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ETS 280 Class Projects

ETS 280
Week 15 Class Projects
Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Socratic Method Circles
This week we will be using a Socratic Method as a means to develop your critical thinking skills and
engage in analytical discussion. We want to ask probing questions, engage in dialogue with each other,
and then synthesize our analysis into a coherent whole. This course has introduced you to a range of
topics such as colonialism, treaties, federal Indian law, patents, genetically-modified organisms, human
genetic research, research ethics, Indigenous activism, Indigenous knowledge, cultural heritage,
stereotypes, globalization, historical trauma, and international advocacy. In this exercise you will have
an opportunity to apply your knowledge of these topics in your group analysis.
The Assignment:
Your assignment is to work in teams of at least five members. Your team will need to select and watch
one of the films in the list attached. A film can only be reviewed by one group. All films can be found
in the UNR library on DVD, or on Kanopy, Films on Demand, or Netflix. All except Netflix are
accessible by any UNR student using your student log-in information.
You and your team members will engage in a critical analysis of the film. This analysis is done
independently by each team member while watching the film. This is an opportunity to apply
knowledge gained in this course toward your analysis of the film. Accordingly, the team members
must integrate some of the course topics we’ve discussed in this class in their assigned role.
One team member will need to be assigned to one of the roles below:
1. Interpreter: The Interpreter(s) will interpret and describe what the film is about.
2. Dictionary: The Dictionary will define any terms used throughout the film that need to be defined.
3. Historian: The Historian will situate the film within a historical context, and also comment on the
making of the film.
4. Curator of Knowledge: The Curator of Knowledge will decide on what information is important
for humanity, or not. The Curator is also the point person and coordinator of the team.
5. Critic: The Critic will decide what the film did well, and what the film did poorly.
Project Reports:
You will work in your teams to prepare an oral presentation of your review and analysis in class next
week. The team members will report on the film from the perspective of their role. The team reports
will play an important role in educating your classmates on the film your group analyzed. Please
remember that the class did not see the film you are reporting on, so be sure to provide enough
information about the film so we know about the film you reviewed.
Your individual written project reports will be submitted online for your participation points for Week