OSCE O&G Rotation 1 (2017) Station 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Name the possible diagnosis List the investigations to confirm the diagnosis What are the risk factors of the diagnosis State the clinical presentations State the complications Station 2 A 35 years old woman at 34 weeks period of amenorrhoea presented with bleeding per vagina 1) 2) 3) 4) Define the obstetric condition State the cause of the bleeding List the findings on abdominal palpation List the management of this patient Station 3 1) 2) 3) 4) Name the instrument State the indications for the usage of this instrument in obstetric /gynaecology cases State the procedure/surgery when using the instrument either for obstetric/gynaecology cases What are the disadvantages of this instrument? Station 4 A mother was known to have twins 1) List the maternal complications 2) List the fetus complications 3) State the indications of LSCS Station 5 1) 2) 3) 4) List four findings at 11AM (based on partograph) What is the possible diagnosis (secondary arrest) State two causes of the diagnosis How would you manage the patient? Station 6 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) State the mode of action of the drug List four uses of this drug State four side effects of this drug List six monitoring parameters of this drug Name the antidote Station 7 1) 2) 3) 4) What is the name of the procedure What is the name of the instrument State the steps for this procedure Give three complications of this procedure Station 8 A 34 year old woman undergone forceps delivery due to prolonged second stage of labour four days ago presented to A&E for fever, chills and rigor for two days. SpO2: 90%, pulse rate : 110 bpm, blood pressure: 150/100 mmHg, temperature : 39 degree celcius. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Name the possible diagnosis List three possible causes of the condition List six clinical findings you will find other than the scenario of the patient given above List three relevant investigations in this patient Name the treatment given for this patient Station 9 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) State the possible diagnosis List six clinical symptoms State two investigations to confirm the diagnosis State the surgery that has been performed List six complications of the surgery Station 10 1) State the mode of action of this drug 2) List six indications of this drug 3) List three side effects of this drug