Uploaded by Arwin Raj

MEQ OnG 17

MEQ OnG 2017 Rotation 1 G2
Part 1
A 19 years old woman, primigravida, at 33weeks and 4 days POG presented with leaking
liquor for 6 hours. Good fetal movement felt.
1. State 4 further questions you would like to ask her.
2. State risk factors for her condition
3. State 4 clinical investigations you want to do
Part 2
She has no UTI symptoms, no abnormal vaginal discharge and afrebrile. Her fetal size is
according to the gestational age and in breech presentation.
1. Name further investigation to confirm the diagnosis
2. List the findings in the further investigations mention above
Part 3
1. List 4 charts used to monitor her.
2. State 2 non-invasive test that can be done for the foetus and the information which can
obtained from it.
3. What are the advice you would give her upon discharge?
MEQ 2 – Cervical cancer
Part 1
A 43 years old Parity 9+1 lady presented with post coital bleeding for 2 months with large
amount of vaginal discharge.
Part 2
1. What examination is best?
2. What would you want to ask about the vaginal discharge?
Part 3
1. State the stage of the cancer.
2. Type of treatment given. (The mainstay treatment?)
3. Complications of that treatment (6)
4. Name the two type of vaccines against this virus.
Answer: Gardasil and cervarix.
5. State the two recommended age for the vaccines to be given.
Answer: 9-26years old.
1. Define primary postpartum haemorrhage. Describe the predisposing factors for
primary postpartum haemorrhage.
2. A 35 years old, gravida 7 parity 5+1 pregnant lady went for booking visit at KKIA
Jawa. Outline the management for her.
3. Define induction of labour. Discuss briefly on methods and its complications.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of pipelle sampling for screening for
endometrial pathology. List other investigations for endometrial pathology. (15