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BAQ O G 1718

( Jesslyn Felicia Banda)
Q1. 28 years old primigravida presented to the labour ward with labour pain, term size pregnancy,
ultrasound scan showed placenta was 6 cm from internal os. On vaginal examination, os was 4 cm,
well effaced cervix. Cephalic presentation with station -1, membrane was intact and ARM done
showed blood stained liquor. CTG showed prolonged fetal bradycardia, for 5 mins after ARM. The
MOST likely cause of the blood stained liquor is
A. Placenta praevia
B. Placenta abruptio
C. Vasa previa
D. Cervical trauma
E. Vaginal wall trauma
(Cha Thon Wey)
Q2. 20 years old, primi, unsure of date, late booker, GDM under diet control, BP more than
160/110mmHg with proteinuria +++. Abdominal examination showed breech presentation.
What is the most in her condition?
B. Late booker
D. Pre eclampsia
E. Breech presentation
(Lim Yi Fang)
Q3. 20 years old single lady not sexually active. Presented to ETD witb abdominal pain. Last
menstrual period one week ago. 6x12cm mass from right iliac fossa, positive shifting dullness. CXT
right hydrothorax. Ca125 Ca19-9 within normal range
A. Serous cystadenocarnimona
B. Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
C. Endometriosis
D. Fibroma
E. Dermoid cyst
(Lim Yi Fang)
Q4. 23 years old gravida 3 parity 2+0, at 12 week of poa. Sure LMP
Ultrasound scan shows twins pregnancy
Which of the following most important finding in TAS for future antenatal care ?
A. Maturity
C. Fetal anomalies
D. Chorionicity
(Lim Zi An)
Q5. Nulliparous 23years old, vaginal purulent discharge for 3 weeks, vulva pruritus. Previous pap
smear normal.On examination, cervix normal and presence of thick curdy discharge.
What is the most suitable diagnosis?
A. Swift test
B. High vaginal swab and gram stain
C. High vaginal swab and ziehl Nelsen stain
D. Endocervical swab hand gram stain
E. Endocervical swab and culture
(Jasmin Fathie)
Q6. 24 year old primip presented with labour pain. Low risk pregnancy. EFW is 3kg. Contraction pain
was 2 in 10 mins. VE showed os 3cm, cevix 1cm ant, soft, membrane intact. CTG showed early
deceleration in 90 minutes.
Which one is true regarding the management?
A. Inj syntocinon
C. Reassess 4 hrs later
D. Left lateral position
(Nur’Ain shahirah Iskhak)
Q7. A 37 years old woman with parity 3+0 come for contraceptive advice. She had a previous history
of migraine under treatment. She is a hepatitis B carrier and treated with PID last month.
Which of the following contraceptive is the MOST suitable for her?
C. Copper IUCD
D. Condom
E. Implanon
(Dyg. Nur Fazrina Awg Bujang)
Q8. 30 yo, had forceps delivery secondary to prolonged 2nd stage 4 hours ago. Uterus is 4cm above
umbilicus. She complained of some discomfort at suprapubic area.
Which of the following is the likely cause?
A. Endometriosis
B. uterine fibroid
C. Distended bladder
D. Uterine rupture
E. Ovarian Ca
(ABG Subirin ABG Merhasan)
Q10. 28 year old, primiparity presented with mild contraction. Pregnancy was uneventful. Fetus
cephalic and longitudinal. Vaginal exam showed 3 cm os dilatation, station 0(i think) and membrane
is intact. 48 hrs later VE still same.
What is the next best step
A. Wait until regular contraction
B. Mechanical sweeping & stretching
C. Syntocinon increment
D. Prostin induction
*Q9 mising and some of the answer we cannot remember*
*Thank you all for the contribution in memorising the question*