Surgeries for breast reconstruction and application of ADM Medical&scientific affairs team Ji-hye Lee Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) Normal Human Skin Acelluar Dermal Matrix (ADM) Remodeled Skin Remove epithelial layers Decellularization = removing cells inside of dermis 2 Various Type of ADM Products FREEZE-DRIED ADM (CGDerm) • • • Rehydration (20 min) Store at RT No sterilization CYRO-PRESERVED ADM (CGCryoderm) • • • Thawing (5 min) Store under -40 °C No sterilization Hydrated ADM (Alloderm-RCT) • • • Ready to use Store at RT Sterilization 3 Breast anatomy 4 Breast surgery Breast reconstruction : Surgery to functionally reconstruct the breast lost by breast cancer Breast augmentation : Surgery to make more normal and beautiful breasts for excessively small breasts Breast reconstruction Reduction mammaplasty : Surgery to make excessively large breasts more beautiful in shape and size Breast augmentation Mastopexy : Surgery to make more normal and beautiful breasts for struck breasts Reduction mammaplasty 5 Stages of breast cancer Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Partial mastectomy Modified radical mastectomy 6 Types of mastectomy Radical mastectomy Modified radical mastectomy Simple or total mastectomy Traditional mastectomy Skin-sparing mastectomy Nipple-sparing mastectomy 7 Types of mastectomy Partial mastectomy 8 Types of Breast Reconstruction 1. By reconstruction type 1) Implant based breast reconstruction 2) Autologous breast reconstruction 2. By timing of reconstruction 1) Immediate breast reconstruction 2) Delayed breast reconstruction 9 Classification of breast reconstruction according to reconstruction type Expander-Implant based breast reconstruction Implant based breast reconstruction Autologous breast reconstruction Reconstruction using autologous tissue Reconstruction using prosthetic implant Description Most commonly used method for breast augmentation Using an expander to stretch the skin and then replacing the implant for breast reconstruction Autologous tissue for FLAP usually can be obtained from abdomen, back, Buttocks or inner thigh Advantages • Simple method • No additional scar • Can be performed on patients who have insufficient skin due to large amount of excision • • Less complication Natural breast-likeoutcome Increased risk of complication due to foreign object insertion After surgery, shape of the opposite breast may be different If there is not enough tissue left after mastectomy, the shape of the breast may be awkward. • Prolonged time in surgery and under anesthesia Abdominal wall hernia or weakness Disadvantages • • • • • Tissue expansion requires 2~3 months Needs second surgery • 10 Implant-based reconstruction 11 Expander-Implant based reconstruction After tissue expansion After implant insertion Nipple reconstruction 12 Types of surgery according to insertion position of implant Advantages of prepectoral breast reconstruction is 1) reduction of recovery time 2) reduction of pain after surgery 3) reduction of risk for implant rupture 13 Breast reconstruction using ADM Advantages - Reduction capsular contracture - Reduction time for tissue expansion - Simple surgery method - Improving the contour of the breast = Increased patient satisfaction - Reduction pain after surgery Disadvantages - Increase risk of seroma - Increase risk of infection (The increase in seroma is closely related to the increase in infection) 14 Capsular contracture Capsular contracture is a response of the immune system to foreign materials in the human body. In normal condition, the membrane is formed around the implant because of the implant is foreign materials. (membrane = capsule). When the capsule is contracted, it is a problem. Most frequently occurred complication after breast reconstruction. Malposition, deformity, implant rupture, pain etc. Requires revisional surgery (breast reconstruction after capsulectomy) 15 The use of ADM for two stage breast reconstruction First stage-tissue expansion ADM ADM is mainly used for immediate breast reconstruction rather than for delayed breast reconstruction. (If the patient has history with radiotherapy, implant and autologous tissue or only autologous tissue has been used in delayed breast reconstruction) Apply ADM when expander implantation 16 Subpectoral BR vs prepectoral BR Using relatively small amount of ADM Shorter operation time than when using autologous tissue Faster recovery than when using autologous tissue Pain reduction Lower seroma incidence Faster recovery than when using autologous tissue Simple surgery ■ Subpectoral BR using ■ Prepectoral BR using 17 Use of ADM for prepectoral BR Totally wrap implant using ADM For the intervention surgery due to serious capsular contracture Can reduce capsular contracture Before After 18 Features of CGcryoderm 1 A product 1) 1) A product : freeze-dried ADM CGcryoderm showed similar tissue density and structure with normal skin rather than freeze-dried ADM product. (1) 19 Features of CGcryoderm 2 CGcryoderm showed similar elasticity and tensile strength compared to the normal skin. (2) 20 Features of CGcryoderm 3 CGcryoderm showed slower degradation by collagenase compared to other products. (3) 21 Features of CGcryoderm 4 CGcryoderm showed lower seroma incidence after breast reconstruction compared to the freeze-dried type ADM. (5) 22 Features of CGcryoderm 5 CGcryoderm possesses higher amount of ECM components including collagen and hyaluronic acid than an e-beam sterilized RTU product. (4) 23 Other indications 24 ADM for STSG 25 ADM for STSG 26 Case 1 Clinical application of a new dermal substitute to the radial forearm free flap donor site. (A)A 53-year-old man had a 5×6 cm raw surface on the left radial forearm after flap elevation. (B) (B) CGDerm was immediately applied to the defect area. 27 (C, D) After 18 months, the surface of the CGDerm grafted area was cosmetically satisfactory, and there was not impairment during excursion of forearm flexors. Case 2 (A)An 8-year-old girl had a hypertrophic scar on the dorsum of her right foot. (B, C) Immediately after excision of the hypertrophic scar, CGDerm graft and an autologous skin graft were undergone on the defect site. 28 (D) Twenty-four months later, positive cosmetic and functional results were reported. Rotator cuff tear Animation 29 THANK YOU!! . 설치하기