions as well as load deflection characteristics up to touchdown conditions are accurately predicted. Variations between theory and experiment are typically 5 per cent. This has been possible due to a refined analysis of the restrictor losses. Also the type of grid The authors wish to acknowledge the co-operation received from Southampton University, particularly MI R. W. Woolley who assisted in the design of the test rig used in obtaining the experimental results. In addition the authors wish to acknowledge the co-operation of Mr A. J. Munday for making available pressure profiles obtained from the experimental programme. The authors are most grateful to the Science Research Council for funding three separate research programmes, one at Southampton University and two at Leicester Polytechnic which has enabled this work t o be undertaken. REFERENCES (1) POWELL, J. W. Des& of aerostatic bearings. Machinery Pub- lishing, 1971. (2) WILCOCK (Ed). Design of gas bearings. Mechanical Techno- logy Inc., Latham, New York, 1967. (3) CONSTANTINESCU, V. N. An approximate method for the analysis of externally pressurised gas journal bearings. Gas Bearing Symposium, Paper 1, University of Southampton, 1967. (4) PINK, E. G. An experimental investigation of externally presswised gas journal bearings and comparison with design method predictions. Gas Bearing Symposium, Paper G3, Cambridge University, 1976. (5) McCABE, J. T., ELROD, H. G., CARFAGNO, S., and COLSHER, R. Entrance effects in gas bearings. Franklin Inst. Lab. Report IC2429-1, Nov. 1969. (6) VOHR, J. H. An experimental study of flow phenomena in the feeding region of an externally pressurised gas bearing. Mechanical Technology hic., Report MTI - 65TR47, Latham New York, 1966. (7) VOHR, J. H. A study of inherent restrictor characteristics for hydrostatic gas bearings. Gas Bearing Symposium, Paper 30, Southampton University, 1969. (8) PINK, E. G. Unpublished work carried out at Southampton University, SRC Grant No. B/RG/1740/9, 1974-76. (9) ELROD, H. G. and GLANFIELD, G. A. Computer procedures for the design of flexibility mounted, externally pressurised, gas lubricated joumal bearings. Gas Bearing Symposium, Paper 22, Southampton University, 1971. (10) STOUT, K. J. and ROWE, W. B. Ex3ernally pressurised bearings - design for manufacture including a tolerance procedure. Tribology International, Aug. 1974. (11) PINK, E. G. and TAWFIK, M. The effect of errors in manufacturing on aerostatic bearing performance. 1st Joint Polytechnic Symposium on Manufacturing Engineering, Paper F2, Leicester Polytechnic, June 1977. (12) MARSH, H., BENNETT, J., and HUDSON, B. C. The flow characteristics of small orifices used in externally pressurised gas bearings. Gas Bearing Symposium, Paper E3, Cambridge University, 1976. (13) Discussion of (12). (14) DUDGEON, E. H. and LOWE, I. R. G. The prediction of hydrostatic gas bearing journal bearing performance. ASME Paper No. 66-LUBS-16. (15) PINK, E. G. and STOUT, K. J. Design procedures for orifice compensated gas journal bearings based on experimental data. W l o g y International, Feb. 197%. Thfs paper is published for written discusston. The MS was received on 12th June 1978 and was accepted for publication on 18th September 1978. 23. 0 IMechE 1979 Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 193 Downloaded from at UQ Library on May 28, 2014