Uploaded by Terri Murphy

Aerobic GPR Self-Study Worksheet

Aerobic GPR self-study MLSC 3033/5010
Complete each question, either on your computer, or print out and write with pen. – then upload it as an
attachment to the assignment in Canvas.
The completed, correctly answered, self-study counts as three percentage points on your next exam, and
an additional 2 bonus points for correctly answering each of the two bonus questions.
Due 1-27-20 at 10 AM class time.
Question 1. State the natural reservoir for the listed organisms. By natural reservoir, we mean, where
could you find it in nature, in the dirt? On our skin? In animals? In food?
Question 2. Classify each of the listed organisms in terms of their gram stain arrangement. By
arrangement, we mean does it palisade, does it chain, is it large, is it small, is it often pleomorphic?
Question 3. Circle the organism(s) that are usually beta hemolytic.
Question 4. Circle the organism(s) that are usually alpha hemolytic.
Question 5. Circle the organism(s) that may be resistant to VANCOMYCIN.
Question 6. Circle the organism(s) for which there are selective and/or differential media. If there is a
selective or differential media for an organism, state it next to the organism.
Question 7. Circle the organism(s) for which there are effective vaccines available to the general public in
the USA. Next put a rectangle around the organism(s) for which the United States military may vaccinate
•Arcanobacterium haemolyticum
•Bacillus anthracis
•Corynebacterium diphtheriae
•Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae
•Gardnerella vaginalis
•Lactobacillus acidophilus
•Listeria monocytogenes
•Nocardia asteroides
Bonus 1: Bacillus anthracis was weaponized and used against American citizens in the year 2001.
Give the name of the alleged perpetrator and what evidence the government presented against
him, and what happened to him?
Bonus 2: Anthrax has been weaponized by several countries. Choose another of the aerobic gram
positive rods that could potentially be weaponized and explain your answer.