Rules for Change in Pronoun In Indirect Speech

Rules for Change in Pronoun In Indirect Speech
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Change In Pronoun In Indirect Speech - Rules
To convert a direct speech into Indirect Speech, the pronoun (subject or object) a sentence is changed.
Here is a simple example:
Direct Speech: He said, “ I like music”.
Indirect Speech: He said that he liked music.
In the above example, the pronoun (I) is changed to pronoun (he) in Indirect Speech. This sentence has
tw o parts: a reporting verb (e.g. He said) and a reported speech (e.g. I like music). The pronoun of
reported speech changed according to the pronoun of reporting verb of the sentence.
There are f our easy rules f or the change in pronoun in Indirect Speech.
Rule No. 1:- The 1st Person pronoun of reported Speech (e.g. We, I, Me, My, Mine, Us, or our) is changed
according to the Pronoun of the reporting verb if it is 3rd person Pronoun (i.e. She, He, It, They, Their, her,
Dire ct Spe e ch:
Indire ct Spe e ch:
Dire ct Spe e ch:
Indire ct Spe e ch:
Dire ct Spe e ch:
Indire ct Spe e ch:
Dire ct Spe e ch:
Indire ct Spe e ch:
Dire ct Spe e ch:
Indire ct Spe e ch:
She said, “I w ill go to London”.
She said that she w ould go to London.
He said, “I w ork in a f actory”.
He said that he w ork in a f actory.
They said, “We have completed the w ork”
They said they had completed the w ork.
He said, “My laptop is heavy”
He said that his laptop w as heavy.
She said, “My son is cute”.
She said that her son w as cute.
Rule No. 2: The 1st Person pronoun of reported Speech (i.e. We, I, Me, Mine, Us, or our) is NOT changed,
if the Pronoun of reporting verb is also 1st Person Pronoun (i.e. I, w e)
Dire ct Spe e ch:
Indire ct Spe e ch:
Dire ct Spe e ch:
Indire ct Spe e ch:
I said, “I had applied f or a Job”
I said that I had applied f or a Job.
We said, “We sing a song”
We said that w e sang a song.
Rule No. 3:- The 2nd Person Pronoun (i.e. you, yours) of the reported Speech is changed according to
“object” of the reporting verb.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
She said to me, “You are a brilliant student”
Indire ct Spe e ch: She said to me that I w as brilliant student.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
She said to him, “You are a brilliant student”
Indire ct Spe e ch: She said to him that he w as a brilliant student.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
She said to them, “you are brilliant students”
Indire ct Spe e ch: She said to them that they w ere brilliant students.
2/4/2020, 5:38 PM
Rules for Change in Pronoun In Indirect Speech
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Dire ct Spe e ch:
He said to me, “Your shirts are beautif ul.
Indire ct Spe e ch: He said to me that my shirts w ere beautif ul.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
He said to them, “Your shirts are beautif ul”.
Indire ct Spe e ch: He said to them that their shirts are beautif ul.
Rule No. 4:- The 3rd Person Pronoun (i.e. She, He, It, They, His, Him, them, His) of the reported Speech
w ill NOT be changed in the Indirect Speech.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
He said, “She w ill buy a pen”.
Indire ct Spe e ch: He said that she w ould buy a pen.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
She said, “They are singing a song”
Indire ct Spe e ch: She said that they w ere singing a song.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
They said, “It is raining”.
Indire ct Spe e ch: They said that it w as raining.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
You said, “She loves him”.
Indire ct Spe e ch: You said that she loved him.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
David said, “He w orks in a f actory”.
Indire ct Spe e ch: David said that he w orked in a f actory.
Dire ct Spe e ch:
He said, “She is w aiting f or them.
Indire ct Spe e ch: He said that she w as w aiting f or them
2/4/2020, 5:38 PM